Welcome back everybody – I hope everybody’s summer is off to a great start, and as always our Lefty pals are as crazy as ever:
5/23 – Why Are There So Many Lunatics in the Democrat Party?
Um, is that a rhetorical question?
5/24 – Britain Bans Plastic Straws, Stirrers, and Cotton Swabs
Luckily for the Brits their leaders are addressing the serious issues, as opposed to petty crimes like knife & acid attacks
5/24 – LGBT People Rage At Pete Buttigieg For Not Being Gay Enough
This week’s edition of “The danger of building coalitions based on identity politics is that eventually your allies run out of other people to hate”
5/25 – Republicans and Conservatives – Start flying those American Flags!!
As if you needed another reason
5/25 – YouTube Won’t Let You Watch Lauren Southern’s ‘Borderless’
Good piece on how she was censored – they finally let a video labeled “Emergency Backup” stay on the site
5/25 – Latest Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son To Shave For The First Time
Am I the only one seeing the positive side of this – a journalist actually admitted to lying about our president?
How The Radical Left is institutionalized their racial discrimination
5/28 – ADAMS: Pregnancy Doesn’t Kill, Warren Hern Does
I rarely post on abortion partially because there’s almost never anything new I can contribute to the conversation. This post is an exception, and cites some good research you’ll want to bookmark.
5/28 – Everyone in Washington Needs to Look Up What ‘Treason’ Means
When you click on the link scroll past the initial story on Mount Everest to the second one. Jim Geraghty gives a good non-hysterical critique of President Trump using the term. And offers an equally objective critique of Democrats who’ve abused the term
5/29 – Democrats’ nightmare: Trump so confident he’s already campaigning to their base
Of course, the Democrats’ efforts to see who can be the most insane probably fires up the president’s base as much as he does himself
5/30 – 45% of California Roads are Rated in ‘Poor Condition’
Northern Venezuela continues to follow the path of “Not real Socialism”
5/31 – Whoopi Goldberg Unmasks Elizabeth Warren’s Anti-Fox News Cowardice
Outstanding move, Fauxcahontas! I don’t remember the exact source, but I’m thinking it was around teh 2004 election that Dick Chaney said to Edwards something to the effect of, “You can’t even stand up to Fox News. How are you going to stand up to Al Queda?”
And from the archives, with the NHL Finals in full swing and the series between The Bruins and The Blues tied at 1-1 I give you this week’s archive pick of the Top Fifteen Reasons Why Hockey is the Coolest Sport Around.
Have a great weekend!
Unlike the Vichy Conservatives, at least Democrats are honest about their contempt for us Normals
— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) May 29, 2019
If you suspect someone of harbouring fascist sympathies, simply throw a milkshake at them.
If they complain, that proves they’re a Nazi.
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) May 28, 2019
Fact check: Accurate
— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) May 28, 2019
President Obama can and must declassify as much as possible about Russia hacking our elections. Rest assured, Trump won't. https://t.co/ONM8N0kCMl
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) December 17, 2016
Yup, That about sums it up… pic.twitter.com/gIVAIB6byh
— Geo Garcia (@CrunchyBobJones) May 23, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Bill Gates is being taken for a fool.
This is why some students score poorly while others do better?
A white girl sits and tries to read or write a paper.
All the black girls are dancing and loudly chanting.
A few of those dancing girls are standing on desks.
Then one girl tries to step onto the white girl’s desk and papers.
The white girl wisks her arm at the foot of the girl getting on her desk.
That black girl goes flying and smashes on to yet another desk.
Where, in all of this, is the TEACHER????
Should all these black girls get extra credit on their SATs so they can make it into college?
To do what?
tossed all my gillette products in the trash. my company cancelled two business trips to england. as for the girl who got tossed-to ++++++ bad. she earned it! the average freshman on college is now reading at a 7th-grade level. luck they can read a menu. u tube looks like a gathering of future whores.
aborting is not birth control contrary to what Marilyn Monroe would think. so when is aoc going to have her tubal ligation done?
Maybe it’s because they are the party that thinks presenting the most insanely stupid ideas as policy is bold and brave?
“Cohen, who voted to move impeachment proceedings forward in December 2017, also brought up former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment proceedings during the committee hearing, saying he faced impeachment “over sex.” So, can we argue that now they want to impeach Trump “over pee”?
Is this because it hurts the environment or because they suddenly offend Muslims?
I guess he better find somewhere to take gay lessons.
Indeed, who has to be told to fly our flag? Oh… yeah. That’s right.
Can’t be letting truth, facts and crap like that leak out.
Did they have the one of the transgender “daughter” being taught to “tuck” by “her” mother? Touching.
“Look what I did!! Look what I did!!”
Does this determine who they want to let in or who they want to keep out?
““The procedure changes significantly at 21 weeks because the fetal tissues become much more cohesive and difficult to dismember.” P. 154 In other words, it has become a human being.
Democrats are willing to totally subvert our government solely to replace the duly elected President with a selected socialist. All while calling the LEGAL leader a traitor. These are truly phenomenal times in US history. Hopefully, not the end times.
While Democrats campaign to Mexicans, Hondurans, Nicaraguans, Iranians and Russians. Tough choice.
Apparently, filling potholes with turds and syringes doesn’t work?
Hillary would not submit to any interviews that were not fully controlled by her handlers. No liberal wants to answer REAL questions about their socialistic desires or how they are merely lying to their most leftist base to get the nomination. I saw an interview of O’Rook on MSNBC where he was asked how the media can do a better job of covering him. THAT’S the kind of tough, probing interrogation the leftist candidates desire.
And of course we can’t leave out ANTIFA apologist and supporter of a man dropping his drawers in front of a 12 year old girl in a bathroom, Chis Cuomo’s latest:
@another vet: Cuomo or any other liberal has no use for people who defend themselves against criminals. They can’t be exploited; only victims can be exploited.
we knew https://pjmedia.com/trending/first-they-came-for-mark-twain-now-theyre-coming-for-mel-brooks/