Happy day after Independence Day! Hopefully yesterday you had a great time celebrating the birth of the greatest nation in the history of the planet! Of course, not everybody was happy yesterday – let’s take a look at the many reasons our Lefty pals want to destroy this great country:
6/27 – Danish Schoolchildren Taught to Grovel Before Allah
A preview of California in a few years
6/28 – “LEGALIZE LEMONADE” Is The Sweetest Thing We’ve Heard In A While.
This is the kind of thing we shouldn’t be celebrating because it should be unnecessary, but here we are. More of this please, I guess.
6/29 – Antifa thugs attack and beat independent journalist Andy Ngo in Portland—while police do nothing
Waiting for Jim Acosta to point out that Ngo doesn’t know what it’s like to be truly threatened.
6/29 – Kamala Harris: The Racial Strife Candidate
It’s not like The Radical Left has much else to offer America.
6/30 – 30 Year Anniversary of the UN 1989 “10 years to save the world” Climate Warning
Waiting for Godot.
7/1 – Democrats running out of options to stop Trump from moving two USDA offices
Wait, WTF?!? This is absolute brilliance! How is it that the first I’m hearing from this is via a hatchet job from the Washington Compost?
7/2 – Arizona Gov. Slam-Dunks Nike: ‘We Don’t Need to Suck Up to Companies’ That Denigrate Our History
Nice to see that there are American politicians willing to stand up to evil.
7/3 – Trump to Send All-Female Delegation to Support U.S. Women’s Soccer in World Cup Final
Troll Level = Habanero Ghost Pepper
7/4 – Happy Fourth of July, You Fascists!
The Other McCain breaks down how Democrats have stopped trying to hide how much they hate half of the country.
The Radical Left’s War on women extends to high school athletics
ICYMI: I got two new posts up. A big vacation week probably wasn’t the best time, but here they are:
Don’t Let The Facebook/Google/Twitter Dustup Distract You from the Other Election Interference
President Carter: “I Might be the Worst Ever!” Former President Carter: “Hold my Billy Beer”
Have a great weekend!
What if, instead of federal mandates to bus kids across town, states & localities simply let parents send their kids to the to their school of choice? pic.twitter.com/bXrq0rUb4i
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) July 2, 2019
— Stephen Herreid (@StephenHerreid) July 1, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Wait a minute wheres my military parade and the fireworks where the tanks rolls up blow apart congress? There wasnt even any goose stepping….
ahhh those black projects.
Yeah, moving the two USDA offices to the Midwest means those federal employees will be surrounded by “hicks” and cow piles.
Well, that’s what the employees are afraid will happen.
The main point is that the Midwest is where that agency’s policies impact people most heavily.
And these federal workers don’t want to be near them when that happens.
(It reminded me of a story about Native Alaskan fishermen who took new-to-Alaska Fish & Wildlife wardens out to the middle of nowhere (and temporarily abandoned them) instead of to where their tribes were “abusing” Obama’s new fishing penalties/policies.)
On AOC, she sure has been outed as a serial liar, hasn’t she?
Toilet water!
And who is driven into Trump’s defense, thereby leading more of their flock to Trump?
Hispanic pastors!
@kitt: OK, that may be your best “Song of the Week” link yet!
@Nan G: From a mostly selfish standpoint, I’m hoping that if we de-convert Northern Virginia from being a dormitory for federal government employees, we MIGHT be able to stop the Dems from doing to my state what they did to my home state of NJ
@Brother Bob: Spaceforce
If they banned everything that offended liberal snowflakes we would have nothing but Gay Pride Day celebrations Earth Day Festivals and parades of naked idiots on bikes
We’ve seen, over and over, that appeasing despots does not appease them. The same goes with accommodating liberals here; it only makes them hungry for more and interpreting it as weakness.
More of a statement of how the left refuses to honor the law than a necessity.
I keep waiting for the straw that will break the camel’s back. Still waiting. The left seems comfortable with political violence and terror.
Racism as a weapon. And, of course, her tale was a big lie anyway. But, it was a GOOD lie.
Liberals are desperate to get their talons on the world economy before the vast majority realize what a scam it is. And time is running out.
I guess Nike won’t see their own stupidity until Kaepernick completely ruins them. I hope.
“It’s going to be a lot harder for leftists to accuse President Trump of pettiness when he honors a team that has proven to be very disrespectful toward him in the past.” Not really. All they have to do is suspend reality and lie. They’ve been practicing for some time now.
Oops. A leftist Trump-hater got her photo of her grinning with a sign depicting the illegal immigrants that drowned misinterpreted by the vapid, vehement left and she got a dose of her own medicine on Twitter. Sweet.
Like objecting to having the illegal immigrant question on the census, another asinine position the left has taken that is impossible to defend.
@kitt: “Ack ack. Ack ack ack.” Wasn’t that one of Pelosi’s speeches?
@kitt: As much as I hate the “Liberalism is a mental disorder” broad brush, when you hear things like this it’s hard to not think that
@Spurwing Plover: They want to replace our real holidays with the ones from the Marxist calendar.
@Deplorable Me:
Either her or Bill the Cat.