The Week in Radical Leftism, 12/13/2019


Welcome back everybody! Tis the season to be jolly, or if you’re a Lefty tis the season to be angry and miserable! OK, that’s every day for Lefties, and here’s their latest rage:

12/5 – NOT WOKE ENOUGH: Clinton Denies ‘Lesbian’ Relationship, Angers LGBTQ Community

This week’s edition of “The problem with forming coalitions based on identity politics is that eventually your allies run out of other people to hate”

12/6 – Watch Farmer Spray Poop On Greenpeace Actress Emma Thompson Protesting On His PRIVATE Land

Another happy story! I know that I’ve posted a similar story a while back, but seeing religious zealots getting sprayed with poop by the horrible people who have the audacity to raise their food just warms my heart!

12/7 – Melania’s Outfits Aren’t a Secret Code and I’m Mad It Needs to Be Said

There’s something pathetic about how the Radical Left’s hatred for the president has to spill over to his family. But as the kids say, “Haters gonna hate”.

12/8 – Pope Francis compares President Trump to King Herod

This week’s edition of “I really miss the days when the question ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ was actually funny.”

12/9 – Transgender Demands Are An Attack On Real Human Rights

As a rape survivor, I can tell you firsthand that there are many parallels between the ways transactivists behave and the way sexual abusers act: They’re gaslighting. They’re grooming children. They’re making people feel guilty for having boundaries. They’re threatening to kill themselves if you don’t give them what they want. The price tag is your dignity.

Transmania has become a cult religion, complete with chants (e.g. “Trans women are women), shunning, punishing dissent, and silencing the opposition. If you have to shout people down, it’s probably because you’re afraid what they have to say makes too much sense. The trans cult exercises mind control over the masses who are terrified into submissive silence.

12/10 – Nativity Scene Characters In Cages Deemed “A Very Bold Statement”

How short has the news cycle become? The Babylon Bee was already mocking this stupidity on the same day that the story broke.

12/11 – Biden Paid Women Less Than Men in Each of His 35 Years as Senator

I know, Democrats failing to practice what they preach is hardly news, but keep this filed away for when various feminist hypocrites try dragging out the fake “War on Women” dreck again.

12/12 – Rashida Tlaib on Black Hebrew Israelites’ Targeting and Slaughter of Jews: “White Supremacy kills”

First we get President Trump’s order to fight anti-semitism being smeared as anti-semitic, now this. It’s actually painful to watch the mental gymnastics that The Radical left has to contort to twist facts to comply with their crazed beliefs.

12/13 – Germany vs. Muslim Criminal Clans

Friendly advice to the Muslims is Europe: They may be Europeans, but they’re still Germans. Don’t p*** them off. Trust me on this one.

ICYMI – I dropped a quick post in response to an article in The Washington Compost – Barack Obama, Conservative? The post got me another 24 hour posting ban from Facebook, so if you haven’t already read it give a click and find out what got Zuck’s minions so angry!

From the archives, we go back two years to how The Washington Post Highlights Everything Wrong With Journalism. It’s a good thing that’s no longer the case!

Have a great weekend!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Twitter just suspended Mitch McConnell’s re-election campaign for posting a video showing the kind of hatred and threat he gets DAILY from people like those who run twitter.
Don’t know if it’s a permanent ban or a short one.
But, consider it a badge of honor when you get banned by twitter or facebook.

Pope Francis comparing Trump with King Herod just how stupid could anyone ever get? why did the Vatican select this nit-wit? King Heron ordered the murder of the Christ Child since when has Trump ordered the murder of any ones child? Pope Francis is as authentic as a three dollar bill

12/5 – NOT WOKE ENOUGH: Clinton Denies ‘Lesbian’ Relationship, Angers LGBTQ Community

I guess this pretty much confirms the rumor she’s a lesbian.

12/6 – Watch Farmer Spray Poop On Greenpeace Actress Emma Thompson Protesting On His PRIVATE Land

I’ve seen that video before; he missed a great opportunity to paint those white tents with the same thing liberals shovel on us.

12/7 – Melania’s Outfits Aren’t a Secret Code and I’m Mad It Needs to Be Said

12/8 – Pope Francis compares President Trump to King Herod

I’m glad I’m not compelled to take this guy seriously.

12/9 – Transgender Demands Are An Attack On Real Human Rights

It’s great to know that whenever we begin to run low on stupidity, we know where to go and get a resupply.

12/10 – Nativity Scene Characters In Cages Deemed “A Very Bold Statement”

Stating boldly, “We are IDIOTS!!” It’s pretty bad when Babylon Bee headlines need to be explained as sarcasm because they are too similar to reality.

12/11 – Biden Paid Women Less Than Men in Each of His 35 Years as Senator

Well, the men had the additional duties of serving as his body guards to protect him from Corn Pop. Tony the Tiger was lurking about as well.

12/12 – Rashida Tlaib on Black Hebrew Israelites’ Targeting and Slaughter of Jews: “White Supremacy kills”

Wouldn’t REAL white supremacists object to blacks killing people in their name? What the hell is going on?

12/13 – Germany vs. Muslim Criminal Clans

Germany may have forgotten how to be ruthless and fascist. Maybe Schiff, Pelosi and Schumer should go to Germany to give them some pointers.

Time magazine has made a HS dropout slacker person of the year. A little girl who gets applauded when she disrespects her elders and betters. You better not disrespect her dont you dare. What kind of life will we have if spoiled poorly educated highly enabled children rule?A very PC world where Twitter can wish you into the cornfield?

A christmas tune from Nancy to the committee

@kitt: What kind of life will we have if spoiled poorly educated highly enabled children rule?

We’ve had a glimpse of this when we see Hollywood weirdos being two-faced about climate.
Take Mark Ruffalo. (Please!)
Playing a character with two different personas has taught him how to lead the double-standard life of a typical Hollywood environmental hypocrite;
one day, he’s flying to award ceremonies and making energy-guzzling action movies,
the next day he’s raging against the very industries and technologies that make his comfortable lifestyle possible.
Mark has no intention of quitting his limo/private jet lifestyle until WE ALL DO!
In other words, never.

Greta has no solutions, instead falsely claiming all the solutions to going carbon-free for over 6 billion people have already been developed.
She reminds me of Obama’s Energy Dept’s phony CAFE “policies” that were supposed to be followed even tho they were economically infeasible.
Sure, they existed – on paper.
But there was no way to upscale them to the real world, much less the entire world EVER.

I stepped away from the boob tube as this guy was ramblin’ about a sore toe in shoe too small, and missed this gem, I think they clipped out the part where leverage will tip over Ukraine, you know capsize it.

@Brother Bob: A little tune that is non partisan

Pulling out the special holiday recipe box.

just for giggles

slut hillary would fight with whore dog billy on who was going to get first dibs at the women the dog brought to the wipe house. she is gay as hell, that is why the radicalized muslin terrorist obama were good buddies.

@Brother Bob: Here’s a head start on next week. Do we need to remind these crybabies that Obama once allowed himself to be interviewed by a woman who immersed herself in a bathtub full of milk and cereal?

Thank me later.

Rashida Tlaib on Black Hebrew Israelites’ Targeting and Slaughter of Jews: “White Supremacy kills”

These are some of the same people the MSM and lefties, including the ones who post here, defended when they verbally assaulted the Covington kids blaming the Covington kids in the process. Perhaps they can tell us how many Jews the Covington kids killed last week.

Barack Obama, Conservative?

Barack Obama, Communazi? Based on Spygate and the rest of his American hating record, the answer seems obvious.