Welcome to Day 374 of the President* “Gird Your Loins!” occupation of the White House. And of course, one year on The Radical Left hasn’t gotten any less crazy. As shown here:
1/19 – FACTCHECK: Facts Can Be Artfully Arranged to Drive Political Narratives!
We’re probably going to see a lot more news out of Virginia in the near future. And I’m not just overhyping home town news. Look no further than how the first two weeks of the Youngkin administration have triggered a complete meltdown by The Radical Left, including Ginger Goebells starting a Twitter spat, I’m reminded of the phrase that you draw the most flak when you’re flying over your target. It looks like Virginia might be the heart of the counterattack to retake America
A buddy and I were speculating over a few beers. My buddy thinks that Stern might be making his monthly proclamations to get ahead of the Cancel Culture, since you can’t go 20 minutes through a few decades of Stern’s work to find a reason to have him permanently banned. I took it a step further, wondering if Stern isn’t trying to avoid The Cosby Effect of Cos’ ban not hurting him so much as the supporting cast who aren’t as wealthy and are losing residual royalties. However obnoxious Stern may be, listening to his show & reading his books suggests that he geneinely cares for his team. I admit that this is one of my Unprovable Theories – not conspiracy, as I admit that I have no way of ever proving it. So of course, I’ll be the first to admit it if I’m ever proven completely wrong.
1/22 – DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Asks Residents to Begin Voluntary Rationing of Food at Grocery Stores
“Voluntary.” Guess what’s coming next.
1/23 – Efforts to Force Vaccine Onto Children Intensify
Ghouls. This is the type of barbarity that you see when The Radical Left feels its hold on power slipping
Wait, what ?!? I don’t know why Biden* didn’t just send Iran a pallet of cash like his main handler once did
1/24 – Brain dead: Ignorant Virginia Sen. Louise Lucas kills life-saving ivermectin prescription bill
Lest you get the impression from me that everything in Virginia is trending positively, we Normals still face an uphill battle.
1/25 – Republicans Plan To Win Back The Senate, Then Do Nothing, Per Usual
I get the counterargument that the article briefly cites, but if Cocaine Mitch wants to just let the Radical Left ruin the Democrats, why not lay out a platform of simple, vague counter moves against the Dems’ most destructive policies?
1/26 – Why the Masked and the Unmasked Have Disdain for Each Other
Dennis Prager nails it.
1/27 – Evil Florida
We haven’t had any John Stossel in a while. Be sure to also watch the accompanying video.
1/28 – Segregation Now, Segregation Forever?
The party of Segregation just can’t kick their old habits
Have a great weekend!
In Loudoun you can rape someone and stay in class but only if you wear a mask while doing it. https://t.co/88Jhc50m1e
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 24, 2022
— Razor (@hale_razor) January 21, 2022
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Here, in Utah, the signs in the stores say: LIMIT ONE!!!
And it’s not a suggestion.
Checkers are not able to scan more than one per customer.
So, I’m guessing that’s what comes next.
Here’s an obituary for a 41 year old man who died from blood clots sending him into cardiac arrest after receiving his COVID-19 vaccine.
Frankly no job is worth getting that jab.
He had no guarantee he’d keep that job for 20 years, 10 years, even 2 years.
So, it’s not worth dying for.
Ever since the start of The Wuhan Flu I started stocking up more on nonperishables, and some perishables that can be frozen. Ever since the Democrats declared war on the supply chain I’ve upped our household stores.
And I’d have a lot more faith in the jabs if the govt. & media were at least a little bit honest about potential hazards associated with The Jab
CNN hasn’t “fact checked” idiot Biden? Well, really… what would be the point? Is suspected of telling the truth? Isn’t it odd that defying Democrat mandates is treachery but defying a Republican’s mandates (which mandates NO mandates) is honorable?
I’ve never been a big Stern (except for some of his more vulgar humor), but I lost all respect when he fired his producer for making a joke about Stern’s wife. I think someone that made a living doing that to everyone else should have a little thicker skin than that, but, you know… liberals.
Is this because idiot Biden’s economy is in such great shape and doing so well?
The left simply wants to wrest control over children away from parents, many of whom cannot be trusted to properly indoctrinate their children with the leftist ideology. Funny, idiot Biden uses the “ineffective” excuse to withhold monoclonal antibodies from Florida but continues to insist vaccines ineffective against the variants are mandatory. Follow the political science.
I guess I’m pretty stupid, but explain to me how this benefits anything good in the world? Also, what is it that the UN is supposed to do anymore? Shouldn’t they be holding votes, resolutions denouncing Russia’s threats to Ukraine and organizing resistance to Putin’s invasion to preserve peace or something?
For Democrats, watching people suffer and die is preferable to giving Trump even a tiny bit of credibility. The fact is, HCQ and ivermectin are effective treatments, but the left wants to cling to their vaccines so, when they inevitably fail, they can blame those who didn’t get vaccinated for not being able to “shut down the virus.”
Democrats want to create a new status quo and maintain that for perpetuity. That status quo has them in full and total control with no electoral option to change that. Anyone that reads HR1 and doesn’t comprehend that needs to cede their seat to someone that does, because for the Democrats, it is a fight to the death. If Republicans still want to show mercy and not embarrass Democrats in defeat in the misguided and proven farcical notion that Democrats will return the favor (the status quo some Republicans believe still exists), they are wasting their time. Republicans want to play nice and maintain their positions while Democrats want to destroy them, kill them, behead them and piss on their corpses. If Republicans get the power to do so, they need to go full total war on these Democrats, impeaching idiot Biden, investigating obvious and known corruption and putting the economy back in Trump-shape. THAT will maintain a new status quo, one where respect for the law and Constitution and election integrity is preserved.
I don’t hold animosity for those who cling to their masks. Not at all. I understand there are those who simply mindlessly follow the “rules” and wearing a mask seems like an intuitive rule; the virus gets spread out of the nose and mouth, so covering them up makes sense. They choose to ignore, though, that it doesn’t make scientific sense and no matter what the masked person might hope to achieve, there are those who have done an evaluation and made an educated decision. I wonder why, if they have such faith in their masks, why if I wear one or not makes any difference to them?
On conversation I was having about masks where I provided numerous examples of their worthlessness (mostly provided HERE), a study supporting masks was provided. I noted, though, that THAT study was of N95 masks, which is not what people wear and, if they WERE forced to wear an N95 all day long, support for wearing masks would crater rapidly. If masks were effective in filtering out stupid, I would be cheering these people on, emphatically.
In their usual “follow the science” tradition, instead of studying why Florida has the same or better record against COVID as the strictest and most oppressive regions the left tries to manipulate the data to show “Democrat good, Republican bad”. Like our knowledge of exactly how many actually died from COVID, we’ll never know the answers.
Simply by virtue of the way leftists act when their mandates are not followed belies the fact that the one TRUE goal of all of this is to impose obeyance upon the population. I guess wearing a mask alone in a car is a way of telling the world, “Hey! Look at me! Look at how well I obey!”
How does one fairly fact check someone too senile to know what he’s even saying?
Lots on Virginia ok when the swamp gets disturbed there are bound to be ripples and rising methane.
Look West young man https://dailycaller.com/2022/01/27/west-virginia-jim-justice-babydog-dogs-hiney/
Apology not accepted?.
Bowser may be looking North and wondering if DC could be a Convoy target, Bob never take a corrupt Dems suggestions stock up.
Young cancels himself.
Under 30 whos that? Over 30 Hes still alive? Over 60 what in the hell is Spotify?
Canadian Truckers not alone
Our Goal is Zero Traffic Deaths” – Buttigieg Announces New Federal Strategy to Combat Traffic Fatalities (VIDEO)
Here is one for honorable mention. This moron failed at lactation for his newborns