Welcome back, everybody! The last of the kids are back at school and the last of the Democrats have completely lost their minds! If you don’t believe me look no further than…
9/6 – How Many Fans REALLY Hate the Diverse Casting in ‘Star Wars’?
Back to the dopey but fun Observer Arts, they do a deep dive study of hateful tweets to decide that while the toxic fans are meaner toward female diversity hires, they remain confident that “The Star Wars Community” bands together against those toxic fans. Completely unmentioned in this post is how real Star Wars fans have banded together against watching their shi**y movies.
9/8 – Kamala Harris’s Big Kavanaugh Lie
If you’re thinking of staying home for the mid-term elections, remember that this is the kind of person who wants more power over your life
9/9 – He’s baaaaaack and he’s still an obnoxious narcissistic liar
Dr. John gives a good takedown of our last president’s hypocrisy. As the saying goes, “How can I miss you if you won’t go away?”
9/9 – David Hogg Makes A Fool Of Himself In Canada, Gets Mic Taken Away
When Michael Moore is the sane, rational one on the stage you’ve got problems.
9/10 – ‘Shut Up And Die’: Abortion Activists Throw Spray-Paint And Condoms Onto Pro-Life Lawmaker’s House
“Your speech is violence. Our violence is speech.” – I
9/11 – CNN Host Doesn’t Ask Swalwell About Attempted Stabbing of GOP Opponent
“Your speech is violence. Our violence is speech.” – II
9/11 – Democratic Socialist Threatens To Shoot Up MAGA Event At Trump Hotel, Report Says
“Your speech is violence. Our violence is speech.” – III
9/11 – ‘Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet
“Your speech is violence. Our violence is speech.” – IV
9/11 – Kaepernick Got What He Wanted from Nike, Now He’s Stabbing Them in the Back
Congratulations, Nike. You’ve reached the Kissinger territory where we’re rooting for both sides to lose
9/12 – California DMV Gives Illegal Voters a Surge
I’m old enough to remember when Leftists were against foreign interference in our elections.
9/13 – Norm McDonald vs The Thought Police
Good short video from Michael Loftus that also briefly touches on the new #WalkAway banning scandal. If you’re not familiar with him, in addition to his short YouTube videos he does a good weekly podcast that usually shows up every Monday
9/13 – Stephen Colbert blasts Ted Cruz for ‘Late Show’ ads during Beto O’Rourke appearance
Apologies in advance for giving The Washington Compost a link, but hearing Colbert whine about The Radical Left not being give enough time to spout off uninterrupted for their favorite “Beto Male” might be the first truly funny thing that he’s said in years!
9/14 – Surprised? Obama’s ‘Gender Integration’ Agenda Is Wrecking the U.S. Military
I feel like Democrats are the Ivan Drago of society – “Whatever he hits, he destroys!”
And from the vault, I give you our next installment of Economics for Politicians, Chapter 3: Introduction to Macroeconomics – So that’s how government spending fits in!
Have a great weekend!
Take down every statue in America. Get it over with already. But EVERY one. See how that works out. https://t.co/aevIWWqOEw
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 14, 2018
It is miraculous that Trump not only beat the Bush dynasty, 16 Republicans, the FBI, the media, voter fraud cheaters, the political class, Clinton dynasty, the Obamas, the elites in BOTH parties, but he also beat tech companies that used their platforms to try and beat him
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 14, 2018
"Gore’s 20-room, 10,070-square-foot, Colonial-style mansion consumed an average of 19,241 kilowatt-hours per month—more than 21.3 times that of the U.S. household average of 901 kilowatt-hours monthly." https://t.co/6qfgsh04yr
— Mut at Night (@MutAtNightWEEI) September 13, 2018
“Never forget! Unless we’re talking about which group was behind the attack. In that case please develop permanent amnesia”
— Sean Spicier (@sean_spicier) September 11, 2018
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Micheal Moore and David Hogg Moore plays his Hirdee Gurdee while his little monkey David Hogg dances
@Spurwing Plover: Nice! YOu beat Kitt to this week’s Long Distance Dedication!
@Brother Bob: Its nice Spur picks up my slack as I was sitting by the campfire sipping Margaritas this weekend, I didnt worry I knew they would still be insane when I got back.
As we’ve seen, liberals love lies and they love and respect those that tell the lies.
If you discovered you could stand up before people and tell them, “You’re stupid, you’re helpless, you will believe anything I tell you.” and the audience swoons and throws money at you, what would you do?
Perhaps if Hogg had paid attention in Geography class, he would have known Canada was a different country.
That should actually be the Democrat’s motto.
Shhh… they wouldn’t want it to get out that violence is now a major component of the Democrat message.
There is only so much tolerance and civility from liberals conservatives can stand.
What… being upset over a tweet isn’t justification for rape? Really?
Yeah, when you hear the name “Kaepernick”, the first thing you think of is loyalty. Sort of like Benedict Arnold or Quisling. 20%, huh? Doesn’t Kaepernick buy into Obama’s propaganda that, at some point, he’s made enough money?
OH, GOD!! They aren’t RUSSIANS are they? There seems to be a sever shortage of enough dumbasses to keep voting for ruinous liberals, so they need more people who can neither understand or read English to convince to vote for them. I’m a bit confused, though… people cannot collect up enough information to get a voter ID card, but they can identify themselves enough for a drivers license, which opens all kinds of access for them? Unless they are allowed to be audited, national election results out of California should be null and void.
When the left has blocked all other thought and speech, they’ll be the best choice, won’t they? No doubt they fully understand that is the ONLY way they can be a viable choice.
Well, when you work for George, you have to do what George tells you to do. No doubt Colbert didn’t press “Beto” (just for fun, look up the definition of “beto”) on his criminal past or socialistic present.
Oh. I’m sorry… what was it supposed to accomplish?
@kitt: Glad you had a great weekend – see you again on Saturday!
@Deplorable me:
Mission accomplished!