Welcome back to Day 824 of the Biden* Occupation! Before we get into the crazy, this week we are taking our biggest trip in the wayback machine yet – 20 years to be exact!
Some prat from The Guardian penned an anti-American screed based on a brief visit to an Applebees in Alabama. The great James Lileks picks it apart piece by piece, and it’s beautiful to watch.
4/4 – ‘Air’ – Nothing but Net for Crowd-Pleasing Ode to Capitalism
Forget what a garbage company Nike has become. Let’s appreciate what they did back in the day, and how the next upstart might knock them down.
4/5 – How the American Left Went Commie: The French Revolution Is Still With Us Today (longer video)
Yes, it’s a longer video, but we really need to pay attention to the parallels
4/6 – The Facts on Homeschooling: It Works REALLY Well: Dr. Brian Ray
I still have my reasons for supporting keeping our kids in public school, but Alex makes his usual good arguments for home schooling
4/9 – ‘Follow the Science’ Seeks to Sway Moderates on Pandemic Overreach
The key here is “moderates”. Don’t waste your time on the crowd that can’t tell you the difference between a boy or a girl
4/10 – CCP Infiltration: How The Chinese Communist Party Is Manipulating America | Ava Chen (longer video)
Keep in mind where the funding for so much of our cultural and political rot originates
4/10 – Biden’s Avi Kwa Ame Monument Designation Ignores Serious Concerns
The only part of this post I disagree with is that “Biden did not consider these national security issues…”. Whoever Biden’s* handlers are would be the same ones working to destroy our miltary.
4/14 – ANOTHER Lawmaker Exposes Convention of States Fraud, Fake Emails & ID Theft
Like last week, this is not the biggest story, but one best squashed before any significant time and resources get wasted on it.
4/15 – U.S. Government Leading all Nations into Global Beast System
Makes sense, they want a return on investment for hijacking the 2020 election.
4/16 – Killing Women’s Sports
I keep saying this, but where in the seven shades of (excrement) are the “Feminist” groups?
4/17 – UN Says Minors Can Consent to Sex
JJ Sefton at Ace said it best, “meh, the blue berets just want to be free to rape third world child refugees”
4/18 – The First Landing 1607 Team: “Declaration of Covenant” Event: April 26, Virginia Beach!
With all of the efforts to erase our history, here’s a chance to celebrate a lesser known piece
4/19 – Your Doctor Asking For Your Pronouns Isn’t Just Annoying, It’s A Sign Of The Industry’s Decline
Depending on my mood, I’ll either list my pronouns as “Go. (Copulate). Yourself”, or if I feel like having fun with it, I’ll go back to my stanby pronouns: “The Earl of Funk. The duke of Cool. The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla!”
4/20 – Writer for Intelligencer declares ‘parental rights’ a system of human ownership
Take a guess as to who should own our kids. Go ahead, take a guess!
Not a surprise, given how much of the US leadership they own. And while MTG can be a loose cannon, when she’s on she is a national treasure.
ICYMI – I begged the question: Budweiser Has a Path to Redemption – Will they Take It?
Have a great weekend!
You know I can't help but notice a lack of journalistic interest in this breaking story, based on retweets and quote tweets. https://t.co/x8BdjLTJyw
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 19, 2023
Devastating: the worst person you know made a legitimately funny tweet https://t.co/FGEjwjKvmw
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 18, 2023
You banged Fang-Fang and you want men inside girls’ locker rooms. What a sick freak. https://t.co/xyJyPmLT4Y
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 20, 2023
That has to be Michael Moore?
— Truthmattersla (@truthmattersla) April 17, 2023
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Ah, first clue of assholeness: “passable wine list”.
“Around Birmingham, there is nothing but miles and miles of Alabama.” He should try Texas. On second thought… maybe he should try the Olive Garden in El Salvador. This from a guy that comes from a region where countries have to get in debt to each other to stop constant invasions and wars.
This guy from England was touting “European unity”… a few years before England bailed on the EU. Priceless. These are the people from across the pond that think idiot Biden is doing a “great job”. I will forever remember what my brother-in-law’s mother (whose husband fought in World War II) told an arrogant French cab driver that complained about the US when he learned they were American: “Next time, get someone else to save your country from the goddamn Germans!”
I hope it includes a lot of flaming gay basketball players of the time. Otherwise, it’s not woke enough.
There is no end to the historic parallels of what today’s Democrats are doing to past disasters, but they press on. Obviously, they see nothing beyond their own puny life spans and care little for future generations.
I’ve seen good and bad examples, but the key seems to be involvement and dedication. Go figure.
Yeah, nothing says “We have the facts” like a threat of harm if you disagree.
And (I hope you are sitting down) the players are intertwined with Democrats and the CCP.
Idiot Biden only considers his income from the foreign governments that tell him what to be concerned with. We were dependent on foreign oil. Trump ended that. Idiot Biden ended our independence and also wants to make sure we have no independence in the minerals needed for the phony “green agenda”.
So, now THAT’S ruined?
Let’s see their proposal to step into a country like China, shut down its labs, shut down its foreign travel, in and out and shut down its economy. Democrats are simply lazy and in the event of an emergency, can’t think and don’t want to try to think, so they would happily turn over our freedoms to some socialist entity that takes orders from the CCP.
Where are the feminists? They’re trying, like the rest of the left, to develop a definition of “woman” that won’t offend someone. It will probably take an all-male (identifying as female) basketball team competing with women’s teams in the tournament to get anyone to take notice. Dang, I’d love to see that. The ban should be unequivocal: biological males cannot compete in women’s sports. It’s really inarguable. You know, no one “hates” a transgender until a male beats the shit out of a female for a f**king ribbon.
Meanwhile, we have a pedophile President* that is importing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of “unaccompanied minors” and “losing” them. What could go wrong? Again, let’s see the UN go into Iran and tell them they have to allow transgender affirmation and same-sex sex.
For those who denigrate Christians I ask, what is wrong with the goals (often un-met) of humanity, love, peace and unity? Why not criticize those who fail to uphold those ideals (like me, of course) instead of the good that could be achieved is more subscribed to it?
I guess I would have to ask, “If you don’t know, what the hell am I doing here?” And anyone at a doctor’s office that gets offended by being called what they are instead of something they aren’t should be referred to a psychiatrist first.
I guess leftists can’t tell the difference between “ownership” and “responsibility”. Not that surprising. Take a look at this regime and tell me you want the government to build “character” in children.
You mean, we can’t trust the CCP to season our information with a little bit of ideology? Someone should inform our Ministry of Propaganda media.
Has Fartsmell ever heard of “birth certificates”? Parents usually have to present one for their child to enter sports. You don’t have to go meat gazing (I’m sure he’s real pleasant to be next to at the urinals) to tell if an athlete is male or female, despite what his first option might be.
That reminded me of this great High Life commercial from the 90s. Damn, I miss when commercials wanted to get us to buy their product and not lecture us
Now now, don’t sell the GOP short.
Given that thge WNBA is possibly the highest profile womens’ sport, I thhink it will only take one guy to go trans and crush the league. Womens’ soccer is also a good candidate
Elvis Costello would probably agree with you.
Biden’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has proposed in the DOT’s 2024 fiscal budget to spend $20 million on female crash dummies.
Not inspecting every rail car to stop the derailments of toxic chemicals, or actually cleaning up the mess they made in Palestine.
Cant the crash dummies just identify as female?
It may be a suggestion from Hank Johnson.
And what about black crash test dummies? Hispanic? Asian? A variation of each? All at $20 million each. Hey, it’s only money, corruption and theft.
How about a Fetterman crash test dummy? Who knows, a head on crash might unscramble that brain.
You left out body positive and the cranes to load em up.
They can only use those in locomotive crash tests.
You want to know where the feminists are they are in the locker rooms peeking at the only live penis they will ever see. They need to stay dressed or the trans could just change his mind.
If your doctor cant determine your pronouns, they missed anatomy class, you might want a different doctor.
Going into an olive garden for fine Italian well lets just try taco bell for its passable tequila list.
That Elon Musk correction about the Canadian Broadcasting Corp reminded me of Powerline’s series of articles about charts.
On the 19th it posted this one:
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC—Canada’s version of the BBC and NPR rolled into one) put out the chart below attempting to show they are not that dependent on government aid. Notice something odd about it? (If not, look closer at the circled part of the y-axis.)
Powerline then corrects that chart with an accurate one.
And, oh, my!
I saw that one earlier – gotta love Powerline!