It might be time to add “Without evidence….” to each claim made in testimony by the Capitol cops put on display in the DNC sponsored hearings today. Certainly it ought to be added to Harry Dunn’s testimony.
Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn told the January 6 Select Committee, without evidence, that a crowd of Trump supporters repeatedly called him a racial slur during the protests. Dunn, a Capitol Police officer who is an admitted Democrat, spoke during the first hearing of the January 6 Select Committee on Tuesday, and described various scenes that strain credulity and supposedly occurred during the protests. Dunn said that he told many of them to leave the Capitol building, but in response they allegedly yelled, “no man, this is our house. President Trump invited us here. We’re here to stop the steal. Joe Biden is not the President. Nobody voted for Joe Biden.”
He then claimed that after he informed the protesters that he, in fact, voted for Biden, the revelation prompted a “torrent of racial epithets” being thrown from the crowd towards him. “One woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled, ‘you hear that guys? This n****r voted for Joe Biden’,” he said. “Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in screaming, ‘boo! F**king n*****r!’ No-one had ever, ever called me a n****r while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer,” Dunn added.
Maybe they still haven’t. There are reasons to doubt Dunn.
Julie Kelly, of the American Greatness, highlighted on Twitter that Dunn was being represented by Mark Zaid and David Laufman, two well known anti-Trump attorneys, with Zaid having handled the Vindman case against Trump. Jon Miller, the black America First commentator, cast further aspersions on Dunn’s testimony. “Even if this did happen (which if it actually did it would be the first video CNN released) you’d think your hardest day as a POLICEMAN would be a little rougher than people calling you names,” Miller wrote in a post on social media.
So there is no corroborating evidence to support Dunn’s allegations. But that’s not all. Dunn is a democrat who voted for Biden but that’s not really the problem. It’s the things he’s written. Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) has gathered together some interesting Dunn tweets.
Is this the same Capitol Police officer who testified today?
Here are a few of his Anti-Trump tweets, including calling him “Racist in Chief”
— Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) July 27, 2021
Here he calls Trump “racist in chief”
And he’s an Ilhan Omar fanboy. Then there’s this one
🤣🤣 @chrissyteigen man this is gold 🤣🤣🤣
— Harry A Dunn (@libradunn) September 9, 2019
Dunn is a big fan of the Lincoln Project
😂😂😂 Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn loves the Lincoln Project. Of course he does.
— Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) July 27, 2021
And he lied under oath today
Dunn asked “for a moment of silence for my fallen colleague Officer Brian Sicknick, who died from injuries he sustained in the line of duty defending the capital of our beloved democracy.”
Sicknick’s death was reported by the Washington DC Chief Medical Examiner in April as being a result of natural causes after suffering two strokes.
There are over 14,000 hours of surveillance tapes being withheld by the Biden DOJ which it refuses to release. One immediately asks why. One also comes to believe that that those tapes contain data which would blow open the case being made by the kangaroo court today.
And wait- one more
But as of today, we have solid reason to doubt anything Harry Dunn says. He hates Trump and has hated Trump at least since Trump was President. That’s powerful motivation to misrepresent events.
Dunn also supported riots in Kenosha

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The Capitol Hoax is more bad acting on the part of the Democrat Party.
It was a manufactured false-flag, and one that Left 21,000 troops to surround the seat of power as it was being ursurped.
Pretty standard, as coup’s go.
Trump did, continues to do, more for African Americans than almost all Presidents.
It’s fact.
He also have real voters, and real support. No Zucks Bucks needed.
” “One woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled, ‘you hear that guys? This n****r voted for Joe Biden’,” he said. “Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in screaming, ‘boo! F**king n*****r!’ No-one had ever, ever called me a n****r while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer,” Dunn added.”
Gee, this would be a very good video to show in order to rebuild the credibility of those making these accusations. I wonder why, since it obviously exists (after all, Pelosi wouldn’t present LIARS to her panel, would she?), it isn’t one of the videos they like to show?
Apparently, Dunn, like the rest of the Democrat/media cabal, believes a few months is enough for everyone to forget that Officer Sicknick died, a day later, of a stroke and the left relentlessly and remorselessly exploited the lie the was killed by “insurrectionists”.
Dunn is done. He provides proof that not all cops are good and some are, indeed, lying racists.
“(after all, Pelosi wouldn’t present LIARS to her panel, would she?)”
Does the name “Adam Schiff” mean anything?
As the the Stylistics wrote in the 1970’s: “Let the side show begin…”
harry dunn has already lawyered up with two anti Trump lawyers..rat bast**d is lying through his teeth. one can tell that he has been prepped and the tone on his voice does not reflect a flat emotional response. one only had to watch the corners of his eyes and his upper lip that indicted that he was lying. dunn’s acting coach did a good job. It will be interesting to see that this lying POS is promoted in the next six months.
As the pedophile gets the boot, the street trash, gay muslin terrorist ex. pres. will become mover visible. onve kamalslut is made fauz pres. cabinet post will change quickly
Was Dunn under oath? If so, produce the video proof of his accusations. If they can’t, he needs to be fired and prosecuted.
Dr John, Julie Kelly is a far right pro-Trump conspiracy theorist and a regular political commentator of Fox News and other outlets of the Big Lie enabling propaganda machine. Much like Trump, she not only lies like most people breathe and not only profiteers of Trump’s scams and lies but is a master of Propaganda 101 Rule # 2 which is to blame the opponent of which they themselves are guilty of. This is of course, to manipulate public opinion.
So of course such a low life camera whore would jump at the chance to refer to our brave men in blue as “crisis actors.”
It’s such an expected rubber/glue tactic because “Crisis actor” is a term the far right conspiracy theorists use to refer to people hired to manipulate public opinion.
It’s a sleight of hands con that’s as obvious as the audience seeing the magician placing the rabbit in the hat prior his rabbit/hat trick performance- only to see the mindless basket of gullibles giving the show a standing ovation.
Americans and the world all saw the angry white Trump supporting mob assault these police officers in broad daylight and on live camera and with numerous admissions. And we saw and heard them do this with the intentions of stopping a legitimate Constitutional process of seating a duly elected President of the United States.
With all of the efforts of Republican lawmakers to derail any investigation and evidence of the premise of this orchestrated insurrection, this obvious gaslighting is all they have left. As more evidence emerges, we can expect more of “and now for our next trick”. And when they do, you and the basket of indoctrinated zombied gullibles will slur it up like a hog eating slop.
“Julie Kelly is a far right pro-Trump conspiracy theorist and a regular political commentator of Fox News and other outlets of the Big Lie enabling propaganda machine.”
Proof? What am I saying… this is AJ, the liar that never provides a bit of substantiation.
Tell us; did Officer Sicknick die of a stroke a day after the riot or was he murdered with a fire extinguisher? Let’s see how you feel about ACTUAL Big Lies.
“It’s a sleight of hands con that’s as obvious as the audience seeing the magician placing the rabbit in the hat prior his rabbit/hat trick performance- only to see the mindless basket of gullibles giving the show a standing ovation.”
Which is exactly what the drunk Pelosi did. Will the Capital Police union president be called to testify? What do you think the odds of that is?
“Americans and the world all saw the angry white Trump supporting mob assault these police officers in broad daylight and on live camera and with numerous admissions.”
Actually, no. We haven’t. Where do you suppose that video might be? Why hasn’t the N-bomb laced video of the incident Dunn said happened hasn’t surfaced? In fact, did you SEE that guy? Who would stand there and call him that? What FIVE people would stand there and call him that? Yeah, roll the video, liar.
“With all of the efforts of Republican lawmakers to derail any investigation and evidence of the premise of this orchestrated insurrection”
There have already been FOURTEEN “investigations”. FOURTEEN. And Republicans didn’t try to “derail” anything; they merely offered up some members that Pelosi couldn’t rely on to lie with her and pour gin down her gullet. The only thing needing to be derailed is Democrats lying, politicizing, exploiting and dividing. Only the really, really, really stupid people can’t see it.
Over 2,000 officers injured by BLM/ANTIFA during the summer of 2020. Some killed. That could be scarier and more traumatizing than some people walking through the doors you opened for them. How many of those did you support? How many tears did the bug-eyed liar Schiff shed? By the way, where’s all that “evidence” Schiff swore he already had right in his filthy hands that proved Trump colluded with the Russians? Big Lie? You are an avid supporter and proponent of the Big Lie.
Propaganda 101 Rule # 2 which is to blame the opponent of which they themselves are guilty of.
Yes. That’s you.
That’s all you and the Left do.
It’s fact, and now that you’ve been outed, you can only continue….by accusing the right of using Rule #2…after you just used it.
Do you understand how pathetic you are?
Clinton colludes with DNC and FBI to win election. Loses. Accuses Trump of collusion hoax
Biden admits to withholding aid on camera. Caught. Accuses Trump and goes with a sham impeachment.
Biden says “don’t close the borders, that’s racist”. Trump does and saves millions. Biden says we didn’t close soon enough.
Democrats change laws illegally, and rigged the election…committing a coup. Then they stage a false-flag at the Capitol and say it was Trump staging a coup.
You’re the liar. You’re the enemy. You’re the one that want’s blood, little guy.
Be careful. Your god Biden doesn’t really love you, you know. He just wants your ballot…unsigned, and copied 10 times before being dumped into a Zuckerberg drop box.
Nothing about what she said is disputable
“Julie Kelly, of the American Greatness, highlighted on Twitter that Dunn was being represented by Mark Zaid and David Laufman, two well known anti-Trump attorneys, with Zaid having handled the Vindman case against Trump. Jon Miller, the black America First commentator, cast further aspersions on Dunn’s testimony. “Even if this did happen (which if it actually did it would be the first video CNN released) you’d think your hardest day as a POLICEMAN would be a little rougher than people calling you names,” Miller wrote in a post on social media.”
Themarxist stooges and these marxist dems lie contently in support their agenda, purely staged propaganda.
At a certain point, guys, you have to admit that the deranged Left won. They get enough Ron/AJs to believe rabidly in their new world order.
So many didn’t get an education on what America is, and how our government works.
It’s over.
We’ve fallen to the usual tyranny. Enabled women and beta-males were the vessel.
Buckle-up for when the truly violent Leftist people get badges and guns, just like 1930s Germany.
greg and Ron/AJ have been waiting for this.
But the encouraging part is that they are all cowards that sit around and wait for someone else to do the dirty work.
Oh yes. That’s coming next. The SS-style wave of “new cops” will be paying anyone who doesn’t bow to the Dictator a visit.
The “Capitol Cops”, no less.
01/06 was a peaceful protest. The intelligence community knew they needed to create an environment where the intended outcome, that is sending electors back to the states as requested in letters sent to pence, would not happen. They succeeded. They also wanted to dirty the Trump supporters so they could advance this fake narrative in a manner where future elimination of our rights would be uncontested.
These people and their followers, greg et al, are a serious threat to the majority of Americans.
Chinas population of more than 1.5 billion people is ruled by a dictatorship of 90 million. We out number those who would want a similar scenario here.
Remember, milly vanillei mark milky recently said, “it is they who have the guns”…
Mao beat superior forces by simply surrounding areas…making the firepower and might of his enemies obsolete.
It’s the same here: ideologically, Christians and Conservatives have been surrounded by using Ed, Entertainment, and Media.
The indoctrinated Karens and Todds (like Ron/AJ) will simply keep screaming…eventually reporting or even attacking the new American “undesirable” by using the state.
It’s so old, so historical, and how all great nations fall. The richest, most prosperous population in history (even our fat homeless people) are told they are living in squalor…so they commit an insurrection while being told the normal majority of Americans are actually the insurrectionists.