The Week in Radical Leftism, 3/6/2020

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Welcome back! On to the crazy:

2/26 – Trump on pace for record Hispanic vote

Summed up perfectly by a comment over at Ace of Spades:

“It was interesting during impeachment, it really turned off Hispanics. They repeatedly said they know a coup when they see one.”

2/27 – Male Teacher Demands to Use Little Girls’ Restroom

I’m sure that this will shock you, but the Teacher’s Union is standing by this creep.

2/28 – States Introduce Bills to Ban Transgender Athletes from Competing Against Biological Opposite Sex

While I’d prefer to live in an era where insanity would be shut down by what we used to call “Common Sense”,  I guess I’ll take what we can get.


Short answer; Yes. Because they hate us.

3/1 – Marriott Blamed For Green Program.

Neville Chamberlain should be required reading in all schools to teach the effectiveness of appeasement.

3/2 – ‘Get Off Of My Porch!’: Los Angeles DA’s Husband Pulls Gun On BLM Protesters

I’m remembering a line from an episode of “Malcolm in the Middle” where the youngest boy, Dewey, was watching one of his older brothers on TV as a result of some stunt going horribly wrong that ended with a police chase. The boy just quietly but earnestly said, “Give them a reason.”

3/2 – Joe Biden Drops Out of Race, Endorses Biden

Praise be, that master of satire, Scott Ott, has put his first new post on in two years!

3/3 – Todd Starnes: LGBT Activists ‘Want to Shut Down Every Church in America’ and Burn the Bible

The end of the post gives a more tempered view on how the LGBQWERTY movement views Judeo-Christian religions today. That said, let’s not forget that today’s bat (guano) crazy statement about where the Left is heading will inevitably be part of their presidential platform in 20 years.


Is it just me, or is being Conservative becoming the new Civil Rights Movement?

3/5 – When you take liberalism to its logical conclusion…

A lot of Conservatives agree that Chris Tingles being out at MS-13NBC has less to do with anything #MeToo, and more about him not towing the line for the DNC Establishment. The best evidence I’ve seen to support this is that Matthews was never disciplined for  sexually inappropriate comments about Barack Obama.

3/6 – The Schumer Lynch Mob

You’ve already read about this by now, but this is a post that makes the cut for its headline. Let’s start using the appropriate language for what Leftist hatred has become today.

ICYMI – I revisited a few missed angles from the previous week’s post with More About Virginia’s School Bus Inequality Problem

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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2/26 – Trump on pace for record Hispanic vote

Most Americans who happen to be Hispanic don’t appreciate the left’s preferential treatment of illegal immigrants any more than anyone else. They’ve worked hard to achieve their way of life, often LEGALLY immigrating and have a dimmer view of illegal immigrants than most WHITE Americans.

2/27 – Male Teacher Demands to Use Little Girls’ Restroom

Sadly, this is a lesson people will have to learn the very, very hard way by seeing numerous examples of little girls being abused by these sick turds. We’ve already seen examples of abuse, but apparently more are necessary. And THIS guy teaches “science”?

2/28 – States Introduce Bills to Ban Transgender Athletes from Competing Against Biological Opposite Sex

It amazes me how laws have to be passed to block absolute stupidity. Remind me again who doesn’t believe in science?


Never let a crisis go to waste and the ends justifies the means. If fear and panic wasn’t the goal of the Democrats, WHY do they have so many lies involved in their propaganda?

3/1 – Marriott Blamed For Green Program.

It’s just not as much fun unless they can FORCE people to improve their impact. Perhaps environmentalists should fly on private jets to each hotel, stay a week and monitor the effectiveness of reducing the needless cleaning. Personally, when I have a room, I want everyone else to stay out of it unless I have a specific need.

3/2 – ‘Get Off Of My Porch!’: Los Angeles DA’s Husband Pulls Gun On BLM Protesters

“30 of us showed up before dawn, beating drums and demanding entrance into his home and THIS lunatic pulls a GUN on us!! I mean, REALLY!!” However, there is NO excuse for not prosecuting Buck.

3/2 – Joe Biden Drops Out of Race, Endorses Biden

At least he didn’t want to take him out back and whip his ass.

3/3 – Todd Starnes: LGBT Activists ‘Want to Shut Down Every Church in America’ and Burn the Bible

Remember when all they wanted was to be allowed to marry?


Remind me again who the fascists are?

3/5 – When you take liberalism to its logical conclusion…

Doesn’t Matthews get the daily memo of what people are allowed to believe and say?

3/6 – The Schumer Lynch Mob

Liberals only like to restrict the rights of others; they don’t appreciate it much when any of their rights… even imaginary, made-up rights… get restricted in any way. (by the way, “murder on demand” is not a “right”)

The KungFlu has a devastating effect, in WA the shelves bare of hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol, but know this if you are going to use booze, it has to be 60 proof or better Grasshopper, Australia is experiencing a shortage in…TP(dont they have a Sams club? Where you can fill a cart with 1 item if TP shopping bring bungie strap to keep trunk lid down)
This weeks selection goes out to the NY stock exchange (we coudn’t wait til this one dropped out of the top 20)

Yo Gen X, Twitter users say its new hateful conduct rules will ban the phrase “OK boomer” I guess agreeing with ultimate wisdom is wrong somehow.
Hunter finally appies for a job he has experience in

This one actually has to be seen to believe. Remember, these are the people who look down on the rest of us thinking they are the smartest ones out there. UNBELIEVABLE!

@another vet: Yeah, but Democrats wouldn’t be any further along in creating their police state. In fact, they would be further away.

Stephen L. Miller’s Tweet about the contrast between Obama’s “colorful” H1N1 task force versus Trump’s “white” corona virus task force.
I wonder if those 17,000 Americans killed by Obama’s colorful group’s response would have preferred the white response that didn’t dither for 8 months!

@Deplorable Me: Amazing. It’s people like this that vote for police states. And to think they want to tell the rest of us how to run our lives.

@Brother Bob:

What kind of amateur doesn’t use Everclear?

A smoker Grasshopper, they also dont light up at gas stations unless they want to quit in a spectacular way.

@Brother Bob: The guy with the heavy accent calling me telling me he is the IRS and I better send them paid Apple cards is more trustworthy than CNN.

@another vet: The $1.53 would be worth more than Bloomberg’s campaign or having any of the Democrats as President.

First time I opened a Bigot Bob rant in quite awhile. Lidblog, Scrappleface, Moonbattery!!!!!!!!! That’s some pretty top shelf researching.

Must be in competition with Wordsmith’s Sunday Funnies.

@Brother Bob: Is Swalwell here? Somebody farted on your page.

@Deplorable Me:

Must be in competition with Wordsmith’s Sunday Funnies.

I think, he thinks, thats a taunt. But no, the he thinks part just doesnt make any sense.

@Brother Bob:

Math am hard

For them so is science, logic, common sense, and history.

The most disturbing part of your comment is that Infowars is now more trustworthy than CNN

That’s not hard to do. And Infowars provides was supposed to provide some of my comic relief. I used to frequent Zerohedge despite their constant “the economy is going to collapse tomorrow” and “WWIII is going to start any day now” because they got a jump on a lot of news. Then they had an article calling GWB a mass murderer and that was it for them.

@Brother Bob:

The intelligence of the leftist vrs the intelligence of a compilation of Lidblog, Scrappleface, Moonbattery, AmereicanNonThinker, etc., the folks with a Masters Degree at Trump University and has a wall that Mexico will pay for to sell us.

@Ronald J. Ward: I almost hate to bring this up but… are YOU an example of “intelligence of the leftist”?? Just for perspective purposes, you understand.

@Brother Bob: Ah Grasshopper… you wish to know the sound of one hand clapping…upside Ronalds head.
It is a an echo.