The Week in Radical Leftism, 4/10/2020


Welcome back! We’ve now survived Little Bob’s spring break – next week getting back to school is going to be fun. Happy Easter and Passover – hopefully your family is doing better than these folks:

4/1 – As Americans Go Broke, Sanders Demands Taxpayers Give Terrorist Hamas $75 Million

Terrorists over taxpayers – today’s Democrats!

4/2 – Oregon Court Affirms Conviction of Journalist Who Pulled Gun to Stop Advancing Antifa Mob

This needs a post of its own – at what point when the legal system is clearly favoring criminals do we start seeing a rise of vigilantes?

4/3 – In Case You Missed It, Progressive Towns Which Banned Plastic Bags Now Turning To Them

Plastic bags. Guns. Cars. Single family homes. Right now it’s really tempting to give Razorfist’s NSFW languaged proper response.

4/3 – Did fear of being labeled ‘racist’ lead to the deaths of thousands from COVID 19?

Now Democrats’ racism is costing lives.

4/4 – German Public Law Professor, High Court Judge: Climate Crisis “Requires Freedom-Limiting Measures”

Personally, I find this kind of honesty refreshing.

4/4 – Hispanic Caucus Says ‘ICE Must Release All’ Illegal Aliens amid Coronavirus Crisis

In all fairness, they are trying to represent their constituents. I’m actually old enough to remember when Democrats at least pretended to put America first.

4/5 – Mr. Renacci Goes to Washington

A good Post-Mortem of a Tea Partier’s decade in office in DC.

4/5 – Is The Corona Virus ‘A Crystal Ball’ Into Socialism and Bigger Government?

As we’ve already seen, they are absolutely not letting this crisis go to waste. Damned sure Republicans can’t do the same for the American people. On a related note, be sure to check my ICYMI link below

4/6 – Milano’s Biden Defense Is More Pathetic Than You Can Imagine

Not the most crucial story right now, but it’s important that once we get clear of this both Sundown Joe and all of his “Feminist” supporters get a bright light shone on their hypocrisy.

4/7 – WATCH: Steven Crowder calls NBC News reporter, confronts her about article on lady who drank chloroquine fish tank cleaner and it doesn’t go well…

Silence, peasant! It is beautiful watching these jackals beat the drumbeat of their own extintion march.


A fun look at what a diseased body The Profession Formerly Known as Journalism has become. As I’ve read in a few other places, if the MSM were taking its job seriously, they’d be pulling all of the Jim Acostas off of the White House press briefings and instead sending their employees who cover science and medicine.

4/9 – Triggered: WaPo Imagines McConnell Confirming Judges ‘on a Throne of Skulls’

A fun read of how deranged writers at The Washington Compost have become. This story makes the cut for the great photoshop of some old Conan the Barbarian book cover art at the end that Jon Gabriel (@exjon) tweeted.

4/10 – Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family

Q: Stupid or evil?
A: Yes

I’m actually old enough to remember when one of the Leftists’ mantras was “Keep your laws off of my body”.

ICYMI – I offered a counter to how The Radical Left is trying to exploit the crisis to push their extremist agendas – I offered a counter for our side by pointing out that This is the Crisis that Every Citizen Can Not Let Go to Waste

Have a great weekend!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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This weeks selection goes out to those with cabin fever

Just dont get caught.

Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family

This only comes from no one telling her she is insane and she should just STFU.
I could just accept normal is the new radical viewpoint.
Then there is this radical, AG Barr Opposes Bill Gates Proposal for COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates ya so do I.

4/1 – As Americans Go Broke, Sanders Demands Taxpayers Give Terrorist Hamas $75 Million

More “the enemy of my country is my friend”. Bernie is a true friend to the Jewish nation, isn’t he?

4/2 – Oregon Court Affirms Conviction of Journalist Who Pulled Gun to Stop Advancing Antifa Mob

Just go ahead and get killed; the government will protect you. Or bury you. Or cremate you. This is a pretty good preview of what the liberal police state would look like. Disarmed citizens set upon by violent, fascist mobs and the government protects the mobs.

4/3 – In Case You Missed It, Progressive Towns Which Banned Plastic Bags Now Turning To Them

Perhaps all liberals should come with a warning label; “Following the liberal agenda will be hazardous to your health.”

4/3 – Did fear of being labeled ‘racist’ lead to the deaths of thousands from COVID 19?

The Democrat agenda is worth more to them than lives. Surprised the anti-Semites aren’t accusing Jews of “poisoning wells”.

4/4 – German Public Law Professor, High Court Judge: Climate Crisis “Requires Freedom-Limiting Measures”

He sounds like he is quoting out of “Mein Kampf”. Perhaps he is. Yes, the climate change hoax is all about control. “Ve have VAYS of making you accept our hoax, komrad!”

4/4 – Hispanic Caucus Says ‘ICE Must Release All’ Illegal Aliens amid Coronavirus Crisis

Let’s let more infected people who have communication issues loose in the population… that should help. You know, my 84 and 86 year old in-laws are “isolated” in their independent living home. Because that’s where they chose to live, they have to follow those rules and we haven’t been able to do anything but wave through glass at them for three weeks. I think some goddamn illegal immigrants can just sit in their taxpayer-funded resorts and f**king like it.

4/5 – Mr. Renacci Goes to Washington

Vote buying with taxpayer money will continue to control Congress and drive up the debt until one party or the other gets a great enough majority and the will to stop it.

4/5 – Is The Corona Virus ‘A Crystal Ball’ Into Socialism and Bigger Government?

There’s a meme going around that after just 4 weeks of socialism, Bernie ends his campaign. That is far truer that anyone would like to admit. This crisis also showed what happens when everyone turns to the massive bureaucracy of the central government for rapid response. It doesn’t happen and, immediately, they all began demanding they just ignore bureaucracy and cut through all the red tape. These children really have no idea what they want or why they want it.

4/6 – Milano’s Biden Defense Is More Pathetic Than You Can Imagine

So, Biden is teasing how he wants Kamala as his VP. So, how would Kamala square her hypocritical assault on Kavanaugh for unproven, unsubstantiated, unsupportable accusations of sexual assault with just blowing off an accusation of rape and numerous sexual harassment examples against Biden? That ought to be a treat.

4/7 – WATCH: Steven Crowder calls NBC News reporter, confronts her about article on lady who drank chloroquine fish tank cleaner and it doesn’t go well…

Isn’t it odd how the “reporter” has no idea about the subject of her story? Why don’t they all just save time and report, “Trump… bad”?


That describes what passes for a thought process among liberals. I joined a local Facebook discussion group and, believe me, EVERY liberal thinks just like that and anything you cite showing actual quotations or data is from a “not credible source”.

4/9 – Triggered: WaPo Imagines McConnell Confirming Judges ‘on a Throne of Skulls’

I think what McConnell is doing is called “doing his job”. Why can’t he be dedicated and caring like Pelosi, holding desperately needed aid to struggling Americans for pork and bribes? That BASTARD!

4/10 – Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family

Well, the left has always wanted to remove anything that could compete with total loyalty to the State. How much of the domestic violence occurs in BROKEN homes where a boyfriend is replacing the husband and father? “Keep your hands off my uterus but feel free to shove as much government up my ass as you possibly can”

I think it’s time authorities have the permission to jail anyone like antifa who wear masks to conceal their identity!

@Brother Bob: I just love asking them simple questions they either don’t know the answer to are ashamed of the answer.

4/10 – Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family

Q: Stupid or evil?
A: Yes

I’m actually old enough to remember when one of the Leftists’ mantras was “Keep your laws off of my body”.

This is an excellent example of how desperate white lesbians are to remain in the “protected” victim class of non-cis.
We also saw it when Mayor Pete ran as he was called all sorts of names by the Left for being too normal, too white, too married-like.
The factionization of the Left naturally leads to an eating of its own.
Anyone white is top on that list.