Welcome back to Day 885 of America held hostage by the Biden* occupation! This week’s post will be slightly different, as by the time you’re reading this we’ll be wrapping up a mini vacation. So given how busy the week has been I decided to use this week’s post as a “cleaning out the folder” week, going through the way too many browser tabs I have open and dropping them in this week’s summary. Many of them warrant their own post, but as always it’s the time constraint. So on to the crazy:
3/26 – A Re-Declaration of Independence
4/1 – In Defense of Stupidity
4/5 – Please, Let the Blue Cities and States Die
4/12 – Reversing The Destruction of a Generation
4/14 – Healthy at any size? No, it’s better to be obese
4/18 – Big Pharma is Coming for Your Food
This is one that really needs a post of its own. You have to hand it to Big Pharma for coming up with creative ways to force their drugs into the population
4/17 – The Taco Truck Delusion
4/18 – First Things Offers Masterclass In Showing No Quarter To Cancellation Attempts
4/18 – Just how callous can these clueless, heartless Democrats be!
5/16 – Operation Surgical Strike!
5/19 – How A Flawed IMF Study Would Rob You Of Credit Card Benefits
5/20Â – 1 in 3 Female Recruits Injured in Army Basic Training
5/21 – Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon says COVID-19 pandemic never really happened as was claimed
5/23 – Alert: TSA Now Wants Your Biometric Data at These 25 Airports
6/12 – If You Are Struggling to Define ‘Woke,’ a Viral Ad From RedBalloon Makes it Child’s Play
6/13 – When Your Local Government Goes Broke
6/14 – More Artists Self-Censor to Avoid Woke Mob
6/15 – ‘All I Wanted Was a Pepsi’
Yes, this is one of those stories that makes the cut just for a great headline.
6/19 – Schwarzenegger Once Again Compares Jan. 6 to Kristallnacht
6/19 – Heisenberg’s Revenge
H/T Kitt for the header image
Have a great weekend!
They never take a day off.
CNN Father's Day message is to remind you that black dads are superior to all you non-black dads.
I have no desire to criticize any group today, unlike them. But see if you can spot the flaws in this study design. https://t.co/Ft1JkFKoLg pic.twitter.com/JBNQWB3irT
— Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) June 18, 2023
They never take a day off.
CNN Father’s Day message is to remind you that black dads are superior to all you non-black dads.
I have no desire to criticize any group today, unlike them. But see if you can spot the flaws in this study design. https://t.co/Ft1JkFKoLg pic.twitter.com/JBNQWB3irT
— Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) June 18, 2023
— Declaration of Memes (@LibertyCappy) June 17, 2023
— Declaration of Memes (@LibertyCappy) June 17, 2023
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
We have a 2021 Traverse and it has crap on it I don’t even know about. It has a warning when you haven’t had your hands on the steering wheel for over 5 seconds. Why?
It would be nice if we could do that without them spreading their virus elsewhere. For instance, the leave the shithole of California, come to Texas and then look as some clown like Puto O’Crook and say, “YEAH! HE’S got it going on!” and threaten to infect the entire state.
“The typical pattern is that Congress will agree to bail out the leftist lunatics who run Illinois, Chicago, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Michigan, Portland, and all the other places where America as we understand it no longer exists.” Isn’t that what COVID relief and “infrastructure” was for? To dump tons of unaccountable billions of dollars for leftist politicians to steal?
I would rather see machetes and cigars instead of guys having a tucking contest.
I remember when the left was saying that if you were fat, you didn’t deserve health care because your fat-body health issues are driving up health care costs. And, I have to add, Lizzo is fat and it ain’t pretty in the least.
I wonder what is so critical about getting mRNA in us?
Well, the “American way of life” doesn’t mean much to some (except for all the accoutrements of capitalistic plenty).
I’m surprised these people can take time away from their busy day of complaining about “banned books” to try to hack and censor someone else’s point of view.
I guess these selfish, deluded victims of crime don’t realize that the entire purpose of the DA in NYC is to persecute Trump. Don’t they have any perspective? Nothing matters to Democrats until it adversely affects them.
If it weren’t for the corrupt Ministry of Propaganda, the Democrat party would have to convert itself into a party with the interests of the citizens of the United States first.
Hmm… if they are so concerned with consumers making flawed choices out of ignorance, why don’t the Democrats explain to them that, before they vote for a Democrat, be aware that the first thing they will do when elected is f**k the voter?
I suppose the solution is to have PTO designed by drag queens so that none of the drills will break a nail or muss coifs. That way, the nation will be much safer.
That’s an awful lot of malpractice.
“Trust me.”
We used to call it “stupidity”. I see “woke” getting the CRT treatment. First, you are racist or some kind of -phobic for not embracing it, then it doesn’t exist, then you aren’t defining it correctly.
Again, if liberal cities and states can’t survive on what they steal out of bloated, wasteful Democrat legislation (like the $100 billion in COVID aid that went “missing”), then they don’t deserve to survive. Well, they don’t deserve to survive anyway.
When someone figures out how to do anything without offending someone somewhere, let me know. Until then, STOP DOING EVERYTHING. It might offend someone.
I remember when “what goes on in the bedroom is none or your business” what all homosexuals wanted to have respected. Now, you HAVE to know (the demonstrate it in parades and for our children) and, goddamnit, you better LOVE it!
Maybe he’s referring to that window that got broke. It is, in a way, similar, but not in the way Ahnahld implies. Picture the protesters as the Jews…
In order to be a good, loyal liberal, try not to think.
Well, when the only white dad you used for comparison was Hunter Biden…
As I like to point out – if the Democrats’ platforms were such great ideas, why do they have to lie or misrepresent *every* single issue? Seriously, can you think of one issue that they debate with 100% honesty? Becasue I can’t.
I miss the days when journalism meant exposing real political scandals instead of covering for them
I bet it was “research”. Yeah… he was “researching” child sexual abuse so he could wipe it out! Yeah, THAT’S the ticket!
“I am non-binary because, look at me, for sex I have to take whatever I can get.”
4 days of distraction to cover up Biden news…ya they knew the sub imploded. A group of rich people looking at where the second class was held off lifeboats, the irony of that is deep.
A great distraction for the 5 flaming skulls of what should have been headlines about the Biden* Organized Crime Family
When Your Local Government Goes Broke
Europe’s “15 minute city” design is being tried locally here in Utah, near Draper.
Guess what?
It attracts too many non-taxpayers.
City fathers (and mothers) see the writing on the walls.
A medium-sized city, like Draper, might not be able to afford (read support) more than one such 15 minute city.
Other towns are going with high density residency with a laissez faire attitude towards what businesses grow up nearby.
Just get that tax base growing even if the residents have to drive all over to get their basic needs.