Freedom Will Not Go Quietly Into That Good Night


Adolph Hitler said: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” That line may never have been as true as it is today. What is that lie? It comes in many flavors: America is racist. Donald Trump is racist. Trump supporters are racists. Republicans are racists. You might notice a theme here. Now repeat the above and exchange the word racist for fascist…

None of those things are true. But truth doesn’t matter. Why? Because truth is not the objective, power is. In 2020 America, if you disagree with the left on anything from abortion to immigration to tax cuts to global warming you are an enemy who must be destroyed. And the primary weapons of choice are the slurs of racist and fascist.

And the beauty of it is that no proof beyond the assertion is necessary. Before he became president Donald Trump lived most of his life in front of cameras in the most media obsessed city on the planet. Morning shows, talk shows, radio shows, news shows, press conferences, grand openings, the Apprentice… you name it and Trump was there. As we all know, Donald Trump basically can’t keep his mouth shut, yet for the first 67 years of his life this man who never met a camera or microphone he could resist somehow kept the secret of his virulent racism a secret.

Then, once he became president he did such racist things as fund Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) at a level no president ever had, label the KKK as a terrorist organization, signed into law sentencing reform that had been called for by black leaders for decades, pardon the late boxer Jack Johnson and the very much alive Alice Johnson. He also supported “opportunity zones”, pushed for school choice, both of which disproportionately benefit minorities, and at the same time created an economy that brought about the lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates ever recorded. But he’s a racist.

The proof Donald Trump is a fascist is equally strong. He arrests and jails any reporter who dares to question him. He uses the CIA and FBI to spy on anyone who disagrees with him. He imprisons judges who rule against his policies. He trains the military on people who are peacefully protesting his policies. Clearly Donald Trump is a fascist.

To understand how accurate Hitler’s words are look no farther than a Newsweek piece from July: Half of Americans Think Trump Is Racist and an Additional 13 Percent Are Unsure.  That is simply staggering, and the reason is simple: In excess of 90% of the media coverage of Donald Trump is negative. “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Add to that the manipulation by Facebook, Google and Twitter and you get us to where we are today with an election that was not only stolen, but with 1/2 the population thinking that a flawed but good man is racist and a fascist…

The above is only a symptom of the real problem however. The real target is not Donald Trump per se, but rather the half the population who support him, and the truth is they hated us long before Donald Trump came onto the political stage, most clearly seen when we were called racists and Nazis for opposing Barack Obama in 2008.

Democrats and their comrades get away with it because they know we respect the rule of law. In 2008 when we lost to Barack Obama we didn’t riot.  We peacefully protested and went to the voting booth. In 2010 we went to the polls and the Democrats lost 64 seats in the House and we finally turned the Senate red in 2014. That is what conservatives and Republicans generally do. We don’t riot when we don’t get our way. Even when we’re cheated, as happened in 1960 with Nixon, 2004 with Dino Rossi and 2008 with Norm Coleman, we don’t try to burn the country down because we respect the rule of law.

But the question is, what if there is no real law to respect?  What if there is one law for the suckers who play by the rules and basically a lack thereof for Democrats? For decades Democrats have fought attempts to secure out our voting process by continuously opposing voter ID, supporting same day voter registration and encouraging mail in balloting among other things. Any attempts to ensure credibility of the system were labeled “racist” or called “voter suppression” and usually withered on the vine. When they won in 2008 they proceeded to weaponize the federal government against the citizens. In the ultimate demonstration of such tactics, the Obama administration used the IRS to silence opponents, spied on media who dared question their actions and turned the FBI and the courts into a vehicles for the launching of a coup d’état against their successors. And now that they think they’re poised to take complete power again, they’ve threatened to pack the Supreme Court, grow the Senate, eliminate the Electoral College and keep “lists” of their opponents. There’s a word for that and it’s not liberty.

What do 75 million Americans do if they discover that despite playing by the rules they’ve been duped again, this time on the single most important election of their lifetimes, with the future of the Republic literally hanging in the balance? They are told by the same media who spent four years pushing the fiction of Russian collusion that they should simply shut up and accept defeat, regardless of the myriad examples of voter fraud, both big and small.

Lincoln said “A house divided against itself, cannot stand.” He was referring to the issue of slavery, but the line might also well apply here today. When fully half the American population loses confidence in the integrity of the election process upon which the nation is governed, loses confidence in the media – both traditional and social – who have been lying to them for years about fictional election tampering, and come to believe that their political opponents will use everything from rioting to mayhem to outright theft to gain control of the government, what should they do? What is their motivation to continue to participate in a process where the game is rigged?  What is their motivation to continue to engage in a system where one side believes the Constitution is but a barrier to be subverted rather than the rulebook by which the nation is governed? What is their motivation to be constrained by a Constitution which their opponents disregard at every turn as they seek to undermine the very rights it was written to protect? What is their motivation to engage in a process legally when they know that their opponents seek to bastardize that very process to accumulate more power and eviscerate the very ideas upon which the nation was founded?

I don’t have the answer and I’ve no idea where we are on a spectrum of anarchy vs. tyranny, but I’m certain that the closer Democrats push the United States towards tyranny the closer we get to a point where liberty loving Americans look for other means to protect the God given rights the Constitution was written to guarantee.  What that looks like, I’ve no idea, but Carl von Clausewitz once said “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” That’s something to keep in mind as the Democrats continue their march to eviscerate our Constitution and destroy the country that has given so much to so many for so long.  I don’t believe that freedom will go quietly into that good night…

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PA legislature rocking it

It’s Happening: Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS

Election 2020

I’ve been trying to think about similar questions. I don’t believe we will allow Biden to win without proof. We must have a thorough audit of the states in question. We must be certain he won fairly. If there is proof, I believe conservatives will accept the outcome, knowing the Democrats may abuse their power. Attempts to pack the Court, add States, ban guns, etc. will be met with huge protests by more than just conservatives in my opinion. The Republicans will overwhelmingly win Congress in two years. If the election is fixed by the Democrats and the Republicans lose, and calls for audits is not honored, well, at that point, only God knows what will happen. Conservatives will not allow the corruption to continue. Scary times ahead. I hope Trump wins.

Biden and the Democrats are trying to steal the election and the M.S. Media are their partners in crime

the line is not Hitler’s but Joseph Goebbels’s. you need to read his memoirs, fascinating . there is a great deal more to the paragraph from where that line originated. hollywood has-been, and whore robert de niro is now calling for “cleansing camps” to clean the brains of 72 million Americans who supported Trump. Recall the “final solution” in 1942 to clean europe of the Jews? probably not. this pos is demanding a purge of Trump supporters similar to the Great Purge in Russian between 1936-38 under Stalin.

Vince, when Trump said he could shoot someone dead on 5th Ave and not lose a single one of his blind sheep, that was somewhat of a reverse parable, a teaching that his cultists would support him regardless of how hideous his deeds.

While Trump’s cultists deny his racism, I suspect historians, along with ranking him as the worst president ever, will label him as a George Wallace on steroids or possibly an upcoming 2nd Hitler who didn’t quite reach his goal.

While knowing you don’t get that because, well, you’re a glazed over Trump cultist, the most important thing is that the dark ages of Trump and Trumpism appears to be imploding. Today’s WI blow is just another example. Trump appointed judges aren’t buying what he’s selling nor are a good deal of lawmakers he campaigned for. And if the GA senate race wasn’t in the picture, I seriously doubt you’d see the number of GOP elites tap dancing at his orders. And in general, much of Trump’s gullible base don’t really seem to care as they seem more interested in moving on rather than fighting for the loser in the streets.

But by all means, wail and gnash your teeth.

@Ronald J. Ward: A saying gaining steam due to the truth of it is, “watch what democrats accuse Republicans of because that is exactly what they are guilty of.”

Self examination would definitely be of benefit to you.

Thank you Vince, awesome!

@Ronald J. Ward: Do you really think its over and we are ready to concede to Grampa rapey dog kicking bad fingers?
Dont miss the hearing in Arizona today, the one in PA was enlightening.


Do you really think its over

The election? Yes, it’s over and Joe Biden will become our President Jan 20, 2021.

and we are ready to concede to Grampa rapey dog kicking bad fingers?

Of course not. As mentioned, Trump cultist are incapable of determining what is true and what isn’t.

Dont miss the hearing in Arizona today, the one in PA was enlightening.

The hearings and courts have rejected Trump’s arguments in a way making him a laughing stock worldwide. There is no indication that will change.

@Ronald J. Ward: Have they?
Why is the PA legislature requesting decertification and full audit? Man your “news” doesnt let up on holding a pillow over your face so you dont get information.
You truly are a sad lil twerp.
Where are the chain of custody documents for Philly? Where are 47 vote thumb drives for Philly?
Have you been brave enough to watch the PA hearing?
Will you be brave enough to watch todays AZ hearing?
Twitter so terrified it blocks the Republican Senator who chaired the hearing.
Your “news” wont air it they treat you like a mushroom.
Laughing stock …must be why Japanese held a Trump parade.
305th Military Intelligence Battalion is “Kraken”


Why is the PA legislature requesting decertification and full audit?

Legislators, Trump, lawyers, and the Trump fake news media can openly lie and spread conspiracy theories at will with little to no repercussions. And with Trump’s Hail Mary passes and grasp for survival, this is what we’re seeing.

The big problem is that they can’t stand in front of a judge and lie under oath without penalty. If their half baked propaganda had legs, they’d certainly be pleading their cases in the court room. They are not.

Much like the entire shitshow of the Trump presidency, none of the grasp of Trump’s attempt to steal the election stands to scrutiny. He’s been telling us of this scheme for years, his own hand picked judges aren’t buying it, the recounts are proving voting machines were accurate, and GOP state governors and GOP led states are conceding Trump lost legally.

This leaves us only to the cultists who for years have refused to accept reality over fiction and have insisted to proudly declare their allegiance to Trump even if he shot someone dead on the street which in countless ways, you have. We’ve been watching this same movie from you guys for 4 years.

@Ronald J. Ward: Same shit lines different day.
Cultists blahblahblah trump shooting someone blah blah, you are such an ignorant mushroom.
No one can concede but Trump himself you dope, there is no law saying he ever has to concede.
Did your media hounds report on the voting machines found dumped on the side of the road in Savanna GA?
How many dead people? How many votes of dead people were cast do you think?” the host asked.

Powell’s answer was that they are currently still tracking the numbers, but that if the information she has received so far is correct, it may be around seven million.
Yes a full audit with verification of proper address and proof of life.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Hell, some people (AJ, Greg, etc) only need to hear the lie once to fully devour it. It only has to reinforce their prejudices.

The left only believes in rules and laws when they can be used to shut down opposition. When they can exploit rules and laws to grab power, they trample all over the law and Constitution. For the past 12 years, they have done just that.

During the Trump administration, we saw much of the subversion exposed, but nearly all of it. Brazen lies about Trump’s collusion with Russians were the basis for a seditious coup, which culminated with massive voter fraud.

And they think we should just take their word for it that the election was legitimate.

When fully half the American population loses confidence in the integrity of the election process upon which the nation is governed, loses confidence in the media

Lose confidence? Far from it. We can be fully confident that the liberal media is lying to us.

@S Di: Isn’t it strange how Democrats oppose taking steps to make the election clearly legitimate? It would take very little time to audit the states in question with cooperation, but the Democrats seem deathly afraid of what transparency might expose.

@Ronald J. Ward:

While Trump’s cultists deny his racism,

Maybe if you could accommodate the NUMEROUS requests for you to provide valid examples of “racism”, perhaps we would agree with you. But, you support a party that perpetrates a massive hoax upon the American people with the sole purpose of dividing the nation and creating hatred, so I don’t expect you to explain why you so readily accept the lies about Trump’s racism (which is even torn asunder in the article above).

@Deplorable Me:

How ironic that AJ/Ward can only shout “CULTIST, CULTIST, CULTIST” at those he/she/it disagrees with but totally ignored the true cult of Obama complete with Grecian columns.

History does repeat itself and the left is now showing the same hatred the Democrats showed for Lincoln. And once again, the Democrats want civil war, as exampled by the BLM/Antifa gangs that think they have a right to burn down business, beat people in the head with skateboards and harm/murder police officers.

A recount doesn’t harm anyone and only supports faith in our electoral systems. And while AJ/Ward wants to ignore facts, when you name the people who actually won elections due to voter/election fraud, they are all Democrats including LBJ, JFK and Al Franken.

Why bother with the Socialists here? They only know what their handlers have programed them to know.

@retire05: Imagine someone that believes the President is a Russian agent without a shred of evidence calling someone else a “cultist”. Imagine someone that rants constantly about Trump being a racist based on just hearing it repeated over and over but supports an actual racist for President calling someone a “cultist”.

A mere recount doesn’t tell the story; it just counts the same fraudulent votes. The bogus “mail in votes” need to be examined and deleted along with the Dominion hanky-panky. Democrats did a lot more than just stuff ballot boxes.


The Antifa/BLM boogie man of the left is rather trite and outdated, shall we say, so before the election. It reminds me of how Trump cultists fell for the “caravans” coming to infest us prior to the 2018 elections or the Mexican coming to sell drugs to your kids and rape your wife before shooting you prior to the 2016 elections.

See the pattern? Naw, didn’t think so. Most Trump cultists can’t. But that’s okay because most reasonable people do and Trump cultists, much like the teabaggers of 2010, are crawling back under their rocks.

As we see the inevitable checkmate of the Trump crash and burn dumpster fire/freak show of a presidency becoming more of a reality by the hour and the real hoax is his fabricated rationales to to cling to office like a spoiled brat clinging to a table chair leg at Chuckey Cheese when it’s time to go home, we’re also seeing his once loyalists dropping him like a used condom, no protests defending him in the streets, and even his own party telling him to hang it up.

Trump lost, by a lot. The people rejected him by mass numbers. That’s reality my friend.

Wipe your eyes, pull up your big boy panties, and deal with.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Wipe your eyes, pull up your big boy panties, and deal with.

As soon as you kiss my all American ass.

It will interesting to see how this plays out, whoever wins the election. Trump has a smaller chance, of course, but if Biden wins, about 73 million or more Americans will NEVER recognize him as the President of the United States and the culture will reflect that.

Also, most of the Biden voters will now how to come to terms with the fact they don’t actually like Biden anyway, and were merely voting against Trump because the Leftwing media told them too.

Trump kept the Left unified. Take Trump away, things are going to fall apart quickly. Either way, it’s the end of the corrupt Democrat Party as we know it.

As well-sourced, well demonstrated acts of election fraud keep coming to light, Biden’s chances of “winning” the election are fading by the hour.

@Ronald J. Ward:

The Antifa/BLM boogie man of the left is rather trite and outdated, shall we say, so before the election.

I doubt those thousands of people who have had their businesses and jobs destroyed by the Democrat’s Sturmabteilung consider their political terrorism “trite and outdated”. But, leave it to a liberal to disregard the destruction they’ve supported and caused.

It reminds me of how Trump cultists fell for the “caravans” coming to infest us prior to the 2018 elections or the Mexican coming to sell drugs to your kids and rape your wife before shooting you prior to the 2016 elections.

Are you denying there were “caravans”?

You think your racist, corrupt golden boy candidate will get through next week without stumbling and falling… figuratively as well as literally? Boy, you sure can pick em.

@Nathan Blue:

Also, most of the Biden voters will now how to come to terms with the fact they don’t actually like Biden anyway, and were merely voting against Trump because the Leftwing media told them too.

That is the liberal mindset, their infantile immaturity and hate for this country. They would cause irreparable damage to the nation and citizens out of REVENGE for not getting the President they wanted.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Trump lost, by a lot. The people rejected him by mass numbers. That’s reality my friend.

The election has not been called, and 73 million people reliably voted for Trump. The votes for Biden are in doubt, and unfortunately the big “win” promised for low-information Dem voters by their propaganda outlets has not happened.

Biden will never be accepted at the legitimate President of the United States, at least not with this election. If he won without the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud and cheating, you might be able to celebrate.

But as it stands today, you’re still a loser, supporting a lost and losing candidate.

Saying “there’s no evidence” when the evidence is shown to you is just act of a unhinged and rabid Cultist.

Biden won nothing.

@Deplorable Me: Look, at least half…and I’d even say much more..of the electorate has called this election into question. If this were the same but all the vote dumps and “glitches” mysteriously favored Trump and gave him the victory, I’d be calling bullsh*t just the same.

The integrity of our elections is always MUCH more important than any candidate or platform. Without free and fair elections, chaos ensues.

What the low-thinking but angry sheep like Ron/AJ neglect to see if that if elections aren’t considered fair, then people don’t follow them or respect the outcome.

Biden won nothing. There’s just too many questions and issues in this election, and any Dem voter being programmed to parrot the lie that “there is no fraud” is not worth arguing with. Their pathetic lack of objectivity shows their desperation.

@Nathan Blue:

As I’ve pointed out repeatedly over the past year, you make adamant claims that don’t square with facts or reality. As you previously admitted, your claims are not based on a gathering of information but rather what you choose to form in you own mind. Obviously, it’s difficult to make a reasonable argument or have an intelligent conversation with one who ignores data and relies on his/her own bias conclusions based on their deep seeded hatred of anyone pointing out reality to them.

Your decision to not recognize a duly elected president as legitimate is your own and it would be interesting how you conclude that the other 70 some million will be as unpatriotic and unAmerican as you. Do you close your eyes, grit your teeth, and have deep thoughts to make it so? Maybe click your heels 3 times during that process?

I honestly wish I could help you as your days must truly be long and emotionally tiring.

December 1, 2020 – Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud

Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

His comments in an interview with The Associated Press come despite President Donald Trump’s repeated baseless claims that the election was stolen, Trump’s effort to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election and his refusal to concede his loss to President-Elect Joe Biden.

Barr said U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but they’ve uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome of the election. Barr was headed to the White House later for a previously scheduled meeting.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP.

The comments are especially direct coming from Barr, who has been one of the president’s most ardent allies. Before the election, he had repeatedly raised the notion that mail-in voter fraud could be especially vulnerable to fraud during the coronavirus pandemic as Americans feared going to polls and instead chose to vote by mail.

There’s no evidence for it, BECAUSE IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

@Ronald J. Ward:

As I’ve pointed out repeatedly

Yes like a mantra, but not pointing out why Citizens should accept election fraud.
You have not spent 1 second looking at the evidence or watching the hearings, listening to witnesses.
One witness today said he was a Republican until Trump and if you were looking for fraud that is all you will see.
I got news for the Never Trumper, those poll challengers were there to look for fraud and errors then challenge it, it was their frigging civic duty to do so. They saw plenty of fraud. Tabulators with ethernet cables attached going to a commercial router, Admin password clearly in view taped to every computer workstation.
When you say shut up and accept this fraudulent election as a citizen I say I have a direction in which I want you to F*CK that direction is OFF.

@Greg: lol suddenly you love Barr go back and look at your opinion when he wanted to lower the sentencing for Stone you ASS, and when he dropped charges on Flynn you silly ASS.
You couldnt even quote Barr correctly you weasle ass.

@kitt, #26:

lol suddenly you love Barr go back and look at your opinion when he wanted to lower the sentencing for Stone you ASS, and when he dropped charges on Flynn you silly ASS.

My thinking goes more along the lines of the following: If even William Barr concedes there’s no evidence, you can believe there’s no evidence.

William Barr would give Donald Trump every benefit of the doubt.

You couldnt even quote Barr correctly you weasle ass.

According to AP, that was a direct quote.

@Greg: Barr never said there was no evidence unless you edit what he said. The DOJ and FBI are compromised and can no longer be trusted they even took the 1st job away from them, the very reason the agency was formed, gave that job to DHS.
When I see agents that illegally spied on the President go to jail they first begin to earn trust back.
But off subject, we will not see our Republic flushed by China, Iran and Venezuelan election interference.

Rudy says there’s a huge volume of evidence of epic-scale election fraud. Barr, the Trump-appointed Attorney General, says he hasn’t seen any of it. Somehow none of this evidence ever shows up in court. This simply doesn’t add up. This has gone well beyond ridiculous.

@Greg: Direct quote Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
So there was widespread voter fraud but in his opinion not enough to alter the outcome…really
18K for Wisconsin turn over
9K for AZ turn over
12K for GA
only 29 % of MI votes can be counted in a recount because 71% dont balance so cant be certified.
that would give MI to Trump cause its Wayne county a democrat stronghold.
Fake addresses, dead voters, lack of id voters, sharpiegate, missing thumbdrives, systems on the internet, Barr needs to have a chat with some of the 600 plus witnesses of fraud.


Yes like a mantra, but not pointing out why Citizens should accept election fraud.

I’ve never suggested they should.

The problem is that Trump and his insanely glazed over cultists cannot provide evidence of its existence.

Even Trump’s head personal attorney William Barr said so today.

@Ronald J. WardTrump should go demand an immediate recount in MI. He would win by 170K votes, and disenfranchise 71% of the democrat votes in Detroit.
How would that suit you?
Not Trumps goal but you and your pal Greggie woudnt comprehend that.


Somehow none of this evidence ever shows up in court. This simply doesn’t add up. This has gone well beyond ridiculous.

There are currently hundreds of cases going to court. Somehow, you neglect this in the weak effort to “comment” on the matter. The evidence is not secret. It’s just not being reported on, or simply covered up, by your Left wing disinformation outlets.

Which is why this is happening in the first place: a desperate and failing Democrat Party telegraphed that it was going to cheat in the election. It did.

Regardless of the outcome of any court battles, at least of half of Americans will, rightly, not acknowledge the “outcome” of the fraudulent election and NEVER consider Joe Biden as the President of anything.

The Left would never accept such evidence of fraud had this gone for Trump. No one else will, either.

Biden won nothing.

@Ronald J. Ward:

As I’ve pointed out repeatedly over the past year, you make adamant claims that don’t square with facts or reality.

It’s an accurate and adamant claim that Biden did not win the election. The EC has not called anything, and it’s fact that rampant errors and reports of foul-play are now being investigated.

Just because your Leftwing propaganda outlets don’t report it means nothing.

Do you think I have some need to link articles to you, so I can hear yet another pathetic screed about FOX or newsmax or brieibart or whatever you routinely bitch about, new sources I don’t even read? Your arguments have zero substance, and just come down to you trashing any source that doesn’t jibe with what you’ve swallowed.

The evidence is real. The lawsuits are real. This is going to court and Biden is not the President.

Your decision to not recognize a duly elected president as legitimate is your own and it would be interesting how you conclude that the other 70 some million will be as unpatriotic and unAmerican as you.

Hehe. It’s “American” to require a fair and free election. It’s cowardly to ignore real evidence of election fraud just because your “guy” isn’t going to win this one. Biden is not duly elected, not by any means. Trump was in 2016.

I’ll go ahead and defend your rights by demanding a legal election.

The litmus test for idiots like you is very simple: if I reverse the circumstances, that suddenly vote dumps come in the middle of the night, that FOX (CNN) warned of the election machines being easy to hack or manipulate (back in 2016 AND 2018), that the lead engineer of swing-state election software said “Biden won’t win. I made f*cking sure of that”, that millions of votes were not checked for signature matches, that poll watchers were pushed out during strangely key periods of statistically impossible vote dumps for Trump, that Trump vans pulled up with coolers of ballots, that a Republican-held state suddenly changed the laws so they could vote after the election…

My God, you’d be screaming your silly little head off about voter fraud and how the election isn’t legitimate.

Don’t worry, little guy. We’ll get to the bottom of this and make sure legal elections are the law of the land. I know you’re tempted to ignore cheating, but it’s ok. People of conscious won’t let you.

Biden won nothing. Unlike the Russia hoax, the illegitimacy of this election is real, and not a scandal paid for and engineered by a losing candidate.

He’s not my President. He’s not your President, either…because he’s not THE President.

Now go fantasize about being under the desk while Brian Stelter is giving your daily dose of disinformation.

@Nathan Blue:

Regardless of the outcome of any court battles, at least of half of Americans will, rightly, not acknowledge the “outcome” of the fraudulent election and NEVER consider Joe Biden as the President of anything.

One more time, those statistics aren’t consistent with, will, other than the summation from your head, anything. Sure those 73 million are disappointed. And yeah, you’re likely to see a few Chinese made Trump 2020 flaps flying under confederated flags for the next 4 years, maybe longer. But these diehard Trump cultist, other than in a Trump cultist’s head, do no appear to be in large numbers at all, and most certainly not the 73 million who voted for him.

I don’t have the numbers to give you and I doubt that it’s even possible to acquire a number but by all indications, many Trump bowel dwellers are ready to scape the feces from their eyes and move on.

Biden will be sworn in 1/20/21, making him the winner and Trump, the loser, a loser and ultimately make America great again.

@kitt: lol, if Trump was up in the election and these issues were being reported by CNN et al as election fraud that helps Trump, greg and Ron/AJ would be screaming.

I support fair and fraud-free elections, for all candidates of any party.

While this confirms our suspicions of the ongoing Democrat coup, it’s also very important we restore trust and accuracy in voting. Any politician not working hard to route out issues is a traitor.

@Ronald J.Ward:

Biden will be sworn in 1/20/21, making him the winner and Trump, the loser, a loser and ultimately make America great again.

Unfortunately not, fella. You’re avoiding the reality of election fraud because you have NO ARGUMENT TO MAKE.

You can’t handle data or analysis, so best for you to avoid. I understand.

That said, with an election that can’t be verified as fair and free, with hundreds of cases of fraud, misconduct, and software issues…all mysteriously benefiting Biden…the results of the election are invalid. I’d expect the same if these issues existed and helped Trump. I’d be saying the same thing.

I don’t have the numbers to give you

You never do. I’m sorry that you believe a rigged election is somehow the right thing for our country. It’s certainly not. Somewhere in that conflicted mind of yours, you know this. That’s why you simple can’t engage in the topic at hand: real evidence of election fraud that literally changes the outcome of the election as to make that outcome invalid.

Biden voters are already attacking Biden, knowing now how moronic it was to vote for him. It would be better for you and your failing party if Trump wins, you know. That’s the only thing keeping it together: TDS.

But we’ll see. The election isn’t decided yet, and unless the courts can show me how hundreds of thousands of votes in key states are valid, those from the dead, those from out of state, those not verified, those dumped at the curb late at night, then the results are not valid.

Biden won nothing. Any attempt to install him, or anyone, into the Oval Office without a fair and free vote is tantamount to a coup.

@Ronald J.Ward: Here’s more evidence, *sshole.

But please, keep hiding your head in the sand.

By the way, these Marxists you are aiding…

They WILL come for you one day. Count on it.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Your decision to not recognize a duly elected president as legitimate is your own and it would be interesting how you conclude that the other 70 some million will be as unpatriotic and unAmerican as you.

Wow. Just… wow. I guess you don’t remember your entire crybaby party calling the Trump election into question, with NO basis in fact. Here we have a mountain of evidence proving massive fraud (and that’s not a vaporous Schiff mountain, either). But, enjoy your hypocrisy. It still doesn’t make that stumbling, lying, corrupt idiot Obiden President, and it never will.

I’ve never suggested they should.

Well, yeah. You did. Right here, in your own words, in #23.

Your decision to not recognize a duly elected president as legitimate


There’s no evidence for it, BECAUSE IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

Do you not even read your own phony posts? No evidence (to date) of enough fraud to change the election. However, as Guiliani points out, the DOJ has not asked for THEIR evidence. But, not enough to change the election is a far cry from NO FRAUD. Indeed, there has been MASSIVE fraud, the evidence is clear and real. Once it is all examined, I believe there was more than enough to alter the outcome because Democrats KNEW they needed a lot to drag that incompetent idiot over the finish line.

If even William Barr concedes there’s no evidence, you can believe there’s no evidence.

Again, he didn’t say that, did he? Why don’t you tell the truth?

@Nathan Blue: Maybe AJ would prefer to be under Jeff Toobin’s desk with a target on his face.

@Nathan Blue:


Thought you said you concocted those notions in your head? I suppose the gullible needs a primer?

Unfortunately not, fella (of Biden being sworn in 1-20-21) You’re avoiding the reality of election fraud because you have NO ARGUMENT TO MAKE.

Okay so you claimed without evidence and defied arguments that Trump would win. Once he lost, you claimed without evidence and defied arguments he won because it was a rigged election ( which Trump has instructed his cultists to do for 4 years). So, will Biden not be sworn in even if he’s sworn in? Will the inauguration be edited video of the deep state with a fake SCOTUS Justice swearing him in? Will it be real but just invalid because those voices in your head or some batshit crazy website plant notions in your head?

I admit I’ve been witnessing this meltdown from the rabid right for some time but you seriously need to come to grips.

@Nathan Blue:

But we’ll see. The election isn’t decided yet, and unless the courts can show me how hundreds of thousands of votes in key states are valid, those from the dead, those from out of state, those not verified, those dumped at the curb late at night, then the results are not valid.

Trump’s Attorney General has said that there was no fraud that rose to an election-changing level.

SEC Filings Show Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Machines Got $400M From Swiss Bank With China Connections Before Election
Payoff, bribe or did they buy the company?

@Deplorable Me:

Maybe AJ would prefer to be under Jeff Toobin’s desk with a target on his face.

Ah, yes: gay stuff! The go-to insult of twelve-year-olds from time immemorial!

@kitt: Reckon any of that money was Hunters?

@Deplorable Me: Thats a rabbit hole involving Serbia.

Can’t we just move right along to the preemptive pardons? We know we’re headed there, and it would save a lot of time to just skip ahead.

December 1, 2020 – Justice Department investigating potential presidential pardon bribery scheme, court records reveal

@Greg: Shredding truck at Gwinnett facility— patriots have eyes on activity there now..WTH they shread hard drives they do e- waste.
Wow there is a court order, are they destroying evidence?

@Greg: Though, legally, he doesn’t need it, I would find it hilarious if Trump issued a pardon for himself and all his family. The case of Gen. Flynn is enough to warn us all that Democrats don’t care one bit about justice, rules, laws or the Constitution and they will abuse the courts to persecute anyone they want to destroy. We all know what vile, vindictive, immature, anti-American Democrats have in mind for Trump when he leaves; hell, they’ve promoted persecuting anyone that even SUPPORTED him!

Liberal heads would explode… like a broken lightbulb, with nothing but vacuum inside.

@kitt: Democrats love to destroy evidence of their criminal activities and corruption. It’s either be prosecuted for destruction of evidence and obstruction or have their massive crimes exposed. Just like Hillary.

@Deplorable Me: This case isnt Democrats, the Guvner is Republican as is the SOS, the SOS is doing a head fake by beginning investigations into possible vote harvesting as he covers for the China owned Dominion systems.
Both are being investigated by the internet slueths and normies with a wide streak of patriotism, that center is being watched 24/7, while Barr gets the Hellen Keller award.

It’s not open to debate: real election fraud occurred, and it has spawned real investigations.

Even CNN doubted the Dominion back in 2016 and 2018, when they thought is would hurt their candidate.

The election is invalid, unfortunately. We’ll see how this plays out. Better if Trump wins, as we already see the Democrat Party failing further as they eat each other.

TDS was the only thing holding them together.