Yes Virginia, there is a national border emergency

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Ripped from today’s headlines.  Literally.

I used to work with a guy who, when he heard about a new concept, said (when he wasn’t deriding it) “Let’s think about that.” Then about a week later he’d say “I have this great idea.”

Just like the NY Times.

After beating on Donald Trump for weeks screaming that there is no border emergency, the NY Times does a 180 and declares that there really is an emergency at the border:

Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as More than 76,000 Migrants Cross in a Month

For the fourth time in five months, the number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has broken records, border enforcement authorities said Tuesday, warning that government facilities are full and agents are overwhelmed.

More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, more than double the levels from the same period last year and approaching the largest numbers seen in any February in the last 12 years.

“The system is well beyond capacity, and remains at the breaking point,” Kevin K. McAleenan, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, told reporters in announcing the new data.

Diverted by new restrictions at many of the leading ports of entry, migrant families continue to arrive in ever-larger groups in remote parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. At least 70 such groups of 100 or more people have turned themselves in at Border Patrol stations that typically are staffed by only a handful of agents, often hours away from civilization. By comparison, only 13 such groups arrived in the last fiscal year, and two in the year before.

More than 90 percent of the new arrivals were from Guatemala, officials said, with a significant change in the dynamics of the migration: While Central American migrants once took weeks to journey through Mexico to the United States, many Guatemalan families are now boarding buses and reaching the southwest border in as little as four to seven days “on a very consistent basis,” Mr. McAleenan said.

It’s a damned invasion. It’s the worst it’s been in a decade. And it’s only getting worse:

If Trump had not signed the disastrous budget bill several weeks ago and we were still operating on a short-term CR with immigration remaining the top issue, today’s news could have strengthened Trump’s leverage. According to CBP’s preliminary figures obtained by the Washington Post76,325 illegal aliens were apprehended at the border in February, more than any other month in over a decade since the decline of migration from Mexico. A record 40,325 family units arrived, blowing out the previous records by almost 10,000. Sadly, Trump already signed away his leverage to force a national dialogue over this issue.

As a nation, we are left debating presidential power from an obscure statute that enables the president to obtain a mere $2.5 billion for partial fencing to deal with a policy-driven invasion. The joke is that even if Trump had full unity behind this approach, it would do little to stop this invasion, which is strategically directed toward soft parts of our border. Unless we force a national discussion over the courts and the illegal immigration magnets that are bringing immigrants in, this entire debate is a non-sequitur. Unfortunately, without a budget deadline for another seven months, no matter how bad things get at our border, there is no mechanism through which to pressure Democrats into submission.

A record 76,325 apprehensions for one month is truly staggering, not only because it’s the single worst month at the border since fiscal year 2008, but because almost all of these people get to stay on our dime. Projected for the whole year, this pace would result in 916,000 apprehensions. But the pace is growing every month, because the catch-and-release expands. As the Washington Post observes, “The number of migrants taken into custody last year jumped 39 percent from February to March, and a similar increase this month would push levels to 100,000 detentions or more.” That would be an annual pace of 1.2 million.

A 10 year high.

An average of 55 illegals every day are being sent to hospitals- paid for by the US taxpayer.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials report that agents and officers are referring an average of 55 migrants per day to hospitals. Over the past four years, this resulted in a taxpayer cost of $98 million.

U.S. Border Patrol Chief of Operations Brian Hastings told reporters in Washington, D.C. Tuesday that Border Patrol agents are facing both national security and a humanitarian crises. The challenges have been brought on by the massive numbers of family units and unaccompanied minors.

“We are committed to addressing these humanitarian needs but the current situation is sustainable,” Hastings said regarding Border Patrol agents being pulled off the national security mission to assist migrants with medical needs. “The increased flow (of migrants) combined with the stress of the journey, the crowded conveyances, and flu season has resulted in significant increases in the medical referrals for Border Patrol.”

I haven’t heard of a single illegal offering to put down his Central American Express card to pay for treatment.

It seems like just a month ago the NY TImes told its gullible readers that there was no emergency- it was just another Trump fabrication.

Wait- it was.

One month after claiming there is “no emergency” at the border, the far-left New York Times now concedes the border is at a “breaking point.”

In real time, as President Trump gave his State of the Union speech last month, the Timesbranded the president a liar over his claim that there is an “urgent national crisis” at our border.

“This is false,” the Times told its readers, using a non sequitur about individuals attempting to cross the border, while admitting — at the bottom of the fact check —  that a “record number of families have tried to cross the border in recent months.”

At the time, this phony fact check was widely ridiculed for its absurd attempt to hide the fact that a “record number of families” stressing the resources of our southern border does not somehow constitute a legitimate crisis, and now, almost exactly a month later, this very same Times is reporting our border is at a “breaking point.”

“The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly doubling what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States,” the Times reports.

“More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, an 11-year high and a strong sign that stepped-up prosecutions, new controls on asylum and harsher detention policies have not reversed what remains a powerful lure for thousands of families fleeing violence and poverty.”

Liberals went insane when Trump declared a national emergency

Liberals and lawyers have launched a full-court press to fight President Trump’s emergency declaration at the southern border.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) shared a list of projects that allegedly stand to lose funding if Trump follows through on vows to divert billions in federal dollars toward construction of a wall, The Hill reported.

Her goal is to win over Republican lawmakers whose districts could lose cash for projects — some 400 items ranging from operations for a middle school in Kentucky to facilities for fighter jets in Alaska, according to the Saturday report.

That’s not looking too smart right now.

What this demonstrates painfully is how loathsome the left has become. They are so determined to cripple Trump that they will sacrifice national security to do it.

This crap has to stop. The wall has to be built. The border has to be secured and frankly, shut down.


Left unchecked, liberals will throw open the borders to allow this invasion to continue unabated. The plan is to situate the invaders, give them driver’s licenses, grant them welfare, allow them vote in local elections and finally allow them to vote in Federal elections.

The plan is to render completely meaningless what it is to be American citizen.

All for a vote. Seems like Donald Trump is the last best hope for the country.






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In a few years we can all move to Central America because it will be very uncrowded. Something tells me we’ll be ready.

While buffoons like Obama and Clinton refuse to stop the bloviating, race-bating, globalizing, the Dems are all sinking to their lowest common denominator.

Their pandering media is now confused, . . . “Please, please, quick, what are our new talking points”? And they have nothing other than, “just bash Trump and lie as much as you can.”

Every member of the congress and senate should be required to spend a long weekend on the border either patrol or at the over crowded holding centers, doing the jobs our patrol officers do.

Unfortunately, without a budget deadline for another seven months, no matter how bad things get at our border, there is no mechanism through which to pressure Democrats into submission.

That is simply not possible because Democrats WANT this. They have ALWAYS wanted unrestricted illegal immigration despite what most of them have stated during campaigns. This is proven by the fact that they have voted for securing the border with a wall but never did it and when someone takes charge and actually will DO it, they reveal their true agenda and oppose him.

Citizens will continue to be killed by the illegal immigrants they lure in and let through, but it won’t be THEM so they don’t care. They will ignore the human tragedies they bring upon the citizens and the media will ALLOW them to ignore it.

It seems like just a month ago the NY TImes told its gullible readers that there was no emergency- it was just another Trump fabrication.

And guess what… the STUPID liberal lemmings simply believe the NEW propaganda without questioning why this propaganda is different and diametrically opposed to the propaganda of last month. No wonder they support garbage for public office.

Left unchecked, liberals will throw open the borders to allow this invasion to continue unabated. The plan is to situate the invaders, give them driver’s licenses, grant them welfare, allow them vote in local elections and finally allow them to vote in Federal elections.

This guy needs to have a shot at the contract
For that price send someone down to help him do the paperwork and hoops.
There is so much rape going on at the southern US border that every migrant girl over the age of 10 is given a pregnancy test after arriving in the United States, according to Homeland Security Secretary

76,325 illegals=76,325 more dem voters. Want to stop this? Deport one dem for every illegal they let in the country by refusing to back securing our border. Make sure to revoke their citizenship in the process since their loyalties are obviously elsewhere. As for the politicians (D or R) who refuse to provide the funds to secure the border or who run sanctuary cities, make them financially accountable for the crimes the illegals commit.

A common sense Texan tells it like it is.

Opposition to the wall makes about as much sense as a Lincoln commercial.

The good news is above. 350 miles of Wall are already funded and under construction now. More to come and the Wall will be finished where needed.

At least with a wall, you won’t need your guns for protection from Latino murderers, rapists, and drug dealers anymore. Right?

@Greg: Not once they have been removed from the public or nation. At least with the wall, when they are deported they STAY deported.

Then we only have to worry about liberals and radical Islamists (sometimes the same thing).


At least with a wall, you won’t need your guns for protection from Latino murderers, rapists, and drug dealers anymore. Right?

Wrong again you are always always wrong
Better Idea healthcare is a right the government must pay for that, it should be also compelled to furnish everyone with a gun a right actually in the constitution, fool.