President Carter: “I Might be the Worst Ever!” Former President Carter: “Hold my Billy Beer”

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People have argued that Jimmy Carter was the worst president in American history. I might have agreed with that argument until the Obama presidency, and I’d say that Barry O has cemented his place in history.

Post presidency was another story for Carter, though. It took time to find his footing, but eventually Carter wound up becoming heavily involved with Habitat for Humanity. Good for him – who’s going to argue against helping to build homes for lower income Americans? And had he stayed in this lane Carter could have cemented a much better legacy than a failed presidency.

This would change when during the Dubya presidency. 2007 saw the audacity of a dope when Carter called Bush the “worst in history”. Yes, Carter said this. I remember back then one late night comedian quipping, (back when late night comedians were funny) “Jimmy Carter just said, ‘Bush is the worst President since me!” This may sound strange to you younger readers, but until Carter there was an unspoken tradition that former presidents not criticize their successors. I was disappointed, but not surprised, when Bill Clinton also blasted the man to follow in his shoes. While Dubya did a lot of things that I disliked, at least when he left office he made a point to not criticize Obama despite ample reasons to do so. However much I’m enjoying Conservatives pushing back on Leftists and using their own ammunition against them,  I really liked it better when former presidents put partisanship aside for the good of the country and respecting the office that they once held. And I was happy that Dubya returned to that tradition. Until he didn’t. Hey, I get sticking up for his brother after the way that Trump ripped him to shreds during the primary. But maybe if Dubya had stuck up for himself and other Conservatives against the many disgusting things that Radical Leftists were saying during his presidency maybe we wouldn’t have gotten to Trump?

But back to Carter, he decided to crank partisan idiocy to Eleven. This was a bit surprising, given that Carter once accurately pointed out how unfairly the press has treated Trump.  But Carter decided that he needed to actually suggest that our president’s election was not legitimate.

“I think the interference, though not yet quantified, should be fully investigated and would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016, he lost the election,” he said.

“He was put into office because the Russians interfered,” he said. Carter was then asked if that meant he believed Trump was illegitimate.

A better follow up question would have been to ask what about 2016 was different, since Russians have been trying to interfere with US elections since before Teddy Kennedy begged them to do so.  But that would have meant practicing journalism. I could offer more analysis about Carter, the practitioners of the profession formerly known as journalism, or Democrats today in general. Instead, I’lll let another story about Carter do the talking.

In 2012, Carter claimed that now-dysfunctional Venezuelan government had the best electoral process in the world.

“As a matter of fact, of the 92 elections that we’ve monitored, I would say the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.”

Of the many things we have to celebrate on Independence Day, let’s be sure to be grateful to have a president who, for all of his flaws, genuinely loves this country and fights for it.

Happy Independence Day!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Afghanistan invaded by Russia nothing done, hostages in Iran failed rescue missions, long lines for gas, high inflation, oh please stop the next thing you will say is he gave away the Panama Canal!

Jimmy Carter has/had brain cancer that spread there from his liver.
He used Keytruda which extends life expectancy for a time but the damage is done.
Every word out of his mouth must be taken with a huge grain of salt.

was able to purchase my very first, small house 23.5%/year on the money borrowed. the asshole could not get 52 hostages held for 444 days, 11/4/79-1/20/8 1, in teran until reagan slipped iran a few hundred million to cut them loose. he destroyed the environment with useless legislation. his recent comments on Trump as not the legal president was expected. MRI of his brain would lend some insight into his thought patterns. at 94 years old AS and senility is high. brain atrophy at this age is advanced-if he has to blow his nose of sneeze hard he might kill himself.

This would change when during the Dubya presidency. 2007 saw the audacity of a dope when Carter called Bush the “worst in history”.

He was just doing the same thing that liberals do today when they say, out loud and with a straight face, that Obama restored our economy and it was already booming when Trump took over. If a lie sounds unbelievable to some, they just figure it must be true; nobody would tell a lie THAT big.

“I think the interference, though not yet quantified, should be fully investigated and would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016, he lost the election,” he said.

Perhaps with all the sound of the hammering, he missed the reports, but Trump, the Russians and the interference has been investigated NUMEROUS times; it’s just that the results the liberals SWORE were there could not be found.

“He was put into office because the Russians interfered,” he said. Carter was then asked if that meant he believed Trump was illegitimate.

He was put into office because Hillary is a criminal.

“As a matter of fact, of the 92 elections that we’ve monitored, I would say the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.”

Which might help explain why Democrats encourage illegal immigrants to vote, voting fraud, and suppressing any opposition. That all makes for GREAT elections with more predictable results.

Happy 4th, Everyone!

The parade begins at 11:45 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m.
A Capitol Fourth Concert begins at 8 p.m. on the Capitol grounds and the evening ends with a spectacular display of fireworks over the Washington Monument.
The nation’s premier Independence Day holiday concert features performances from some of the country’s best known and award-winning musical artists accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra. The Capitol Fourth concert and show includes an evening of patriotic and uplifting music followed by a spectacular display of fireworks over the Washington Monument.

@kitt: Some liberal media will not be covering the parade. Apparently, they don’t want their viewers to see how they’ve been lied to (again) about the character of the parade.

@Deplorable Me: I know, they just cant for 1 day just let the hate go and celebrate the Country’s birthday. They all become penny pinchers now but have lost all their sources close to the story who give them scoops as to the cost of the celebration. Debbie Downers can just sit in their pity pot and cry.
Happy 243 America!

Moms house was right across the river from the park, she had one of those huge picture windows a perfect veiw 1 acre lot for endless parking grilling and our kids playing in the yard.Choice of lawnchair in the front yard or turn the lazyboys in front of the window. Always the favorite uncle that spent way too much money at the fireworks stand.
Mom and dad bought lake house, so then it was out on the pontoon, raft up with several others and have water balloon launcher battles with other rafts the balloons kept icy cold in the coolers. when it got dark you were surrounded by displays.
I miss both places

been there once. MAGNIFICENT

@MOS #8541: Streamed the fireworks in DC last night from 2 angles looked like 1 long grand finale. Very generous donation to the nation. Thank you warmly, Phantom and Fireworks by Grucci.

Carter and all the hate Trump/Never Trump geniuses still have not explained how “Russian interference” actually would have made Trump the winner.

Trump lost the popular vote and won the Electoral College. How did the Russians achieve that outcome?

The Russians successfully suppressed the Democrat votes that Hillary won the popular vote.

The Russians successfully increased Republican votes (?) and suppressed (?) Democrat votes in a few states in order for Trump to win the Electoral College.

How? Especially when being outspent by Hillary like 1000 to 1.

Obviously, the Russians are more clever than the Democrats.

But this also underscores out how the NPV and other schemes to bypass the Electoral College can lead to mischief. If a few of the states where Trump won the popular vote of the citizens of that state were part of the NPV, their votes could have been disenfranchised and the state could have declared for Clinton.

Talk about interference in our elections.

@Brother Bob: The lake house was part of the indian reservation, where the feds had little control over the fireworks sold, quarter sticks of dynamite to the large bursting air stuff if you had the money to blow.

Why are liberals so retarded? They listen to this kind of stuff about a 4th of july celebration.

Chris Matthews

They’re gonna have their Confederate flags flying and their license plates and all kinds of trouble making. There’ll be a lot of other people, they’re gonna meet like in a storm, and you’re gonna have a real conflict.

License plates?(oh the humanity) I saw confederate flags Mississippi’s official state flag still contains the Confederate battle flag and there was a HS band I assume from Mississippi. They did meet in a storm, it rained, but that didnt stop the celebration, except for Trumps teleprompter.

@Brother Bob: They don’t want a great thing if it isn’t liberal. They would rather have a bad thing, as long as it is liberal (as Obama’s 8 years showed).

The longer Trump provides the impetus for growth and opportunity, the harder it will be to convince malleable minds that their ideology is better. Socialism can only take hold in the midst of misery. Right now, they are trying to convince millions of people that have it better than they have ever had it that they are, in reality, miserable.

@kitt: Trump made a mistake in his speech and said something “dumb”; the revolutionaries took control of all the airports. The left wing media has gone NUTS over this, with hundreds of memes (most of them pretty funny) and long articles about how stupid Trump is. I suppose they are grateful to whatever idol they worship for the opportunity to totally ignore the message of his address and the celebration to harp on one brain fart.

Of course, these are all the same lemmings that ignored “59 states”, Austrians speak “Austrian”, Marine “Corpse”, etc, etc. Or, Biden’s total repertoire of totally stupid remarks.

@Deplorable Me: Yes the rain knocked out the teleprompter, Even the first ladys hair got mussed. Its fine if he mixed up seaports with airports, Its good they get a good laugh once in a while, we laugh at them all the time.
Chris Matthews had a pre 4th brain fart, “Confederate flags flying and their license plates” OMG totally out of control eh? They were sure Trump supporters were going to riot. Maybe even punch a few flag burners. But beyond horrors the lefts stupid protestors we used as backdrops for photo ops
The Bradley fighting vehicle, meh, you should see the stuff we see rolling out of Oshkosh Truck!