Have you noticed that “white supremacist” has evolved into “white nationalist”? 

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The left adjusts the pitch of its dog whistles week by week and they have become more and more strident and vile. Thing is, lately they’ve gone largely berserk.

CNN’s John Avlon approaches the outer markers of Godwin’s Law.

CNN’s John Avlon Compares Trump to Mass Murderers Lenin, Stalin

Today it was the language dog whistle:

CNN’s Camerota: Trump ‘Using Some of the Same Language’ as Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter

Julia Ioffe


If the day ends in “Y” there will be another Joe Scarborough hit on Trump

Scarborough: Trump’s ‘Been Playing the Racist Card,’ ‘It’s Like Charlottesville Every Day’

And of course there’s the inimitable Don Lemon, who would terminate all white men

Don Lemon: ‘The Biggest Terror Threat in This Country Is White Men’

This is all getting beyond the pale and it is offensive.  But there is a more insidious and disgraceful effort ongoing and it’s related to the Lemonade above.

The constant left wing media poison is taking a toll

Now, a poll from the Public Religion Research Institute released Monday suggests that most Americans agree that Trump has “encouraged white supremacist groups” with his decisions and behavior.

Trump has been resistant to the smears, so an adjustment is in order.

Have you noticed that “white supremacist” has evolved into “white nationalist”?

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has put white nationalists on a roller coaster ride in the closing days before the midterm elections.

Eight days ago, Trump declared himself a “nationalist” at a campaign rally in Houston. Then, after 11 worshipers were slaughtered at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday, he condemned “the scourge of anti-Semitism.” And in a snippet of an interview with “Axios on HBO” released Monday, amid a broader push to make his hard-line immigration stance a focal point of the election in a week, he announced a proposal to end “birthright citizenship” by executive order.

The dark corners of the white nationalist movement take different views of Trump: Some on the far right are ardent supporters who see him as a fellow traveler, while others believe that the president has failed to live up to his promises on immigration and has been too supportive of Israel and too close to Jewish advisers, including members of his own family.

So you’re white and you believe in America first, i.e. a Trump supporter, you’re a “white nationalist.” Which means you’re now also a white supremacist.

And a racist and an Anti-Semite. How convenient. It’s evolved because it is assumed that it will be easier to make this pejorative stick to Trump.

See how that works? You’re likely to hear a lot of it over the next two years.






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@rich wheeler:


How about Obama turning over the records on how he attended a university on a Fulbright scholarship? Fulbright scholarships at the time were for foreign students ONLY.

Or maybe releasing the deal he cut with Tony Rezko (convicted felon) when he bought a house he could not afford?

@retire05: Or Hillary turn over those 33,000 emails she destroyed? Those are far more pertinent to national security than Trump’s tax returns.

@kitt: Acosta?—NEVER a good idea to attempt silencing a free press–I didn’t ask you to repeat anything.
Final tallY looks 230-205—35 seat loss–net Repub lloss of 6 Governorships–a real whipping.
As previously stated DT inflammatory rhetoric helped in targeted Senate races but hurt in House and State House races.

@richard wheeler: Acosta put his hands on a whitehouse intern when she attempted to take the mic. Jim just would not STFU after his turn. Rude crude unacceptable Jimbo is not welcome until further notice.
Go watch he presser, https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/11/white-house-pulls-jim-acostas-press-pass-for-physically-blocking-female-intern-from-taking-back-microphone/ If he is not capable of polite professional adult behavior let him go interview elsewhere. Maybe the mens room at a walmart.
Huge blue wave lol, not a great night but no wave.

@kitt:” Rude and crude” Who does that remind us of?
“Polite professional behavior” How bout POTUS setting a proper example if he’s even capable.

Treatment of intern? He sure as hell didn’t grab her like Trump’s bragged about.

@Richard Wheeler: Was Jimbos behavior professional? He was quite polite to those that were professional. It was a long presser. More of those people need to lose heir passes, seems none of them can formulate intelligent questions on the subject at hand.
He has a delegate from x country and the dogs ask no questions about the meeting, none.
PBS reporter asks a question about White Nationalists, hey this was about the election you stupid racist cow!
This president is not going to be walked on by the media get over that too.

@kitt: Yeah, why WOULD Trump call a hoard of 12,000 illegal immigrants, the size of an army division, aimed at our borders, an “invasion”? Is that crazy talk, or what?

That’s not “silencing the media”. Acosta is nothing but another pissed off, whiny, crybaby sore loser and it is about time he was shut up. Like far too many liberals, he gets cred by being a dick in public.

All of Trump’s behavior which the left has such problems with is reaction to THEIR behavior, in kind. In the liberal mind (the spoiled crybaby mind), they are allowed to throw tantrums, lie and call names without responsibility. Well, Trump is a force to be reckoned with and he won’t just take it and absorb it, as the left is used to Republicans doing. He fights back, and to the dismay of the left, that is what the majority wants to see him do. He is fighting back for US.

Bush absorbed the most vile attacks, lies and accusations with gentlemanly silence. Did that cause the left to reevaluate their tactics, feel shame and change their behavior? So, why would Trump do the same thing? He is a person that sees results and acts accordingly and he has figured out what is effective.

No, losing 63 House seats is a trouncing. 30 seats is merely what usually happens, though picking up 4 Senate seats is not what usually happens… that is historic. One wonders what would have happened had the media been reporting on Trump’s trade successes, the booming economy, the benefit to the citizens of the growing economy stronger foreign policy?

Kitt Did I tell you the defeat would be blamed on the media—-

Let’s be VERY clear—at this point the MAJORITY of the American Electorate DOES NOT support Donald J Trump.

For the record—Repubs gained net 3 Senate seats.

Seems many who claim “invasion” never served in our military.

@Richard Wheeler:

Let’s be VERY clear—at this point the MAJORITY of the American Electorate DOES NOT support Donald J Trump.

Let’s be VERY clear—at this point the MAJORITY of the American Electorate DOES NOT even vote.

You want to make the transfer of 30+ Congressional seats a blue wave. Obama lost over 60 Congressional seats his first term. Never read you saying that was a RED wave.

Of course, your world is about to get a lot better with your new governor. Anticipate the wave of those fleeing Loonaforia. Oh, wait, that is already happening.

Glad Jim Acostedher has been banned from White House press conferences. He’s not a reporter; he’s an maniacal egotist posing as a reporter. He should have been arrested for assault and battery.

@Richard Wheeler: A majority of the electorate might have wanted to save he country from Hildebeast.
A group of mostly military aged men waving he flags of heir homeland refusing sanctuary from Mexico are not refugees or migrants, the behavior a the Mexican Border which is well reported certainly makes all the appearance of an invading force. From telemundo https://twitter.com/TelemundoNews/status/1053347187550232577/video/1, oh yes a short clip of this was in the political ad that was called racist and pulled. Truth is difficult and Fake news calls it racist. Are some of the smaller flags UN?

[in- vey-zh uhn]

an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
entrance as if to take possession or overrun: the annual invasion of the resort by tourists.
infringement by intrusion.

Yeah, who on earth would compare the illegal immigrant hoard to an “invasion”? Crazy. More clearly, anyone that doesn’t view this as an invasion is obviously a moron blinded by partisan stupidity.


Of course, your world is about to get a lot better with your new governor. Anticipate the wave of those fleeing Loonaforia. Oh, wait, that is already happening.

Tax base fleeing, no more deducting outrageous state income taxes when filing. Sounds like a bad situation brewing. Well, at least they’ll be helped out by all those illegal immigrants.

Can anyone make a valid claim that a majority of the American electorate voting or otherwise support Trump—based on what?
Just when I thought DT couldn’t get more ridiculous he tweets “I think I’m a great moral leader.” PLS Donald save it for your stand up comedy gig.

Marines are heading from Pendleton to the border—Told the goal is to have 5 soldiers/Marines for every barefoot child who reaches the border.

My Congressional district turned Blue after Issa declined to run after narrow win in 2014–saw the writing.
California the greatest state to live in.

Gov Newsome former husband of DT JRS current squeeze–politics and strange bedfellows.

I’ll ask again Can anyone make a valid claim that a majority of the American electorate, voting or not, support Trump?

Based on what?

@Richard Wheeler:

California the greatest state to live in.

Of course. Who doesn’t love stepping over homeless people, who are crapping on the sidewalk, while trying to get in the door of their business or driving down a main through fare that is lined with tents, trash and homeless? Who doesn’t love housing prices and property taxes off the ends of the chart? Or a left wing state government that thinks the illegals invading the state need to be taken care of by taxing the working population?

Sounds like a real utopia to me.

@retire05: Well, out of the liberal metro areas and into the conservative parts of the state it is great. Not so much fecal matter and syringes everywhere.