WhiteHouse.gov petition: AG Barr never told POTUS that he can act against unrepublican rigged-elections on his own authority under Article IV so we have to tell him ourselves!

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Up now at whitehouse.gov, a petition:

We the People ask the federal government to propose a new administration policy

Enforce Art. 4 against Georgia’s unrepublican rigged-elections by ordering a federal takeover of GA’s runoff elections

  1. Article IV guarantees that each state “shall have a republican form of government.”
  2. Hamilton’s definition of a republic is: “that the people should choose whom they please to govern them.”
  3. Election fraud usurps the will of the people, creating a definitively unrepublican form of gov.
  4. GA election fraud already subverted the 2020 presidential election and threatens in the upcoming runoffs to fraudulently determine control of the U.S. Senate as well.
  5. A president has the inherent power and duty under Article IV to neutralize and expunge any unrepublican form of government that arises.
  6. We demand that President Trump act immediately on his own authority to strip GA’s unrepublican state government of its election power by ordering a federal takeover of the GA runoffs.

Signers’ names and email addresses are not publicly viewable but are treated as confidential, the same as information submitted elsewhere on whitehouse.gov. Privacy policy here.

There is no comment box on the petition but you can submit a comment to whitehouse.gov here.

The great people of Georgia have had their government stolen from them by massively orchestrated election fraud

The State of Georgia and several other state governments did everything in their power to make their election systems as vulnerable to mass election fraud as possible. They bought voting machines designed for communist dictator Hugo Chavez for the express purpose of stealing elections. Georgia mass mailed over two million easily harvested extra mail-in ballots, reduced verification requirements to practically zero, then kicked out observers so there could be no verification.

That the election-stealing schemes that these states put in place were in fact used to perpetrate mass election fraud is attested to in hundreds of signed affidavits. The will of the legal voters of Georgia has in all likelihood been usurped.

The guarantee clause says that “The United States,” meaning first of all the president, must not let this stand. The good people of Georgia must not have to go forward under a government that stole their election from them or else the republican guarantee has failed to be a guarantee.

Even just a system designed for stealing elections is unrepublican. Such systems are barred by the guarantee clause not just for the danger they present to the people of the unrepublican states but also for the danger that such states create for the nation: that they can steal our national elections, as just happened.

A horrifying neglect

By a quirk of history no arm of government has ever yet taken any action to enforce the guarantee clause, despite it being the Constitution’s most direct, explicit, and powerful protection against the greatest threat that democracy faces: vote fraud and election fraud. In particular, it has been sitting unused while our party of vote fraud, the Democrats, have been systematically building their arsenal of election stealing tools for sixty-plus years.

It is a horrifying neglect. We had all along an all-powerful tool for blocking every inch of this development, a tool that empowers whatever is necessary to prevent unrepublican forms from developing and for expunging them when they do develop, or else the guarantee is not a guarantee.

Now we have reached the precipice. If the party of election fraud succeeds in stealing the presidency all of their election stealing systems will become impossible to remove and we will never have another honest national election. Our republic will be ended. We’ll just be another totalitarian communist state under our radical commie leftist Democratic Party.

They started out as the party of racial slavery so it is easy for them to evolve into communism where everybody is a slave. It might even be inevitable, for people whose only concern is that they be in control.

The guarantee clause has all the power necessary to still prevent this end of republican (honest) democracy in America.

Start with the simplest remedy first

Ordering a federal takeover of the Georgia runoff elections does not require invalidating any already conducted elections. That greatly simplifies the resulting Supreme Court case when Georgia immediately sues.

The only argument Georgia will be able to make is that because the guarantee clause has never been enforced before enforcing it now is somehow invalid. Sorry, it’s right there in Article IV, just waiting to be used, and it needs to be used immediately.

Trump obviously doesn’t know he can do this. Fake AG William Barr never mentioned it to him, so We the People have to tell him.

The states petitioned, now the people petition

Texas v. PA was a petition that states could sign against the rigged-elections in multiple Democrat-run states and almost half the states did sign: a host of flags hoisted across the political battlefield. It is time for We the People to move onto the field as well with our own petition, this time calling for direct presidential action against the criminal assailant that is about to attempt a second stab at the heart of our republic.

If our great fighting president hears us the crime will be interdicted. Georgia’s phony elections will be replaced by model open and honest elections and for the moment Georgia will again be a free state.

The November 3rd steal will still need stopping but there is nothing the republican guarantee can’t do, if President Trump uses it in time.

Earlier posts:

A 3-step guarantee clause plan for stopping the steal

How the judicial reticence that sank Texas v. PA will support presidential enforcement of the republican guarantee

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@Jeff, #49:

I bet you are happy that Beijing Biden won so that his son can collect billions of dollars more

Hunter Biden collected billions? You would think he could afford a new laptop computer, wouldn’t you?

@Deplorable Me:

They’re probably going to divert it to pay Trump’s upcoming legal fees. Or maybe relocation expenses. There’s no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia.

@Greg: Ya he preferred Porches and renting mansions. Then there was Pops cut, paying off the connection, soon nothing but the lint at the bottom of his pockets.
Geeze doesnt Jeff know that part of thre 1.5 billion went to get a controlling share in a compant that makes Stelth anti vibration technology, office keys and signs hookers, guess he isnt following along.
The embassy in Bagdad was attacked word has it Iran morters.

Guess they can blow the rest of their Obama money since they think Joe will get in and refill the ol’ coffers minus a yuge kickback.
Look for a book deal and speaking fees.

@kitt, #53:

The source of all this b.s. being Tony Bobulinski—as seen on Sean Hannity—and emails from a copy of a laptop hard drive that was improbably dropped off by Hunter Biden at the shop of a Trump supporter who has acknowledged his eyesight is so poor that he couldn’t positively identify the person who brought it in.

I see no reason why anyone should believe what these yoyos have to say about anything. Giuliani’s credibility is something less than zero. Bobulinski, like the computer repairman, is just some guy saying stuff. Both have such meager resumes that they have to pad them out with references to the military careers of relatives.

@Greg: Ya just a small business owner, regular kind of person making it from day to day like millions, proud of his dad. The emails on the laptop have been verified by more than this Bobulinski guy, his office landlord and others.
Not much doubt that its Hunters machine, each Apple product is registered.Loads of disturbing photos and communications. Confirmed criminal investigations of Hunter.
To deny it brother is simply goofy.
Rudys credibility is just fine if you get outside of your bubble, still Americas Mayor.
Why do you defend pedo dead beat daddy whore mongers its really your least redeeming characteristic.
Tony B isnt the source of much, you see there are people that know how to do effective searches of public records. They are part of the digital army, do you honestly believe that some of the 75 million legal voters are not savvy to things and that stuff along with the documents as proof gets out.
I admit some fall for easily disproven hooks and clickbait.
One was Bar was linked Dominion so wouldnt investigate they linked to a Forbes article, it actually was true but Dominion Energy not the voting systems company.
Like the left fell for the Ivankas China patents hook.
Seems a 10 year old could have hacked Solar winds with the password of SolarWinds123 every hacker worth his salt can fake an IP by simply assigning it, making it look like its bouncing out of Russia, perfect cover as the left seems to be unable to let go of that hoax. Oh look Solar Winds is putting out a patch lets add a back door routine aka malware, it was more a crime of opportunity than a good hacker.
The cyber security guy Trump shit canned failed miserably, all programs and patches should have the program code examined for high security departments prior to install.
Keep your ear to the ground Project Veritas has Assange/US State Dept phone call recordings to be made public. There was a major drop of Wikileaks recently.

Happy Holidays


Hunter Biden collected billions? You would think he could afford a new laptop computer, wouldn’t you?

You’d also think he could pay his child support and not cheat on his taxes, but a Biden’s gotta Biden. Just like his cousin, who never seems to go to jail for her crimes; probation for DUI. Probation for theft. What a family! You think those dregs could swing a peace deal anywhere?

There’s no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia.

That would be more of a refuge for Hillary or Hunter.

The source of all this b.s. being Tony Bobulinski—as seen on Sean Hannity—and emails from a copy of a laptop hard drive that was improbably dropped off by Hunter Biden at the shop of a Trump supporter who has acknowledged his eyesight is so poor that he couldn’t positively identify the person who brought it in

It’s all be verified and validated. Bobulinsky is not just talking; he turned over a load of documentation. Seems he suddenly found himself in the middle of a criminal enterprise and, not being a Biden, didn’t think he would get the “Never Go To Jail” card Biden’s get.

I see no reason why anyone should believe what these yoyos have to say about anything.

It could be because, unlike all your false accusations and “bombshells”, it has all been shown to be true and real. To some people (perhaps you know someone), that makes a difference.


Why do you defend pedo dead beat daddy whore mongers its really your least redeeming characteristic.

Well, don’t forget he defended the attacks and threats on the Covington kids. I don’t think it can get more despicable than that.

@Deplorable Me: Covington kid is financially set for life unless he strays. Keep on smirking young one, the ROI on your 15 dollar hat was YUGE!
The indian is has faded from the limelight crashing the church service was his demise.