The invasion caravan has plowed its way through Mexico into Tijuana and the Mexicans there are not very happy about it, including the Mayor.
Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Thursday that caravan migrants arriving by the hundreds are no longer welcome, an increasingly common sentiment among residents of the Mexican border city.
Gastelum described the caravan of Central American migrants as a “horde” that has been infiltrated by criminals who now threaten the community, in an interview with Milenio Television.
“Tijuana is a city of immigrants, but we don’t want them in this way,” the mayor, a member of the conservative National Action Party, said. “It was different with the Haitians, they carried papers, they were in order. It wasn’t a horde, pardon the expression.”
Gastelum called on the Mexican government to deport the caravan migrants as soon as possible.
“You’re going to tell me we have to respect human rights,” he said. “But human rights are for law-abiding humans.”
There is no shortage of complaining by the caravaners:
Few were donating food, Osorto said. And he was hungry.
“I think it’s a strategy to make us lose hope, make us leave and return to our country,” he said.
One official said the facility feeds migrants three times a day. Another said twice a day.
Gómez, the woman who did her laundry in the bathroom, also said she was hungry.
“We’ve become accustomed to it,” she said. She had heard the migrants would be fed twice a day.
What an ungrateful and entitled freeloader! She is angry at Mexico for only feeding her Refried beans and tortillas. What the hell do you expect? Steak and Lobster?
Unreal ! You can't make this sh*t up !
— Unfiltered☢Boss (@Unfilteredboss1) November 19, 2018
“Pig food.” She doesn’t exactly appear to be missing many meals. You”ll further note the complete inability to support one’s self. I continue to make inquiries as to how many doctors and mechanical engineers are among the invasion caravan to no avail.
Echoing some in the US, the locals are even less thrilled:
“This is an invasion!” shouted local carpenter Luis Alexis Mendoza, according to the Los Angeles Times. “We demand respect. We demand that our laws be followed.”
Mexican protestor today in Tijuana on the caravan: "Donald Trump was right, this is an invasion! What Donald Trump said was correct: this is an invasion!"
Crowd chants: "Get out Hondurans, we do not want you here. Get out Hondurans, we do not want you here."
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 19, 2018
Tensions are growing between local LEO’s and the invaders
These ungrateful invaders have no respect for the law in Mexico and you can bet they’ll treat US law in the same manner. Breaking down barriers, assaulting law enforcement officials, hurling objects and flying a Honduran flag doesn’t say you want to be allowed into this country.
It says you are an illegal alien invader. Don’t respect our laws, we don’t respect you.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Whats the Spanish word for INVADERS GO HOME?
They were “told” they’d be fed twice a day?
Maybe they should go after that person.
Who was it?
A George Soros hack?
“Pig food”? Well…
Mexicans get a different perspective of illegal immigrants when they are subjected to them. No doubt whatsoever that if some liberals had to endure the same experience, they would express the same sentiments. As long as someone else is bearing the pain and suffering, they are all full of big-hearted sympathy. When the burden falls on THEM, the situation changes dramatically.
Law of unintended consequences. Trump builds the wall. People stop pouring in to Mexico to get to the USA, this causes the standard of living to increase in Mexico.
Send them to go live with all those Open Border idiots start with the mayors of all Sanctuary Cities and move on the Moonbeam Brown
I know instinctively I am not invited to live in mexico. Why do southern migrants think they have rights superior to the Caucasians who built North America? Let them do the same in their countries. If they can’t or won’t, then the problem is theirs not ours. Build the wall and station permanent troops along the entire length of the border with appropriate orders to deal with these ungrateful invaders.