Have you noticed that “white supremacist” has evolved into “white nationalist”? 

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The left adjusts the pitch of its dog whistles week by week and they have become more and more strident and vile. Thing is, lately they’ve gone largely berserk.

CNN’s John Avlon approaches the outer markers of Godwin’s Law.

CNN’s John Avlon Compares Trump to Mass Murderers Lenin, Stalin

Today it was the language dog whistle:

CNN’s Camerota: Trump ‘Using Some of the Same Language’ as Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter

Julia Ioffe


If the day ends in “Y” there will be another Joe Scarborough hit on Trump

Scarborough: Trump’s ‘Been Playing the Racist Card,’ ‘It’s Like Charlottesville Every Day’

And of course there’s the inimitable Don Lemon, who would terminate all white men

Don Lemon: ‘The Biggest Terror Threat in This Country Is White Men’

This is all getting beyond the pale and it is offensive.  But there is a more insidious and disgraceful effort ongoing and it’s related to the Lemonade above.

The constant left wing media poison is taking a toll

Now, a poll from the Public Religion Research Institute released Monday suggests that most Americans agree that Trump has “encouraged white supremacist groups” with his decisions and behavior.

Trump has been resistant to the smears, so an adjustment is in order.

Have you noticed that “white supremacist” has evolved into “white nationalist”?

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has put white nationalists on a roller coaster ride in the closing days before the midterm elections.

Eight days ago, Trump declared himself a “nationalist” at a campaign rally in Houston. Then, after 11 worshipers were slaughtered at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday, he condemned “the scourge of anti-Semitism.” And in a snippet of an interview with “Axios on HBO” released Monday, amid a broader push to make his hard-line immigration stance a focal point of the election in a week, he announced a proposal to end “birthright citizenship” by executive order.

The dark corners of the white nationalist movement take different views of Trump: Some on the far right are ardent supporters who see him as a fellow traveler, while others believe that the president has failed to live up to his promises on immigration and has been too supportive of Israel and too close to Jewish advisers, including members of his own family.

So you’re white and you believe in America first, i.e. a Trump supporter, you’re a “white nationalist.” Which means you’re now also a white supremacist.

And a racist and an Anti-Semite. How convenient. It’s evolved because it is assumed that it will be easier to make this pejorative stick to Trump.

See how that works? You’re likely to hear a lot of it over the next two years.






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I should have realized words like grace, mercy, compassion, moral would shut down this thread for reactionaries—probably not YOUR words to live by—probably you see these traits as a weakness rather than a strength?
See you Wed Kitt.

I hate politics for all the reasons I don’t even have to mention. No one can lead a person to a Savior if they first try to change their political philosophy.

@Richard Wheeler: So changing language to give the opportunity to bash and accuse was something you were commenting on? Would running the tread to over 100 non related comments suit you?

@kitt: When all else fails, liberals try to suggest “civility”. Then they open up with a salvo of vile invective until once again their argument falters. Then, “Hey, let’s be civil.” again.

@kitt: Simply noticed you hadn’t responded to #50 and wondered why–have a great weekend.

@richard wheeler: I have always accepted the results of the peoples will, havent always liked it but never joined a mob to break out windows and burn limos, you will not see mobs in the streets if the house or senate is lost, no riots, no one screaming a the sky. We will begin to work at state level.
Here the big dem lie is the republicans dont want to cover pre-existing conditions Walker signed a very short and straight forward law if you want to sell insurance in the State of Wisconsin it must cover pre-existing conditions. They are using the lawsuit Wisconsin is part to frame a big fat lie.

@kitt: Repubs tried to knock out ACA TOTALLY Mac saved it. and pre-existing conditions
Meanwhile your Party has racist robo-callS playing in Ga and Fla–desperate.

Irish win they’re 9-0 three to go.-

I have a mental illness; it is called by various names, but it has cost me all my friends and all my family but the son and wife that still live with me. I used to be a very successful cpa, but now my body is breaking down physically as well. I can no more control what I do than can I control cancer cells if they were taking my life. While I am lucent, I see what I write and don’t recognize the entity that wrote it, as if I had blacked out. I don’t do alcohol or drugs and don’t even smoke.

So why don’t I kill myself, since I can’t see my grandkids or have even a phone relationship with my family? Maybe because I can enjoy some of life through the lives of others. Sadly I don’t get it anyway. As far as being a Christian?

Well, I would venture to say that most of you claim that mantle, yet when talking about your strongly held political beliefs, I can’t see it for the other things being said.

So am I “saved” and going to heaven? Well, that’s not for me to say. I can tell in my soul that this will puss more of you off than not, and the comments will be “grow up” or “be an adult” and learn that this world is not that simple. Hopefully, this is one post I won’t remember, although those are usually dark and incomprehensible.

Have a blessed day. Tomorrow is my birthday and I lasted to the age of 58, although that might be more of a curse than a blessing.

I leave you with one wish; remember there are many of us out here looking for hope but all we see is division and may I say even extreme dislike?

God bless you all with mercy and grace as RW said before on this thread, but let it be towards each other, and not just abandoned dogs!

@Jeff: Dont get us wrong we like each other but like bothers and sisters we like to fight a bit

@richard wheeler: ACHA ruined everything, I had coverage despite exisiting through state of Wisc. 1000 deductible at under 300 a month, it was cancelled because of the FEDs mandates.

@richard wheeler:

Meanwhile your Party has racist robo-callS playing in Ga and Fla–desperate.

Ah, you mean the robo calls that are being made by white supremacists? That would be the Party of the KKK which would be which party, Wheeler?

@retire05: Pleeze You’re so 1950’s

@richard wheeler: So it was only the history for 100 years or so?

@kitt: The Democrats that supported slavery, opposed emancipation, created the KKK, made the 14th Amendment necessary, created Jim Crow and institutionalized racism may be gone (though they still believe in slavery, using government dependency as their chains) blaming the legacy of racism on Republicans only proves they are not reformed, are not contrite, feel no remorse or shame about it and, therefore, continue to employ it in whatever form they can shape it in.

Lets be very clear—white supremacists in 2018 support Donald Trump.

Jeff—-Hope you have a great day today your birthday.

@richard wheeler: Let’s be more clear; don’t address me until you can muster the courage to answer simple questions.

@Deplorable Me: Lets be very clear I answered-every question you ever asked me—-I asked you to give examples of your claim.–you failed to do so–crickets.

@rich wheeler: No, you didn’t. Lying as well as a psychotic fear of answering questions? Answer this; how does putting one’s own national interests before the interests of other nations make one a “white supremacist”? The very next post should have an answer.

@Deplorable Me: White supremicists believe they are racially superior to blacks and other races—They marched in Charlottsville. Many have said they support DT. Putting one’s national interests first makes you a “nationalist” not a white supremacist–
Now show me example’s of where I did not answer your questions or admit you are a liar.


@rich wheeler:

Now show me example’s of where I did not answer your questions or admit you are a liar.

No, to prove you AREN’T a liar, go find my questions and your answers. I am in no way interested in supporting your false claim. You dodged the questions and you absolutely know it. Admit it and move on; vow to answer questions in the future.

So, by your rambling “answer” here, you are stating the Trump is NOT a “white supremacist”, at least by virtue of admitting he is a nationalist… is that correct? NATIONALISTS, that is, people who care about their country over and above what supports other countries, some hostile to ours, is who supports Trump. Trump has DENOUNCED white supremacists, but no Democrats denounce anti-Semites like Farrakhan, Ellison, Waters, Sharpton and, of course, Obama. Is a “black supremacist” somehow more acceptable than white supremacists?

@Deplorable Me: Nationalists may or may not be white supremacists. Don’t know what’s in DT’S heart
You’re the rambler—I believe in KISS. Last time –answered ALL all your questions to the best of my ability–show me where I didn’t.

@rich wheeler: So, as this article says, conflating “nationalist”, “white nationalist” and “white supremacist” is a dishonest tactic with the only purpose of falsely making Trump out to be a racist, right? Regardless of what he “believes”, simply saying he is a “nationalist” (as anyone that actually LOVES this country is) in no way, form or fashion indicates he is actually promoting racism, does it?

Morning dearies!
Well this white nationalist thing its a pile of dung, more fear mongering name calling and making non logical assuptions about patriots and constitutionalists.
Nothing of What Trump has done has favored any race all races under this economy toss in the x and y sexes are doing better. Progressives must label everything and everyone.
I watched them de-platform a site that allows freedom of speech, twitter refugees pro life, pro constitution, pro rule of law and some real a##holes, because of 1 user, as if by not allowing him to vent hatred and frustration would have stopped the evil in his heart and mind. Most other users had him muted and those like him. You can hate who ever you like just dont drag me in on your sickness. Painting Trump as a bigot or anti-semite? The facts dont back it up, a racist, again facts dont back that up.
Who is it that doesnt like that Trump tweets, and will swing back verbally when verbally attacked? He has taken no actions against these people.
Just this weekend twitter allowed a hashtag to trend #killalljews why was this hate factory not deplatformed? why didnt paypal and mastercard or visa punish them and those that advertised on that site?
Don Lemon is a vile racist, and should be fired spewing his hatred on a national television network.
Take your identity politics and bury it in your own bigoted racist hearts We can get along as long as you dont try to drag me into that.

Last time—Nationalist and white supremacist are not the same.–necessarily

Kitt—I believe Tues vote is a referendum on Trump—you’ve seen my numerical predictions—care to render yours?

I also got The Fighting Irish finishing 12-0 REG SEASON beating Clemson in semis–Alabama in final?–will take a miracle–but hey they got Touchdown Jesus.

@rich wheeler:

Last time—Nationalist and white supremacist are not the same.–necessarily


AGAIN, is this conflation of the terms meant to taint Trump as a racist? Damn, how many ways and how many times must the question be asked?

Nationalist and white supremacist are NEVER the same, simply because they are different. Can a white supremacist be a nationalist? Certainly. Yet, that doesn’t (as I THINK you obliquely admitted) make ALL nationalists white supremacists. All redheads are people, but all people are not redheads… and on and on and on.

My guess is, you won’t answer the question, so here’s the answer; NO. Trump is neither racist or white supremacist and YES, this article is about the left’s ongoing campaign to take anything they can and try to use it to slather racism on Trump because, well, other than hate and lies, the left doesn’t have much to offer.

@Deplorable Me: Opinions are like a–holes–you got yours—others have theirs.
A nationalist can be a w.s and a w.s can be a nationalist—BEING ONE OBVIOUSLY does not necessitate you being the other.

Tues will be the tale of the tape

@rich wheeler: Tuesday will tell, I hope to maintain a majority, then get together with some old style blues like yourself and put pressure on them to get to work and do the right thing.
The people dont have to worry about media optics I know we can find some common ground.

NBC and Fox finally stop running Trump’s racist ad after it was viewed by millions

The ad was a lie, plain and simple. Trump is a liar and a thief. That is a truthful statement.

@Greg: Not racist and not a lie, but it’s good to know the facts are finally starting to bother you liberals.

I’m bothered by the fact that Donald Trump is a liar and a thief, and many people are either too gullible to figure this out, or too cynical to care. The ad is a goddamn lie. Donald Trump doesn’t care. He’ll lie anytime it’s to his advantage to do so. His life and fortune are built on a foundation of lies.

@Greg: DT is pulling out all stops to lie and scare his way to wins in House and Senate—expect it’ll help in red state Senate and hurt in blue state House races.

If you haven’t seen SNL spoof of Laura I , Judge Piro and Sher.Clark—-do so.

Trump Now Lying “30 Times A Day” Ahead Of US Midterm Elections
Fact-checkers are working overtime to try and keep up with the president

“These are not simply the usual exaggerations of a crowd size and so on,” Trump fact-checker David Dale of the Toronto Star told CNN. “He’s making stuff up in the last couple weeks in a way that I don’t think we’ve seen from a serial liar, the President, before.” That includes notable fabrications like the migrant caravan moving toward the American border with Mexico being full of people from the Middle East (not true, and pretty dog-whistley) and boasting that he’d given the American people the biggest tax cut ever (again, untrue).

The Post’s lie-o-meter says that Trump has made a total of 6,420 false or misleading statements in the last 649 days. Keeping up with the sheer amount of falsehoods, half-truths and outright fantasies Trump has spewed out during his pre-election rallies has “consumed the weekends and nights of The Fact Checker staff,” the Washington Post wrote in its analysis, which might be exactly the effect Trump and his White House want.

Actually, he wants to render people indifferent to his bullshit, so that any distinction between lies and truth becomes irrelevant. That’s the sort of environment he best operates in. With Mueller still quietly plugging away, it will probably be the only sort of environment that his presidency might survive in.

Donald Trump didn’t tell the truth 83 times in 1 day

The sheer number of Trump’s deceptions pushes back on his claim to ABC News’ Jon Karl that “I do try … and I always want to tell the truth.” The record suggests otherwise.

Facts are, for Trump, fungible things. When they fit his narrative, he is happy to tout them. But they rarely fit his narrative. And when they don’t, he has zero concern about creating his own narrative that simply doesn’t have any real resemblance to the established truth.

In fact, as the Fact Checker’s numbers make clear, Trump seems to flaunt his fact-less claims — assuring his supporters that he is telling the “real” truth that the media won’t let them in on. Trump has turned that tendency toward untruthfulness into a political strategy; he is so politically incorrect that he doesn’t even abide by the rules of fact and truth that the so-called “elites” think he should.

Zurawik: As Trump lies even more in run-up to election, a look at some of its deeper effects

@Greg: I am not signing up for liberal propaganda BS. Linking to CNN for truth, being sarcastic are we? I never saw the media keeping track of how many times Hillary or Barry let go a whopper. I do remember Barry getting 5 Pinnochios.
Tomorrow I vote Jobs not Mobs, I dont expect if the Republicans maintain the majority for the Democrats and Media to regroup and figure out its their own fault.
Its pretty pathetic if Trump is so bad you guys cant find someone to go against him.
Numbers dont lie I will vote Jobs not Mobs

@Greg: When one turns to CNN for “facts”, one has simply given up on the truth. When I hear a liar (be it CNN, MSNBC or Obama) tell me someone is lying I pretty much disregard it totally. Liberals, who DOTED on lies under Obama are now concerned about people being totally factual? Really? Sell that shit somewhere else.

@kitt: Well, if the Republicans lose, I’m sure it was the Russian’s fault and we should all rebel against the majority.

@rich wheeler:

If you haven’t seen SNL spoof of Laura I , Judge Piro and Sher.Clark—-do so.

Guess you liked the comments made by the freakish-looking Pete Davidson about an American hero who lost one of his eyes while wearing the uniform of our nation in Afghanistan.

You, and your Party, are disgusting. No self respecting veteran should ever watch SNL.

When one turns to CNN for “facts”, one has simply given up on the truth.

I don’t believe you can appreciate how surreal it is for a follower of Donald Trump to be pontificating on facts and truth.

@retire05: Incredible 3 rallies today Trump on the Stump, place is filled to the rafters! Huge overflow watching jumbo trons outside.
Operation Flag is a GO GO GO Picture should only be a US flag, nothing else (except maybe a flag pole)

No buildings, no cemeteries, no ships, no other structures, etc.

No people — no kids, no soldiers, no one holding the flag, etc.

No crosses or other religious imagery

No words of any kind, no status update — JUST A FLAG!
Spread it everywhere Old Glory should fly on the day we vote.
This symbol represents everyone no matter how you vote.

@retire05: I guess if I hated the military and America and denigrated military service enough, I could watch SNL and think that kind of garbage is funny. Sadly, I can’t boycott SNL because I quit watching it when it merely ceased to be funny. Now that is is not only unfunny but anti-American, watching it is not even an option.


@retire05: Incredible 3 rallies today Trump on the Stump, place is filled to the rafters! Huge overflow watching jumbo trons outside.

And filled with people that LOVE America.

@Greg: Yeah, CNN is in the lying business, as well as promoting racism.

Yeah, CNN is in the lying business, as well as promoting racism.

So says your cult leader, Donald Trump, who has been demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt to be a habitual liar.

@Greg: Well, they DO lie an awful lot. And, between Lemon and Sharpton, seem to think a lot of racism.

@Deplorable Me: Just got back from voting had to take grandson along he was our voting helper, I showed him where the filled out ballot got fed into and when grandpa came up he had to tell Grandpa where to put his ballot .
I put my sticker on his coat then asked him if he wanted Grandpas sticker as I put the second I voted sticker on his coat I said there now you are a democrat, the joke flew over the woman behind us head, she smiled and said “thats sooo cute!”

Florida—ALWAYS CLOSE—–Miami Dade and Broward counties come in late to give Gillum and Nelson razor thin wins.
Donnelly loses—–Repubs hold Senate—probably 52 0r 53
House will go Dem about 227-208

Texas—Is Beto’s early lead a mirage?? Hang on

DEMS HAVE A NUMBER OF YOUNG VETERANS M AND F RUNNING FOR HOUSE SEATS—At least 7 have won and turned red seats blue

They will be our Party leaders
Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:

DEMS HAVE A NUMBER OF YOUNG VETERANS M AND F RUNNING FOR HOUSE SEATS—At least 7 have won and turned red seats blue

They will be our Party leaders
Semper Fi

Will you will be shouting “Semper Fi” and recommending everyone watch when SNL goes after them if they were wounded in fighting for our nation?

Or is it only mocking wounded Republican vets you think is acceptable?

@retire05: Liberals only support or oppose what they find convenient. There are no principles that guide them. So, SNL making fun of a soldier that lost an eye in combat…. because he is a Republican (he won, by the way; let’s see their joke about that)… is “funny”. No one can support the Clinton’s and the military.

To be clear never watched snl in their 30+ years of existence–saw 5 minute spoof OF lAURA and PIRO on internet–FUNNY

@rich wheeler: Trump just told a black reporter from PBS that her question on White Nationalists was racist. The media continues its attack, dont expect Trump to lighten up or soften his rhetoric.

@kitt: Sessions asked to resign immediately–DT ‘I WON’T TURN OVER TAX RETURNS.’

It begins.

Your Gov. concedes. Dems have House–Trump’s rhetoric–toothless

@rich wheeler: What is it with the taxes those are private financial information, get over it already geeze. You will have to go back to a more recent thread to see what I said about the former Governor your repetition of crap is very Accosta of you.
Sessions was worthless in the position. Crimes committed by the previous administrations election meddling, he couldnt touch, lets get someone in there that will expose how close to a true constitutional crisis we came.
See all the riots that broke out all the buildings set on fire and cars turned over after we lost seats in the house, the Masked Nazi army armed to the teeth headed to cause civil war?