The left adjusts the pitch of its dog whistles week by week and they have become more and more strident and vile. Thing is, lately they’ve gone largely berserk.
CNN’s John Avlon approaches the outer markers of Godwin’s Law.
CNN’s John Avlon Compares Trump to Mass Murderers Lenin, Stalin
Today it was the language dog whistle:
CNN’s Camerota: Trump ‘Using Some of the Same Language’ as Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter
CBS’s O’Donnell Slimes: Trump Used Same Language as Synagogue Shooter
Julia Ioffe
If the day ends in “Y” there will be another Joe Scarborough hit on Trump
Scarborough: Trump’s ‘Been Playing the Racist Card,’ ‘It’s Like Charlottesville Every Day’
And of course there’s the inimitable Don Lemon, who would terminate all white men
Don Lemon: ‘The Biggest Terror Threat in This Country Is White Men’
This is all getting beyond the pale and it is offensive. But there is a more insidious and disgraceful effort ongoing and it’s related to the Lemonade above.
The constant left wing media poison is taking a toll
Now, a poll from the Public Religion Research Institute released Monday suggests that most Americans agree that Trump has “encouraged white supremacist groups” with his decisions and behavior.
Trump has been resistant to the smears, so an adjustment is in order.
Have you noticed that “white supremacist” has evolved into “white nationalist”?
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has put white nationalists on a roller coaster ride in the closing days before the midterm elections.
Eight days ago, Trump declared himself a “nationalist” at a campaign rally in Houston. Then, after 11 worshipers were slaughtered at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday, he condemned “the scourge of anti-Semitism.” And in a snippet of an interview with “Axios on HBO” released Monday, amid a broader push to make his hard-line immigration stance a focal point of the election in a week, he announced a proposal to end “birthright citizenship” by executive order.
The dark corners of the white nationalist movement take different views of Trump: Some on the far right are ardent supporters who see him as a fellow traveler, while others believe that the president has failed to live up to his promises on immigration and has been too supportive of Israel and too close to Jewish advisers, including members of his own family.
So you’re white and you believe in America first, i.e. a Trump supporter, you’re a “white nationalist.” Which means you’re now also a white supremacist.
And a racist and an Anti-Semite. How convenient. It’s evolved because it is assumed that it will be easier to make this pejorative stick to Trump.
See how that works? You’re likely to hear a lot of it over the next two years.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
It is wonderful to just live and enjoy life, To not be part of the sad resistance, all day they have to think up ways to divide the country.
Identity politics where projections of their dark, bigoted, racist souls are projected on others. They reject reality in all its forms, Trump is a Rock Star able to fill large stadiums, and still have overflow, no matter where he travels. He is a much loved President, we like his vision for the future of the nation.
If we dont show the huge crowds, if we just show the unhappy protestors, arrrg why dont they listen to us we are the trying to show OUR reality, why are they rejecting the hate we have? We cant call it the hate hmm, Resist yes lets call it that. Now what is this resist well low unemployment ignore that, lower taxes well we will say its just for the rich, no one wants others to prosper we will foster jealousy cause hate and jealousy.
Did you hear that Trump called himself a Nationalist! Lets dredge up hate and division on that lets see how we can say the most hateful things NAZI no one likes them. It was National Socialist Party, but Trump isnt Socialist no matter everyone quick associate Trump and his millions of patriotic people with Hitler and Nazis ya they are all White too. Now ignore that Hillary just said “they” all look alike and her group laughed and clapped.
The media constantly likes to make it Trump’s speech that incites violence. Him calling Mexicans criminals and rapists, calling the media the “enemy of the people”, immigrants are causing all our crime and problems, saying the white supremacists were “good people” stirs up people and drives them towards violence. Maybe we should pay attention to this.
Trump said that among the illegal immigrants there were criminals; drug dealers, gang members and rapists. This statement is backed up by FBI data. He never said “Mexicans”. It was the media that changed his statement to seem to encompass ALL Mexicans.
Trump has said “FAKE news” is the enemy of the people. He has never said the media was the enemy; that is a concoction of the liberal media.
Trump has pointed out, correctly, that criminal illegal immigrant commit many crimes. Gang members, rape, murder, drugs, human trafficking have come along over our border with illegal immigration. He has not said, though, that “IMMIGRANTS” are the issue; that is the product of the liberal media, trying to produce the image that Trump opposes ALL immigrants.
When there was a protest over statues in Charleston, Obama said there were good people on both sides of the issue. The liberal media changed that to making it seem like he said the white supremacists were good people. Of course, he never said that; that was only what the media wanted to promote.
So, if these statements are causing unrest, division and violence, who is responsible? Trump, who NEVER SAID them? Or, the MEDIA, which invented these statements expressly to cause unrest, division and violence?
This morning another liberal was on the 24-7 news explaining why Pres Trump ought to quit talking about any of his winning subjects.
He should only talk about subjects that are boring and losing subjects.
Good thing we have a president who refuses to let the msm talking heads tell him what he can & cannot do.
Libs are constantly trying to morph the English language into 1984’s newspeak.
President Trump don’t play that.
Just recently he started calling it the “Democrat Party,” instead of the modern “Democratic Party” that liberals replaced the old name with quietly several years ago.
Pressing their buttons?
Did they think morphing “nationalist,” into “white nationalist,” then quickly into “white supremacist” doesn’t press some of our buttons, when we’re not laughing about it?
@Nan G: So, I guess it is accurate to describe Obama as a Black Globalist?
White supremacy and white nationalism have always been pretty much the same thing. One is nothing more than the political expression of the other.
@Greg: I have never heard the term White Nationalism before now, ever. Trump at 1 rally said he was a nationalist so, the new term was coined to try again to paint Trump as a racist, pathetic. The media jumped on it trying to out do each other Trump is a nazi, he is a big nazi, he is a nazis nazi he out nazis Hitler compared to Trump, Hitler was in love with the Jews. Then they all retire to the green room to laugh and slap each other on the back, we called them clowns and rating whores.
You never heard of White Nationalists? Interesting. They’re presently very active in Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Paraguay, South Africa, and the United States. White Nationalism has been a thing since the early 1920s. You might recall the KKK, South African apartheid, and the rise of Aryan racial concepts in Germany. If you doubt it still exists, you might visit the Stormfront website. Who do you think those guys conducting torchlight parades last year were?
Kitt, just wondering, is English your first language?
@kitt: 5 days to go!–I can count better than Jr
Buckle up —it’s getting nastier–
Had Fox News on for background noise and my 2 Goldens and Alaskan Husky started howling—-as one dog whistle after another emanated from the TV Trumpeteers—–INVASION they BELLOWED while showing over and over the Mexican thug who killed the border guards and masses of people overturning metal gates. Then Trump on his nightly rant to his adoring masses..
We went for a walk. They quieted down
Many races in Senate too close to call–though Repubs hold—-House another story–ENJOY Is DT’S bashing of Ryan hurting Walker’s chances?
BTW I’ve got a couple of confirmed and proud racists at my job—They identify themselves as Nationalists—-white nationalism is white supremacy
@Greg: You are really truly confused.
There never was a White Nationalism ever. It was just invented newly minted by racists and bigots to further the identity politics progressive socialist agenda.
You cannot possibly believe that. One would have to totally erase over 100 years of well known world and American history to believe such a thing—not to mention have an enormous blind spot regarding current events.
Stormfront has 300,000 registered international users. They’re the tip of the iceberg. (The link is to the Wikipedia article about the forum. I won’t do them the favor of posting their own link.)
Actually, no, it hasn’t. Since “supremacist” and “nationalist” are not the same thing, THESE are not the same thing. They are both something different that is “white”. A white nationalist is simply someone that respects and honors their nation above others that happens to be white. A nationalist can be a supremacist and a supremacist can be a nationalist, but they are NOT THE SAME THING.
@kitt: The media is pathetic and desperate, so no matter what Trump does paints him as some sort if “ist”. They look at themselves and realize all THEY have to offer is hate and lies, so it is imperative to destroy the opposition. To explain his position, Greg invokes all the Democrat institutions of racism and he probably didn’t even realize it.
@Greg: You’ve dodged the point: childishly tying Nationalism to White Nationalism is just a turd move for your party.
It works on the poor and minorities that you and your party have kept in subjugation for decades, so shame on you.
The Dems have no real platform beyond hate speech. That’s why they are desperate, and have to lie. Any one that votes for them is because they “hate” Trump, not because they have any clue what the Dem party actually stands for.
You’ve got Google. Look it up for yourself. You’ll discover the overlap between White Supremacy and White Nationalism is so large that the terms have become virtually interchangeable. One refers more to the racist ideology, while the other refers more to the resultant political expression. That’s the only difference.
@Richard Wheeler: I think Walker will do OK, Trump was right Ryan one of the few in DC that is not a lawyer, the basic statement was correct Trump cant amend the constitution on his own, but the context in which he spoke Ryan was ignorant, perhaps it was the framing of the question Ryan was asked that made him look the fool, reporters like to get in those gotcha questions.
Huskies in your climate thats just cruel!
I dont have cable TV my poodles are relaxed and happy, maybe you should cut the cord for your dogs sake. Then clean up all the hair, I can relax poodles dont shed.
Psst only libs project a 2 man spat to someone elses business.
GREG: Google is a biased POS search engine. I dont use it.
Husky and Goldens love the ocean breezes and the beach walks. Beautiful creatures hair and all. Walk all 3—not that crazy about fu-fu dogs–rather have a cat.
Don’t think Ryan got it wrong Another DT dog whistle to his base. You heard it. Walker another Cruz Beaten up by DT then kiss his ass–weaklings who DT could turn on agaian–his M.O with all.
Walker OK ?? Will he win? Some great Gov races 2 Dem African Americans will win in GA. and FLA.
Dt will probably blame Ryan for House loss and take full credit for Senate hold. Typical.
@Richard Wheeler: I feel so much better about our chances you have a crap record at predictions. I heard the Gillums college pal was fired from his campaign for telling the truth.
But on Friday, President Trump used his executive powers to designate the very first national monument of his presidency: a 380-acre site in Nicholasville, Ky., honoring black soldiers and refugees during the Civil War – Camp Nelson. The reason you likely didn’t hear about it is obvious.
Ah… No doubt you’ve got something completely unbiased, such as Search Conservative — Full Web Search, Minus the Propaganda
Oddly enough, Wikipedia has a lengthy article about Camp Nelson, which Google located for me instantly.
@Greg: No just one that doesnt track, and sell my searches track my credit card purchases ect, It really doesnt seem to lean either way.
Removing propaganda? no there isnt a way to do that. Yes full web.
We got our 1st poodle (that I recalled) after we learned my baby brother was allergic to dog hair.
Poodles don’t shed at all.
The standard poodle we had was trained to do it’s natural talent, pointing and retrieving.
Poodles were originally bred to be water-retrieving hunting dogs and ours, Benji, was great at that.
Hardly fru-fru, their classic cut is designed for their health and speed in water retrieval.
@Nan G: Mine are fru fru, both rescue they just dont know they are fru fru. Rudys best dog friend was a Rottie.
@Greg: This is merely another case of the left thinking they can control the discussion by redefining terms. You’ve tried it with marriage, you’ve tried it with illegal immigrant, you’ve tried it with racism and now you want to redefine nationalism. I wonder, have you actually SEEN this tactic work?
@Richard Wheeler:
Oh how I miss Gracie, my Golden. Saw her at a cafe after church on 3/26/2006. Lost her on 9/21/2011. That was a bond like no other! Btw, I named her Gracie because Chuck Swindoll preached on Grace that day.
@Jeff: Gracie will live forever in your heart–what you feel is her tail waging ,thanking you for all the love you gave her.
My advice—go to Golden rescue and adopt—Gracie will live through her.
Grace and Mercy are two beautiful words to live by.
Vote Tues
@Deplorable Me, #22:
It’s merely another case of the right throwing out another claim that makes no sense whatsoever.
This is kind of like Trump’s recent scare ad about Democrats letting a lunatic illegal alien cop-killer into the country, when the guy was actually deported during the Clinton administration. It was during a subsequent period of illegal residence that commenced during the George W Bush presidency that the murder was actually committed.
This is a typical Donald Trump lie. He just wears people down with an endless stream of bullshit and lies. The s.o.b. doesn’t even care if he’s caught lying. He just rolls out more. The entire point is to render any distinction between truth and lies irrelevant.
Trump’s new immigration ad was panned as racist. Turns out it was also based on a falsehood.
@Greg: Sure as H glad that being a Black/Brown/Yellow Nationalist is perfectly ok, otherwise you asshats would have a real problem..
@Richard Wheeler:
Agreed-My wife and I spent 10 years doing Shetland Sheepdog rescue. For some reason, our booth was usually next to the Golden Retriever rescue at events. While we love our Shelties, those Goldens were just plain lovable-every one of them!
@Bookdoc: Doc the next Veritas is out on Beto the Rock Star is using campaign funds in a very interesting way.
@kitt: Conservative undercover videos–boring
Prefer Sacha Baron Cohen’s stings of Palin and other right wing nuts like Roy Moore–that’s funny stuff.
Where’s RT? LSU vs Bama Sat.
@Richard Wheeler: Another Beer run the toga party for Kav still roaring.
In a Monday court filing, POTUS Trump’s legal team filed papers seeking $341,559.50 in attorney’s fees from the porn star who has been locked in a battle with the president since earlier this year over allegations of an extramarital affair. thats funny stuff to the libs that go funded her.
@kitt:Drunkin Dekes like Kav. W, and myself loved Toga parties.
@Richard Wheeler:
Already rescued a Lab, a Border Collie and my son got a Terrior.
All saved from death row, so in essense, Gracie gave her life so another could live. I have never cried so hard and so long as when I lost her. She loved to fetch! I believe she awaits me on the other side.
You really and truly DON’T get it, do you? Are you saying all the illegal immigrants deported by W and allowed back in under Obama that committed crimes are Obama’s personal responsibility? The P R O B L E M is the mishandling of immigration laws, sometimes due to poor laws, sometimes intentionally to allow the maximum number of illegal immigrants in the country.
@kitt: O’Rook Beto be more careful with his corruption… someone might find out! Indeed, how boring… another corrupt liberal stealing campaign money and helping illegal immigrants to break our immigration laws? Tell me something I DON’T know.
@Deplorable Me: Some were saying this young 1024th mexican was going to be groomed to make a run at 2020. You know Dems dont care about substance they just need a prop. and about a billion in campaign donations. Add the scrubbing of the past and wala!
@Deplorable Me, #33:
No, I’m saying that Donald effing Trump’s recent slanderous campaign ad featuring Luis Bracamontes is based on a blatant lie, and that Trump is a contemptible liar for using it in a calculated fashion to promote politically exploitable racism and fear. But hey, what else is new? That’s what he does. It’s all about Trump “kicking ass in business and in life.” American politics is nothing but one more thing to exploit to that end.
@Jeff: That’s great Jeff—PLS check out Mercy For Animals to see how you can be a voice for ALL animals–Thanks RW
Greg—Trump lies and slanders–you don’t say. VOTE TUES
@kitt: No, the liberals like gimmicks. They’s used up the first half-black candidate and the first woman didn’t work out. Now, it will be the First Mexican that never was a Mexican.
@Greg: First, of course, it’s not a “Trump” ad, though I know a liberal can’t go five minutes without blaming something… ANYTHING… on Trump. Second, this is nothing but campaigning against lying, racist, corrupt liberals. You people love to run smear campaigns but don’t like having your own ineptitude, corruption and lies thrown back at you.
“Exploiting fear”? There are 10,000 illegal immigrants, criminals, MS-13 gang members, human traffickers and quite possibly ISIS terrorists marching (busing, trucking, riding rails) headed towards out border. We don’t know how many of these dangerous elements are in the 10,000 but we damn sure know they are in there. This hoard stormed the Mexican border, tore down the barricades and swamped the half-hearted Mexican attempt to halt them, counting on them merely passing through.
The goddamn, f**king left wants to pretend this is just an outing, a hike, a friendly visit. Why do they take up such a stupid point of view? Because they HAVE to take the opposite position of Trump. So, when Trump defends the border and fulfills his oath, YOU have to declare that protecting the population is “racist”. And so it goes with everything; the economy, national defense, foreign policy… whatever Trump does, no matter how common sense, undeniably necessary and absolutely demanded by national duty, the left is against it because harm and hatred of the country for the sake of power is more important to the left than unity, strength and security. Just as long a someone else pays all the bills.
Trump is only featuring the latest use of the video on his Twitter feed. He used it in one of his own ads back in January 2018.
Oddly, there was no mention of the fact that Sheriff Joe Arpaio released Bracamontes from custody in either one. Like the fact that Bracamontes’s final illegal entry happened during the Bush administration, it probably wasn’t considered to be an especially useful detail.
@Greg: So Bracamontes was the ONLY illegal immigrant that illegally entered the country thanks to the liberal’s choice to disregard immigration law? He was one of millions… and the left wants them to vote. Wants them to vote when they aren’t mowing people down, driving drunk, raping them or shooting them. The left does not care one tiny bit what harm any illegal immigrants cause… they just want their vote.
#39—Total bullshit—what happened to Trump’s commission that was going to expose all the illegal voting?? Kaput –nothing there.
Don’t believe DT’S scare tactics specifically aimed at women will work Tues—women once again will vote OVERWHELMINGLY Democratic and turn The House Democratic 234-201.–Final answer
Nobody said that. What I said is that the ad is a damnable lie, and that Donald Trump is a contemptible liar for promoting and exploiting anger and racial animosity for personal gain and political power. This opportunistic, egotistical fraud and conman is doing far more lasting damage to the nation he pretends to serve than any number of illegal aliens who might have slipped across our southern border in search of safety, work, and a better life. He serves no one but himself and those like him.
@Richard Wheeler: Just be here Wednesday. If early voting is an indicator you will be sad.
We dont respond well to thinly veiled threats, Pelosi suggests Democrats should win the House so nobody gets hurt.
Why is there a flight from Cali?
WaPo’s Wemple says MSNBC was correct not to carry a presidential news conference yesterday, cause they wouldnt want you to hear it with your own ears just their interpretation.
HOLY S*IT: Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up
@kitt: I’ll be here– predict woman go 61%D-39%R –Men 57%R–43% D—–51% of voters are woman “they want security they want safety” says DT
Do the math—
There is no “flight” from the Golden State to the Cheese Head State–will Walker hold on?
DT’S Warning us about the “imminent invasion” is not thinly veiled.
The woman you refer to was a kook—Let me know when the Professor rescinds her claim–that won’t happen—Have you seen the way DT’S old buddy Cohn has turned on him? nasty accusations of racism and more.
No, you keep harping on the fact that this guy sneaked back in under Bush. That doesn’t matter; it’s the lure of liberal judges striking down all anti-illegal immigration efforts, a traditional history of lax border protection, catch and release and widespread liberal support for illegal immigration, regardless of HOW illegal it is that is causing the problems. Currently, driven by whiny, crybaby sore losers, if Trump supports it, the left opposes it, even if what he supports is executing his oath of office to protect and serve the nation. This puts you in the position of if it is GOOD for America, you are against it and if it THREATENS America, you are for it. Hell, you can’t even muster up enough courage to say that if the media lied to the public it would be a bad thing. That means, therefore, that you think lying to the public is GOOD.
@Richard Wheeler: Cool see ya Wednesday I think Walker will hang on Wisconsin is doing great we have money in the states piggybank, under 3% unemployment, lower taxes. Didnt say they were coming to Wisconsin just getting the hell out of crap on the sidewalks crazyland…/a-generation-plans-an-exodus-from-california/
I feel sorry for Nevada and Texas if they bring bad progressive voting habits with them.
@kitt: I feel sorry for us in Texas as well once all the outside influence and money starts getting trash like O’Rook elected here. Texas, being a low-tax, good for business, personal freedom state is a prime target for liberals to take over and bring it down to the level of California, Illinois and New York. The left doesn’t like people having the opportunity to flee liberal shit-holes, taking their tax revenues and businesses with them.
Hopefully Cruz holds on. Regardless of the polls, who knows what kind of fraud the left is, once again, pulling behind the scenes? At least 3 voter fraud rings (that don’t exist) have already been caught.
@Deplorable Me: Polls just are not accurate any more I think Cruz will take Texas, just helped GF with information on getting registered to vote and the address of her polling place, made sure mom had a ride to her polling place.
@kitt: You and Deplorable are dead wrong. California still the greatest place to live in America—perfect day today and most everyday—75 degrees with ocean breezes and the sun lit up Catalina as it set majestically over a blue Pacific, I spent a few days in Dallas one August–hot as Hell—fat people BBQing and drinking Jack Daniels at 9am at the airport–the most unhealthy scene to be sure–you can have it===Wisconsin–gotta love the Packer fans and the state’s great Liberal traditions. Walker just one of the many DT belittled.
Wed will come and results will be in–can we agree to accept the results and not use the myriad of excuses ALREADY being expounded by deplorable—no Maga Bomber lsm Soros etc.
This is a referendum on DT’S leadership—the votes WILL be counted fairly. ONLY poll that matters is Tues–though Cruz has never trailed and will win.
“The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice”
Semper Fi Go Irish
@Richard Wheeler: Trump got a bigger welcome in a town of 4k than O did in deep blue Milwaukee 600k.
Trump repeated what he read in a liberal rag about Walker and Wisconsin, fake news.
If dems dont get what they think the deserve do you expect them to accept the results with grace? Just like they have since 2016.
@kitt: I’ll accept the results with grace–how bout you?
Why would Trump repeat what he read in a liberal rag? Intellectually lazy?