Ready, fire, aim!
How long ago was it when the liberal media lynched the kids from Covington Catholic? How many times does this have to happen?
‘Empire’ star Jussie Smollett attacked in possible hate crime
“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett was attacked in the early morning hours on Tuesday in what Chicago police are calling a possible hate crime.
Smollett was attacked by two people who were “yelling out racial and homophobic slurs” and “poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim,” police said.
One of Smollett’s alleged attackers also put a rope around his neck, according to police. Both fled the scene.
Smollett took himself to Northwestern Hospital and “is in good condition,” authorities said.
Some weren’t very GLAAD
A representative for GLAAD told CNN the organization has reached out Smollett to offer assistance and support.
“Jussie is a true champion for LGBTQ people and is beloved by the community and allies around the world,” a GLAAD spokesperson said in a statement.
Smollett’s account went like this:
Smollett alleges two masked men attacked him along a street in the Streeterville neighborhood as he was walking home from a restaurant on January 29. The 36-year-old alleges they punched him, hurled racist and homophobic insults at him, poured an unknown chemical substance on him, and wrapped a rope around his neck. Guglielmi said the actor told police that the alleged attackers shouted he was in “MAGA country,” an apparent reference to President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.
What were the odds of two MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters would be outside a Chicago restaurant at 2 am with a wind chill of -40 waiting for Smollett? Despite my cynicism, I said nothing.I wanted to wait for the facts to get sorted out. Liberals, however, had no interest in the truth. Watch as liberals seize on this farce
.@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery.
This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 29, 2019
The NAACP blamed- ready for it?- Trump
“The recent racist and homophobic attack on acclaimed actor and activist @JussieSmollett is troubling. The rise in hate crimes is directly linked to President Donald J. Trump’s racist and xenophobic rhetoric.” @DerrickNAACP
— NAACP (@NAACP) January 29, 2019
Of course we got the predictable virtue signalling from every democrat running for President.
The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I'm glad he's safe.
To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention.
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) January 29, 2019
1/ I’m grateful to hear that Jussie Smollett is reportedly in good condition. I hope he fully recovers. I’m not sure many of us ever will. In 2019, he was violently attacked because of his race and sexual orientation. Unfortunately, he is not alone.
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) January 30, 2019
This post would not be complete without a contribution from the inimitable AOC
And Rashida Tlaib:
"When one of the most famous black and gay men in America is not safe, the message is clearer than it has ever been." The dangerous lies spewing from the right wing is killing & hurting our people.
Thinking of you @JussieSmollett, and my LGBTQ neighbors.— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) January 30, 2019
Smollett is offended that anyone doubts him.
“As a victim of a hate crime who has cooperated with the police investigation, Jussie Smollett is angered and devastated by recent reports that the perpetrators are individuals he is familiar with,” Todd Pugh and Victor Henderson, Smollett’s lawyers, told ABC News. “He has now been further victimized by claims attributed to these alleged perpetrators that Jussie played a role in his own attack. Nothing is further from the truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying.”
Thing is, Smollett has a real problem now. The brothers he hired in this staged attack have turned on him.
The two Nigerian brothers arrested in connection with the assault on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett are no longer suspects in the attack. They’re now cooperating with police.
A source close to the investigation confirms to CBS News the brothers told detectives Smollett paid them to participate in the alleged attack on January 29 and that they purchased the rope — which was found around Smollett’s neck — at a nearby hardware store. The source said detectives have evidence to corroborate the sale, something the men’s attorney alluded to Friday night.
“New evidence that was brought to their attention, obviously I had it, my clients had it,” said Gloria Schmidt, the brothers’ attorney.
The Chicago Police Department released a statement Saturday night saying information from the brothers had “shifted the trajectory of the investigation.”
“We can confirm that the information received from the individuals questioned by police earlier in the Empire case has in fact shifted the trajectory of the investigation. We’ve reached out to the Empire cast member’s attorney to request a follow-up interview.”
In case you missed it, these are the two MAGA hat wearing white supremacists who attacked Smollett:
And Ngo, who writes for National Review, is documenting the astonishing media bias directed at Trump
It’s an epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome and the media is thoroughly infected. The greatest irony in this is the eagerness on the part of liberals to lynch Donald Trump for a fake lynching. What motivation might Smollett have to do something like this? Who knows?
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
— Jussie Smollett (@JussieSmollett) January 12, 2018

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Well, back to bashing the Covington kids, until they can fabricate something else.
This is nothing new. The left has done this for decades. WHEN will the left ask themselves the question: “If we have to LIE to make the case against the opposition, is OUR position worthy?” If the left has to FABRICATE incidents of right wing hate and racism to prove right wing hate and racism, does it really exist to the extent you try to make the world believe? Obviously not. All it proves is the moral decadence the left exists in.
We need to start an academy awards for fake crime actors, this last year we have, Not really a Dr. Ford, Chief Maytag, this little known bit player and Theres collusion somewhere Mueller….
Envelope please….
The when pigs fly award goes to…..
According to phone records and video, Smollette needed 40 minutes between the time he returned home until he called police and headed to a hospital.
Seeing what a chicken$#!+ he is I’d bet it took him that long to cause that tiny scratch on his face.
I’m sick to death of fake hate crimes.
These might stop if DAs throw the book at these perps and juries sentence them to the fullest extent of the law when they are found guilty.
So those 2 guys (I guess they are guys) are Trump MAGA fans. Wonder what made them join that movement.
Don’t expect them to admit they were wrong and apologize. None of them have the honor or integrity to do so because that is the way of the leftist. They will continue to use this episode as a means to blame PT and his supporters by claiming “it’s the environment he created” or some other nonsense because that is the way of the leftist. They will continue to use: fake hate crimes, fake VN Vets, fake Indians, fake Hispanics, fake blacks, fake news, and fake everything else because that is the way of the leftist.
@another vet: Lovers spat, he should have got him a sandwich too, the selfish little pig.
@another vet: Kind of like Dan Rather did with his “evidence” he baked up. “If there WERE MAGA-hat wearing thugs, this is how they would act. Trust me.”
@another vet:
Of course not. Smollett is of the left wing politically favored skin pigmentation as well as being of the left win politically favored sexual predilection.
White boys from a Catholic school are not.
Most leftists are. It’s all about them and their emotions and feelings.
Kind of like Dan Rather did with his “evidence” he baked up.
With all their years of practice concocting fake news, you’d think they’d get better at it. This one smelled from the start just like Covington.
The left just loves to exploit minorities to further their never ending quest for total power and control over the rest of us don’t they? If you looked at who pushed this garbage the hardest, it was white left wing elitists (just like Covington and the flap over the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, aka the “Confederate Flag”).
@another vet:
Well, they consistently fool themselves. They just haven’t mastered fooling people with intelligence.
@Deplorable Me:
Didn’t Lincoln (another one the dems hated) make a comment about fooling the people?
@another vet:
The left just are not smart enough to realize that danger lives in identity politics (a Gramsci concept). Sooner or later, one identity, be it blacks, Hispanics, the feminists (#Believeallwomen), the Greens or the LBGQXYZs, will demand to be top dog over all other identities. Result? Internecine war.
You mean they aren’t smarter than the rest of us? I thought for sure they were.
A nice little list of all the other fake hate crimes the left has pushed. Notice the person who kept track. I guess they’ll call him a white supremacist too.
@another vet: The nazi spray painting at the college where they were kind enough to miss all the artwork , the list is long very very long.
Wasnt there one at a military academy?
Just a lefty fad I suppose.
Putting 2 + 2 together, a Twitter account now points to Smollett’s association with (campaigning on stage with) Kamala Harris as well as his (and his sisters) being close (in photos together) with the Obama family, Tariq Nasheed claims Kamala Harris was in on the plot BEFORE she put up her anti-lynching bill in the Senate!
See his 7 tweets here:
The Chicago police must not be deterred by Smollett’s crisis lawyer.
They need the unredacted phone records to see who put Smollett up to this.
He might be a “patsy” as Lee Harvey Oswald claimed was the case in his arrest.
I note the Senate passed Harris’ anti-lynching bill unanimously within the 1st 24 hours of the “attack.”
And here I thought lynching was illegal.
Silly me.
@Nan G: But they didn’t outlaw MEDIA lynching, did they?
@ Deplorable Me:
If they could they probably would, but they can’t because we have freedom of the press AND free speech. They are the reasons we can write what we want here on FA. Look at the filthy lies Retire05 wrote in her Northam #77 and tell me why that’s any different from your reviled “media lynching.” “Freedom of the Press” doesn’t stipulate that news has to be true, and “Fake News” cuts both ways. It’s one of the many costs of freedom. Live with it.
@George Wells: Our limited encounters here do not equal a nationally broadcast lie inended to generate hate or incite violence.
@Deplorable Me:
While I appreciate the obvious difference of scale between your two cited extremes, I doubt that our presently right-leaning Supreme Court would agree with your characterization of the news media OR with the implications you make of its criminal complicity.
Twitter isn’t actually a mainstay of American journalism, kids. Anyone can pretty much say whatever they want. Witness the presidential stream-of-consciousness postings.
Smollett’s story sounded more than a little odd to begin with. CNN reported it without judging one way or the other. What don’t we understand about the word used in the title of their linked article?
They simply reported what Smollett, the police, and FOX Entertainment had told them–including police quotes that included the word “alleged” a couple of times.
When sources began telling them the attack appeared to be phony, CNN reported that as well:
Chicago (CNN) — Police sources: New evidence suggests Jussie Smollett orchestrated attack
The thing about media is that you have to be willing to think and draw your own conclusions about much of the content. If you can’t figure things out correctly, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve lied to you. They may have simply reported what was known at a particular point in time, which might be nothing more than what various people involved in a story have said.
When you effectively demonstrate the lie to the person lying, that person usually runs for cover. The truth shuts down the mill of lies, and so another FA thread draws to a close.
Thats called gossip and it seems the entire media have become gossip columnists, that have chosen a side in a divorce.
@George Wells: You DO realize you are preaching that to someone that was an advocate for the persecution of the Covington kids and can never accept the reality of his liberal media whipping up a false story which resulted in death threats against children, don’t you? Also a person that does not think the foundational concept of “innocent until proven guilty” holds for Republicans?
Neither is the liberal media, but you believe them. If Twitter isn’t an important tool to “journalists” to get their views and opinions to the public with the desire to affect THEIR views and opinions, what are they doing there?
@ Deplorable Me:
I ask you the same question. What is Trump doing there? Yet, the courts sided with Trump’s lawyers when they argued that Twitter isn’t significant communication, and that people who “tweet” cannot be held accountable for the veracity of what they “tweet.” That explanation, and the court decision that affirmed it, sounded pretty bogus to me, but evidently some media of communication is considered under the Law to be more legitimate than others. Take-away: Don’t depend on Twitter to communicate contract specifications. Twitter lies are forgiven. Trump proves that.
@George Wells: We agree Twitter is a valuable tool for communication. Greg pretends not to, when convenient.
@Deplorable Me:
Only problem is that if Twitter counts, then Trump’s use of it should be a matter of legal record, yet it is not, according to the Republican judge who so ruled.
How can you have it both ways?
George: Let me try to help you with your delusions. Most people only get the real story from facebook or twitter. The fact, after the Andrew McCabe and Comey incidents for example, is that the ‘legitimate’ media only report and push the stories that they want. They use the excuse of editorial license, after all they don’t have time and or print space, to report everything. So they report what they want and ignore anything they don’t want the American people to know. As I have said here before you are also delusional if you think that this is a right leaning court. Roberts is the new Kennedy who pulls the most outrageous decisions out of his bung hole. An example is his calling Obama Care a tax, when the administration and the Attorney General called it a fee. Drink a non-alcoholic beverage, calm down and look around. Maybe then you will see what is happening as it relates to the media.
@71 Grad: Poor GW will need several adult- beverages if he does see what the media has evolved into.
@George Wells: We’re not talking about Trump’s tweets being a part of the Congressional record. We are talking about so-called “journalists” plying their jumped-to conclusions across Twitter as actual fact.
@71 Grad:
And how do they vet that? If people depend ONLY on what they find on Facebook and Twitter – where anybody can disseminate whatever fiction they please – they will get what they deserve. Legitimate media isn’t perfect, I grant, but when someone respectable, and who stands legally responsible and financially at risk for making false statements, then publishes something he is prepared to defend professionally, I think it is at least worth considering that there might be some truth in it.
One other consideration: When people who post or tweet interject profanity or obscene innuendo into their messages, or when they exercise in apparently hysterical hyperbole, rational readers are at best distracted from any truth those messages might contain. Not saying you do it, but it’s a common practice hereabouts.
@George Wells: I would like you to list some of the lies of the President, I think I have seen you refer to him as lying often.
Its nice you allow the media to pass opinion off as news as they can hide behind, “well that was just my opinion, spreading conspiracy theories off as facts to those that do not bother discern the difference.
Well, there’s when I said that he liked to grab women in the kitty-cat because a person in his position of power could get away with doing it (to paraphrase) and either that was a lie, or he’s a real jerk, or both.
Then there is his denial of having paid that prostitute, when his own lawyer later confirms that he did, but that it wasn’t a crime.
Then there’s that promise he made that Mexico would pay for his wall.
There there’s his frequent placement upon pedestals those people who he nominates to his cabinet (meaning verbal praise – not really up on marble pedestals) only to throw them under the buss within months. Was Trump telling the truth, or is he a miserable judge of character, because he throws them under the bus when they tell the truth, that he is a moron (or idiot, depending who the roadkill is.)
Since it is pretty common knowledge that all politicians lie, why would you bother to ask me for evidence that it happens?
@George Wells:
Your paraphrase FAILED. He said he COULD because he is rich and powerful, which is a fact. Just ask Harvey Weinstein. He PROVED the point. Many women, whether they liked it or not, would allow it… ENCOURAGE it… to advance their career and people like Trump or Weinstein can advance careers.
@George Wells:
1) Well, there’s when I said that he liked to grab women in the kitty-cat because a person in his position of power could get away with doing it (to paraphrase) and either that was a lie, or he’s a real jerk, or both.
So women dont throw themselves at wealthy famous men?
Guys can be jerks and go along with the trollops.
2)Then there is his denial of having paid that prostitute, when his own lawyer later confirms that he did, but that it wasn’t a crime.
There was a non-disclosure agreement (perfectly legal) technically the cash wasn’t handed over by himself but through an agreement by his lawyer.
Guys can be jerks and go along with the trollops.
3) There there’s his frequent placement upon pedestals those people who he nominates to his cabinet (meaning verbal praise – not really up on marble pedestals) only to throw them under the buss within months. Was Trump telling the truth, or is he a miserable judge of character, because he throws them under the bus when they tell the truth, that he is a moron (or idiot, depending who the roadkill is.)
Trump would remain loyal to those men he gave positions to, if they simply had the honor to say, it just didnt work out. Alpha males have a difficult time with other Alpha males, just a fact. Trump doesnt accept failure very well.
How do you know which person is truth telling?
How many of the above have affected you, national security or major parts of our economy?
The barrier, who in their full mental capacity ever thought we were going to see The President of Mexico arrive at the White house in the Prize van with a giant check and balloons and flowers?
How would that even work? It would go to the treasury then Congress would F him out of it anyway
Those with discernment knew it would be through trade deals or fees on the money wired back to Mexico by workers here. There are ways tariffs, ect.
It seems like I hold Trump to a higher standard than you do.
I agree that “guys can be jerks.” That doesn’t excuse the fact, and it certainly doesn’t set a good example for young men and women who HOPE that things might get better in the future. THIS is the model to follow? “The person I respect the most is…”?
Perhaps what bothers me the most is that Trump is completely unrepentant. Bill Clinton eventually apologized to for his painfully indiscrete behavior, and the voters forgave him. I wonder if Trump will have earned the same degree of forgiveness by 2020.
As for the economy, It tanked during GW and rebounded for both Obama and Trump, partly because Obama stimulated the crap out of it, and partly because Trump gave taxpayers a big tax cut. In both cases the deficit sored. I can’t count that as a good thing, as the current trillion-per-year deficit will quickly increase, and that will break sooner or later.
Maybe they expected him to show up with pallets of cash. Some believe that is the normal way to conduct diplomacy.
@Deplorable Me:
“MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL” Six words. A six-word lie. If Trump meant something else, why use those six words? If his mysteriously convoluted secret scheme to get Mexico to pay for the wall was so complicated that the American public couldn’t hope to ever understand it, why then ask CONGRESS to pay for it? Why not just set in motion the Grand Squeeze Mexico Plan that he had all along? Because squeezing American taxpayers isn’t the same.
No, seriously… There will be coin operated turnstiles.
@George Wells:
It’s not a lie until Trump’s administration is over and they HAVEN’T paid for it. I think they will.
@George Wells: Paul Ryan knew exactly what he was doing shoving the omnibus bill with the big prize in it. He was an economics major came from the budget committee. Paul Ryan is the lowest form of swamp slithering pond scum that ever entered politics. So he kicked the taxpayers in the teeth on his way out. As a constitutional style conservative he cannot be forgiven…Ever, it was him that personally gave the Democrats the house back. If it were not for Trumps mid-term rallies they would have the Senate as well.
Most people really dont GAD about Trumps sex life before he was President, not one damn, fresh out of Give A Damns. Its all just another MSM circle jerk, how ultra victorian they can become unless it involves murdering a baby in the womb.
The media has tried and lied on every angle and is confused as to why They cant drag Trump away from the base.
Giving Barry any credit has been debunked and debunked some more.
Mexico to pay for the wall was so complicated that the American public couldn’t hope to ever understand it, at least beyond you and Gregs understanding.
That’s everything that’s wrong with America today. The only thing that matters is quick money. The Dems want to redistribute it all to their do-nothing constituents as a bribe to get reelected, and the GOP forgives their moral lizard his insanity because he promises (really) that he’ll make them rich again. Just how big a slice of the pie do you think you’ll get when it gets divided 150,000,000 ways? And when YOUR promised cities burn?
@George Wells: To some people, having a good job means the difference between poverty and independence. Trump is providing those jobs. He is also addressing numerous problems all others, Republican and Democrat, have ignored because they are politically perilous. Trump doesn’t care about that; he cares about fixing problems and strengthening the country. There’s much I will forgive of someone that is doing that. For this, liberals fabricate reasons to hate him. FABRICATE them.
Plus, it was either him or Hillary. You like Hillary’s ethics better?
@George Wells: Rich again? Promised cities? What are you blathering on about? None of the jobs created are for a specialty class, unless thats just a person willing to work. He is making a bigger pie, the dems made the pie smaller then gave it away. The People of Flint were forced to have contaminated water no help for them, but Iran gets hundreds of billions. I think that was one of Trumps first things he did in office….fixing a democrat created problem.
It seems that George thinks the pie is finite in size. Notice he did not give the size, just that it was only so big.
i.e. Trump. That’s a hoot, having George address morals. But then, those without morals love to preach to others about theirs.
George seems to like to blather on and on and on.
Surely you understand that the 140 or so billion that Iran got was already Iran’s money, sitting in US banks. Tight?
As for jobs, they’re the service jobs that are left over when the manufacturing jobs were lost to cheaper labor in foreign countries… as you agreed previously. Neither productivity nor hourly wage has kept up with the growth of wealth in the top 1%, and that is what is breaking the back of the middle class. More manual labor and service jobs (what we’re actually growing) expands the lower class, not the middle one. If you are lucky enough to get one of them, it won’t catapult you into the middle class, and you won’t get more than a thin sliver of that pie.
@George Wells: You sir, are a progressive, therefore you do not understand, you do not have the logic or capacity. We are done with fake victims, people that make a bed then wont lie in it.
This fake attack with an agenda needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, mail fraud, filing false police reports
Mail fraud, a felony, carries a sentence of up to five years in prison and/or fines of up to $250,000.
Filing a false report Class C misdemeanor with up to 30 days in jail and/or a $1500 fine. in Illinois.
There was no reason for him to pull this stunt he had a good life.
Let him count bricks and think about it for awhile.
@George Wells:
Iran was also to pay damages to the hostages they kept. They never did. We had no obligation to give them a nickel. Obama did it because he wanted to; he wanted the Iran deal, in whatever form it took, desperately. The left talk about Trump wanting a border securing wall for his “ego”, Obama wanted a deal with Iran for the sake of having a deal with Iran and that was far more dangerous to the world than securing our border.
Manufacturing jobs growing 714% faster under Trump than under Obama
Trump’s tax cuts doing what they were intended to do; spending is the problem
Better jobs under Trump
Wages up under Trump
Tax revenues up 9% due to Trump’s tax cuts
@kitt: And they talk about Trump’s associates; look who this worm pals around with.
@Deplorable Me: I’ve seen those, look how oppressed he is, so much so he has to hire thugs to scratch his cheek. We just have to thank goodness his sandwich was safe.
If I don’t understand it, why is it that I agree with it? I AGREE with your prescription for remedy in this case. ALL of it. Does that make YOU a progressive? Or are you wrong about me?
Smollett will be made an example of in short order. He will receive significant jail time because he DESERVES it. Just as any other similar offender.
@George Wells: It was a reply to your progressive or elitist opinion on the jobs created. There is no shame in any job as long as you do the job well, steel worker, janitor, CEO ect. I did drag it back to the actual subject of the thread. You also referred to it as a lynching, sometimes you crack me up. Not as humourous as Greg but funny.