What happened to the democrat party? What made you turn on America?



democrats somehow have collectively suffered brain damage. I can’t think of another reason for their bizarre insane actions and blanket hypocrisy. Donald Trump needs not ridicule them. He only needs to emphasize what they are doing to themselves. To wit:

2013: Adam Schiff wants more transparency at the FISA court.

When intelligence agencies want a wiretap, they have to make a case to one of the 11 judges of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance – or FISA – court. Since September 11, 2001, that data includes phone records and websites surfed by both foreigners and Americans.

Burbank Democrat Adam Schiff has introduced a measure that would make the court more transparent by requiring it to declassify its interpretation of law. He says the court makes some very important decisions, “some of them deep constitutional issues, and I think it would help inform the public debate and I think we can do it in a way that doesn’t compromise national  security.”

The bill has bipartisan support. A similar bill — backed by a progressive and a Tea Party supporter — has been introduced in the  Senate.

2019- More transparency in the FISA court would be dangerous

May 2019- Nancy Pelosi claims she never said there was not a crisis on the border:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) falsely claimed Wednesday that Democrats have “never” denied that there is a “crisis” on the U.S.-Mexico border — a statement directly contradicted by the words of multiple party leaders just months ago.

“Well, let me just say this. We have never not said that there was a crisis — there is a humanitarian crisis at the border, and some of it provoked by the actions taken by the administration,” Pelosi stated during her weekly press conference in the Capitol Visitor Center on Wednesday.

Pelosi- Three months ago:

“It’s important to note when the president declares this emergency, first of all, it’s not an emergency what’s happening at the border. It’s a humanitarian challenge to us. The president has tried to sell a bill of goods to the American people.”

2006; Joe Biden on the illegal alien invasion:

Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats — and some of you won’t like it — I voted for 700 miles of fence. But, let me tell you, we can build a fence 40 stories high — unless you change the dynamic in Mexico and — and you will not like this, and punish American employers who knowingly violate the law when, in fact, they hire illegals. Unless you do those two things, all the rest is window dressing.


“And let me tell you something folks, people are driving across that border with tons, tons, hear me, tons of everything from byproducts for methamphetamine to cocaine to heroin and it’s all coming up through corrupt Mexico,” Biden said.

Biden 2007:

Former Vice President and 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidate Joe Biden (D-DE) previously vowed to ban sanctuary cities across the United States that shield illegal aliens from deportation.

During a September 2007 Democrat presidential primary debate in New Hampshire at Dartmouth College, Biden said he would not support allowing local jurisdictions and states to ignore federal immigration law to help protect illegal aliens from deportation through sanctuary city policies.

The former Delaware senator even went as far as to criticize President George W. Bush’s administration for allowing sanctuary cities to operate in the U.S.

Biden 2014:

You know, the 11 million people living in the shadows, I believe they’re already American citizens. Teddy Roosevelt said it better, he said Americanism is not a question of birthplace or creed or a line of dissent. It’s a question of principles, idealism, and character. [Emphasis added]

These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans.

Biden 2019:

“I think that anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for,” Biden said. “That’s why I think we need more clinics around the country.”

The former vice president added that we need to “tone down the rhetoric” against illegals and that worries over illegal immigration are meant to “create fear and concern” about “that other, the immigrant.”

Using YOUR money, of course.

Liberals: Donald Trump is a threat to the free press.

Macleans: Donald Trump is a threat to the press and to freedom of speech

When the president attacks credible news sources as “fake news” and calls them the “enemy of the American people,” he encourages his mob of mouth-frothing supplicants to insult, dismiss, and even threaten members of the press. When he attacks journalists who challenge him, he undermines trust in the fourth estate and threatens free speech—at least the speech of those who disagree with him (also known as a majority of Americans). The impulse to dismiss the press as biased and propagandistic is authoritarian at its core. The practice is chilling.

It matters very little whether Trump is attacking the press as part of a deliberate strategy to extend his authority, to distract from his failures, or because he’s a narcissistic ass who can’t help himself—or some combination of the three. The effect of his attacks are serious and dangerous. There are malign influences surrounding the president who are prepared to seize their moment regardless of his intent. There are disaffected and angry mobs who support the man and are prepared to harass his “enemies” and their own no matter what Trump intends. And even if the current occupant of the Oval Office turns out to be a minor infection of the body politic, he might clear the way for a much more dangerous pathogen to follow him.


Less than a month before the U.S. presidential election, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued an unprecedented statement denouncing the then-Republican nominee. “[Donald] Trump has insulted and vilified the press and has made his opposition to the media a centerpiece of his campaign,” said the committee, a New York-based organization that promotes press freedom. “A Trump presidency would represent a threat to press freedom in the United States.”

With little more than two months before Trump takes the oath of office, the threat to the media—and the public’s right to know—is reality. However, President-elect Trump may find a thicket of laws and Supreme Court precedents limit his maneuvering—slight comfort for those working to protect a free press.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

Donald Trump, through his words and actions as a candidate for president of the United States, has consistently betrayed First Amendment values. On October 6, CPJ’s board of directors passed a resolution declaring Trump an unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and to CPJ’s ability to advocate for press freedom around the world.

Since the beginning of his candidacy, Trump has insulted and vilified the press and has made his opposition to the media a centerpiece of his campaign. Trump has routinely labeled the press as “dishonest” and “scum” and singled out individual news organizations and journalists.

What has Trump done, other than hurt their feelings?

Nothing. In contrast, when it came to actually taking action against the press, obama makes Trump look like a rookie:

In 2009, for example, the Obama White House intentionally excluded Fox News’ Chris Wallace from participating in a round of interviews pertaining to the president’s push for healthcare reform. Later that same year, the administration officials tried to block Fox reporters from interviewing “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg. The White House initially lied about this, and many in the press went along with it. It wasn’t until 2011 that the public learned the truth of the Feinberg episode. An internal email dated Oct. 22, 2009, showed the White House director of broadcast media told Treasury officials specifically, “We’d prefer if you skip Fox please.”

The bigger point is that Feinberg was not the only administration official to have his network appearances limited by the White House.

The Obama White House communications director, Anita Dunn, said at the time, “We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent. As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”

That language about “legitimate news organizations” and “opponents” is only different from the things Trump says by degree, not by kind.

In 2010, the Obama administration renewed the bogus Bush-era subpoena against the New York Times’ James Risen in a prolonged attempt to determine whether the reporter was the recipient of leaked CIA information. In February 2011, federal investigators were revealed to have spied on Risen. Federal investigators pored over Risen’s credit reports and his personal bank records. The feds even tracked his phone logs and movements.

Later, in 2012, Fox was mysteriously excluded from a White House conference call pertaining to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Fox was also excluded from an all-network CIA briefing regarding the attacks.

In 2013, the Obama Justice Department labeled then-Fox News reporter James Rosen a “criminal co-conspirator” under the Espionage Act of 1917. And all because the reporter used a State Department contractor as a source for a story. Rosen was also labeled a “flight risk.”

The Justice Department seized the records of at least five phone lines connected to Fox News. The federal law enforcement agency even seized the phone records of Rosen’s parents. The FBI also got a warrant to search Rosen’s emails from 2010.

In May 2013, the Associated Press revealed that the Justice Department had secretly collected two months’ worth of personal and work-related phone calls made by AP reporters and editors.

Federal officials secretly obtained records on incoming and outgoing calls made by specific AP journalists, as well as general news staff, the news group reported, potentially compromising many sources totally unrelated to the investigation. Federal investigators even collected data on calls made by AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery.

In 2014, the Obama administration set the record for denying the most Freedom of Information Act requests of any administration. It topped this feat in 2015.

But somehow, actually throttling, spying and jailing the free press was just fine when it was obama. And that new Mayor of San Francisco is no slouch when it comes to suppression of the press:

Oddly enough, many of the same journalists who have spent the last three years resisting the White House’s supposed war on the newsroom (which, incidentally, has landed them plush media profiles and lucrative book deals and speaking gigs) have not had a lot to say this week about San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s endorsement of her police department’s flagrant violations of freelancer Bryan Carmody’s First Amendment rights.

The New York Times reports this week:

When two San Francisco police officers knocked on Bryan Carmody’s door in April they politely requested that Mr. Carmody, a freelance videographer, reveal who had leaked a police report to him about themysterious death of the city’s public defender

“They were nice about it,” Mr. Carmody said. “Of course I said, ‘No, I’m not going to tell you guys.’” 

But when a dozen officers returned to his home on Friday, this time their guns were drawn and they came equipped with a search warrant, a sledgehammer and a battering ram.

Carmody claims he was restrained in handcuffs for nearly six hours as the authorities ransacked his home, seizing “laptops, phones and hard drives — including all the images and documents he had archived from his 29-year career as a reporter and cameraman,” the report adds.

And just when you think free speech is a good idea:

Trump’s Plan to Protect Free Speech on Campus Is a Bad Idea

Make up your minds, you idiot liberals.

Here’s Hollywood drama queen Jeff Daniels who’s overdosed on self-righteous pills since he’s now played Atticus Finch:

“I know these people; they’re good people,” Daniels continued. “And I think there are people in the Midwest, between the coasts, who don’t know anything about— who don’t care about this, who don’t have time for this, who have to make a decision now. You have to decide whether, like Atticus, you believe that there is still compassion, decency, civility, respect for others.”

“Your kids are looking up at you going, ‘But he lies,’” Daniels said, noting that people, particularly in the Midwest, might have had enough of Trump and are ready to move on.

“If the big gamble is to go all the way to November 2020, which I agree, and lose — it’s the end of democracy,” Daniels added.

Psst, hey Jeff. You’re not Atticus Finch. You’re an actor making believe. FYI.

Now they want open borders and want to drop the financial burden for millions of illegals on American citizens and their children.

Now they want murderers to vote.

Now they want to kill babies even after birth.

And late at night, Adam Schiff still dreams of getting his hands on those nude pictures of Donald Trump.

What happened to the democrat party? What caused them to take this wretched sharp left turn off the cliff? Why have they turned on America?

What caused them to lose their minds?




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Technocracy Doc, the effective public brainwashing that highly educated people were well educated or even intelligent people.
Any well established and experienced way to success demonized. Its now the normalization and promotion of the most insane that drives them.
Are you going to believe your lying eyes or what the expert has to say.

Well, let me just say this. We have never not said that there was a crisis

Do we have a Pelosi-speak to English dictionary? Who the hell knows what THAT means?

When the president attacks credible news sources as “fake news” and calls them the “enemy of the American people,” he encourages his mob of mouth-frothing supplicants to insult, dismiss, and even threaten members of the press.

Fortunately, he has never done that.

Carmody claims he was restrained in handcuffs for nearly six hours as the authorities ransacked his home, seizing “laptops, phones and hard drives — including all the images and documents he had archived from his 29-year career as a reporter and cameraman,” the report adds.

Get the message, America? Police state. Gestapo tactics. Just replace the swastika armbands with the rainbow.

What happened to the democrat party? What caused them to take this wretched sharp left turn off the cliff? Why have they turned on America?

Well, they elected Obama. He was the liberal ideal, wrecking the American supremacy of nations, its power, influence and wealth. He was going to “fundamentally transform” the United States into some sort of wealthy vegetable that would provide unlimited amounts of cash for liberal social programs while keeping silent and drooling. Yet the United States did not want to go quietly into the left.

Hillary was going to carry on the march to the liberal utopia but she, unfortunately, was not faced with an opponent that would be dazed and confused by lies about him; he fought back. Fighting back appeals to Americans, and the promise of a socialist utopia had to be shelved for a while.

Liberals are spoiled, infantile people, though, and they are not taking the delay in a very mature matter. They have, as a consequence, gone nuts.


the effective public brainwashing that highly educated people were well educated or even intelligent people.

Wow. Somebody’s inferiority complex is showing.

@kitt: Imagine the temper tantrums if Trump wins in 2020. Aside from an addiction to the success of the country, that alone is enough to vote for Trump.

What happened to the democrat party? What made you turn on America?

Simple. It was “the long march through the institutions.”

Remember, Socialism (i.e. Communism Lite) only benefits the Socialists who run the Socialist programs, not the proletariat.

@Michael: Really ignoramus? Why do employers ask for a degree and experience?
I have a degree Mikey, I found that learning by experience is better, learning from those that had experience better. Then there is California that ignores it and ends up as poop central, without high speed rail.


I have a degree

What is it, just out of curiosity?

@Michael: Robotics and Automated Manufacturing Systems, for your curiosity.

The real question is What happened to the GOP? They seem to have become a party devoid of principles. In the face of Trump, many of their principled statesmen have abandoned ship. Wisely, perhaps. Trump is going to take a lot of people down with him.

@Greg: What about that damned old GOP? Clinging to the Constitution and the principle of equal opportunity for all. What the hell happened? Well, they didn’t turn into supporters of socialism… like the Democrats.

@Greg: I’d argue the primary issue has been the corruption and incompetence of both parties, all propaganda and partisanship aside. Trump won as a moderate, centrist, independent candidate. That he used the GOP rather than the Democratic Party isn’t necessarily an indictment on the GOP, just more one of timing.

Both parties need to refresh their platforms, in my opinion. Trump has been competent and effective, fighting the false news cycle which continues to misrepresent his administration (Fox is biased to the right, but the rest of the liberal news is so much bigger, you can’t accuse Fox of cheerleading and not CNN et al without looking like a partisan hack)

Well, they didn’t turn into supporters of socialism…

They turned into the bought-and-paid-for tool of concentrated wealth, power, and greed. Their operating principles have become those of Donald Trump. Their values have become those of Donald Trump. They are every bit as truthful as Donald Trump. They’re the culture of corruption they had become in the past, but now on steroids.

I haven’t heard much from them about draining the swamp lately. In truth, they are it. They’ll be packed up and gone with the family silverware before some people figure this out, but that was the plan all along. Why do you think the tax cuts for everybody but corporations and the wealthiest were timed not to expire until after the 2020 election cycle? What happened to their concern with deficits and the national debt? What they’ve actually done is stimulate the hell out of a recovered economy to maximize their short term take. They won’t be around to deal with the long-term consequences. It’s a replay of the same scam the last republican administration ran—this time orchestrated by a professional scammer. The upward transfer of wealth has been turned to HIGH.

@Greg: Why do you think the tax cuts for everybody but corporations and the wealthiest were timed not to expire until after the 2020 election cycle? What happened to their concern with deficits and the national debt?
Gawd not that again the Democrats would not give enough votes to reach 60 on that and you know it, faced unanimous opposition from Democrats.
Unanimous opposition from Democrats to give a path for DACA to get a path to citizen ship in exchange for Fencing the border.
Resistance no compromise has us where we are.


They turned into the bought-and-paid-for tool of concentrated wealth, power, and greed.

Again, that’s your Democrat party. Without the big money liberals, they wouldn’t have any idea what to do. Without Soros to tell them which foot to put their shoes on, they might turn into a party that catered to the public instead of the richest interest group.

THIS Democrat party doesn’t even know what bathroom to go into. Socialism, free health care, free college, revoking free speech, revoking the 2nd Amendment, higher taxes, gender roulette, , open borders, reparations… hell, anything that would appeal to more than 5 people at a time. Yet another subject you have relinquished your credibility on.

Again, that’s your Democrat party.

Then why does it always seem to happen when the GOP is in the driver’s seat? They invariably blame the aftermath of their irresponsible binges on the clean-up crew.

@Greg: Like the results of the Community Reinvestment Act, which nearly destroyed the country? Like Obama’s $10 trillion debt? Like dealing with 9/11 when Clinton worried more about dry cleaning? Like Obama’s open borders, unleashing ISIS on the world and financing Iran’s terrorism support? Yeah, the Republicans are always screwing things up.

President Trump, even more than candidate Trump, has perfected the ability to paint Dems/Libs/Progs into corners.
So, the meme that, if President Trump came out for oxygen there would be some trying to hold their breaths so as to not use any, is true, but not in such hyperbola.

Trump is pro-American worker, even American manufacturing.
Obama thought that took a “magic wand,” so liberals all oppose American workers and manufacturing.
The Dem call by many Dem candidates to repeal the “Trump tax cuts for the rich.” would slow the economy, kill jobs and end the movement of foreign-based, by American owned manufacturing plants back to our shores.

Pres Trump got the USA out of the multi-country TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and into pairs’ trade agreements where the USA has better bargaining power.
As a result of their hatred for all things Trump, Dems have thrown in with the globalists who keep getting outed as disastrous for poorer countries like in SE Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

Pres Trump signed EO 38 putting coal workers back to work.
Dems have had to throw in with Hillary (I’m going to put you all out of your jobs.), Obama (coal industries would be too expensive to run.), AOC (get rid of all fossil fuel.), among others.

Pres Trump destroyed ISIS’ Caliphate completely.
Obama was timing their demise with our sun binking out.*
Dems want to guarantee ISIS fighters get to come back to the States now that they want to.

Pres Trump is pro-life.
Dems, therefore have tacked all the way to kicking all pro-life believers out of their party, as well as calling babies in the womb things like “parasites,” a “lump of cells,” and part of the woman, not their own being.
Add to that Dems are sliding when a baby is no longer just a parasite, even to go so far as to say AFTER its live birth a mother could still decide to kill it with no penalty!

In all these things and others, Trump has painted Dems into an American value hating corner.
But they have happily gone there and defended their dumb stance.

*Obama, “Our objective is clear: We will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy.”

I forgot the anti-science aspect of Dems.
The “I need you to buy into my 53-gender-delusion,” flies in the face of science and fact.
AOC is about as anti-science as you can get, but still Dems love to follow her right over the cliff!
Her latest anti-science guffaw was that to grow cauliflower in DC is “colonial,” and that “people of color” ought not to do that.
They ought to grown plantain and yucca in DC.
Science tells us this is as bound to fail as every commie farming dictat.
How many millions died as a result of the Chinese 5 yr plans? 30 million that they admit to.
It is at least 30 degrees F cooler on average in DC than where plantains and yuccas can grow.
So to AOC, she’d rather people (of color) starve than grow food crops appropriate to the soil and climate where they NOW live!
Dumb as a brick!
And proggy people follow her!

@Nan G: Im sure Nancy will put her as a member on the House Agriculture Committee

My standard reply to the Dimwitcrats: Without lies, hypocrisy, innuendo and projection the Left would have to remain silent.

@Nan G:

The Dem call by many Dem candidates to repeal the “Trump tax cuts for the rich.” would slow the economy, kill jobs and end the movement of foreign-based, by American owned manufacturing plants back to our shores.

That would suit Democrats just fine. They’ve wanted an economic downturn to blame on Trump. In harsh economic times is when totalitarian governments flourish.

Now, to compete, Democrats have to out-stupid each other to appeal to the most radical of.their kind, which shuts everyone else out.

I know you folks like to live in your Hannity-Laura fed bubble BUT
Today Brit Hume blasted Trump and praised Mayor Pete
Quinnipac polls DT 38% approval 57& DIS
Biden 49-38 over Con Don nationwide
Biden well ahead of Con Don in Mich and Wisc

Biden way up over Bernie and others—-he’ll get the nom easily

@Rich Wheeler: How has Mayor Pete improved his city for all its residents? Could any of those massive improvements be translated into the national level?
Why should I care about what a talking head thinks?
The rust belt knows full well what democrats and faux republicans have done to jobs with NAFTA and China . Once bitten twice shy. Dems might get the union money but might not get the union workers votes.
Very very early yet Those filling arenas to overflowing are not showing up in suits carrying briefcases, they are common working people. With the job numbers there are more of them everyday. The suburban women are looking at the pocket book more job stability and the good family separation of the kids getting jobs and out of her future craft room.

@Rich Wheeler: Well, Trump might as well surrender now, because the polls are NEVER wrong, are they?

Mayor Pete is nothing but another in a long line of liberal victim mongers. Everyone is a victim of something and here comes Butt to save the day. Yeah, he’s a sure thing.

@Deplorable Me: No its the has-been old white guy with the weird family dynamic. Taking credit for the economy he will lead us back to hope and gimme all your pocket change.
Nice job you have there it would be a shame if Joe gave it to a company in China his kid is connected with.

@Deplorable Me: I’m no fan but Fox’s Hume loved him.
Polls had DT 44% in 2016–he got 46%—PRETTY DAMN CLOSE

Filling stadiums? That will be The Stones at $300 a pop
Kitt===Women will continue to vote Dem and against Trump.

@Rich Wheeler: Sure they will as vicious Dem feminists attack their sons just because they are both white and male…yup you are right.
Lawsuit in NY says white women no longer are a class to be protected.
Yuppers you are correct.

@kitt:attack of the “vicious Dem feminists”
Sounds like a horror flick from the 60’s

With 60% negatives don’t think con Don can pull it off a 2nd time

@Richard Wheeler: You didnt think he could pull it off the first time.
I am just telling you what I see “living” in fly-over country, not from the idiot box and its talking heads, that were so completely wrong the first time around.
To the talking heads that practice their Pavlov psychology on their anti Trump viewers

@Richard Wheeler: https://heavy.com/news/2019/05/how-many-attended-trump-vs-biden-pennsylvania-rally-crowd/

Trump out-draws Biden by at least twice in Biden’s “home” state.

What does Mitch McConnell ramrodding through Wendy Vitter’s confirmation to a lifetime federal judgeship have to do with a $200 million Russian investment in a Kentucky aluminum rolling mill, McConnell killing a bi-partisan sanction bill against aluminum oligarch Oleg Deripaska, and the fact that Judge Vitter’s husband, former Republican Senator David Vitter, was a paid foreign agent engaged by Deripsaka to lobby to have his sanctions removed?

Rusal, one of the two companies making the $200 million investment in the Kentucky mill, is co-owned by Deripaska. The mill will process aluminum supplied by a smelter in Siberia. What an amazing number of coincidences! It gets even odder. Court documents revealed last year that Deripaska, who has close ties to Putin, extended a $10 million loan to Paul Manafort.

@Greg: The idea of honest investigations into the spying, the lying, the investigations based of false premises and the failed coup is just driving you to hysterics, isn’t it?

@Deplorable Me, #32:

I get the impression that Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters. Also, I get the impression that he’s setting a standard knee-high to a gnat. Republican voters don’t seem to much care about anything untoward any more—unless, of course, it has to do with a favorite conspiracy theory involving a detested democrat. Things like McConnell killing a sanctions bill that got to the Senate with strong bipartisan support don’t even raise an eyebrow. A president openly ordering subordinates to repeatedly break laws to conceal evidence from Congress doesn’t even matter.


I get the impression that Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters.

Well, unlike a bunch of whiny, sore loser, crybaby infants, we simply don’t go apoplectic over Trump not being jailed based on thin accusations and lies.

Republican voters don’t seem to much care about anything untoward any more—unless, of course, it has to do with a favorite conspiracy theory involving a detested democrat.

8 years of Obama left a precedent that laws can readily be ignored and violated, so it is not surprising to see it. However, all the violations continue to arise from the left. All you’ve had against Trump is baseless allegations.

What is your obsession with diapers, babies, whining, and sore butts, anyway? This makes little sense, given that you support a man known for his infantile outbursts.


What is your obsession with diapers, babies, whining, and sore butts, anyway? This makes little sense, given that you support a man known for his infantile outbursts.

Well, I converse with a couple here on a regular basis. Trump’s outbursts or nothing compared to the bridge troll Nadler when he doesn’t get his way. Or Schumer. Or Schiff. Or the rest of the liberal kindergarten.

@Deplorable Me: He isnt ignoring any laws he has more lawyers fighting banana republic subpoenas than we can count. The Democrats commies are in the open now and a huge grass roots effort is starting to never allow these soviet style marxists back in power again and to primary any Republican that loses their spine and sides with them.

@kitt: All these new investigation tentacles are based on what Cohen testified but, when we read the transcripts, seems Cohen’s accusation was, like the entire Democrat case, based on fantasy. Cohen testified he thought “cooperate” was a code word for “lie”. So, the Democrats instigate a whole new array of investigations and intrusions.

Obama’s abuse of government has created the worst crisis our government has ever seen. He is anti-American scum along with all his worshipers.

@kitt, #37:

He isnt ignoring any laws he has more lawyers fighting banana republic subpoenas than we can count.

Al Capone had plenty of lawyers. All successful criminals do. Breaking the law and getting away with it requires a lot of professional support. Then you can get away with it until you suddenly don’t.

Trump is ordering subordinates to break their oaths of office and break the law on his behalf. I hope they’ve taken note of where that got Michael Cohen.

@Deplorable Me: Cohen is just an excuse pathetic ignorant excuse. Someday this will be 2 pages in a history book we will be reading it in Chinese or English, we will have a country with a constitution or a social score.


Al Capone had plenty of lawyers. All successful criminals do.

Hillary had a lot of them, too. One of them set up the Trump Tower meeting. Why do you suppose they did that?

@Greg: Trump is not ordering anyone to break the law, you are a commie marxist and hold no respect for the constitution, or individual rights. A Perfect MKUltra programming with Pavlov dog psychology.


you are a commie marxist and hold no respect for the constitution, or individual rights. A Perfect MKUltra programming with Pavlov dog psychology


@Michael: Just letting him know, you are a commie as well, but a really cheap knock off of our Greg.


you are a commie as well

What have I said that makes me a commie, exactly?


All religion is awful. It would be absurd if it weren’t so dangerous.

First thing the communists do is eliminate everything except worship and full compliance and agreement with the ruling all powerful state and its technocrats.

@kitt: Well, since I don’t worship the ruling all-powerful state and its technocrats, I guess that lets me off the hook. Is everyone who dislikes religion a communist?

@kitt: Is your post in #48 a response to my question in #47? I can’t tell.

@Michael: dumb as a sea sponge

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