The Riots put Democrats’ Racism on Full Display



Everybody knows that the Radical Left that has taken over the Democratic Party is full of racists, but it went on particularly ugly display over the last few days. Let’s look at how from several different angles:

First, they Celebrated 

The radicals in the media were waving pom poms as legitimate, peaceful protest quickly escalated to rioting and looting. Instead of rightfully decrying defacing monuments, smashing windows, and stealing from small business owners, these nimrods actually cheered on the destruction of the businesses that served these predominantly non-white neighborhoods. Once again, white virtue signaling holds nonwhite people to lower standards.

Until they realized looting and rioting don’t well with The Normals 

Realizing that outside of deep blue bubbles, Normals in battleground don’t like seeing a few spoiled children allowed to through a massive temper tantrum. The Washington Post noted that many of the instigators were white, even if WaPo couldn’t quite figure out from which end of the political spectrum they hailed.

Of course, not all lives matter. 

A retired cop defending a shop being looted was murdered by looter. Why doesn’t his life matter? It’s almost as if some black lives matter more than others, depending on how well they help to push The Radical Left’s agendas.

And we now learn that apparently Kung Flu is racist. Against white people.

I’ll quote Ace directly on this one: “NPR: New Science Proves That Coronavirus Demands that Conservatives Not Do Things They Want to Do, Like Work At Their Businesses, But Does Not Limit What the Leftwing Wants to Do, Like Pillage and Loot Conservatives’ Businesses.” So a few days ago it was selfish for people to go to church or the beach, but thousands of rioters getting together isn’t going to rack up a massive death toll that Leftists were praying for in states like Georgia and Florida? That leaves us with one of two conclusions: The radical Left either lied about the severity of Coronavirus, or they’re cool with murdering black Americans. There’s no third option.

Remember when minorities were the hardest hit? 

Apparently the virus not only hits minorities more, but it also takes their jobs, more so than white Americans. Black women were also among the hardest hit. Here’s a question for our woke media and politicians. Do you know what really takes away jobs and paychecks more than a “temporary” lockdown? That would be physically destroying the actual businesses that employ these Americans. And for some reason Leftists support taking away these people’s livelihoods permanently? I’d like to believe it’s something other than their racism but can’t find any other reason.

The New Tea Party?

Now The Radical Left is also trying to compare the current riots to The Boston Tea Party. I don’t have much to add beyond what’s in the two links, other than after years of being told that the words “Tea Party” mean racism, it tells us how Leftists secretly view these protests.

George-Soros-Backed Leftwing Radical Attorney General Kim Gardner Has Released Every Single Rioter and Looter Arrested in St. Louis 

And now on the back end, we see the criminals who trashed these non-white neighborhoods getting released from jail, with no consequences. Guess what message this sends to the perpetrators?

I’d like to have some good point to wrap up all of these points, but unfortunately there isn’t. And it should genuinely scare us Normals. as the same people who voted in the leaders that mismanaged their cities & states will end up fleeing the carnage. And at the ballot box they’ll vote for the same policies that caused them to flee. I genuinely miss the days when Kurt Schlichter novels were fun, escapist reading instead of what’s looking more and more like a brilliant prophesy.

To close on a somewhat positive note, this first tweet will make you smile. It’s too cool to be real, but hopefully it will inspire all of us

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Big black thug-types are stopping little white females on public streets and demanding an act of obeisance toward them.
What’s the penalty for refusing?
In Rome, under Claudius, failure to put that pinch of incense on the flame in front of the bust of the Caesar led directly to the Lions in the Arena.
There was even a Last Chance bust of Claudius where Christians could deny their faith and do an act of worship to a human before the door opened to enter the arena.

I got an email from a national retailer with a link to the absolute worst dreck supporting black supremacy I had ever seen.
The last time I shopped at their retailer is actually the last time I will EVER shop there!

Dems/media/etc., want to rewrite reality as if they have already won.
Going along with them in this fantasy is madness.
Bowing down to false gods won’t mean those false gods will kill/rape/loot you later.
They just don’t care.
See: You can’t loot us, we’re on your side!

Of all those who need to be banished from America its Georges Soros and his ilk

Look, it really looks like the USA is a dead nation walking. They got into everything. I’m not sure how the non-bought Repubs, Trump, and just normal people who know the Constitutional Republic is the way to go can re-take over the country.

This is all staged: the virus, the riots, it’s all for the purpose of taking America down.

Oh, god I hope that bumper sticker story was true! I have often thought of putting one on my sister-in-law’s car (my wife’s liberal twin sister… that un-friended her on Facebook) but now realize that might be actually dangerous.

@Nan G: Who is that retailer?

@Spurwing Plover: Don’t you mean “(((George Soros)))” ?

@Nathan Blue:

This is all staged: the virus, the riots, it’s all for the purpose of taking America down.

Absolutely serious questions here: first, how on Earth did the people staging the hoax virus in order to influence domestic American politics get all those other countries to stage virus hoaxes in their countries, as well? Second, do you believe that people are not actually dying from the illness?

@Nan G: I went to the page you linked to and I read the whole thing. What did you see on that page that espoused black supremacy?

@Brother Bob:

If you haven’t checked them out, read the Kurt Sclichter books I linked at the end. I really wish someoen in Hollywood would bankroll them into theaters.

Sorry, but your link goes to Amazon which has a banner reading:

Black Lives Matter
Antiracism books to read right now

I absolutely will never again shop with Amazon because unlike Amazon, I believe ALL lives matter.

@Brother Bob: Please explain how that page is espousing “black supremacy.”

@Brother Bob: I figured as much.

@Michael: Here let someone splain it to you

Nancy is always an eloquent speaker.

@kitt: I figured as much.

The Democrats have never eliminated their racists roots that initiated and supported the KKK . Look how long they continued to elect the Grand pooh bah Senator from West Virginia/ They just developed a program with a fancy name to eliminate poverty for monitories and sold that program to minorities. Now that minorities see that the “program” was only a means to keep them in poverty, they are thinking and voting differently. BLM only matters to liberals as long as the BLM contingent keeps them in power. (The Democrats have a really great sales team. They have been successful in selling snow to Eskimos under the guise of global warming)

@Brother Bob: There was a recent poll that said President Trump’s favorable ratings with black citizens has increased by 40%. If that is true it may be decades before a Democrat can be elected president. Especially true if democrats continue to fail to support younger candidates. Although dementia in a candidate makes sure there is no need for their candidate to knowingly lie to the voters.

@Brother Bob: And make more of them! Biden’s “economic” policy he promises to enact if President would create MILLIONS more in poverty, destroying jobs by the basket of deplorables full.

@Randy: Perhaps Trump can erase that filthy pledge Johnson made when he supported the Civil Rights Act.

@Randy: Sharpton and his goons are going to try to end that this weekend, the attempted removal of the guard is suspicious, painting of the street is obvious. All the MSM news cameras will be carefully placed.
Reading BLM manifesto its part agenda 2030, part black panthers. Barr is only telling a tiny part of discoveries on Antifa they are a well organized terrorist group.
According to project Veritas training in hand to hand and weapons has been ongoing with Antifa, who are affiliated with BLM.
@Brother Bob: Stay safe this weekend.

@Brother Bob:

You can go ahead & read it any time – don’t worry, we’ll wait!

Purely out of curiosity, what do you get out of repeatedly telling me to read something I’ve already said I read? What point do you feel you’re making?

@Brother Bob: Maybe Michael can read but has no comprehension!

@Randy: If it’s all as self-evident as you imply, it should be blindingly simple to cite certain passages from the page and explain how they promote black supremacy.

@Michael: Citing passages for you would not make a differences for you to understand if you got nothing from the site.


Citing passages for you would not make a differences for you to understand if you got nothing from the site.

It’s always the same with you guys: you’re free with the nutty allegations, but whenever you’re asked to defend any of them, you’re full of deflections and/or reasons why you couldn’t possibly be bothered to explain what you mean. (And if you can find some way to cast your inability to support your ideas as a cognitive failing on the part of the person who’s asking for clarification, then so much the better, as far as you’re concerned.)

@Michael: The purpose of the article you were asked to read was to provide a false image of the subject. If you could not understand that and what Brother was concerned about, citations would not make a difference. It is obvious you failed to comprehend and that appears to be consistent with all conversations anyone here has with you.

@Randy: Actually, it was Nan G. who said the article “espoused black supremacy,” not Bob, but when I directed my question to her, he jumped in. “Presenting a false image” on race relations is not the same thing as arguing for black supremacy. I could see where someone might be able to make a case for the former, but not the latter.

@Brother Bob:

If you’re going to suggest that the rest of us are dodging questions, why haven’t you responded to my earlier comment (#15) about your Anti-Semitism

Well, I could start by pointing out that you didn’t ask me a question. You just wrote, “No, but apparently you do. Thanks for mentioning, and maybe we’ll get to Leftist Anti-Semetism [sic] another day!”

There’s nothing to respond to there. Did you have a question?

(As an aside, I’m not suggesting that you guys are dodging the question; I’m coming right out and saying in plain language that you’re dodging the question, likely because there’s nothing on the page to back up your allegations.)

I’ll add that you’re also dodging the question I asked about what you get out of repeatedly suggesting that I read the web page when I opened up the interaction by saying that I’d read the web page.

Dodging, ducking, dipping diving and dodging is your prerogative, of course, but you might want to think about your own fear of being forthcoming before accusing me of dodging a question you never asked.

@Michael: If you do not understand or want to try to understand the issue Nan and Brother Bob mentioned, none of us can enlighten you. You are free to remain ignorant

Me: Tell me what you’re talking about. I read the thing and I didn’t see what you’re referring to. Give me examples of what you’re talking about. I can see where you might be able to make a case for this other thing you mentioned, but I need you to tell me more about the first thing.

Randy: If you do not understand or want to try to understand…

Me: ??? ?? ???


Well, I could start by pointing out that you didn’t ask me a question. You just wrote, “No, but apparently you do. Thanks for mentioning, and maybe we’ll get to Leftist Anti-Semetism [sic] another day!”

There’s nothing to respond to there. Did you have a question?

Well, you could respond (I would) with, “I am NOT anti-Semitic. Here is proof…” Unless, of course, I WAS anti-Semitic and couldn’t provide any defense.

I’ll add that you’re also dodging the question I asked about what you get out of repeatedly suggesting that I read the web page when I opened up the interaction by saying that I’d read the web page.

Because what is often the case (and is probably the case here), the article is NOT read and the person doing the criticism and raising the questions simply wants someone to condense it for them so they can focus their criticism on something specific.

@Deplorable Me: Thanks, but I was hoping that Bob would answer the questions.

@Michael: I believe he has. You don’t like the response but keep asking the same question. Seems to be an impasse.

@Deplorable Me: “Read the article! I’ll be here when you finish!” is not an answer to the question.

Why are you guys on this site so cagey about backing up your assertions? Any time someone who doesn’t live in your bubble asks you to explain your ideas, it becomes a total dodgefest in here.

(And yes: “I’ve already answered your question; you just didn’t like the answer” is one of the well-worn weapons in your arsenal of evasions.)

@Michael: None of us will think for you. I know you are a liberal and have difficulty thinking, but this time you must if you are to understand.

@Michael: Explain what your specific question is. Are you waiting for someone to read you a bedtime story?

@Deplorable Me: I just want someone to tell me what can be seen as espousing black supremacy (which is what Nan said up above is happening on the page). There’s plenty there about the racial divide, but what passages argue for black supremacy?

@Michael: No passages that I can see, but the overall theme in BLM is that laws don’t apply to blacks. Enforcing laws is “racist” and there’s always cherry picked cases to erroneously promote the idea that blacks are unfairly regulated, when the opposite is true…at least as far as facts and data go.

A cop is 20 time more likely to be shot by a black man. Whites are shot more often than blacks, by cops….per encounter.

A reminder…

And what was Donald Trump’s response to that, sports fans?