Welcome back to Day 290 of the President Poopypants* occupation! Another interesting week from our Lefty pals, so let’s get to the insanity:
10/27 – Eloi and Morlocks in Portlandia
Fun story – in an English class I took in college we studied science fiction, and at the end of the year the prof gave a survey asking which of the cahracters in the stories we read did you most identify with. The prof rattled off the various ship captains and explorers that our classmates named, and at the end he said, “And believe it or not two of you said you’d be Morlocks!” with a puzzled look on his face. Me & my buddy turned to each other from across the room with s*** eating grins on our faces. 30 years later that dudes’ oldest son got a kick out of that story. It’s also on the short list of stories from back in the day I can share without his wife killing me.
About time. As I often say, bad behavior from Leftists stops in one of two ways – either Leftists go to jail, or Normals adapt their tactics so well that shrieks of “Both sides need to stop!” commence – Part I
10/29 – Liberal Repellant: How to Keep Your Red State Red
Bookmark this one for your own state. Fellow Virginians, we know what we need to do.
10/30 – Yes, Leftism Is A Religion: Presbyterian Church Graces Us With Hymn to Climate Change
Am I the only one who finds this honesty refreshing?
10/31 – Dem Spending Bill Includes Propping Up Liberal Media
Yes, people who hate us are demanding we pay them to do it.
11/1 – If Glenn Youngkin Wins. It Should Give The Biden Left Pause, But It Won’t
As the saying goes that I wish I’d come up with, “You can’t reason someone out of a position that they didn’t reason themselves into”
11/2 – Yes, It’s Fair To Frame The Loudoun County Rape As A ‘Cautionary Tale’
Not the flashiest article, but a good look into the substance of what actually happened
11/3 – Democrats [Tried to Use] the Same 2020 Election Shenanigans to Overtake Virginia This Year
As I often say, bad behavior from Leftists stops in one of two ways – either Leftists go to jail, or Normals adapt their tactics so well that shrieks of “Both sides need to stop!” commence – Part II
11/4 – One Minute Before Midnight
This is a lot better than the usual “Vote harder!” posts. It’s also part of a larger series I’m writing, hopefully piblishing soon.
11/5 – No Joke: Taliban Asks for International Aid to Help It Fight…Climate Change
I wish I was making this up, but damn they do know how to play the globalist nimrods
IVYMI – Their False Flag Operation Isn’t Even the Most Disgusting Thing the Lincoln Project has Done Lately and
The ONE LESSON that Democrats Must Learn from the 2021 Election (but won’t)
I gotta say I was hoping that the planetary apocalypse would be somewhat more interesting
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 1, 2021
Based https://t.co/qUOvged0CE
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) November 2, 2021
“The GOP won’t condemn their white supremacists!”
*gets caught in false flag ops*
“The GOP is pouncing on our failure to condemn our white supremacists”
— Razor (@hale_razor) October 30, 2021
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
“10/27 – Eloi and Morlocks in Portlandia” Now that Rittenhouse’s trial is underway, I have made the comment a couple of times to people condemning Rittenhouse for being where he was and defending himself with lethal force that if they don’t want 17 year old’s enforcing the law, then stop supporting people who won’t let authorized law enforcement enforce the law. Truly, they don’t get it.
“10/28 – Wisconsin Sheriff’s Office Presents Evidence Showing Election Board Committed Felony Election Fraud in 2020” And the part of the world that has been keeping up goes, “DUH!” But, I guess the good news is that the ONE and ONLY case of election fraud has been EXPOSED!
“10/29 – Liberal Repellant: How to Keep Your Red State Red” What happens when the liberal areas become uninhabitable? Of course Texas has refuges for liberals like Austin and San Antonio. The still puke them up.
“10/30 – Yes, Leftism Is A Religion: Presbyterian Church Graces Us With Hymn to Climate Change” I’m not sure their hymn is going to strike a responsive chord, so to speak. Since God has been turning the global thermostat up and down, as it pleases Him, since he made the world, I think He’ll just keep doing His thing. He just might, though, strike down those using this scam to get wealthy at the expense of others.
“10/31 – Dem Spending Bill Includes Propping Up Liberal Media” Democrats and the leftist media are partners in crime. In fact, PBS should be defunded unless they can show a more balanced and HONEST output. Oh, and the “Totally Destroy Better” bill also has $30 billion in “tree equity”. I guess they ran out of things to make up to spend money on.
“11/1 – If Glenn Youngkin Wins. It Should Give The Biden Left Pause, But It Won’t” No, it won’t. Democrats have already accepted the fact they’re going to be decimated in 2022. They don’t care what “the people” want; THEY want to turn the US into a socialist failure and they NEED to get this done before they are, once again, kicked out of power for failure and socialism.
“11/2 – Yes, It’s Fair To Frame The Loudoun County Rape As A ‘Cautionary Tale’” Part of the left’s agenda is to destroy the family. Like religion, it is competition with the State for loyalty and obedience. So, they try to destroy abstract concepts like “male” and “female”. Part of that is this ridiculous “gender fluid” concept, which they use as an excuse to open restrooms up to both sexes. This has been opposed on the logical and reasonable grounds that this can only lead to trouble… which it has. That’s why Loudoun County tried to cover up the rapeS (as in TWO) committed by a horny boy disguised in a dress. But, even if it is true that the two had consensual sex in the restroom before, this shoots down the claim that the boy identified as a girl.
“11/3 – Democrats [Tried to Use] the Same 2020 Election Shenanigans to Overtake Virginia This Year” Remember all the crying the left did over corporate contributions to campaigns being used to match union contributions to Democrats? I guess they forgot.
“11/4 – One Minute Before Midnight” I think the period between this November’s elections and the next election is going to be the most dangerous of all.
“11/5 – No Joke: Taliban Asks for International Aid to Help It Fight…Climate Change” Maybe like Hinkley, they are just trying to impress Greta. Playing the suckers for climate change bucks looks to be pretty easy, so why not. What’s next, money for gender studies and transitions? Isn’t going back to 7th century living the ultimate climate change initiative?
“Democrats have already accepted the fact they’re going to be decimated in 2022. They don’t care what “the people” want; THEY want to turn the US into a socialist failure and they NEED to get this done before they are, once again, kicked out of power for failure and socialism.”
This is when The Radical Left becomes its most dangerous. Realizing their time is fleeting, this is when they push their most radical agendas – remember how losing Ted Kennedy’s seat led them to bend America over and shove Obamacare up into us?
They were so desperate and dangerous in 2020 that they committed massive and widespread fraud. They had a miserable ticket and COVID wasn’t killing enough people to satisfy them; they knew then that there was no way they would win a legitimate election. For much the same reasons, they are just as desperate now, if not more so.
Nov. 5, 2021 – House passes $555 billion infrastructure bill, sends legislation to Biden’s desk
The House passed a $555 billion infrastructure bill on Friday night, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden who is expected to quickly sign the measure into law.
The funding package, which passed 228 to 206 and relied on Republican votes to get across the finish line, will ramp up government spending on roads, bridges and airports, as well as funding for public transit, water and broadband.
Six Democrats voted against the measure and 13 Republicans voted in favor. The Democratic opposition was progressive members who were unhappy that the bill was being voted on before passage of a $1.75 trillion social safety net spending bill.
The vote hands Biden a victory on a major bipartisan bill, but one that took months to get through Congress and revealed deep divisions in the Democratic Party. The Senate approved the bill in August before it stalled for months as House progressives clashed with Democratic centrists on a $1.75 trillion social safety net measure that could get a vote later this month…
How many months has it taken just to get President Poopypants’* own party on board?
Is that a trick question? The socialists bailed on it because it doesn’t do as much damage to the nation as they wanted.
He couldn’t even get all his socialists on board. Remember the $850 billion “shovel ready” infrastructure bill lying liar Obama passed and then put idiot Biden in charge of? I wonder who much of that went up Hunter’s nose. How much infrastructure was rebuilt with that and why was NONE of it applied to infrastructure?
Gin-swilling Pelosi held this hostage for their $3.5 trillion “Even More Waste Than You Ever Imagined” bill and FAILED to get it. The lying, corrupt idiots should all be kicked out and prosecuted for abuse of power and malfeasance.
ZERO. ZERO went into the comfy. it was a multibillion dollar steal by the gay muslim terrorsit pres and the pedophile
New from the most recent climax summit meeting:
WORLD—In order to save the earth, the next climate change conference between world leaders will be held on a rocketship. This rocketship will then be launched into the sun, and, according to sources, there will be much rejoicing. “This is a genius plan to save the Earth,” said one conference organizer. “Yes, we’re going to burn a lot of fossil fuels to get into orbit. That’s a minus. But then, once the leaders of governments who burn way more fossil fuels than any regular citizen have slammed into the surface of the sun, which is 10 million degrees in regular temperature, and something else in that weird Celsius thing dumb people use, most of our problems will be solved.” Studies say that the measure is expected to prevent politicians from driving massive motorcades through cities and flying dozens of private jets to meeting locations year after year, and the carbon savings will be signficant. Unfortunately, climate change will still be a problem, as President Xi of China doesn’t attend these things anyway.
The Bee