Fire Andrew McCabe

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Andrew McCabe is facing his day of reckoning. And it’s about time.

The McCabe story goes back a ways. It’s necessary to hark back in time to fully understand the dynamics. Terry McAuliffe  and Hillary Clinton fatally compromised McCabe in 2015:

By now you know that long time Clinton confidant and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe used $467,500 of his PAC money to “help” Jill McCabe, the wife of FBI agent Andrew McCabe in her bid for Congress. The Virginia Democratic Party, virtually controlled by McAuliffe, tossed in another $200,000. The money began flowing into the McCabe campaign coffers, in another one of those galactic coincidences, at the same time the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton was initiated in July 2015.

Right around the same time, FBI Agent McCabe was “unexpectedly” promoted from heading the Washington DC office to the number 3 position at the FBI. Within a year McCabe was Deputy Director of the FBI.

Now catch this:

In a statement to the Journal, the FBI said McCabe “played no role, attended no events, and did not participate in fundraising or support of any kind. Months after the completion of her campaign, then-Associate Deputy Director McCabe was promoted to Deputy, where, in that position, he assumed for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.”

Another galactic coincidence. As if as Deputy Director McCabe was expected to erase from his memory the nearly three quarters of a million dollars a close pal of the Clinton’s donated to his wife’s campaign.

It gets worse. A lot worse.

Just prior to that PAC money went into Jill McCabe’s campaign, Hillary Clinton did a campaign fundraiser event for the very PAC (Common Good VA) that would soon shovel that money into the campaign of the wife of the FBI agent was promoted as the Clinton investigation began and who within a month would be put in charge of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Clinton helped raise a million dollars in that effort and bucket loads of cash continued to flow in afterward;

Although Common Good VA is only allowed to fund state-level candidates, many of its largest donations came from outside of Virginia – including $50,000 from Clinton Foundation official Doug Band in New York, $100,000 from Clinton loyalist Robert Johnson in Maryland, and $10,000 from Clinton mega-donor Stephen Cloobeck in Nevada.

In the following months, Common Good VA received several major donations from other close Clinton associates, including $100,000 from Bill Clinton’s business partner Ron Burkle in California and $50,000 from Ready for Hillary’s finance committee member Leonard Lauder in New York.

So let’s recap with my untrained eye. Hillary Clinton does a fundraiser for Common Good VA to raise money that is given to the campaign of the wife of the head of the FBI Washington DC field office who is unexpectedly promoted to Number 3 person at the FBI who after his wife’s loss in the election is promoted to Number 2 at the FBI and placed in charge of the Hillary Clinton investigation who then finds no reason to prosecute her.

Subsequently, he should have stepped away from anything to do with HIllary Clinton and Donald Trump, but he did not. Every action he took since then is questionable. And he made some bad decisions. In testimony before a Congressional committee McCabe ‘s testimony conflicted with previous testimonies and there was this problem:

Investigators say McCabe recounted to the panel how hard the FBI had worked to verify the contents of the anti-Trump “dossier” and stood by its credibility. But when pressed to identify what in the salacious document the bureau had actually corroborated, the sources said, McCabe cited only the fact that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page had traveled to Moscow. Beyond that, investigators said, McCabe could not even say that the bureau had verified the dossier’s allegations about the specific meetings Page supposedly held in Moscow.

The sources said that when asked when he learned that the dossier had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, McCabe claimed he could not recall – despite the reported existence of documents with McCabe’s own signature on them establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and provenance.

But his downfall apparently came following his interview with investigators from the DOJ Inspector General’s office:

The Department of Justice’s internal watchdog will criticize former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for authorizing leaks to the media and giving misleading statements to investigators about doing so, according to two new reports.

McCabe, 49, authorized FBI officials to speak to the media for articles prior to the 2016 election, including one about an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation, according to a report being prepared by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

The FBI No. 2 also misled watchdog investigators when they initially asked about the media disclosures, according to The Washington Post.

The New York Times also reported details of Horowitz’s report, which is expected to be released in March or April.

Consequently, the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommended he be terminated:

WASHINGTON — The FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility has recommended the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who remains on the payroll — a move that could put his pension at risk, according to officials familiar with the process.

It is now up to Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether to reverse that recommendation or to accept it.

It is important to understand that it is not Donald Trump doing this. It is the FBI.

If terminated today, McCabe would lose his pension. This is no small consideration. democrats will rise as one to assign the blame the Trump administration because that’s what they do. McCabe should have thought about his pension before he engaged in the conspiracy to first defeat and then delegitimize the Trump administration.

There was a piece on CNN lamenting McCabe’s possible fate while putting the greatest possible anti-Sessions political spin on it at the same time:

It is worth noting, however, that a decision by the attorney general to remove McCabe would potentially benefit Sessions politically. Sessions has been under constant scrutiny by a White House furious with his decision to recuse himself in the ongoing special counsel investigation into possible collusion with Russia by members of the Trump campaign.

Then Campbell adds this:

This entire debacle has created quite a chasm within the ranks of the bureau. In talking with former colleagues, there are those who think there is no excuse for lying and, if he did so, McCabe should face the consequences, and a camp that is suspicious of the timing of the recommendation, and who believe it would be unduly cruel to deny a public servant a full pension after nearly 22 years of service.

Tell it to Gen. Michael Flynn who, with his 33 years of service, is being financially ruined by Robert Mueller  after being cleared by the FBI.

This cannot stand. Such a high level FBI official being granted forgiveness for lying would tar the FBI forever. If the FBI OPR says he should be fired, that’s more than enough.

He must be terminated. Today.

Then go after Comey.





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If McCabe isn’t fired it means either Sessions doesn’t have what it takes to take on the swamp or there is some sort of a criminal investigation going on that we don’t know about and McCabe cut a deal to dime out the wrongdoing of bigger fish- Comey, Lynch, possibly BHO himself given that’s where all this leads to. Face it, that’s why the dems and their MSM lackeys are fighting so hard to protect, cover, and run interference for these modern day praetorian guards- to protect the messiah. If all this stopped with McCabe and Comey etc. and their minions, they wouldn’t be trying to cover it up. They’d probably even be willing to throw HRC under the bus as a sacrificial lamb in order to protect BHO.

Fired his ASS. I hope Sessions waited as long as possible to enhance the cruelty. McCabe is pissed, whining about losing his pension after 20 years. Well, you shouldn’t have signed up to be an Obama/Hillary blocker. You should have done your job. You should have recused yourself in the Hillary investigation instead of running the investigation and protecting Hillary from prosecution. You shouldn’t have been feeding leaked information to left wing propaganda outlets.

You got what you deserved, McCabe, but not ALL you deserve. Maybe if you open your guts up about the whole corrupt circle, you can get a watch.

His ass was fired

One down and hopefully many more to follow. Time for prosecution. In typical liberal fashion he is trying to make himself out to be the victim. Either he is lying or his moral compass is so screwed up he couldn’t find his own ass.

Donald Trump is one vindictive, power drunk son of a b_tch.

Andrew McCabe, Trump’s foil at the FBI, is fired hours before he could retire

Maybe he should steal this one for his rallies. He never understands the lyrics anyway.

Trump gloats on Twitter:

Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI – A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!

9:08 PM – 16 Mar 2018

As if he had nothing to do with the firing or the timing.

@Greg: I do not recall you calling Obama vindictive after firing some of the top and effective General Officers in the military. They were not recommended to be fired by the army. Obama could not proceed with his agenda of the continuous falsifying of military intelligence with officers who had integrity. Remember that the FBIs own watchdogs recommended that McCabe be fired before he accrued his pension. Your continuous duplicity is showing again!

It appears that the Swamp has gone to far. It is likely many of the swamp creatures may be forced to move to places like eastern Kansas. Maybe some are morphing into song birds and decided to sing. There are penalties for betraying one’s oath of office! There are consequences for betraying one’s country for money and position. McCabe will likely ask for an inquiry to determine if his behavior warranted the penalty. Then all of the dirty tricks he performed will be written in history. Without the firing, that would not be possible. Then we will see the true character of those who those who support McCabe.


Donald Trump is one vindictive, power drunk son of a b_tch.

Trump had nothing to do with it. It was FBI internal affairs, and they took their damned sweet time about it, too.

Trump is not gloating; he is joining in the rejoice and relief many in the FBI feel now that a Hillary/Obama political hack has been fired, a step towards restoring the pride and dignity of the organization.

I understand this is a concept foreign to liberals but lying, lying to the FBI, lying under oath and lying to investigators is bad. Further absolutely unknown to liberals, bad actions sometimes have repercussions.

As if he had nothing to do with the firing or the timing.

He didn’t. Now, here’s what you can do; dig up another malleable special investigator, conduct an investigation, don’t find anything and demand Trump’s impeachment for doing nothing wrong. You know… the “formula”.

I hope the timing was vindictive. I hope they were calculatedly cruel. I hope they wrote the memo that they were firing him before they started the investigation, just like McCabe did with the Hillary investigation after he had been paid off. That’s what these deep-state seditious scum deserve and they should receive maximum penalties to dissuade anyone else from following their footsteps. The way Gen. Mattis, Gen. McCrystal, Gen. Petraeus and Gen. Flynn were treated was pretty vindictive. McCabe deserves much worse.

I think it has to be noted this was not orchestrated by Trump but is in fact a result of an internal IG investigation that was requested by the Democrats before Trump was elected.

BTW: Although I don’t comment as much as I used to due to actually having to work for a living, I’m glad to see the lefty Greggies of the world are still around to spew their blather. Some things never change I guess, but it’s still good to have them sputtering the company line for their failed agendas if for no other reason than to remind us all how out of touch the left is

@joetote: Hoping you soon have a secure comfortable retirement soon so we see your comments more often.

@Randy, #7:

I do not recall you calling Obama vindictive after firing some of the top and effective General Officers in the military.

I don’t seem to recall Obama firing anyone a day before they would have been eligible to resign and retire, or publicly gloating about their removal on Twitter, or taking pleasure in trying to humiliate them. This is not how a person in power should treat a long-time public servant. In government, it’s pathological behavior.

Trump often treats those he himself has appointed and who have been loyal to him in the same fashion. He perceives honest disagreement as disloyalty. This is not normal. The days of his administration are numbered. He has gone out of his way to make far too many enemies.

From the Wall Street Journal, a few minutes ago – Andrew McCabe Kept Notes About Conversations With Trump, Gave Them to Mueller – John Dowd, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, called for the Mueller probe to end ‘on the merits in light of recent revelations’

That’s not going to fly.

@Greg: snicker

Could getting Andrew McCabe fired come back to bite Trump?

That would be one of those rhetorical questions. The following was clearly an effort at intimidation–an implied threat he has now made good on.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!

12:30 PM – 23 Dec 2017


I don’t seem to recall Obama firing anyone a day before they would have been eligible to resign and retire, or publicly gloating about their removal on Twitter, or taking pleasure in trying to humiliate them.

First, when you have broken laws and regulations, you should be expecting to be fired. Second, the military leaders Obama sacked provided dedicated service to the United States of America, not just served as a water bearer for himself and Hillary. You pretend to honor and respect the FBI but you characterize Trump expressing his satisfaction common with the FBI rank and file as “gloating”, as if that is the impression you have of those who do the work and take the risks within the FBI.

McCabe should have been fired. Not only did he lie to investigators, he served to protect someone that broke laws and exposed classified information to our adversaries. Simply put, he is a cop that went bad. I AM gloating, because, after the years of corruption and flouting of laws and the Constitution of the Obama administration, seeing someone actually held to accounts in the government for actual violations has been a rarity.

This is not how a person in power should treat a long-time public servant.

He violated the rules. He lied. He leaked. He covered for someone that grossly mishandled classified information for money. He is very possibly a criminal. He deserved to be walked out in handcuffs.

Trump often treats those he himself has appointed and who have been loyal to him in the same fashion.

Trump demands results; positive results for the American people. Obama didn’t care.

From the Wall Street Journal, a few minutes ago – Andrew McCabe Kept Notes About Conversations With Trump, Gave Them to Mueller

Guess what… that is FBI property. Just like Comey’s “memos”. McCabe is on thin ice and he shouldn’t expect Obama or Hillary to help him; he’s served his usefulness to them. In fact, he better be worrying about suffering from Arkancide.

The Mueller fake “investigation” is dead.

I’ve heard liberal after liberal whine and moan about McCabe being fired… fired for breaking the law. Not a one raised an eyebrow for the despicable way General Flynn, for just one example, has been treated. And, by McCabe’s own evaluation, Flynn did nothing wrong. He was just someone the left took their whiny frustrations out on.

The whine you should listen for will be the one from the GOP as it nosedives into the pavement—and that will come because their designated pilot seems to be on a kamikaze mission. Subsequently, you’ll be denying the existence of the crater.

@Greg: Liberals seem to consider failure success and success failure. This is why you support such worthless candidates.

@Greg: How much do you want to bet? Put something real on this bet. You have always lost past bets! McCabe had nothing to give to anyone on Trump or he would have leaked it long ago with all the other fake news. How about you move to a lefty blog if Trump completes his full 4 year term? Then maybe people here can have important conversations with intelligent people.


How about you move to a lefty blog if Trump completes his full 4 year term? Then maybe people here can have important conversations with intelligent people.

How about no one here respond to his rabid left wing drivel? He obviously comes here to get in people’s faces. He reminds me of someone (now deceased) I used to know who was also a shithouse lawyer who was always right because he knew everything about anything and loved to flaunt his “vast knowledge”. One of his nicknames was “king of the one punch fights”. He’d get in someone’s face with his know-it-all b.s., there would be one punch, and he’d be on the floor.

@Deplorable Me:

The Mueller fake “investigation” is dead.

Speaking of Mueller, McCabe gave an interview to Politico after he was rightfully fired claiming he was the one who pressured Rosenstein appoint him as Special Counsel. Comey claimed he was the one who got Mueller appointed as Special Counsel. Gotta love it. Two proven liars in competition with each other as to who got Mueller appointed Special Counsel. This is going to be entertaining watching the swamp implode!

@Randy: If McCabe had any relevant evidence on Trump, why is he keeping it hidden? Obstruction of justice? Looking to peddle it? Overcome with loyalty to the President and protecting him like he did Hillary?

Yeah… right.

Trump Lawyer Says Special Counsel Inquiry Should Be Ended

WASHINGTON — A lawyer for President Trump called on the Justice Department on Saturday to end the special counsel investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, shifting abruptly to a more adversarial stance as the inquiry appeared to be intensifying.

“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow the brilliant and courageous example of the F.B.I. Office of Professional Responsibility and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and bring an end to alleged Russia collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt dossier,” Mr. Dowd told The Daily Beast.

I think Sessions knows he has already reached the end of his own personal plank. He sees sharks in the water. He’s not going to take that last fatal step.

Forget Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. He supports Mueller’s investigation.

Rod Rosenstein, deputy attorney general, says Robert Mueller is ‘not an unguided missile’

@Greg: Who is going to stop Sessions? Who are these sharks? The anti 4th amendment anti civil liberties Banana Republic Sharks?
The standard to get a warrant is probable cause, the warrant was issued on Carter Page, the standard to arrest someone is probable cause, why isnt Page under arrest?
No probable cause thats why he is a star on cable tv. There was no probable cause ever to spy on Trump ever, it will be revealed as soon as the FISA application is available. This is going to be a bath, their insurance policy the fake dossier will cost them all their tax payer funded retirements and careers, perhaps their freedom.
The whole thing is toothless, and illegal. Keep digging players.

@kitt: CNN will need to open a LOT more positions for contributors.

@Deplorable Me: Dont know Bill, unless a few of them do a bit of time none will learn their job is not to play politics, mess in elections, do things in an ethical and legal way, because there will be accountability. These liberals are so circular they never learn…/40-years-ago-church-committee-investigated-americans…

Who are these sharks?

Mueller’s team, the FBI, the U.S. intelligence community, and genuine investigative journalists. Do you really believe everybody is crooked and part of a conspiracy but Trump and his associates?

McCabe’s loss of pension is likely just the beginning of the penalties he may be eligible for.. I expect that treason, RICO, certainly collusion and likely many other crimes. Maybe he should spend some time in the US portion of Cuba. This should wake up others. I expect that many song birds will sing so they do not end up as a caged bird!

@Greg: There are quite a few in all of the organizations you named. Some will sing instead of doing time. Mueller is not with out sin in protecting the U=1 episode and the Clinton Foundation play for play. He was well aware of what was happening.

@Greg: #28 Oh no the media will write and say bad things about him? Are you saying the other intelligence agencies will assassinate him or he will commit Arkancide? Shut down Mueller investigation and Mueller will do what? You speak of boogey men, black pete and the monster under the bed, Sessions is a big boy and can use their own paper trail to give cause. He has a flashlight to see there is nothing lurking in the closet or behind the furnace in the creepy cellar.

@Randy, #29:

Nothing specific is known concerning the reasons for McCabe’s termination. Jeff Sessions:

Both the OIG and FBI OPR reports concluded that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor—including under oath—on multiple occasions.

An unnamed, unauthorized disclosure? And he lacked candor? That’s about as vague as a description could get. Knowing nothing more than that, accusations of treason and a RICO violation are utter nonsense.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s statement on his firing

“The OIG investigation has focused on information I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor. As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter. It was the type of exchange with the media that the Deputy Director oversees several times per week. In fact, it was the same type of work that I continued to do under Director Wray, at his request. The investigation subsequently focused on who I talked to, when I talked to them, and so forth. During these inquiries, I answered questions truthfully and as accurately as I could amidst the chaos that surrounded me. And when I thought my answers were misunderstood, I contacted investigators to correct them.

“But looking at that in isolation completely misses the big picture. The big picture is a tale of what can happen when law enforcement is politicized, public servants are attacked, and people who are supposed to cherish and protect our institutions become instruments for damaging those institutions and people.

“Here is the reality: I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey. The release of this report was accelerated only after my testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed that I would corroborate former Director Comey’s accounts of his discussions with the President. The OIG’s focus on me and this report became a part of an unprecedented effort by the Administration, driven by the President himself, to remove me from my position, destroy my reputation, and possibly strip me of a pension that I worked 21 years to earn. The accelerated release of the report, and the punitive actions taken in response, make sense only when viewed through this lens. Thursday’s comments from the White House are just the latest example of this”

@Greg: Lacking candor in FBI speak is a nice word to describe someone who lies under oath or as part of his official job. That is not vague, it is cause for dismissal of a law enforcement official. Keep grasping for straws! What is someone who vigorously defends someone who commits treason called by lying or altering facts? Isn’t that also called treason? Would that describe you Greg? Do you actually have the ability to analyze facts and legal procedures to come to a valid collusion? I guess it comes down to this. You either have no deductive capabilities, your are ignorant or you are purposely supporting a traitor to the United States by lying about known facts. Which is it?


McCabe’s loss of pension is likely just the beginning of the penalties he may be eligible for.

If it stands. It will be contested and no doubt some liberal judge will be sought out to rule on it and, like Brennan and Samantha powers, will believe that government officials who act at the behest of liberal causes are above the law and accountability.

IF it stands, I suspect the government will just think he’s been punished enough and leave him to go on to make millions blaming everyone but himself for his loss. If it doesn’t hold up, we may see the pursuit of charges. Personally, for the sake of sending the message that such activity is NOT tolerated, I prefer both actions.


Do you really believe everybody is crooked and part of a conspiracy but Trump and his associates?

Interestingly, that is about the sum of what Mueller, the FBI and Congress has found. Funny, huh?

And he lacked candor?

That’s polite-speak for “lying”. He lied. Probably under oath, but he lied. He should have been fired for not recusing himself in the Hillary email “matter”. Not doing so put a permanent stain on that “investigation” as well as on the FBI.

Here is the reality: I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey.

Sounds like McCabe is accusing the FBI of vindictive partisanship. Golly, Greg, isn’t that the kind of accusations you used to bristle up at? Isn’t McCabe demeaning the character and reputation of hard-working and dedicated personnel? Or, as in all things liberal, is it simply “different” when liberalism is the focus?


I guess it comes down to this. You either have no deductive capabilities, your are ignorant or you are purposely supporting a traitor to the United States by lying about known facts. Which is it?

Liberals drop all pretense of objectivity, honesty, respect, honor or patriotism to defend the liberal agenda since that agenda usually is in opposition to all that. The firing of McCabe is a harbinger of the end of the deep state. It is the death knell of the deep state’s seditious goals and liberals are very, very upset about it. McCabe is the tip of the iceberg and I believe there is much, much more and much, much worse to come. All courtesy of Obama.

@Greg: candor definition, meaning, what is candor: the quality of being honest, sincere, and kind in dealing with other people
Lack of candor definition, meaning: Lying sack of seditious Sh!t, a MSNBC, CNN news report, see Rachel Maddow or Chris Cuomo for visual.

@kitt: Candor and honesty are not things the left values or even expects. Ends which justify the means is all they care about. Had Hillary won, McCabe would have gotten promotions and reward. Instead, the criminal efforts of him and others has been exposed and, I hope and pray, the ax will fall…. HARD.

@Deplorable Me: Had to put in definition as Greg doesnt seem to have a dictionary cant discern why Mc Cabe was released from service before he could retire on our dime. I understand he is flush with cash enough to file suit to fight this decision. But I think this will lead to Clinton indictments, Obama seriously lacked candor when he stated he first heard about this server on the news, he EMAILED her to the address and like she missed the C for classified he missed the odd address not at dot gov. Drooling idiots?
Rich may have dropped out of our conversation, perhaps dove into the Mc Cain foxhole, I served therefore I dont need to answer.

Trump’s latest epistle to the masses:

Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans? Another Dem recently added…does anyone think this is fair? And yet, there is NO COLLUSION!

Is there any intelligence out there capable of being insulted?

@Greg: Only a liberal wouldn’t find that composition absolutely unacceptable while at the same time complain because someone in that clique got fired for lying under oath and leaking information.

@Deplorable Me, #39:

Only a complete idiot would staff his investigative team with Trump loyalists. We already saw how that works with the House Intelligence Committee investigation.

That’s not happening this time. Trump lackeys aren’t conducting the investigation, nor is the Special Counsel secretly trotting off to the White House to fill the boss in on what’s going on.

Trump’s Twitter post is classic Trump b.s. Mueller is a registered republican. So is Rod Rosenstein, who appointed him. 13 of the 16 members of Mueller’s team are, in fact, democrats, who have donated to Clinton campaigns. What does that prove? Donald Trump was a long time democrat, who donated large sums to Clinton campaigns on 6 different occasions. If they weren’t democrats, he’d likely be attacking them for being anti-Trump republicans or RINOs.

@Deplorable Me: You are wrong! Only liberals who lack intelligence would not “find that composition absolutely unacceptable while at the same time complain because someone in that clique got fired for lying under oath and leaking information“. Maybe my statement was redundant!


Only a complete idiot would staff his investigative team with Trump loyalists. We already saw how that works with the House Intelligence Committee investigation.

Why? Is that somehow worse than carrying on an investigation with people who all have their own personal desire for a specific, politically favorable end? What a hypocritical ass you have exposed yourself to be!

Well, not only did the HIC find no collusion by the Trump administration, but the FBI already had as well. It appears now that the Obama weaponization of the FBI is being expunged, you now hate the FBI and the loyal, UNBIASED members of the organization.

@Randy: Yes, you check your intelligence and capacity for independent thought at the door when you become a liberal. This is how one accepts the order to support someone that violated the public trust and not only protected abuses of handling classified information and threats to national security but committed those offenses himself. But, these people cheered on the treacherous and sexually confused scum Manning, so who’s surprised?

Sundance has been right on the money with some of his analysis of the coup and how all this is going unfold.

Why? Is that somehow worse than carrying on an investigation with people who all have their own personal desire for a specific, politically favorable end? What a hypocritical ass you have exposed yourself to be!

I’m not your problem. The fact that you’ve elected an grossly unqualified, deeply flawed, psychologically unbalanced, egocentric infant to the presidency of the United States is the problem. He wasn’t vetted before his nomination, and you don’t want him to be closely examined now.


The fact that you’ve elected an grossly unqualified, deeply flawed, psychologically unbalanced, egocentric infant to the presidency of the United States is the problem. He wasn’t vetted before his nomination, and you don’t want him to be closely examined now.

Perfect description of Former President Obama, and he still has all his records sealed…why is that? Not that I expect an answer from the apex of hypocrisy.


I’m not your problem.

You certainly aren’t. However, based on your own positions, you ARE a hypocrite. Republicans are biased but Democrats, even when they DISPLAY bias, are not.

The fact that you’ve elected an grossly unqualified, deeply flawed, psychologically unbalanced, egocentric infant to the presidency of the United States is the problem.

No, that’s YOUR problem. You support Obama and Hillary, two proven incompetents, both corrupt and Hillary a proven liar and criminal. Therefore, by your very actions, you prove you have no idea what competent, balanced, flawed or qualified even is. You support ideologues and spend your time making excuses for their failures, crimes and scandals. THAT’S your problem.

He wasn’t vetted before his nomination, and you don’t want him to be closely examined now.

Well, yeah. He was. He was a public figure for 40 years. The only things not known about Trump is what you whiny babies are going to make up next. Plus, Obama vetted him. Illegally. He found nothing. The FBI found nothing. Mueller has found nothing. You shouldn’t be surprised that the things you make up in your own mind turn out not to be true.

Well, yeah. He was. He was a public figure for 40 years. The only things not known about Trump is what you whiny babies are going to make up next.

Why do I suspect you haven’t once taken your Trump hat off since sometime before the 2016 election?

@Greg: Why do you continue to support know liars and people who commit criminal acts like the Clintons, McCabe, Comey and others? Wearing a hat doesn’t make someone incapable to thought. Lacking logical thought or adopting ideology instead of following integrity does. We all know you do not wear a hat.


Why do I suspect you haven’t once taken your Trump hat off since sometime before the 2016 election?

Gee, I don’t know… because you are so indoctrinated by liberal propaganda that you have no idea what the real world is like?


@Greg: Why do you continue to support know liars and people who commit criminal acts like the Clintons, McCabe, Comey and others?

If you are a liberal, your choices are very limited.