The Abortionazis

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I don’t think I ever imagined this country would or could come to this. Never would I have believed the determination of the left to kill babies. Never would I have believed the determination of the left to eliminate all pregnancies. Never did I ever think pregnancy would become a disease that needed to be eradicated.

But it’s here.

As with most of the bizarre issues rendering the country today, it began in the obama era. Back in his pre-Presidential days, he lied about his vote for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act in 2003.

At issue is an Illinois bill in 2003 called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act that Mr. Obama voted against, which was modeled on federal legislation enacted the previous year declaring that in failed abortions resulting in a live birth, the baby must be given normal medical treatment. This was in response to a gruesome practice whereby abortions involving induced labor were resulting in unintended live births – and those infants were simply being left to die. It had passed the U.S. Senate without any dissent.
Mr. Obama contended that he “would have been completely in, fully in support of the federal bill that everybody supported,” but that he voted against the 2003 Illinois bill because “that was not the bill that was presented at the state level.” Except that it was.

He was all for killing babies and he brought that with him to the White House and the rest of the country. The state of New York jumped on board, passing a law allowing abortion for any reason whatsoever. Andrew Cuomo and leftists celebrated the law, which allows abortion right up the moment of birth.

Then democrats blocked a Republican bill that was largely modeled after the one obama blocked in Chicago which soiught to save babies born alive:

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have required that “any health care practitioner present” at the time of a birth “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”

In the same year in Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam casually described how a child born alive could be left to die– if Mom decided she didn’t want the baby after all:

In response, Northam said that a baby born alive could be “kept comfortable” and then “resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired” – the implication being that the baby could be left to die if the family decided they did not want to keep their child.
“In this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Now it’s not just babies, it’s gotten to the point that pregnancy itself is a problem. Kamala Harris recently remarked

“Women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue.”

As if it’s a disease, like cancer.

Joe Biden has become so rabidly anti-life that he plans to issue a rule demanding that doctors- even pro-life doctors- kill babies or face the loss of employment

Now, Joe Biden’s HHS department released a proposed rule that reinterprets federal law to prohibit discrimination based on the basis of “termination of pregnancy”—an action that could force physicians and hospitals to perform abortions and employers to cover abortions in their health insurance plans. Such a rule would be in direct violation of Title IX that explicitly says it cannot be used to require people to provide or pay for any service related to abortions.

There is no more discussion in this country. You either agree with the fringe left or you’re damned.

With the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, it is no longer enough to be pro-choice. Indeed, the term “pro-choice” has been declared harmful by the now ironically named “Pro-Choice Caucus.” Today, it seems you must be anti-pro-life to be truly pro-choice — and, across the country, pro-life viewpoints are being declared virtual hate speech.

This one really got to me

On Sunday, almost half of the University of Michigan’s incoming medical school class walked out of a “White Coat Ceremony” to protest keynote speaker Dr. Kristin Collier. Collier was not planning to discuss abortion, but — because she holds pro-life views — students launched an unsuccessful campaign to block her from speaking.

She was boycotted not for the substance of her speech, but for her personal convictions. I wish I knew the names of those petty twits who walked out. Were it up to me I would deny them their MD degrees. Such intolerance of other opinions makes for a solitary minded practitioner- a dangerous one unwilling to seek the counsel of others, many more experienced. As a consumer you do not want any of them treating you or your family.

Jim Harbaugh declared his pro-life beliefs and the pro-death sect seized upon him

In addition to calls for his termination, Harbaugh was accused of being “full of deep seething hatred of women” and “publicly expressing his distaste for women’s rights.” The liberal Palmer Report posted (with thousands of “likes”) that “no one who actively attempts to deny women their most basic rights should ever be allowed to hold a position of influence at a public university … He’s a public employee. Fire his ass.”

Dozens of pregnancy centers across the country have been attacked. Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants them shut down. It gets even worse:

Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) vetoed $20 million in funding for groups and advertising offering non-abortion resources and counseling. Such counseling efforts were denounced as “deceptive” attempts to “prey” on women.

As Jonathan Turley says, “Today, it seems you must be anti-pro-life to be truly pro-choice — and, across the country, pro-life viewpoints are being declared virtual hate speech.” To that point, here’s Hakeem Jeffries:


If you’re pro-life you are an extreme threat to this country. How depraved does it get?

Life is being cheapened to the point of being worthless. If one can abort a child after birth, why not a month later or ten years later? Or 79 years later?

I sense Soros behind this. The elimination of all American babies and the import of illegals is not a coincidence. How far away are we from pregnancy becoming a crime?


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Abortion is barbaric, backwards, and selfish. Men and women have the right to their own bodies, and to engage in conventual sex…both accepting the consequences, including the obvious reason that sex exists: to make a baby.

Once a life is created in the woman’s womb, the argument of “my body, my choice” is dismissed, as there are now two bodies.

No religion needed. This is just what educated, civilized people do.

Educated, civilized people realize that the size of the world’s current population is already destroying the global ecosystem.

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Educated, civilized people realize that the size of the world’s current population is already destroying the global ecosystem.

So, in your opinion, murdering babies is the answer. Typical of leftists: attack the weakest and most defenseless.

Educated, civilized people realize that the size of the world’s current population is already destroying the global ecosystem.

Thank you for reminding us you’re one of the genocidal, Malthusian nut-jobs who simply want to kill the rest of us off so you can have the planet to yourself.

Indoctrinated, godless monkeys believe “the size of the world’s current population is already destroying the global ecosystem.”

Educated, civilized people, know that free will is the only way to make the world as good as it can be. We also know what happens when the dumber part of our population, which you represent, is allowed to pop off and spread bad ideas that lead to ruin.

As we watch the world under the rule of your idiotic ideologies slide into the man-made infections, famines, and wars (none of it caused by overpopulation, all of it caused by politics), you might want to consider people will rise up and stop you lunatics.

It’s coming.

The WEF’s world elites and their willing puppets in power in various countries are waging a multi-pronged war on the human population.
They want it cut down quite a bit.
Like down to 1/2 billion.
So, abortion is a big player.
But so is ruining the food supply chain, making diesel fuel so costly farmers can’t make a profit if they buy it to harvest their crops.
Food processing plants are under attack.
Food acreage is being bought up by these elites who then only grow foods for themselves with a side of fake meat and insects.
One of the consequences of all this is women decide to forego having babies unless things start looking better.
If it weren’t for the 3rd world and their baby booms, we’d probably see the earth’s human population take a downturn.
(But then there’s ebola and polio.)

Educated, civilized people realize that the size of the world’s current population is already destroying the global ecosystem.

Then why haven’t you done your part to reduce the size of the world’s current population by removing yourself from these worldly bounds? And be sure to have yourself cremated as I know you would not want to take up good earth that could be used for other purposes.

Or are you admitting that in your opinion, you are neither educated or civilized?

And be sure to have yourself cremated as I know you would not want to take up good earth that could be used for other purposes.

Wouldn’t composting be a better option? Cremation would contribute to global warming; it can’t be done without flame.

True nihilists like greg NEVER destroy themselves.

They only every destroy other people in a cheap and deranged hope of finding some absolution for the despair of their own existence.

Or be thrown into the ocean. There are certain aquatic species that are not very particular about what they eat.

Never did I ever think pregnancy would become a disease that needed to be eradicated.

Whether people like it or not, pregnancy is a pathological condition. Women have always sought ways to end pregnancies. Many cultures have “folk medicines” believed or known to induce spontaneous abortions. The problem with the current situation is that protagonists see things in absolute terms – it’s all or nothing. Should a woman who has been gang raped be forced to carry the foetus to remind her of the terror of the rape? Should a foetus with a birth defect be terminated? If yes, what is the “acceptable” list of birth defects, and at what point is the limit of termination?
It is easy to suggest that women in favour of unrestricted abortion on the basis of “choice” want to absolve themselves of the consequences of their choices of engaging in consensual sexual relations. Similarly, men who support unrestricted abortion really want to absolve themselves of the consequences and responsibilities of spreading their seed.
In reality, abortion is not black and white, it is nuanced. Pretending it isn’t will only lead to extremist positions rather than good decisions.

Perhaps NO abortion is an extreme position, but it wasn’t in practice. However, when the left took abortion on demand for any reason up to the moment of birth, they made their position the extreme position. When the inevitable outrage from civilized society exploded, they would not back away from that position… one, by the way, they USED to swear they never held… and compromise.

If abortion is going to exist, there HAS to be a time beyond which abortion is not permitted, but for extreme conditions. But the left doesn’t want to entertain such reason. Yes, the current argument is two extremes, but when one extreme is, by any definition, murder, the point is truly moot.

If the State can seize control of any woman’s body and mandate that she continue an unwanted pregnancy, why can’t the State seize control of YOU and MANDATE that you be vaccinated whenever they deem it appropriate, imprisoning you if you refuse?

The State could make the same argument that anti-choice zealots make against abortion: that they’re protecting the lives of others by doing so.

What if you believe the vaccination endangers your own life or well-being? Hey. NO EXCEPTIONS. Think of the others that you might infect.

The real motive of the anti-choice crowd always comes down to one person wanting to impose restrictions based on their own religious convictions on those who don’t share them—a motive that was purposefully constrained by the first sentence of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The State is in no way shape or form “seizing” control of any woman’s body.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

A woman’s choice in this country, thank God, is protected by the Constitution.

There are no rights they don’t have that men do, nothing remotely unequal.

And also thankfully, with freedom comes responsibility.

The life of a child and the responsibility a woman has to bear it is what civilized, educated societies support.

The usual sexual deviancy that precedes a societal collapse has been pushed back for at least a while.

The genocidal goals of Leftists result in one thing: no babies being born.

LGBT makes no babies, and abortion on demand as the false “right” kills off the unborn.

There’s no religion involved: it’s merely common sense. Humans live on, make babies, fix problems, cause new ones, fix them…on and on.

The pathetic little crowd of useless imps like you driving to simply destroy humanity so you can live off the husk of what we masses of people built is never going to happen.

The mRNA treatment given to mass populations was not effective, and does not currently do anything against getting Covid, or protect against the weaker and weaker symptoms the new strains bring to bear. Quadruple-vaxxed former VP Biden is proof enough.

It is not a vaccine. The CDC was allowed to criminally change the definition of “vaccine” to fit this failed treatment into their regime.

The First Amendment is doing it’s job: Preventing wack-job Atheists from making their religion the law of the land.

It’s so good to see you idiots losing the war, daily.

You’re talking shit, sonny boy. Backward states HAVE legally seized control of the bodies of pregnant women, taking from them the choice of whether or not to continue their pregnancies, often without giving a good goddamn about how the pregnancy came about, or what its continuation could mean for the health an well-being of the mother. Some backward states would even force the continuation of pregnancies after it becomes known that severe congenital malformations are developing that will eventually lead to births resulting in lives of suffering and torment.

The State is forcibly invading private decision-making spaces that should only be between a woman, her personal conscience, and her physicans, pandering to religious zealots and men who believe women SHOULD BE robbed of personal control.

Governments have been overthrown for less severe insults to personal liberty and personal religious freedom. Hopefully that will be done at the ballot box, but you’re eroding that democratic mechanism, too.

The State is in no way shape or form “seizing” control of any woman’s body.

If the State can seize control of any woman’s body and mandate that she continue an unwanted pregnancy, why can’t the State seize control of YOU and MANDATE that you be vaccinated whenever they deem it appropriate, imprisoning you if you refuse?

Um… they did. That is EXACTLY what they did, and you cheered it on. So, the reverse of your question is relevant as well. What’s your answer to THAT?

You and I have gone through this before and you will not admit there is a time in a pregnancy when the baby within the mother is, beyond any possible argument, regarded as a living human being. THAT is the answer, brother. Why can’t you leftists accept it, define it and move on? If the abortion cult is so damned important to you, why can’t you use a little common sense and rational thought and accept some limits?

You abortion zealots handed this victory right into the hands of the pro-life group. You went well beyond any modicum of civilized behavior and openly celebrated abortion up to the moment of birth and, should the baby survive THAT, just walking out of the room and letting it die on a table. What the F**K did you expect the reaction from civilized people who respect life and love children to be?

You leftists better learn to discard your extremist goals or get used to defeat and disappointment. The abortion crowd has lost any sympathy from me.

That is EXACTLY what they did…

If they had, those who refused vaccination and all who aided them would be subject to State prosecution and imprisonment. That wasn’t the case, was it?

You’re making a false equivalency between forcing someone to take a weak, ineffective, and informationally-hidden treatment for a virus that is not serious and simply understanding a pregnancy leads to a birth, and ending the pregnancy ends the birth..and life.

Just shut up.

You’re a fool.

Why don’t you get your hands dirty and do what it is you REALLY want to do?

Like Hitler, greg and the Davos-people he serves believe a certain amount of people must be wiped from the planet for everything to better.

We’ll stop him like we stopped them.

People have been fired from their jobs and kicked out of the military for refusing a vaccine that is not only ineffective against the current variants but can be harmful to young and healthy individuals. Yeah, that is EXACTLY what this government did.

Beyond that, zealots like yourself openly promoted people being jailed for refusing the vaccine or even refusing to wear the useless masks. You think people don’t notice or remember such stupidity?

Why don’t you wake the f**k up, stupid?

Hey “greg.” You should at least try to sound like the other people that use the “greg” identity, you know?

It’s embarrassing.

Democrats have eroded our democratic processes. Trump? He was voted in to stop these creeps from taking further control. A man-made virus was released, an election rigged, and a false-flag conducted to rob American’s of their democracy.

The Religious Left has been pushed out of a public that doesn’t want them there. Abortion on demand is societal suicide, and has nothing to do with religion.

The Federal Government has simply said “no” to the trick-f*ck Roe v Wade debacle and restored the issue of abortion to the States, where it belongs.

Local, State, Fed.

It’s bottom up, not a totalitarian Fed telling us what to do.

Governments have been overthrown for less severe insults to personal liberty and personal religious freedom. Hopefully that will be done at the ballot box, but you’re eroding that democratic mechanism, too.

Uh, Democrats “own” the Senate, Congress, and the WH.

What more do you exactly need then?

Our Republic is a lot harder to take over than you’d like, isn’t it?

Thank God the SC has remained intact, and upheld the separation of church and state by defeating the Leftwing religionists.

You pigs have failed.

The State is in no way shape or form “seizing” control of any woman’s body.

Of course the State is, moron. Some particularly backward, authoritarian states are telling pregnant women that an unwanted pregnancy must continue until birth, regardless of how the pregnancy occurred, regardless of its effect on the health and well-being of the mother, and regardless of any probability that its continuation will result in a human with such severe congenital malformations in a life of torment and suffering.

“Seizing control” can hardly get worse than that. State violation of personal privacy and liberty can hardly get worse than that. Liberty cannot exist when choice is taken away.

Governments are overthrown for less.

Perhaps you should get educated on how American government works.

Roe was poorly ruled. Even RBG said it would be dropped.

Rightly so.

Now democracy flourishes because the abortion issue is being decided at the State level, as the Constitution demands.

We’re pushing back you and the rest of the Leftwing religionists who are forcing your ideologies on the rest of us, literally having the government get infected with the Woke Church by proclaiming their faith in the non-existent trans movement as illegal executive action and law.

We’re not part of your religion. Stop trying to codify it with undemocratic actions.

The First Amendment was written for a reason: to stop religious zealots like you from destroying our nation with idiotic, cult-based group think.

Governments are overthrown for less.

So you and the rest of the Left/Democrats are going to overthrow the Left/Democrat-owned Senate, Congress, and WH?

Think before you write, son.

And we’ve already seen the overthrow of our government. You’re just looking for a reason to go public with it, the usual inversion as you mask your coup by accusing your enemies of waging a coup.

Worked in Ukraine, and on the steps of our Capitol. CIA regime-change, 101.

But….the SC struck back…and what are you losers going to do? Pack the Court? Attack the SC?

Governments are overthrown for less.


In every state, women can get abortion.

Every. State. No bodies are seized.

People have been fired from their jobs and kicked out of the military for refusing a vaccine…

That would be the prerogative of their employer, who may fully understand the danger the unvaccinated pose to other vulnerable employees, and to his or her entire business operation.

That would be the prerogative of their employer, who may fully understand the danger the unvaccinated pose to other vulnerable employees, and to his or her entire business operation.

The idiot Biden regime was mandating the vaccines and forcing it upon industries such as airlines. They had little choice NOT to force the vaccines. In the case of the military, who is the employer there? Hmmmm?

So, if you accept the government forcing vaccinations, masks, shutting down businesses and public gatherings, which you indeed did and supported, why not allow government to tell women when they can be pregnant and grant or refuse permission for an abortion? That is in no way the current situation, but since you support forced medications, why do you draw the line at individual choice for abortion?

The idiot Biden regime was mandating the vaccines and forcing it upon industries such as airlines…

Airlines can fly a communicable disease to the other side of the world in a day, or anywhere in the nation in hours. The Federal Government has authority over interstate and international commerce, and understood what a significant vector air travel represented. Biden would have been an idiot NOT to have attempted to control such spread. Given that he’s NOT an idiot, failure to do so would have been nothing less than dereliction of duty.

COVID vaccination saved millions of lives. The differing mortality rates between the vaccinated and unvaccinated is compelling evidence of that fact.

As we now know, being vaccinated or unvaccinated didn’t affect how the virus was transmitted.

It was merely an exercise in government compliance.

The un-mRNA treated poses NO threat to anyone. Those refusing the treatment have proven themselves to be the more intelligence among us, in fact.

The differing mortality rates between the vaccinated and unvaccinated is compelling evidence of that fact.

Nah. It’s about the same, so it’s only compelling in proving the “vaccine” had very, very limited effects, and was hardly worth destroying people’s Constitutional Rights over.

Meanwhile the Southern border is wide open as the unvaccinated pour in. Does the Federal government not “fully understand the danger the unvaccinated pose”? Not to mention fentanyl.

On the other hand. Novak Djokovic can’t play in U.S. Open unless he has COVID vaccination, tournament organizers confirm.

You do stupid well.

Republicans have made American women into second-class citizens and reproductive property of the State. Nullify them with your vote.

Republicans have made American women into second-class citizens and reproductive property of the State. Nullify them with your vote.

Republicans did no such thing. Democrats treat women like political tools. Those who are inconvenienced by not being allowed to kill their babies get no sympathy from me.

Nah. The Supreme Court did their job and dropped a case they had no right to rule on.

Republicans had nothing to do with it.

Now women are free to make their own choices, as they were before. And they are free to live with the consequences.

Democrats already “own” the Senate, the House, and the WH. So how exactly is “voting” going to change anything?

Even with that, you’re telling me the Democrats can’t seem to achieve any of things on their agenda?

They must be incompetent, and will be soundly voted out of office.

Unless they cheat, then they kiss having any power or influence in our country goodbye.

“Republicans have made American women into second-class citizens and reproductive property of the State.”

Yeah, Comrade Greggie, tell that to all of the “American women” who fought for Title IX so that they could have a place in the sports world (universities) that have watched as the Democrats have done everything they could to destroy those rights.

Your side of the aisle have degraded pregnant women by call them “birthing people” or some such other stupid name. You have encouraged men who can’t win in sports to claim they now feel like a woman so they can win in women’s sports. Your side of the aisle have done every thing you could to disparage women and make them second class citizens after we fought for equality. All the while the bogus left wing NOW remains silent. Their silence shows their real agenda and it was never about the rights of women.

For those humans who hold that human life is sovereign to the individual and the individual is not the slave of some state bureaucracy, the individual child does not occur until after childbirth. Motherhood is a woman’s commitment that her child will be nurtured in a loving manner and it is greater, more unique, and more profound than what can be mustered by committees of state agents who wish to enslave mothers, and to punish mothers and their doctors, and other agents who serve the mother’s commitment to, or choice against a particular commitment to motherhood. Religious zealots attempt to use their religion to contest the sovereignty of the free individual with weak and shabby arguments promoting their imagined religious superiority.

Is it “religious zealotry” to oppose, on moral and humanitarian grounds, abortion of a child up to the moment of birth? Is it “religious zealotry” to oppose late term, partial birth abortion? No, it’s called being a human being.

Aside from rare medical emergencies, there is NO reason to support late term abortions. Yet, this is what catalyzed the decision in the Supreme Court, which was the correct and Constitutional decision.

Okay, greg or Ron/AJ.

The only religion we’re having an issue with is Atheism. Blatantly using tricks in the SC to push a eugenics program no one wants isn’t what this country is about.

the individual child does not occur until after childbirth.

That’s now up to the states, and their constituencies, to decide. When you follow a path of relativism, as you seem to do, anything you say is simply a dismissible opinion.

Hiding behind platitudes about “motherhood” is what a cowardly bitch would do.

No one is getting punished, mothers least of all. They have now been released of the shackles of a religion bent on depopulating the planet.

Move along, boy. It’s over.

For those humans who hold that human life is sovereign to the individual

NO ONE holds to that.

America is different, because we hold that human life is sovereign by way of God. That’s the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac. Not a concept.

Ehrlich’s Population Bomb myth is just that a total Myth with nothing to back it up and not one of his predictions have ever happned or ever will happen

Well it looks that the Biden administration is not happy with anything less than an abortion to include after birth. Is this shortage of baby formula initiated by FDA part of an effort to kill off venerable children who need the nutrition of these formulas?

Probably not. They like to actually be there when they kill a baby.

Its a cult, they have their sacraments they have their rituals. They want to eliminate the thing that god has formed.
Now the shape shifting lizards want us to eat bugs, jeeze thats what lizards eat.
The UN has declared war on conspiracy theorists, right after they mada a pact with WEF, they want it hushed up that super rich elites run the world.
I am not a theorist I am one that shines a light.

The right routinely lies to “prove” their claims: “The Indiana attorney general’s investigation into an Ob-Gyn who provided abortion services to a 10-year-old Ohio girl includes six consumer complaints from people who never interacted or communicated with the doctor, her attorney says.”

Trump’s Big Lie that there was “massive voter fraud” in 2020 is no different. There’s NO credible evidence that it happened—only endlessly repeated memes and lies referencing other memes and lies. They lost over 60 court cases, before both republican and democratic judges. Republican election officials have repeatedly pointed out that the claims are lies.

“her attorney says”. Maybe HE’S lying. After all, they are trying to cover up a crime.

The anti-choice propagandists BEGAN with the lie that that the entire story was a fabrication. When that failed, they claimed the girl could have had an abortion in Ohio, which was ALSO total bullshit. Now they’ve targeted the Indiana doctor who saved a 10-year-old rape victim from carrying the child of her rapist with lies intended to destroy her career.

They’ve had their three strikes on this one. They won’t give it up, though, because they hope to put women in the same situation in Indiana. THAT’s what the GOP has become.

“her attorney says”. Maybe HE’S lying. After all, they are trying to cover up a crime.

Dr. Bernard committed no crime. She performed a lawful abortion and properly and timely reported it to the proper authorities—yet ANOTHER thing that her accusers lied about.

With the assistance of the GOP, maybe religious zealots can bring back trials for witchcraft. That was once an effective means of keeping the women in line.

Trump’s Big Lie that there was “massive voter fraud” in 2020 is no different. There’s NO credible evidence that it happened—only endlessly repeated memes and lies referencing other memes and lies. They lost over 60 court cases, before both republican and democratic judges. Republican election officials have repeatedly pointed out that the claims are lies.
If it was a lie they would be rubbing our noses in it and dumping the millions of legitimate votes on the front lawn of Mara Largo, not fighting tooth and nail to hide machines and everything else.
You havent fooled anyone, everybody knows.
But why change the subject goose stepper?

Actually greggie, most of the story created by the left was a lie. No one in Indiania prevented an abortion due to rape. When one really looks at the whole store, it is even worse than first reported. The “illegal” mother of the child is also pregnant, the child was previously pregnant and had an abortion (she was younger than 10 then), the sister is pregnant and the man who made them pregnant is illegal. The new laws in Indiana had nothing to do with the child “fleeing” to another state for an abortion. The real story was statutory rape of several minors, but the village idiot overlooked the real story!

The newly empowered laws that prevented the 10-year-old from receiving humane care were in OHIO, not Indiana. That’s why she had to be taken to Indiana for an abortion.

Lying GOP a-holes like the Indiana AG would like to follow suit here, and will do so if they remain in office. If you’re looking for proto-Nazis, look no further than men who believe they should be able to control women using the powers of the church and state.

The new laws in Indiana had nothing to do with the child “fleeing” to another state for an abortion. The real story was statutory rape of several minors, but the village idiot overlooked the real story!

The anti-choice propagandists BEGAN with the lie that that the entire story was a fabrication.

It was a complete lie. She could have gotten her abortion in Ohio. They probably wanted to use a doctor that would cover the fact that the mother’s wetback boyfriend raped the girl.

The mother was trafficking her children and herself, was she also an illegal?

Current Ohio law makes no exception that would have applied to the state’s abortion ban in the child’s case. She was beyond the 6-week statutory cutoff point, and had no condition that made abortion a medical necessity to save her life. Any Ohio doctor who provided abortion services would have been subject to criminal prosecution and revocation of his or her license to practice. That’s why she had to be sent out of state.

In the first place, she had 6 weeks. Next, according to the Ohio AG, there most definitely IS an exclusion for medical exigency, which a pregnant 10 year old would be.

Like everything else you hang your hat on, it was all a complete lie. Or, they were too stupid to know the law.

Republican state officials have already persecuted her doctors in both states for seeing that she received the medical services she needed.

If she could have gotten her abortion in Ohio, why are they now making such a big deal of the fact that she did so in Indiana, where there’s presently no question about its legality?

Are you under the impression that doctors don’t have lawyers?

Like everything else you hang your hat on, it was all a complete lie. Or, they were too stupid to know the law.

Republican state officials have already persecuted her doctors in both states for seeing that she received the medical services she needed.

Still lying, I see. No, they are holding her accountable for not reporting the rape. A big deal should be made out of the left lying about her not being able to get an abortion and completely glossing over a heinous rape, which they still don’t care about.

What greg and other Atheist Religionists fail to grasp is abortion on demand creates a society where 10-year-olds would get raped in the first place.

He destroys his own argument with this clickbait tripe, every time.

Accusing the doctor of “not reporting the rape” is absurd. There are NO circumstances when a pregnant 10-year-old child WOULDN’T have resulted from rape.

Did the doctor need to point this out to the brain-dead state officials to whom all details of the medical procedure WERE timely and properly reported?

Republicans just don’t want to be publicly confronted with the real world consequences of their moronic law.

Still lying, I see. No, they are holding her accountable for not reporting the rape.


Accusing the doctor of “not reporting the rape” is absurd. There are NO circumstances when a pregnant 10-year-old child WOULDN’T have resulted from rape.

Yet they didn’t report it, as specifically required by law.

How about confronting your open borders/sanctuary policies? There would have been no rape but for that, or the hundreds that happen at the border.

The patient was 10. That information was part of the report timely-filed with the state. The pregnancy could only have resulted from rape.

When a doctor reports treating a gunshot wound—as is required by law in most states—does the state then go after the doctor for failing to specifically mention that someone fired a shot?

The AG’s latest accusation is an insult to his supporters’ intelligence.

Yet they didn’t report it, as specifically required by law.

This is a suspicious outlier case meant to confuse and simply lie about abortion.

It would have never happened if a) we didn’t live in a Woke religious hell, the division between “church” and state crossed by Atheist Fundamentalists, and b) Our Southern Border was secure.

Either way, the rape of this 10 year old (if it even happened) is Biden and the Democrat Party’s fault, completely.

But, that’s not the law. The law isn’t “Here are some details, you figure it out and act accordingly.” It is specifically the doctor report a rape to law enforcement.

There are a number of ways to receive a gunshot wound. There is but one way to be raped. It was another leftist coverup to try to prevent damage to their disastrous policies and agenda.