The Velvet Insurrection

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No one has to tell you about the Jan 6 protest. However, there was absolutely no chance the protest was going to change a thing whether they were able to stop the count or not. I know no one who would ever take it seriously. The big lie from the left is that somehow it would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election. It would not have and no one in their right mind would suggest otherwise.

But there was another, quieter conspiracy insurrection that was far more devious and evil and it succeeded. In the end, it changed the outcome of the 2020 election. The velvet insurrection.

The conspirators

Hillary Clinton

Conceived the Russian collusion plot and paid to have it spread.

Peter Strzok

Opened Crossfire Hurricane to investigate Trump without a predicate.

Jake Sullivan

Spread the Alfa Bank lie


This miserable liar is now National Security Advisor to Biden.

Bruce and Nellie Ohr

In mid-November 2016, it enlisted top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr – whose wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion GPS – to add credibility to the Alfa rumors. That month, Ohr advised the FBI that Steele had told him that the Alfa Bank server was a link to the Trump campaign. Then in early December, Ohr met with the FBI case supervisor who worked for Strzok at least twice. Declassified notes and other records show that during those meetings, Ohr provided him with thumb drives he had received from paid Clinton opposition researcher and Fusion GPS co-founder, Glenn Simpson, and Ohr’s wife and Simpson’s colleague, Nellie. Quoting his Clinton sources, Ohr insisted the alleged backdoor computer channel between Trump and Alfa was real.

Obama, Biden and Comey

They met to conspire against Trump under the guise of protecting the US

January 5: Yates, Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper briefed Obama on Russia-related matters in the Oval Office. Biden and Rice also attended. After the Obama briefing, the intelligence chiefs who would be leaving at the end of the term were dismissed and Yates and Comey, who would continue in the Trump administration, were asked to stay. Not only did Obama give his guidance about how to perpetuate the Russia collusion theory investigations, he also talked about Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, according to both Comey and Yates. Interestingly, Clapper, Comey, and Yates all said that they did not brief Obama about these phone calls. Clapper testified he did not brief Obama on the calls, Yates learned about the calls from Obama himself during that meeting, and Comey also testified he didn’t brief Obama about the calls, even though the intelligence was an FBI product. Rice, who publicly lied but later admitted under oath to her widespread use of unmasked intelligence at the end of the Obama administration, likely briefed Obama on the calls and would have had access to the intelligence. Comey mentions the Logan Act at this meeting.

Susan Rice

Obama, the memo claims, stressed that “every aspect of this issue” be handled “by the book” and then “reiterated” that law enforcement proceed “by the book.” Comey “affirmed” he’s “proceeding ‘by the book.’  ” That’s right: She used the term three times.

Could a note scream “cover your butt” any louder? Why would lawyers want a document created, two weeks after the fact and at the very last minute, that purported to show the Russia probe was totally kosher?

Surely because they feared people would think otherwise, because the probe wasn’t.

We now know, in fact, that nothing about that investigation was handled ethically.

James Comey

On January 6 Comey asks for a meeting with Trump which at its heart was to let Trump know Comey had dirt on Trump

Comey let Trump think he was not personally under investigation. What Comey apparently did not tell Trump was that two months previously he signed off on a FISA application using that “salacious and unverified” dossier largely as the basis for the warrant. It also appears that the FBI did not inform Trump of the FISA Court that the dossier was unverified and was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Unverified information is not supposed to part of a FISA request.

Comey knew it was a lie.

The FBI deceived the House, Senate and the Justice Department about the substance and strength of evidence undergirding its counterintelligence investigation of President Trump, according to a recently declassified document and other material.

A seven-page internal FBI memo dated March 8, 2017, shows that “talking points” prepared for then-FBI Director James Comey for his meeting the next day with the congressional leadership were riddled with half-truths, outright falsehoods, and critical omissions. Both the Senate and the House opened investigations and held hearings based in part on the misrepresentations made in those FBI briefings, one of which was held in the Senate that morning and the other in the House later that afternoon. RealClearInvestigations reached out to every member of the leadership, sometimes known as the “Gang of Eight.” Some declined to comment, while others did not respond to queries.

Comey leaked classified information to in hopes of seeing a Special Prosecutor to persecute Trump.

Lisa Page

The talking points were prepared by Lisa Page, a senior FBI lawyer who later resigned from the bureau amid accusations of anti-Trump bias and were used by Comey in his meeting with Hill leaders. They described reports the FBI received in 2016 from “a former FBI CHS,” or confidential human source, about former Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Carter Page (no relation to Lisa Page) allegedly conspiring with the Kremlin to hack the election.

Andrew McCabe

Termination of the Deputy Director of the FBI was recommended by the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility. Here’s why

The Department of Justice’s internal watchdog will criticize former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for authorizing leaks to the media and giving misleading statements to investigators about doing so, according to two new reports. McCabe, 49, authorized FBI officials to speak to the media for articles prior to the 2016 election, including one about an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation, according to a report being prepared by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

The FBI No. 2 also misled watchdog investigators when they initially asked about the media disclosures, according to The Washington Post.The New York Times also reported details of Horowitz’s report, which is expected to be released in March or April.

“Lack of candor” they called it. Lying is what it really was. McCabe was essentially bought and paid for by former VA Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Kevin Clinesmith

Forged an FBI document to illegally obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign.

Timothy Thibault

Obviously biased FBI agent who was assigned to “manage” whistleblower Tony Bubulinski, i.e., smother the truth and hide the intel. Thibault “resigned” to escape accountability.

Brian Auten

Meet Brian Auten. The FBI analyst is hardly a household name, but whistleblowers who contacted the office of GOP senator Chuck Grassley say he was behind an August 2020 report that FBI officials used as part of a “scheme…to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation.”

Adam Schiff

Repeated lied about the Trump probe and doctored evidence.

I know, there are more.

These are the principal conspirators in the plot to overthrow the President of the United States. Were there justice in this country, all would be raided, put in shackles and charged with conspiracy and the FBI defunded. They overturned the outcome of the 2020 election and we’re all suffering the consequences.

Insurrections don’t have to be violent or bloody to succeed. This one was subtle but no less malevolent.

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Strzok and Page “We won’t let that happen, right?”

Won’t let the People duly elect who they choose?

That’s treason. Actual treason. That they didn’t get charged tells you we have a tyrannical deep state that has taken control of our nation and made us into a dictatorship.

You call everything you don’t like “treason.”

Or perhaps when a high-ranking FBI official is on record, in print, saying he’s going to “not let” the duly elected president take office, I call it what it is:

Treason: the betrayal of one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.

Inventing the Russia Collusion hoax is Treason. Rigging an election is Treason. Staging a false-flag to install an unelected regime is Treason.

The point is, you people are enemies of the United States of America, domestic or otherwise.

But I’ll say, like Tom Brady deflating footballs, you don’t really understand that you’ve gone to far. When you’re programmed to think Trump and the GOP are “actual Nazi’s” then you’ll justify anything. You’ll erode the rule of Law, and actually believe it was Trump eroding the rule of Law.

That’s going to be studied for centuries. How manufacturing the boogeyman of “nazis” actually got the Left to become the new Nazis.

I blame your godless woke faith than has no morals, no direction, and covertly is so nihilistic you’d trade your homosexual gratification for the lives of children.

Gay = pedophile. Yes, that’s where that behavior leads: Societal Collapse.

You don’t consider FBI personnel creating a false accusation against the duly elected President of the United States in order to remove him from office or, at least, incapacitate him as treason? Oh, that’s right; you think putting American and Americans first, growing the economy, spreading the benefits, energy independence, securing our border and spreading peace around the world is treasonous.


“michael” is a certified coward. He won’t respond, because he’s gotten his ass kicked so many times with his emotionalism and irrational beliefs.

“michael” is a certified coward. He won’t respond, because he’s gotten his ass kicked so many times with his emotionalism and irrational beliefs.

I don’t generally respond these days because I can only make or respond to top-level comments. The site’s settings will not allow me to respond directly to your replies to me. That’s why I have to put this here.

I don’t generally respond these days because I can only make or respond to top-level comments. The site’s settings will not allow me to respond directly to your replies to me. That’s why I have to put this here.

I consider this proof that “michael” is a piece of software…

No it’s not treason. Treason is defined by the Constitution. You should read it sometime, Nathan.

Must have rattled my zipper for “the dog” to appear.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Strzok levied war against the United States when he decided to deny the outcome of a legal election. He also helped wage war against America by illegal investigations.

Hey, you jerkoffs KNOW what you’re doing. But sure, try to parse words. It won’t matter.

An arrogant, Leftist-influenced deep state felt it was their DUTY to not allow Trump to take office.

That’s tyranny, that’s illegal, and that’s TREASON.

You people and your childish addiction to “plausible deniability” isn’t going to save you, in court.

So for those reading, it’s important to note that TWO idiots, the dog and “michael” are not denying Strzok tried to stop the People’s choice in President from office…not denying at all.

They are parsing the meaning of the word “treason.”

That’s what we’re up against: childish cucks who think word-salad can substitute for backbone.


Would that the left concern themselves with the strictly technical definition of “treason” when they are bandying the accusation about, aimed at Trump. But, alas, they don’t, they simply use terms such as “treason”, “traitor”, “racist”, “fascist” without having the slightest idea of their definition or application.

Outstanding article. Your facts and conclusions all perfectly sync. Thank you.

Despite all these facts, which go unknown to most liberals, many on social media think that just because she made a legal decision that followed the law and made perfect rational sense, Judge Cannon is a Trump partisan. Never mind that the ONLY reason we are even at this point is because of an over-abundance of ANTI-Trump partisans who ignored the Constitution, violated laws, ignored due process in order to invent an excuse in their minds (if they even wanted that level of justification) to try to execute a coup against Trump, the last duly elected President of the United States.

I doubt it could ever happen, but the only way to restore faith in our institutions is to prosecute and convict each of these criminals and many, many more. Until and unless that happens, there is no equal justice and laws have no meaning.

Adam Schiff

Vincente Gonzalez (D) who, until June, held the Texas HD34 seat, lost to Mayra Flores is now claiming that the seat was “stolen” from him:

“Our democracy is at stake… there’s millions and millions of dollars from outside our region and outside our state that are coming here to try to steal our elections and take away your value and take away the process that we rely on, which is elections. And we don’t have the resources to compete with these outside resources. We can’t compete with the Koch brothers, we can’t compete with big oil, and big tobacco, and the NRA. They can outspend us, but they can’t outwork us,”

“They stole that last election… they spent $3 million to our $250,000, they campaigned for two years, and they still only won by less than one percent. So, the way to turn this around is getting out and vote,”

So says Gonzalez at a recent rally. And who was there to back up his claims? None other that Adam Schiff, member of the J6 Committee, who claims there was absolutely NO election theft in 2020.

Hypocrisy much, Adam?

You won’t see Comrade Greggie mentioning this, now will you?

Spending more money is “stealing” one? Out of state money is “stealing” the election? Then Democrats are guilty of “stealing” EVERY election they “win”.

For MOST elections, those who spend more money win. Bush, Obama, etc….BUT…the black-eye for the deep state and Democrats what this:


It changed everything for them. How did they respond? They spent SIX BILLON on Biden and even had Mark Zuckerberg spend $400,000 on a ballot harvesting scheme.

Democrats have NO right to claim an election is “stolen” because their opponent spent more money. It’s what Democrats routinely do: buy votes and buy elections.

Trying to frame trump to keep him from running again in 2024 and this involves the DNC/UN,CFR, and who knows how many else the Globalists and their plans against America and Americans

The whole thing is demonic.

Pointing out the obvious confuses those who have not paid close attention or the knowledge to recognize it. Not familiar with the symbols that are used in that style of warfare.


The DOJ is in a box. They have no legal avenue to pursue President Trump. At the end of the day, the Gestapo/DOJ was after the crossfire hurricane documents and perhaps the Epstein list.


They have no legal avenue to pursue President Trump.

True. But, keep in mind, they don’t need one. They have political goals and an agenda, overriding the rule of law.

Changing the election outcome was precisely what Trump and his supporters had as their plan on January 6th. It was the purpose of the Rudy, Eastman, and Trump speeches on the ellipse, and was why the Proud Boy/Oathkeeper contingent stormed into the Capitol building. Delaying Pence from performing his Constitutional role of counting the electors until one of Trump’s people could find a sympathetic Trump judge to delay the count officially, giving the fake electors an opportunity to ignore the actual vote counts in their Blue states. Claiming otherwise is simply a lie.


The election was rigged. We had enough evidence before, but his new development of a van full of ballots…well…

Have fun with that “nuh uh, it was TRUMP who was trying to steal an election!” idiocy.

It’s not working.

Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”

The majority of Americans agree that J6th was an FBI-run false-flag to install an unelected Joe Biden.

The Deep State and the Swamp fought back. But now we see them for what they are, thanks to Trump.


Changing the election outcome was precisely what Trump and his supporters had as their plan on January 6th.

The outcome of the election had already been changed. Democrat election fraud had changed the outcome. Trump played no part in the January 6th riot; that was organized and instigated by the FBI. Why don’t you have Ray Epps prove me wrong.

What part of Trump’s speech was the trigger? “Peacefully go…”? Why don’t you wait to get back to us when you have something of a clue.

The raid was looking for the Russian collusion documents. They must be kept from public view; the totally destroy the entire left’s dialogue.

Nate..Psalm 34:8 is the MSM propaganda, they are now setting up for limited nuke strikes in Ukraine. look at Sept 24th( something a EU shitbag let slip.)With the WEF and Blackrock setting up famine Putin wouldnt nuke a bread basket, they would.

Nothing Strzok or anyone else said gave Trump a “King’s X” to commit or continue committing crimes. He was fully compromised before ever running for office, and you’re just unhappy that people who care about our nation fought his efforts to further undermine our country and personally profit from his position. It’s ridiculous to carry on with this canard, even if most of you incels are fapping about it.


Nothing Strzok or anyone else said gave Trump a “King’s X” to commit or continue committing crimes.

You know, I gotta say, you are absolutely right. I completely agree with you. I guess it’s a good thing Trump never committed any crimes, before or after Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Kleinsmith and the rest of the seditious coupsters initiated their all out assault on the US Constitution.

Other than corrupt and dishonest Democrats and Rinos working non-stop to undercut Trump’s duly elected authority, how was Trump “compromised”, exactly?

There’s no “van with ballots” Nate. There’s some yokel who claims to have seen a van carrying “something that could have been mail ballots.”

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. You have none, just like Trump.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.


Russia Collusion (no proof, actual proof of treason by the FBI and Clinton)
Impeachment (no proof, but actual proof of Biden withholding aid to Ukraine)
Trump on J6th (no proof, but actual proof of Trump calling for peace, thus exonerating himself).
Mar-a-lago Raid (no proof, but a constantly shifting propaganda narrative that fails each day to provide anything real.)

You have none, just like your Deep State (and likely your employer).

There’s no “van with ballots” Nate.

Sure. Plausible deniability won’t keep you pigs from your jail cell, in time. Turn back now.

More dissembling and denying reality, Nathan? Watch and learn over the next few months.

Nathan Blue being as stupid as he is is treason.

Free clue for you.

Bonus footage for you.


Democrats/Deep State operatives commit treason every day. It’s just normal for them now.

They think, in their little godless, gender-confused brains that they’ve “won” something.

But the inevitable eating of their own has just begun.

Hey michael, is this you?

Sixth Graders Protect Their Fellow Students From a Creepy Teacher

Or perhaps whoever is running the “michael” account needs to be reminded that “michael” is a gay teacher who hates god but loves men.

Stay in character, dude.

Democrats have to avoid reality in order to cling to their ideology.

I see the FA article about the Democrat/Deep State coup drew out all the Democrat/Deep State trolls to oh so vociferously and articulately defend their case that they somehow DIDN’T end our democracy and rig our elections because they think they know best.

I’d call that treason, as well.

Of course, those at the Bureau these days seem more concerned with arresting their own employers (the People) and having sex change operations than understanding they don’t get to decide election outcomes.

those at the Bureau these days seem more concerned with arresting their own employers (the People)

That’s who the FBI is supposed to arrest: American people who have violated Federal law. Complaining about it is treason.


That’s who the FBI is supposed to arrest: American people who have violated Federal law*. Complaining about it is treason.

* Unless, of course, they are a Democrat

That’s who the FBI is supposed to arrest: American people who have violated Federal law.

That’s what most American’s said back in 2016 when Comey stated HRC broke the law, but shouldn’t be charged.

Then the FBI committed treason by inventing Russia Collusion IN COLLUSION with the former Sec. of State.

As usual, you can’t actually address the topic.

Complaining about it is treason.

Complaining is democracy. Rigging elections and trying to undermine a legally elected president is treason.

Cry more.

This sums up the mentality of the crooked left and their puppies at the FBI.

It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove.

And the villain using this line gets his due, in the end.

Just like those in our government who committed treason, allowing for a fascistic takeover (joining of business and state) and rigging elections.

Just take solace in knowing that greg, michael/skippingdog (probably the same government employee) all KNOW the 2020 election was rigged.

They KNOW it. And they KNOW Biden is an installed puppet.

@Nathan Blue

Or perhaps whoever is running the “michael” account needs to be reminded that “michael” is a gay teacher who hates god but loves men.

If this is the Michael who polluted the board some months ago, he pissed off Curt and got booted.

Definitely a groomer and most likely a pedophile.


That’s who the FBI is supposed to arrest: American people who have violated Federal law.

Then why isn’t Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, James Comey, Chuck Schumer, and all the other lying, cheating Democrats under arrest?

Or do you think that paying foreign agents to create dirt on your political opponent, lying to Congress and blackmailing another nation is legal?

Why didn’t the Trump DOJ do anything about those matters?

Why didn’t the Trump DOJ do anything about those matters?

Now you’re asking the right question, and understanding that the deep state exists regardless of who’s president, and pursues their own agenda.

The “Trump” DOJ was always the establishment DOJ. That’s why Trump got the most legal votes in history, and will most likely get even more in 2024.


Why didn’t the Trump DOJ do anything about those matters?

Because unlike under idiot Biden, where the DNC directs the FBI which political opponent to take out and when, the DOJ and FBI was independent of Trump and led by deep-staters like Comey, McCabe and Wray. Their focus was to find something… ANYTHING that could be used to prosecute Trump, which they failed to do because Trump is truly squeaky clean.

Their focus was to find something… ANYTHING that could be used to prosecute Trump, which they failed to do because Trump is truly squeaky clean.

Trump is now the most vetted, cleanest presidential candidate in history.

He’s already one of the most successful presidents, to boot.

@Nathan Blue

And the more they fail to find something useful to them, the more they issue baseless broad, general accusations of causes to arrest him. They are truly pathetic in their desperation.

More like Pink Insurrection since they are a compilation of Communist pinkos and sexually confused pedophiles.

No it’s not. God, you folks are dense.

Well, maybe you should read the definition you yourself provided again. Then maybe you’ll figure out who is dense.

The New York Times reports that the grand jury convened by prosecutor John Durham to hear evidence has expired, and sources tell the paper that there are no plans to convene another.

Durham and his attorneys are preparing a final report into their inquiry, which lost the only case that it brought to trial when former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI.

As the Times notes, the end of Durham’s probe is sure to disappoint former President Donald Trump.


Is that your claim to victory? They ran out the clock? Sussman WAS guilty of lying; the defense merely argued it was just a “little” lie. You know, Democrat lies don’t matter, like fabricating evidence for the FISA court only draws probation.

The coup attempt against Trump is indisputable.

As the Times notes, the end of Durham’s probe is sure to disappoint former President Donald Trump.

More like serve as a reminder to about 100 million Americans that the Deep State and the Democrat party have gotten way with crimes, real crimes, and they will eventually be brought to justice…either through the legal system, or more rightly by their own collapse… we’re seeing in real time.

We don’t suffer tyrants.

When those paid to enforce the Law, the FBI, and those paid to interpret the Law, Soros-backed judges, merely cheat to ensure their own unelected agenda, that’s hardly a victory.

It’s treason.

And they were so counting on Durham conjuring up some last-minute magic for Trump. LOL.

BTW, there are now at least four (4) separate federal grand juries reviewing evidence of Trump Gang crimes. There will be at least a few indictments resulting.

These are improving times. Trump’s crimes are finally being brought into the open, Bannon is going to prison for several years, Trump is going to go bankrupt with his LIV Golf nonsense, and the “Trump Organization” (really only Donald, Ivanka, Junior, Eric, and Tiffany) are facing prosecution for state level crimes and the potential legal deconstruction of their family company.

Oh, and Republicans have nominated the most fringe and kooky candidates for the election in two months, right after their court stripped basic human rights from women. Did you know women outnumber men as citizens and voters in the U.S. now?


And they were so counting on Durham conjuring up some last-minute magic for Trump. LOL.

What we wanted, what any American should have wanted, was justice. We’ve found that the FBI pursued “Russian collusion” relentlessly, even knowing that it was based on unsubstantiated, unverifiable and known false information. We now see that they paid a Russian agent to supply negative information. We know THEY knew Gen. Flynn never lied but pursued perjury charges anyway (even as they don’t worry about perjury when a Democrat lies). We know that Clinesmith fabricated “evidence” to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, which allowed them to spy on the Trump campaign. We know numerous FBI personnel committed perjury to maintain their “investigation”. Even though the reactionary judges and biased juries in DC will not convict anyone that is engaged in persecuting Trump, knowledge is power. We KNOW the Democrats are lying, corrupt, anti-American scumbags.

What ARE those “crimes”? List them.

There aren’t “about 100 million” of you nutters. Now, you might have 30-40 million dead-enders, the vast majority of whom are old white people still living the 50’s in their dreams.

I sincerely hope most of you old folks are smokers with diabetes, so you’ll return your nutrients to our soil soon.


You might want to look again, scooter.

Oh, and the FBI paying a Russian agent to provide information that can be used to remove an innocent and duly elected President of the United States definitely qualifies as treason. So does depleting our Strategic Oil Reserves and selling some of it to China, along with destroying our energy independence while maintaining investments in energy assets overseas.

Nice diversion, but irrelevant. If you know anything about the law, you know grand juries examine relevant evidence to determine which, if any, crime should be charged. In Trump’s case, you can readily find reporting information about what is being examined, and the potential charges involved. They include: bank fraud, mortgage fraud, tax fraud, violations of the Espionage Act, violations of the Presidential Records Act, perjury, obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly others.

Once the various grand juries complete their work, you’ll know specifically what crimes Trump and his co-conspirators are charged with. Then you can whine some more about how unfair it all is.


Nice diversion, but irrelevant.

Diversion? You stated Trump was facing being prosecuted for crimes. YOU provided the diversion; you don’t know. Like every other crybaby, spoiled-brat, temper-tantrum throwing elitist, you think Trump defying the Democrat establishment and beating Hillary is a crime. Not taking orders from the deep state is a crime. Not going on the take with every other establishment politician is a crime.

They aren’t, and for going on 6 years, you have looked for a prosecutable crime committed by Trump and, as you clearly indicate, you haven’t found a goddamn thing.

Meanwhile, we have a laptop that belongs to idiot Biden’s son that contains a massive quantity of actual real, actionable evidence that Hunter committed numerous crimes and that his idiot, corrupt daddy has participated. But, being a spoiled, entitled brat, you think the only crimes are those that delay socialism, totalitarianism and the destruction of the United States.

So, just keep, along with all the other whiny lemmings, demanding Trump go to jail, even though you have no earthly idea if he has ever committed any crime. We others enjoy watching stupid people make asses of themselves.

They include: bank fraud, mortgage fraud, tax fraud, violations of the Espionage Act, violations of the Presidential Records Act, perjury, obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly others.

We’ve watched a state department literally create false documents to undermine a legally elected Trump.

Why would any American believe anything said by the DOJ, when they’ve torched their credibility?

They don’t have that authority anymore.

I sincerely hope most of you old folks are smokers with diabetes, so you’ll return your nutrients to our soil soon.

Yes, we know you and your ilk are genocidal. That’s why Trump has so much support, over a third of Latino voters voted for him, and he doubled the share of GOP votes amongst blacks, from 8% to 15%.

You’re losing. You know it, because winners don’t raid their opponents and invent charges.

How long do you think you can fool the dwindling pool of white soccer moms who represent the only voting bloc you have left?

Your view of GOP/Trump voters is akin to a racial slur, which keeps in line with the Democrat Party’s history of slavery and Jim Crow.

In your godlessness, you’re looking to make MAGA the new “Jews” so you can kill us all…rather than give the People a viable political platform.

Good luck.

For those who never made it past middle school, here’s the Constitutional and legal definition of treason. Please learn it so you don’t look so belligerently ignorant about your own country (if the USA is really where you live).

It goes without saying that we live in a embattled Christian nation, one with a growing force of secularization that enjoys relativism and parsing words, when it serves their agenda.

Rather than admit certain factions and individuals have committed treason against the United States, the enemy pivots to splitting hairs.

Can you really say that Strzok, saying he “wouldn’t let that happen” concerning Trump taking office (after winning a legal election) is not treason, in both the broad and Constitutional sense?

The definition of treason is this:

the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Strzok said he “wouldn’t let it happen” and then took actions to fulfill that unelected wish.

This is, objectively, treason.

You’re shifting to the Constitutional definition, which also gives a legal case that Strzok committed treason.

Please learn it so you don’t look so belligerently ignorant about your own country (if the USA is really where you live).

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

“adhering to their Enemies” can include domestic enemies, which a cabal of FBI/CIA, Democrats, and Globalists buying our elections certainly qualifies as.

Please learn it so you don’t look so belligerently ignorant about your own country (if the USA is really where you live).

You’ve failed to give any argument to rebut what I say. This is our issue with my country (Yes, I’m American. Not sure if you qualify as one, but we’ll assume).

There’s a common social contract for Americans that we adhere to objective truth. You are breaking this contract, and offer nothing beyond your wishful thinking.

You care nothing for the rule of Law, that I’ve seen, so merely whining like a toddler by saying “it’s not technically treason” holds no water.

Paying a spy to concoct a false dossier to indict a President on made up charges is treason.

Admitting to meeting with our Enemy, China, to undermine the authority of our elected President is treason.

Conducting a false-flag to install a puppet is treason.

Doing all these things, against the Constitutional processes whereby a domestic group takes power outside of democratic processes is….you guessed it…treason.

It’s not about what you can twist, dog. It’s about what is True.

The relativism you follow is demonic, and doomed to fail…hurting those who follow it most of all, sadly.

I knew you wouldn’t respond, because you can’t.

Stick to vacuous jabs and don’t try to trot out the Constitution. We already have that covered…

…and you are out of your depth, son.

(Note: You’re probably older than me, idiot)