Daunte Wright is dead because the Village failed him

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The shooting death of Daunte Wright is a tragedy but it has opened a Pandora’s box of issues. A couple of statements up front. Remember #1 in particular.

  1. Had Wright not resisted arrest and complied with a lawful police order he would be alive.
  2. The same would be true for George Floyd provided he would not have expired consequent to fentanyl overdose.

The Brooklyn Center MN police officer who shot Wright made a terrible mistake. She reached for her taser and instead drew her service weapon. She was alarmed that she shot Wright and the video makes that very clear. More thorough training might have prevented the fatal error but refer back to statement #1.
The Brooklyn Center mayor terminated the city manager for his statement that the police officer was entitled to due process. The mayor was ready to fire the police officer immediately but she resigned. The Mayor seized command of the Police force and then the Police Chief resigned. It’s likely he would have fired by the Mayor for calling the riots that occurred after the shooting a riot. When the Chief said the word “riot” the so-called reporters challenged him on it:

Reporters strongly objected to the use of the term, “riot.” In the video tweeted by the Washington Examiner Monday, one reporter exclaims, “There was no riot.” Another shouts “Don’t do that!” Multiple other reporters joined in with those objecting to the word “riot.”
“There was,” Chief Gannon countered. “the officers that were putting themselves in harm’s way were being pelted with frozen cans of pop, they were being pelted with concrete blocks.”
The chief continued, “Yes, we had our helmets on. We had other protection gear. But an officer was injured, hit in the head with a brick … he was transported to the hospital. So, we had to make decisions, we had to disperse the crowd because we can’t allow our officers to be harmed.”

From the Merriam Webster dictionary

Definition of riot
1a: a violent public disorder specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent
b: public violence, tumult, or disorder

There most certainly was rioting. Not everyone is truly upset at the fatal shooting, however. The thing I cannot bring myself to understand is why some people use shootings like this as a license to vandalize and loot.

Some even appeared to be gleeful.
Response from the left was predictable and largely stupid. Joe Biden the Uniter and Healer intimated that the shooting could have been intentional. The Idiot Squad suggested that police be abolished. They flat out asserted that the shooting wasn’t an accident:

“It wasn’t an accident. Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist. Daunte Wright was met with aggression & violence,” Tlaib wrote in a tweet.

Tlaib, along with her cohorts, gleefully jumps on tragedies like this to further their Communist anarchic aspirations.
Barack and Michelle Obama said that we have to “re-imagine policing.“
Kamala Harris (who still refuses to be seen at the disaster that is the Biden Border) issued a statement:

Here’s where in my opinion this all goes off the rails. Harris wants to know why Daunte Wright is dead.
He’s dead because he initiated a terrible sequence of events which led to his accidental shooting. He’s dead because he failed to comply with a lawful police order.
That’s why he’s dead. Here’s the thing- why is all the responsibility for this fatal shooting piled on the police? What about the perp? Where is his or her responsibility?
Here is a picture of Daunte Wright with a gun


He was 20 years old, not old enough to legally own a weapon.
Here are several pictures or Wright. In some of them Wright is seen holding large amounts of cash. (via Gateway Pundit)

The Obama’s said they “empathize with the pain that Black mothers, fathers, and children are feeling…”
Those words sound fine but they are pitifully meaningless. If they really care, why are they not pleading with all mothers and fathers to instill in their children respect for the law and police officers and the absolute necessity for them to obey a police order. Where was Wright’s mother when her son was accumulating this cash? Where was she when he was posing with a gun?
That’s the origin of the story. That’s where the failure begins. When and why did we stop holding the criminals accountable? Police exist to enforce the law. Parents are supposed to teach children respect for the law.
Daunte Wright would be alive today had he simply complied with the police. His reckless choice not only led to his death but has devastated the lives of many others, including Wright’s family, the woman officer who accidently shot him, the Brooklyn Center City Manager, the Police Chief and the entire Brooklyn Center police force.
The Village failed.
New Mexico State Trooper Darian Jarrott was murdered by a Hispanic male in the line of duty on February 4th. 97 LEO’s have died in the line of duty thus far this year.
No riots. No outrage from liberals. Not an ounce of concern from the squad. Nothing from Biden or Harris. No empathy for their families. No “re-imagining” of parenting.
We are all in the Upside Down.

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“Reporters strongly objected to the use of the term, “riot.” In the video tweeted by the Washington Examiner Monday, one reporter exclaims, “There was no riot.” Another shouts “Don’t do that!” Multiple other reporters joined in with those objecting to the word “riot.” ”
Aren’t reporters on the scene to report, not tell the participants what the story is? When is a riot NOT a riot? When, I guess, the left doesn’t want to explain the left committing violence and not a white supremacist in sight.

“Daunte Wright would be alive today had he simply complied with the police. His reckless choice not only led to his death but has devastated the lives of many others, including Wright’s family, the woman officer who accidently shot him, the Brooklyn Center City Manager, the Police Chief and the entire Brooklyn Center police force.” Going even further back, had Wright not committed another infraction, or paid his fine, there would not have been a warrant out for his arrest.

It is also disputed why Wright was stopped. His mother forwards the accusation that he was stopped for having an air freshener hanging from his mirror. The police say he was stopped because he had expired registration. Pretty easy to verify. Why not check and see if his registration was expired and clear THAT up? That kind of undercuts most of the other accusations.

Has anyone ever or known someone who meant to step on the brake in a car but hit the gas instead? That’s what the officer did. I don’t think she confused her taser with her gun; I think she intended to draw her taser but instinctively drew her weapon and fired. Stupid mistake. Not racist. But meaningless to those who WANT to make it racist.

And Tlaib is a racist idiot. Like most other Democrats in Congress.

Wright was due to face trial on a charge of attempted aggravated robbery – with a possible maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

Charging papers say he and a second man, Emajay Driver went to a home shared by two women in Osseo, Minnesota ‘to party’ in December 2019. At the time, Wright was 19 and Driver was 18.

The women asked them to leave around 2.30 am on December 1, but they said they didn’t have a ride and the women – who are not identified in the court documents – allowed them to sleep on the floor.

In the morning, one of the women went to the bank to get her $820 rent money which she gave to the other woman and then left for work. As Wright, Driver and the second woman were leaving, Wright allegedly tried to hold up the woman.

‘The three of them were walking to the door to exit the apartment and defendant Wright turned around and blocked the door preventing victim from leaving,’ says the report, written by Osseo Police Officer Shane Mikkelson.

‘Defendant Wright then pulled a black handgun with silver trim out from either his right waistband or his right coat pocket and pointed it at victim and demanded the rent money,’ continued Mikkelson.

‘Victim said “Are you serious?” Defendant Wright replied: “Give me the f**king money, I know you have it.”

When the woman again asked him if he was serious, Wright is said to have replied: ‘I’m not playing around.’

Mikkelson’s report said: ‘The $820 cash was tucked in the victim’s bra and defendant Wright placed his hand around victim’s neck and choked her while trying to pull the cash from under her bra.

‘Victim was able to get loose from defendant Wright and started to kneel down and scream.’

After more yelling, Wright allegedly told the woman that he was going to shoot her unless he got the money.

‘Give me the money and we will leave,’ he allegedly said. ‘Give me the money and we will go.’

Mikkelson added: ‘Defendant Wright then tried to choke victim a second time and tried to take her money. Defendant Driver was telling her to give defendant Wright the money.

Mikkelson said the woman identified both Wright and Driver through photo line-ups.

Wright’s bail was originally set at $100,000 with orders that he should not contact the victim or any witnesses, refrain from drugs and alcohol and not have any weapons. A bond bailsman paid $40,000 for his release.

But his bail was revoked in July last year due to his ‘failure to not possess a firearm or ammunition’ and not keeping in touch with his probation officer, court papers show.

At that time a judge issued a warrant for his arrest, that was still outstanding on the day he died.

Gee, what a model citizen.
That’s where I wanna draw my red line…….NOT!
And, to think, he acted like a cornered rat when police confronted him.
Air freshener on rear view mirror, please, mom, don’t pretend to be THAT ignorant!

Perhaps this explains why the officer instinctively drew her hand gun instead of the taser; he was a violent threat. Who put up the $10 thousand to get this violent thug out of jail? I guess his crying waste of a mother will get something upwards of the $27 million that Floyd’s family was given. America continues to suffer for Democrat failure. As usual.

The fruits of LBJ’s great society for all to see. A few years ago a pretty decent column was written that is worth anther look.

Confessions of a Public Defender

piece of street trash did not care. everything was free to him. recall that slut hillary wrote a woke book about a village. Right, this POS likely could not read. maybe the slut should have counseled him on his capabilities.. love the illegal weapon in the picture. so much for the pedophiles new gun control.
recently all the preppy college and uni’s have move to 60% black students enrollment . ok, most of these are at best reading at a 7th grade level. so how long is it going to take to graduate??????????? another excuse to suck down more federal funds. so how long to complete med school, residency and fellowship??
just another daily joke in woke America.

I would agree with the author of this piece and with the other comme ters. Clearly young Wright would still be alive (and possibly even at liberty) had he followed Chris Rock’s advice. I stead he alllwed his inner jogger (joggers gonna jog) to rule and sic transit adios Daunte.

One quibble with the author, though. The definition of “riot” under Minnesota law is just as easily accessible as the dictionary definition and infinitely more illuminating. The Police Chief, being a Law Enforcement Officer, would undoubtedly be using the legal definition. Had the author seen fit to paste in that definition it would have been instantly obvious what the Chief meant. Of course mere facts are useless in a “post truth” age.