End this impeachment farce ASAP. Dare dems to start another

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It was quite the day yesterday. Adam Schiff bored the living hell out of the Senate and the country. He went on spewing lie and lie after lie, noted on CNN

Schiff’s mendacity is noted even by Chris Wallace

Jerry Nadler essentially accused GOP Senators of treason, alienating the jury. It was so bad that Justice John Roberts told them to dial it back.

The democrat circus is to go on for two more days. Schiff began repeating himself endlessly after a while. It was so bad he had to reach back for his Russian collusion fantasy. He offered nothing new. He did at one point seem to lose his mind when he warned that the Russians could attack and invade US soil.

“As one witness put it during our impeachment inquiry, the United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here,” Schiff said, drawing rebukes from commentators across the political spectrum.

SMH. Ukraine is so vital that obama withheld lethal aid for three years and left it to Trump to actually send anti-tank missiles.

This impeachment is based entirely on innuendo and smear. It’s a Kavanaugh redux. Dems find “evidence” and “witnesses” they for some reason could not find previously.

Anyway, after this torture has ended, the GOP impeachment managers and lawyers take over. IMO what they should do is dissect each and every lie uttered by Schiff and his cohorts.

The Senate operates on rules of evidence, unlike the House. No hearsay.

The GOP should strip away every extraneous nonfactual bit including all of the testimony from other than fact witnesses and then boil this down to what it is.

Trump facing two articles of impeachment- one is for his seeking relief from the courts and the other is for exerting executive privilege. Neither is a crime.

Both articles are unconstitutional. The GOP lawyers should right then and there demand a summary judgment to dismiss and this nonsense should end. Period.

Then McConnell should suggest that if dems are still unhappy, they should start another impeachment process and try to get the witnesses they claim to so desperately want. They had their opportunity to have all the witnesses they wanted and they chose not to pursue it. It is not the responsibility of the Senate to correct their failures.

It is said that at least 75% are going to be unpersuaded by this charade.

In what has to be one of the most frightening things I’ve seen in a long time, Adam Schiff asserted that democrats will attempt to deny Americans their right to vote. (And I thought he was already crazy)

“For precisely this reason, the president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box,”

Yet I do remember someone saying something like this:

democrats have done literally nothing for the country over the last three years. Let them continue on that path. Let the democrats begin anew and see how much appetite the country has for more of their idiocy.

Now let’s see what’s really going on.

This is democrats’ last, best chance to undo an election. For the country’s and future Presidents’ sake, you best hope they fail.

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@Greg: Its faux non news there could be more that want to keep dems off the campaign trail.

@Greg: I sincerely hope you get the witnesses you so desperately think you want. You will NOT be happy about it. You seem to think that the Senate, like in the House, the witnesses will all have to be approved by Schiff and anyone that does not sing his prepared tune will not be allowed to testify. We’ll talk more after the fact witnesses have testified.

@Deplorable Me: McConnell will I hope be politically sly. put up a small bundle of witnesses to hear not individuals.
2 they know would be unwanted such as Joe Biden and witness 18 along with Bolton.
The Senate is in charge and how they run the trial is up to them.
When they panic and run, it can be said we offered witnesses and they voted them down.
They certainly don’t want to expose the status quo of tax dollars slushed into their bank accounts fully exposed.

@kitt: There is also a clear precedent that the majority does not have to be fair in any way to the minority. So, we can call Bolton but that does not limit the Republican witnesses to one. If Republicans call three witnesses does not mean the Democrats get three. The pain of politicizing and weaponizing impeachment must be extreme and that can be accomplished by laying bare the Democrat corruption and their blatant attempt to cover it up by impeaching Trump for what THEY THEMSELVES have done.

@Deplorable Me: #18 has already been deposed by the house and was involved in the schiff investigation quite involved with the creation of the hoax.