The Riots put Democrats’ Racism on Full Display

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Everybody knows that the Radical Left that has taken over the Democratic Party is full of racists, but it went on particularly ugly display over the last few days. Let’s look at how from several different angles:

First, they Celebrated 

The radicals in the media were waving pom poms as legitimate, peaceful protest quickly escalated to rioting and looting. Instead of rightfully decrying defacing monuments, smashing windows, and stealing from small business owners, these nimrods actually cheered on the destruction of the businesses that served these predominantly non-white neighborhoods. Once again, white virtue signaling holds nonwhite people to lower standards.

Until they realized looting and rioting don’t well with The Normals 

Realizing that outside of deep blue bubbles, Normals in battleground don’t like seeing a few spoiled children allowed to through a massive temper tantrum. The Washington Post noted that many of the instigators were white, even if WaPo couldn’t quite figure out from which end of the political spectrum they hailed.

Of course, not all lives matter. 

A retired cop defending a shop being looted was murdered by looter. Why doesn’t his life matter? It’s almost as if some black lives matter more than others, depending on how well they help to push The Radical Left’s agendas.

And we now learn that apparently Kung Flu is racist. Against white people.

I’ll quote Ace directly on this one: “NPR: New Science Proves That Coronavirus Demands that Conservatives Not Do Things They Want to Do, Like Work At Their Businesses, But Does Not Limit What the Leftwing Wants to Do, Like Pillage and Loot Conservatives’ Businesses.” So a few days ago it was selfish for people to go to church or the beach, but thousands of rioters getting together isn’t going to rack up a massive death toll that Leftists were praying for in states like Georgia and Florida? That leaves us with one of two conclusions: The radical Left either lied about the severity of Coronavirus, or they’re cool with murdering black Americans. There’s no third option.

Remember when minorities were the hardest hit? 

Apparently the virus not only hits minorities more, but it also takes their jobs, more so than white Americans. Black women were also among the hardest hit. Here’s a question for our woke media and politicians. Do you know what really takes away jobs and paychecks more than a “temporary” lockdown? That would be physically destroying the actual businesses that employ these Americans. And for some reason Leftists support taking away these people’s livelihoods permanently? I’d like to believe it’s something other than their racism but can’t find any other reason.

The New Tea Party?

Now The Radical Left is also trying to compare the current riots to The Boston Tea Party. I don’t have much to add beyond what’s in the two links, other than after years of being told that the words “Tea Party” mean racism, it tells us how Leftists secretly view these protests.

George-Soros-Backed Leftwing Radical Attorney General Kim Gardner Has Released Every Single Rioter and Looter Arrested in St. Louis 

And now on the back end, we see the criminals who trashed these non-white neighborhoods getting released from jail, with no consequences. Guess what message this sends to the perpetrators?

I’d like to have some good point to wrap up all of these points, but unfortunately there isn’t. And it should genuinely scare us Normals. as the same people who voted in the leaders that mismanaged their cities & states will end up fleeing the carnage. And at the ballot box they’ll vote for the same policies that caused them to flee. I genuinely miss the days when Kurt Schlichter novels were fun, escapist reading instead of what’s looking more and more like a brilliant prophesy.

To close on a somewhat positive note, this first tweet will make you smile. It’s too cool to be real, but hopefully it will inspire all of us

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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@Nathan Blue:

No passages that I can see,

That’s because there aren’t any, despite the fact that Nan called it “the absolute worst dreck supporting black supremacy I had ever seen.” (By the way, kudos to you for the honesty.)

but the overall theme in BLM is that laws don’t apply to blacks.

That’s as may be, but there’s absolutely nothing about any of that on the page Nan is specifically complaining about. Nothing. In fact, I couldn’t find a single reference to BLM anywhere on the site.

That, I suspect, is why she, Bob and Randy have been reluctant to engage directly about the page in the link, preferring to play little games: there’s nothing that can be remotely construed as supporting “black supremacy” there, but to admit that would be seen as—what? Weakness? Losing face? Leaving Nan twisting in the wind?


And what was Donald Trump’s response to that, sports fans?

He ignored it, because we DON’T have a race problem in America.

Just because backwards whites like you find it politically expedient to invent crises, doesn’t mean they exist.

@Nathan Blue:

He ignored it

How do you figure? He tweeted repeatedly about players kneeling, and he mentioned it many times at his rallies. How does that equal ignoring it?

@Michael: Addressing disrespect of the flag is not racism, it is disrespecting all of the sacrifices that have been made over the centuries to keep that flag flying over this country. President Trump and many others discussed that at length. If someone wants to protest racism, they need to protect the causes, not the flag, not burning businesses of minority people, not assaulting police yes their weasel politicians.

@Randy: Plus, anyone that cites “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” in their protest has no credibility and, in fact, is propagating the very problem most rampant with racism; exploiting it for political purposes. Or, in Kaepernick’s case, as an excuse for being a washed up quarterback.


How do you figure? He tweeted repeatedly about players kneeling, and he mentioned it many times at his rallies. How does that equal ignoring it?

Uh, the quote said Kap peacefully told us we have systematic race problem, which we of course DO NOT.

That was the subject at hand, greggie goebels implying Kap was some kind of warning.

Kap has helped to engineer a non-existent crisis that is now killing black people, not saving them.

I don’t respect people who blame others for their life. I don’t trust groups of people who blame other groups of people, either.

June 8, 2020 – George Floyd death: Pelosi, Democrats kneel for 8 minutes 46 seconds to honour Floyd

Bots on parade! Click down the list of names associated with negative comments in the YouTube comment section and take note of how many of them take you to the statement, “This channel doesn’t have any content.” That’s the American public, being manipulated by the phony accounts spawned by a bot net. Note the comment from “Exciter Maximus”. That would be a clue, if anybody wants to get one.

Trump will never take a knee. He’s too overweight to get back up again. No doubt he will make some angry and disparaging noises on Twitter.

How can people read the same words and be so deep in the Nile?
Presumption of Guilt

Racial disparities in our criminal justice system are a legacy of our history of racial injustice.

Black men are nearly six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men; [Fact]
The Bureau of Justice Statistics projected in 2001 that one of every three black boys born that year would go to jail or prison if trends continued.

These racial disparities are rooted in a narrative of racial difference—the belief that black people were inferior—that was created to justify the enslavement of black people. That belief survived the formal abolition of slavery and evolved to include the belief that black people are dangerous criminals.

So, black people are not in prison for crimes?
If a white man did the same things, would he not be in prison?
Yes, the white man would.
Black men who commit crimes get caught just as often as others, in proportion to their criminal acts.
It’s just a fact that, for example, fully 50% of all homicides in the USA are committed by blacks.
When 13% of the population commits 50% of a major crime, yeah, they will be incarcerated in higher proportions than other races.
(As if blacks in America are “another race,” anyway. Fewer are even 50% of African blood. Like Obama, most of them are very mixed. Real Africans, like the majority of “blacks” here in Utah, are jet black and very assimilated into the business-owning community.)

Police don’t police to fit their “narrative.” That’s a recent Lefty journalism/politics construct.
Police look for BEHAVIOR that is suspicious.

The entire site is an attempt at alternative history, revisionist lies to pass as history.
People can be either smart or dumb but law abiding.
People can be either smart of dumb and criminal.
Police don’t go after the law abiding.
They go after the criminal.

Some poor guy got beat to death simply for not bowing down for black men and spouting some words of surrender.
If there were no police, they’d get away with it, too.
The riots are putting Leftists racism on public display.
And they want to “defund” (read: abolish) the police.
Guns are flying off the shelves as a result.

Antifa is taking a page from Hamas in Gaza where other Muslims were their 1st big target, shooting Fatah members in the backs of the knees and refusing them medical care.

Just the same, these riots are victimizing black business people and low income dwellers before they are even hurting their so-called enemies, the whites.

@Greg: They knelt for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to PANDER. That’s all they are doing. They support the dismantling of the police forces that is all there is in most liberal areas to keep people safe, especially the poor. Further, in Minnesota, which is supposedly the epicenter of “systemic racism”, Democrats are in charge from stem to stern; how are Democrats going to address the problem when it is THEMSELVES?

Your beloved Democrats are nothing but hypocritical liars. They are the source and cause of any racism that causes harm in our society. If they didn’t need it so badly to stay in power, it would all but disappear.

@Greg: Once a rock head, always a rock head greggie. You just do not get it. Did you poll all those people who took a knee greggie the rock? No? Then you do not know if those people were trying to garner votes, prevent there house or business from being destroyed or just trying to get along. Taking a knee means nothing to those there is no reason for you to be patting yourself on the back. They have made a fool of you again!

@Nan G:

How can people read the same words and be so deep in the Nile?

I assume you’re referring to me. There’s nothing there about black supremacy.

@Michael: Not if you fail to comprehend the meaning of the words.

@Deplorable Me:

They knelt for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to PANDER. That’s all they are doing.

Opinions vary. I doubt Donald Trump would get down on his knees to pray if the Lord himself walked into the room. Humility is no more a part of his nature than empathy.

@Greg: Actually greggie the rock, he prays frequently with his wife who is Catholic. So much for you knowledge. You greggie the rock are the supporter of a candidate in the middle stages of dementia. What does that say for you?

@Randy: Then explain it to me. I can understand disagreeing on the significance of the statistics, as Nan did; people of good will can look at the same numbers and have a difference of opinion as to what they mean, after all. But what part of that is the supremacy part? We can just stick with part Nan quoted, if you’d like, or you can take other passages from the site, if you’d rather. Please tell me what you’re seeing when you read that site that I’m missing.


You greggie the rock are the supporter of a candidate in the middle stages of dementia.

I remember clearly that the Right was absolutely certain that Hilary Clinton was on the brink of death during the campaign four years ago, so you’ll forgive me if I take your medical diagnosis with a grain of salt.

@Greg: And Nancy, having had one too many tumblers of gin, could not get back up. She almost pandered herself out on the floor.

Democrats have failed the people. They need to get on their knees and beg forgiveness, then get out of government.

Is that the same Archbishop that his suppressing the information about the priest abuses of children and refusing to address the issues? THAT guy? Yeah, not too curious about his judgement of Trump.

They need to take back the U.S. Senate and the Oval Office.

@Greg: You need to start taking your meds like your psych docs told you or it’s back to the loony bin!!

@Greg: You mean the same failure that gave us the spread of COVID19 and the riots and looting should be in control of all of Congress and the White House? Ha. THAT’S a laugh.