Die, CNN. Die.

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A few days ago we took the left wing media to task for shifting its platform from bias to outright lies. You might not think it could get worse, but it has. CNN has gotten worse, to be precise.

Abominably bad.

You probably remember the story of the jihadi family in New Mexico. They were training children to shoot Americans

A couple accused of training children to carry out mass shootings at an “extremist Muslim” compound in the New Mexico desert singled out an Atlanta hospital as one target before police arrested them, according to court documents filed Friday.

Prosecutors in Taos County, citing interviews with the 11 children found at the compound earlier this month, claimed in the filing that Jany Leveille wanted to “confront ‘corrupt’ institutions or individuals … and reveal the ‘truth’ to these corrupt institutions or individuals.”

According to the prosecutors, one of the children said Leveille “specifically” mentioned Grady Hospital as a “corrupt” institution. They added that Leveille “expressed her displeasure with Grady Hospital … due to treatment she and her mother received there.”

The filing also said investigators recovered a 10-page, handwritten document entitled “Phases of a Terrorist Attack” from the New Mexico compound. The document includes “instructions for the one-time terrorist,” but it was not clear if a specific target was mentioned.

Authorities also said Leveille and her partner, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, “would laugh and joke about dying in Jihad.”

They also were reportedly planning an attack on an Atlanta hospital


A three year old boy died because of neglect.

And thengood old CNN came up with this beauty of a tweet:

Living off the grid is not for the faint of heart, he said. It takes planning and work, especially in the winter, when temperatures dip well below freezing. But plenty of people — white folks, especially — do it, he said.

It’s an uphill slog for these poor people who only plotting to kill tens of Americans. Astonishing.

Not one to be left out of the stupid bucket, Chris Cuomo let this one fly:

“On Wednesday’s Cuomo Prime Time, Chris Cuomo closed his show with a commentary in which he slammed President Donald Trump, conservatives, and apparently Fox News for showing so much interest in the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal immigrant.

The liberal CNN host suggested that they would not have been interested in the case if Tibbetts were not white: “I wonder if these sympathizers would be as full-throated about these tragedies if the killers were white citizens, if the victims were not young, white women.”

The History Channel ratings are now beating CNN.

Die, CNN. Just die.

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Why is CNN in that hand-basket and where are they going?
Who left the bag of stupid open?
Are they insinuating that Muslims are too stupid to plan life off grid, or those “whites” are planning to attack hospitals and training their kids for school shootings?
Its just “white” privilege that they know that food and water are needed as our forefathers managed without electricity for nearly 150 of years.
Even this ditzy gal can manage not knowing the difference between step and a ladder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mlse9KTBLU
Do those in Venezuela have to buy rotting meat? well no

And the Crappy News Network called Trump Stupid for pulling America out of the Paris Accord that Obama the Worst got us into if CNN wants to see Stupid they need to go look in a mirror

The left worries and cares about the welfare and well-being of children but they don’t care about a story of a 3 year old dying due to the negligence of the Islamic parents.

The left worries about public safety but they don’t care about a terrorist training camp right here in America that was planning an attack on a hospital.

The left worries about gun control but they don’t care about a compound of heavily armed jihadists in America that were training to carry out terrorist attacks.

The left worries about the NRA conducting gun-training classes but they don’t care about a jihadist compound where children were being trained to use guns to carry out terrorist attacks.

The left worries about school safety but they don’t care about a jihadist compound where children were being trained to carry out school shootings.

The left worries so much about these issues but none of their media sources will bother to report on them… and no one on the left are upset.

I guess we should be thankful they closed down the ONLY such camp in the US, huh?

Not one to be left out of the stupid bucket, Chris Cuomo let this one fly:

Good old Chris Cuomo. The one who once tweeted that if a twelve year old girl had an issue with an adult male dropping his drawers in front of her in a bathroom that it was her problem for being intolerant and that maybe her father should have taught her to be more tolerant. Or the one who said a couple of weeks ago that Antifa’s violence wasn’t as bad as other groups’ violence because of who they target. That particular weekend it happened to be the police and they also called for President Trump to assassinated.

Now the HUGE lie about the Trump Tower meeting.

@Deplorable me:

about a story of a 3 year old dying due to the negligence of the Islamic parents

A highly disabled 3 year old kidnapped then murdered during an islamic exorcism rite.
There I fixed it for you.

In the last 24 hours two more CNN hacks have come out in defense of Antifa- Don Lemon and Jeffrey Toobin. Defending these communist domestic terrorists is an outright endorsement by CNN of their violence. Violence directed against anyone who doesn’t adhere to their communist/socialist ideology. We need to remember that the next time CNN complains about being at risk for violence.

@another vet: The left either denounces political violence or the support it. Unfortunately, there are no “journalists” reporting how none of the Democrat leaders haven’t denounced ANTIFA as they do whenever Trump goes 30 minutes without denouncing the KKK.

@Deplorable me:

The left either denounces political violence or the support it.

They support when it is directed against anyone other than themselves. The rest of us need to remember that. Most of them aren’t violent and will run when confronted. As such, they will support the ones that are violent because they are doing their dirty work for the rest.

@James D: Wow what vindictive lil pricks dems are when they lose!

@James D: Anything that touts Obama’s regime as having zero scandals is a bit short on reality. His term was scandal ridden and what makes the DOJ corrupt is that it did not investigate and charge those involved in Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting scandal and Hillary’s outrageous security violations. But, enjoy your ignorance. It must be addictive, like a drug.

Your delusional thinking has made you a danger to the nation, and you’re too far gone to even recognize it. You’re all varying degrees of nuts.

‘You’re the enemy of the people,’ man allegedly said in threat to Boston Globe

@James D: Violence and threats are always wrong, however the press is not fully reporting revealed documentation of the criminal behavior, or downplay it to simple political preference.
CNN has yet to correct the record on the admitted lies of Cohens lawyer about the Sitting President. It is your right to believe the media that meddled in the election far more than Russia, to believe with only hearsay that Russia meddled and only hearsay that they continue to meddle.
If all you have is what you have posted so far it may be that it is you who are delusional, and if everything is declassified and laid before you as hard evidence you still will not believe cause to cant unlearn lies.

@James D: If you don’t like threats of violence, you should demand the Democrats stop making it a normal and accepted practice. It is only natural that it spreads and THAT is a danger to the nation.

Democrats haven’t made it normal. The lying, draft dodging, porn-star humping, traitorous, gold-plated turd of a liar you and Vladimir put in the White House has thrown fuel on that delusion to keep his twitchy, racist goof-ball base all fired up. It ain’t gonna help, because too many sane Americans are figuring this fool out.

Trump stands by warning of ‘violence’ if Dems win midterms

@James D: Did you read the article you just posted? Trump was clearly speaking of guys like James T. Hodgkinson, the rioters who tore up Ferguson MO and Baltimore, the BLM who shot 5 police in Dallas, you seem to have a deep memory hole, America was burning Obama personally inflamed the rioters and lawless elements responsible for the destruction of property, businesses, and jobs in several American cities. What Antifa (the democrats new kkk) did At least 217 people were arrested in the melees,Washington DC police said. The burst of civil disorder followed a fierce presidential campaign that ended in a stunning victory for Republican Trump.
Then there is the fact that people in Trump admin are not left in peace to dine out, his Press Secretary has to have SS protection.
YOU are part of that, trying to twist and lie.
Let you win a little and you buttwipes are such sore winners. What did Obama do for Black people, aside from allow MS 13 gangs into their neighborhoods?

@James D: Well, James, yes they have. ANTIFA is a Democrat product. It was derived out of the Bernie campaign, financed by Soros and sent out to disrupt Trump rallies. Though they carried Bernie signs as they screamed, shouted, threatened and attacked, Bernie never denounced them or their tactics. After the pre-determined outcome of the primaries was announced, ANTIFA went to work in Hillary’s name and, again, there was no denunciation or distancing from the violence and, in fact, most in the Democrat party excused it away and tried to justify it.

Even when white supremacists march, they are not violent. It takes ANTIFA attacking them to cause the violence to erupt. See how it works?

ANTIFA is a violent, fascist organization that is funded by Democrats and Democrats supporters and them showing up at any rally or protest and bringing their violence along with them is becoming an expectation. It is only a matter of time before the same begins happening from the conservative side; it is a matter of self-defense and self-preservation. But, keep in mind, it would not be possible without ANTIFA and BLM, along with the random killers inspired by them, Waters, Hillary, Obama and others exhorting them.

CNN will outlive the crooked Trump administration.

Lobbyist pleads guilty, says he helped steer foreign money to Trump inaugural and lied to Congress

Washington (CNN) Washington lobbyist W. Samuel Patten pleaded guilty Friday to acting as an unregistered foreign lobbyist, and admitted to lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee and funneling a Ukrainian oligarch’s money to Donald Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee.

Patten’s plea and cooperation agreement is connected to special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the election and coordination with the Trump campaign — even apparently reaching into former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s inner circle in Ukraine.

@James D: First, CNN, known and proven liars (see article). Second, what does this have to do with Trump? HE did it, not Trump.