After ignoring and encouraging the violence, democrats try to shift the blame for their miserable failures to Trump



I have come to the awareness that “democrat” is a synonym for “a**hole.” For more than three months we on the right have been calling for intervention in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York city and elsewhere as the violence and destruction reign. We here have continuously lamented the loss of lives, especially the black lives lost over these months. democrat mayors and governors have repeatedly spurned Donald Trump’s offers to send in Federal assistance in quelling the violence.  Ted Wheeler said he was going to let the rioting “burn itself out” as he refused Trump’s help.



democrats wanted this violence. AOC wanted it to continue.

Maxine Waters called for harassment of Republicans.

Kamala Harris says keep the violence going

And golly, let’s free those rioters to riot some more!






A trump supporter was executed in Portland last night. Biden supporters celebrated

DC is under the control of BLM/Antifa. Shame there’s no mayor to deal with this

At the spiffy new Black Lives Matter plaza in DC BLM announces its new program:

“I’m at the point where I’m ready to put these police in the f**king grave. I’m at the point where I wanna burn the f**king White House down.”

“I wanna take it to the Senators,” he said, in a chilling statement coming just one day after Senator Rand Paul and his wife were attacked in the street outside the White House.

“I wanna take it to the Congress,”

“I wanna take the fight to them. And at the end of the day if they ain’t gonna hear us, we burn them the f**k down.”

Bragging about his own violent actions in New York, the speaker said: “I’m one that talk real sh*t. I talk it in New York and I talk it in DC. The same way I f**k police up in New York, I f**k cops here in DC. The same way I bust police in the head in New York, I bust police in the head in DC.”

Video at the link

As I wrote previously, democrats have shat their pants once they realized that the violence and destruction are not helping them. The democrat Borg collective has begun to attempt to shift the blame from their own miserable failure lives to Donald Trump.

Adam Schiff, the talking anus, flatulated this out:

“The president is willfully fanning the flames of this violence. As his own adviser, Kellyanne Conway, said last week, they believe the violence is helpful to them. And the president is only motivated by one thing. What is in it for him? And he sees this violence and his ability to agitate more of it as useful to his campaign. What it does to the country, the loss of life, he doesn’t care.”

Well, as Schiff has had nothing to say about the violence since it began, you’d have to say his words really stink.

There is no end to the list of democrat liars

I went through Klobuchar’s Twitter feed for more than two months. She said absolutely nothing about the rioting. She’s full of crap, as are all democrats.

Today Ted Wheeler, the a**hole who let the riots burn for 100 days, blamed Trump

This is not going to work. Not only did democrats ignore the chaos, anarchy and death for more than three months, they encouraged it. They said it was working. They said keep it up. They said it was all peaceful.

To be clear, democrats don’t give a flying f*** about the people in these cities. They allowed the rioting to go on for three months unmentioned. Nadler said the violence was a myth. The polls are crashing their party. You have to be pretty sociopathic to pretend to care about the suffering only when jolted by poll numbers.

The funniest thing is watching the democrat Borg collective drones all repeating the same message as though centrally controlled.

Yesterday the violence didn’t even exist for them. Biden will be crushed and they deserve it.

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You have to be really, willfully stupid to be a Democrat these days. This truly is the Flight 93 election. The airplane has been taken over by evil, mindless zombies who must be utterly defeated if we are to survive as a nation. These people celebrate over the cold-blooded murder of a Trump supporter. Can you imagine them in power?

soon the democraps will blame Trump for great flood in the Bible, or WW1, wait, the french revolution. all of these on his watch. the entire democrap party is coming apart and nothing is going to stop the crash and burn

“I’m at the point where I’m ready to put these police in the f**king grave. I’m at the point where I wanna burn the f**king White House down.”

Gee… that sort of sounds like a threat. Is the FBI on this? Why hasn’t this person been arrested for making a terrorist threat?

Democrats lack leadership. They are totally bereft of it. It is non-existent among them. There is not a Democrat leader to be found. Those in charge, who SHOULD be leading, care more about the out-of-town terrorists imported to help “burn out” the citizens and their businesses than they do about the people that pay the exorbitant taxes levied on them that should be paying for their protection. Yeah… that’s right; people are paying for the government to protect them but, instead, the government aids and abets the destruction of their property and lives.

Anyone that continues to vote for Democrats is an utter moron. Unless you are someone that wants to exact vengeful destruction upon taxpayers and you don’t want any interference by law enforcement or government, you have no possible interest in voting for Democrats. If you aren’t a criminal anarchist and vote for Democrats, you are simply stupid. Sorry.

Too little, too late. There is WAY too much evidence in the form of sound bites and social media posts for them to deflect blame and try to weasel their weaselly little Red asses out of this one. They turned their little Red army, brownshirts, or whatever you want to call them, loose on America and now they’ve lost control. I did see an internet rumor a few weeks ago that claimed Barr was going to publicly out politicians whom they’ve found to be backing these groups. Hopefully it’s true. Any bets 100% of them have a ‘D’ behind their name?

While I’m hoping the voters see through this crap and in the end will in the ned do what’s right, I am wondering one thing.

Please correct me if I’m wrong here because I don’t have the time to put into this like I used to, but I haven’t sen anything form Greggie and his cohorts condemning this garbage.

Just wondering as to their slant on this and again my apologies if I missed anything.

@joetote: Oh, no. None of the resident liberals (there aren’t very many anymore) denounce the left wing terror. They’ve ignored it, then they excuse it as “peaceful” and now they simply blame any reaction to it as the only violence. In there world, no one but out-of-towners armed with gasoline, fireworks, laser pointers and bottles filled with cement have a right to neighborhoods. People defending those neighborhoods are “inciting violence”, despite the fact that the violence is already there. Truly, they have a strange mindset.

@Deplorable Me:

The mindset isn’t strange. It’s what Doublethink looks like in reality. It’s even more disturbing than the idea was in 1984.


but I haven’t sen anything form Greggie and his cohorts condemning this garbage.

greg is stuck on this thread, because it’s about how Marxism doesn’t work:

The Dishonesty of ‘Real Socialism Has Never Been Tried’

I think he wants the last word.

Dear John….You had Lenny and I hysterical with your remarks about Adam, the asshole, Schiff. We were crying!!!! Love, dc

His name is Ted Wheeler his middle name should be Moron,Idiot,Jerk,or Stupid

They allowed the rioting to go on for three months unmentioned. Nadler said the violence was a myth. The polls are crashing their party. You have to be pretty sociopathic to pretend to care about the suffering only when jolted by poll numbers.

Too little, too late. They have alienated their (supposed) core audience.

My wife, who I affectionately refer to as ‘my token bleeding heart liberal’, who has always listened to liberal news, who has agreed with all the liberal causes du jour, who has been vocally in favor of every screwball ‘common sense’ (in the most oxymoronic sense of that phrase) gun control idea mentioned – and accordingly has never allowed guns in our house – informed me the other day (we live about an hour from Seattle and two hours from Portland) that one, she was worried enough about the riots, er, ‘mostly‘ peaceful protests spreading that she wants me to buy some guns “just in case” and two, that she is voting for Trump in the upcoming election.

Mind you, this woman hasn’t voted for a Republican in the almost 50 years I’ve known her.

When I described some of the hoops which would need to be jumped through in order to buy the guns, she thought most of them were ‘stupid’. I reminded her these were the ‘common sense’ restrictions she had supported and voted for.

Just to put the frosting on the cake, the pistol I’ve picked out has a ‘high capacity magazine’ and the rifle is an AR derivative… 🙂 I plan on stocking up on spare magazines before Washington (State) can pass the few remaining gun control idiocies they weren’t able to get through the last legislative session.

Personally, I’m happy that the Dems finally took off the mask and showed the ugliness of their policies enough that my wife could finally see their true motives.

But I’m surprised no one on that side of the fence could evidently see this coming. Happy surprised, because I don’t think my wife is the only one with ‘scales falling from her eyes’, but surprised never the less.

Many people are buying Guns despite what liberals say

@Jay: You are a lucky man. I hope I live long enough to see a liberal become enlightened.

Democrats themselves have destroyed their own “common sense gun control” myth. We’ve seen their campaign to destroy police forces. We’ve seen Democrats leave citizens defenseless. We’ve seen Democrats refuse to prosecute violent rioters and looters. We’ve seen the political terrorists the Democrats favor over law abiding citizens carrying semi-automatic long guns in the streets.

There is but one option for citizens; arm themselves and protect themselves.

Every left-wing radical who thinks of himself as a “journalist” with his camera phone and Twitter account knows the pathway to success and a mainstream media job: first, you create a crisis of whatever size possible. Perhaps it’s about race or #MeToo or some obscure LGBTQ matter; ideally, it involves all three of those things. Promote it no matter what the facts may be. Then attack the Right and Fox News for it, regardless of the truth.

@Spurwing Plover:
been in a gun store lately? noting on the shelfs either in guns, or ammunition. all are special order and never placed on display.

@Deplorable Me #14

You are a lucky man. I hope I live long enough to see a liberal become enlightened.

Thanks. I hope you do too. I think (hope? pray?) that this election will reveal a lot of enlightened (or at least disillusioned) former liberals.

What’s the saying? A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged by reality?

Democrats themselves have destroyed their own “common sense gun control” myth. We’ve seen their campaign to destroy police forces. We’ve seen Democrats leave citizens defenseless. We’ve seen Democrats refuse to prosecute violent rioters and looters. We’ve seen the political terrorists the Democrats favor over law abiding citizens carrying semi-automatic long guns in the streets.

Yet despite the liberal orientation/support for these groups, it’s revealing that when *they* show up with guns (both the recent Portland attack and CHAZ in Seattle) somehow there is no clamor for gun control and condemnation of those with the guns as ‘left-wing gun nuts’.

Hypocrisy, thy name is liberals

There is but one option for citizens; arm themselves and protect themselves.

Amen brother! Amen!

Notice just how fast the protesters turn tail when they run into armed citizens who make a ‘no-tolerance’ policy clear.

With the means and will to enforce it.