Another week, seven more days of insanity from our Lefty pals. I’ll do my best to deliver non-election stories given how much the ground is shifting, but I can’t make any promises:
Not an ounce of proof
11/27 – Appeasement, then and now
A tough read, as it suggests that things may be about to get much worse. Be sure to click through to the full story that this post excerpts.
11/28 – Got Food?
As Bernie Sanders would point out, “That’s a good thing!”
11/29 – CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as #COVID-19 Deaths
These are the same people who take grave offense at not unquestioningly accepting everything they say
11/30 – The ‘Not My President’ Crowd Needs To Sit Down And Shut Up
Stupid question, but after four years of The Radical Left telling us how much they hate us Normals, why would they want us to “unite” with them?
12/1 – Sanity at Last: Britain’s High Court Protects Young Children From Transgender Chemical Castration
Some much needed good news
12/2 – Media Rushes to Defend Biden Press Sec. Jen Psaki Over Hammer and Sickle Hat
I hope that our election results are finalized soon so we’ll know if Russia is our sworn enemy of BFF again.
12/3 – Obama Tells Dems Slogans Like ‘Defund the Police’ Don’t Help
I hate to say this, but Obama is absolutely right. Pay attention Democrats: You’re not supposed to be honest about how much you hate the American people and wnat to destroy them. I know that it plays well with The Radical Left, but for some reason we Normals tend to vote against that
12/4 – The late Professor Walter Williams was right about poverty
We lost a great mind this week, and this tribute packs a lot of punch in a short post
December 2020 – Piers and the gospel of gammon
To end on a cheerier note, Tatiana McGrath is a Twitter personality who is a great parody of SJWs. Here she “reviews” the new Piers Morgan book.
Have a great weekend!
I blame Robert Reich because, why not assign blame to random people who couldn't have stopped the pandemic either.
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) November 27, 2020
I blame Robert Reich because, why not assign blame to random people who couldn’t have stopped the pandemic either.
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) November 27, 2020
Hi CNN, have you met CNN?
— Anang Mittal अनंग मित्तल (@anangbhai) December 1, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
It’s sad how the media carries water for Joe Biden.
The media is quick to “interpret” what Joe means when he says stupid things.
Like Joe said the USA is going to lose 250,000 to NEW deaths from Covid just during December!
I know there’s a surge*, but, really?
Even the CDC says it might be 12,000 if we just count Covid cases, 60,000 if we continue to count almost every ER death as Covid.
No where near a 1/4 million.
* The surge is in positive tests, not in hospitalizations.
My gov, a globalist never-Trumper like his buddy Romney, refuses to allow HCQ for outpatients, much less Remdisavir in Utah.
Gee, and then they wonder why people have to go to hospital?
@Nan G: They must carry water to put out the fires of things that fall out of his mouth
Sample: 3 alarm
Joe Biden Says Democrats Created ‘The Most Extensive And Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization’ In American History
Sample: 1 alarm
You aint black.
Now after the video evidence of under the table votes they want a signature verification done in GA, gee whiz you built your house without any nails? I seem to remember…..
The Georgia secretary of state certified the state’s 2020 presidential election results Friday, officially declaring President-elect Joe Biden the winner of the state’s 16 electoral votes. Not so debunked, at the risk of sounding like a bigot…Injun giver! Can we have a look at those debunked ballots?
This weeks selection
Just more proof of how efficient the USPS is! Nothing to see here, move along.
Appeasement makes the appeaser feel good, like they have accomplished something. It also serves as a substitute for cowardice.
Arbitrary, non-science based shut downs that never affect those shutting down.
Well, very soon, NOTHING will be considered a death by COVID. All we have to do is wear masks for 100 days.
Unless there is evidence that the election was fair and legitimate, I will not accept Asterisk Obiden as President. Yeah, I expect him to cure COVID19 by no later than January 21st. And cancer. The economy should grow at an historic rate and massive numbers of manufacturing jobs continue to come back from China. I also expect a full confession to extortion and corruption by Obiden. My goal is to be TWICE as “not my President” as any on the left has been. It’s always those being the most childish and immature demanding others be “adult”.
A guy with a MeWe group (Facebook shut him down) called “The Modern Heretic” created a satirical article with a photoshopped photo of Kayleigh McEnany wearing a Nazi party pin. But, in fairness, it is totally understandable for a liberal Democrat to think, “What’s wrong with wearing a Soviet Union advertisement on your head? We all like Soviet-style government, don’t we?”
What about adults that don’t understand adult concepts? 99% of this transgenderism is nothing but fad and seeking attention.
Well, he is right, in a sense. The left’s stupid slogans do nothing but harm and defunding the police is pretty stupid. But, naturally, Obama has to let his inner racist out. After he implies that, sure, they all want to destroy this nation, it’s best not to actually say it out loud; that hurts the effort. But his concept that only white people worry about defunding the police because “black people will get out of control” ignores how poor black people are afflicted and affected by crime. They need the police protection because criminals prey on those in poverty and most of the poverty is concentrated in Democrat cities.
@Nan G:
That works out pretty good for them as it saves them the effort of telling Obiden what they want him to think, then reporting on him saying what they told him to think. He just mumbles out gibberish and then they tell us what they wanted him to say.
Now, brave Obama pledges to take the vaccines, which will PROVE they are safe. But, can a GOD actually be harmed by a vaccine? I doubt a needle will even penetrate his bronze exo-covering.
Joe Biden is asked about his disagreements with Kamala Harris on certain issues:
“Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”
So, this is already in play.
Joe always was just a placeholder.
But, for 1% Kamala?
Or, was it for those puppet masters behind her?
@Nan G:
I’m wondering if the Dems decide to keep Sundown Joe in office as a sequel to the Woodrow Wilson presidency.
@kitt: I’m still waiting for a shred of evidence to support the “burst pipe” claim.
@Deplorable Me:
I actually strongly disagree with this approach. The wording I’ll be using is “Not our President”. Let’s show some inclusion for our Lefty pals!
And thanks for the tip on The Heretic – just checked the article and started following him!
RIP General Charles Yeager.
Broke the sound barrier so now at 97 Gods Speed Chuck.
@kitt: RIP, Chuck.
Goya foods names AOC employee of the month,“We still have to chat with AOC; I love her,” Unanue continued. “She was actually our Employee of the Month; I don’t know if you know about this, but when she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1,000%. So we gave her an honorary — we never were able to hand it to her but she got Employee of the Month for bringing attention to GOYA and our adobo. Actually our sales of adobo did very well after she said ‘Make your own Adobo.’”
Berry wondered, “Was it P.T. Barnum who said, ‘Say what you want just spell my name right. All publicity is good publicity.”
Unanue replied, “She’s our hero. She helped boost sales tremendously.”
I cant believe how shoddy things got but our Melania the happy homemaker is overseeing a beautiful restoration (I like it better than a veggie garden)