Earlier this week, Lanny Davis, lawyer for Michael Cohen, claimed that Cohen would be telling Mueller that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting ahead of time:
CNN reported on July 27 that Cohen was prepared to tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the president had advance knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting. On Wednesday, Davis said that the reporting was “mixed up” and that his client had no information regarding when Trump knew about the meeting.
You can find the entire story here.
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.
Cohen’s claim would contradict repeated denials by Trump, Donald Trump Jr., their lawyers and other administration officials who have said that the President knew nothing about the Trump Tower meeting until he was approached about it by The New York Times in July 2017.
Cohen alleges that he was present, along with several others, when Trump was informed of the Russians’ offer by Trump Jr. By Cohen’s account, Trump approved going ahead with the meeting with the Russians, according to sources.
That didn’t last long. Davis lied. Soon after, Davis retracted it.
“I regret that I wasn’t clear enough to The Post. I should have been more clear. I could not independently confirm the information in the CNN story,” Davis said. “I’m sorry that I left that impression. I wasn’t at the meeting. The only person who could confirm that information is my client, [Michael Cohen].”
Cohen has also provided information to Congress that would debunk CNN’s report.
The story was false. Davis lied. Now you’d think an honest and responsible news outlet would issue a correction. Maybe so, but CNN is neither.
CNN's press shop not responding to inquiries about how this story remains unretracted or uncorrected 3 days after it's been debunked. No CNNers are commenting on Twitter. It's almost like they've been told not to discuss it. https://t.co/LEun4opJe2
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) August 25, 2018
Chuck Todd, who amusingly considers himself to be a journalist, was admonished by Bret Baier for being a partisan hack
Fox News anchor Bret Baier called out NBC’s Chuck Todd on Friday for suggesting Congress draft up impeachment papers for President Donald Trump.
On WMAL’s “Mornings on the Mall,” Baier said he was “struck” by Todd’s comments. Todd said on Wednesday that a “functional Washington” would be investigating and talking about drawing up impeachment articles for the president.
“I was most struck of all the punditry — I think it was Chuck Todd who said that Paul Ryan should take the reigns and get the Judiciary Committee to start the impeachment process with Republicans leading the way and made this impassioned plea for Republicans to start the impeachment process,” Baier said.
“I can tell you just from covering this place that’s not going to happen,” he added.
CNN has taken on the job of lobbying for the Iranian mullahs:
No word on whether they’re being paid or just acting voluntarily.
Davis has emphatically denied that Cohen has ever been to Prague, as alleged in the dossier. Naturally, that didn’t deter an MSNBC panelist from asserting that it’s true:
“Never, never in Prague. Did I make that? Never, never, ever. Ever,” Davis said in an interview on Wednesday with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd.
“And the reason, just to let your viewers know, what we’re talking about is that the dossier, so-called, mentions his name 14 times, one of which is a meeting with Russians in Prague. Fourteen times false,” Davis added.
Despite that major blow to the dossier, Butler asserted in a panel discussion with MSNBC host Joy Reid that the salacious document has been corroborated.
“The Steele dossier keeps getting corroborated by Mueller and reporters. It says that there were two go betweens the Trump campaign and Russia. The first one was Manafort, and when Manafort resigned from the campaign, Michael Cohen took it over. We know Manafort is now just chilling, waiting to get through the second trial get his pardon from Trump. So Cohen is the man, if you believe the dossier,” Butler said.
And the left wing DNC media has absolutely buried the truth about Bruce Ohr.
The media seems to have taken a sudden interest in downplaying the significance of DOJ official Bruce Ohr.
An article from ABC News published on Aug. 23 said Ohr was “operating outside of his chain of command and quoted an unnamed official who said Ohr was “a non-figure, a non-entity in all of this.”
Despite these characterizations, Bruce Ohr was not some anonymous, mid-level official within the DOJ.
Bruce Ohr held two important positions at the Department of Justice: Associate Deputy Attorney General, and Director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces.
As Associate Deputy Attorney General, Ohr was just four offices away from then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and he reported directly to her.
As Director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces, Ohr was in charge of a program described as “the centerpiece of the attorney general’s drug strategy.”
Bruce Ohr was one of the highest-ranking officials in the entire Department of Justice. He was also communicating on an ongoing basis with Christopher Steele, author of the infamous dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump.
Ohr was the #4 person in the DOJ. His job at the DOJ was drugs. Instead, he was the bag man funneling Christopher Steele’s propaganda to the FBI via his wife Nellie (who worked for Fusion GPS) after the FBI declared Steele an unreliable witness once Steele leaked to the press.
That ain’t nothing.
Rod Rosenstein disavowed any knowledge of Ohr’s actions.
Like to know who did know.
There is a lot of material here, and the DNC left wing media has ignored virtually all of it. The most egregious is the failure of CNN to issue a correction, and no one else has either other than the DCNF and Fox News. Led by CNN, the left wing media is deceiving the American public.
And they tell us they’re not the enemy of the people.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
RIP Bandit
@Deplorable me:
The only lies I know of with certainty are those told by the lying sack if shit who lied his way into the White House. Those are so goddamn numerous it’s hard to even keep track of them.
What do you understand about the psychology of gaslighting? That’s rhetorical, because I know the answer already: NOTHING.
@James D: Trump has just condemned cannibalism, he does not want to see democrats eating other democrats. Dont let the Russians steal another election insist on voter ID
Did you see Booker have his Maddow moment? What a fool this is the type of people that represent your party. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/09/06/media-outlets-celebrate-cory-bookers-spartacus-moment-hours-after-it-was-proven-to-be-inaccurate.html
@James D:
That is obvious, by your aversion to answer the question I posed to you in #46. Now, add this one: did Hillary lie when she said the never had, sent or received any classified emails on her secret, private, unsecured server?
Got balls, James Dumbass?
@James D: To discuss anything with Deplorable me AKA Bill Burriss is a waste of time. He spends the day bashing libs and all news other than what Hannity and Trump feed him
Delights in calling people cowards when in fact like POTUS he cowardly ducked service in Viet Nam while fellow Americans of his age fought and died.
He accuses others of ducking questions and lying–he’s the worst one here.
Red Team and Kitt a couple of Trumpists but a lot more fun.
@Deplorable me:
Lanny Davis publicly acknowledged that erroneous statement, Billy Boy. So tell me, when has the lying sack of shit in the White House ever acknowledged a “misstatement” of his own? He covers a lie with another lie. Feel free to stuff your next question up your backside where your brain is likely located.
Lanny Davis says he was wrong about Trump Tower meeting and Cohen
@James D: Well, there you go. See, that wasn’t so hard; let Richie know it only hurt a little bit to admit he lied… er, “made a mistake” (note that Richie cannot even spell my name).
OK, then why does CNN continue to stand by the story and maintain that Trump knew? Also, answer the rest of the questions, as they have a lot to do with how utterly and politically misguided Mueller is with his pursuit of anything BUT collusion and crimes against the government.
@James D:
Vetted? say that again James D. Vetted? strange sense of humor.
@Redteam: Well, what the left will accept as “vetted”. For them, any lie that is pleasing to their ears is vetted enough to satisfy them.
@Richard Wheeler:
The songbird recordings have been played so many times, they’re getting scratchy. I’m sure you’ve heard them tho, right? Out of respect for Sarah, I don’t think I’ll repeat that story, but I’m sure you’ve already heard it. @Richard Wheeler: That movie about Eichman, back at the time, I think everyone was in favor of what happened. I don’t really know the whole story, do you think the story as depicted in the movie is correct or is it like the story about landing on the moon and not planting an American flag. Did Eichman deserve what he got? If he did what he is accused of, he did. How did you know that Deplorable is Bill?
LSU vs SE Louisiana. won’t be a game, should be a blowout.
@Deplorable me: I haven’t even heard anyone use that term (vetted) in regards to this fake inside source. @Richard Wheeler:
I was in the Navy at that time,(58) on the Forrestal and one of the guys in my division was from Louisiana (still is) and I didn’t know anything about LSU at the time, but with the year they had, I sure found out a whole lot about them. .Follow up on guy from La. He got discharged about same time I did and went home. I found him on Facebook about 10 years ago and he’s only about an hour away from where I live. He had remarried, re-upped in Navy (just for 4 more years) then got out and moved back here. He now lives in housing on Barksdale AFB (because he is eligible for free government housing due to contracting Malaria while in Navy (that’s why he only served 4 more years). He’s still a die hard LSU fan.
@Redteam: Eichmann story true –he was hiding under assumed name–Mossad tracked and captured him Brought him back to be tried in Israel–convicted and hanged circa 1961–trial was televised internationally–remember watching it. Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley excellent as Eichmann. He was Hitler’s #1 guy had a large role in sending Jews to death camps
Buzz Aldrin lives here in LAG BCH—Drunk the day before the landing–many years sobriety-of course they planted flag
Good story about your Navy/LSU friend–ND has a set up as well–Ball State–keep an eye on USC true freshman QB JT Daniels
Bet you got thoughts on Kap’ s multi million deal with Nike.
Deplorable used his real name for awhile
Yes, vetted. The New York Times clearly states they are fully aware of the identity of the senior White House staffer who submitted the letter for publication and have confirmed that’s who it came from. They haven’t revealed his identity because Trump would immediately fire that person.
Is this information too difficult for you and other members of your MAGA support group to process? I have no difficulty understanding it.
@James D: Ah. So, in other words, NYT says “Trust me.”
They are confirmed liars as well.
Unlike the bull crap propaganda outlets and nitwit internet conspiracy-theory rumor mills that you and your fellow far-right, anti-democratic hee haws take as the proclaimers of God’s own truth, the New York Times is a nationally respected news source that is actually worthy of a measure of trust. When they do sometimes get something wrong, they acknowledge they have done so.
These stories aren’t coming from democrats. They’re not coming from imaginary “deep state” sources. Anybody with a brain can read through a few months of Trump’s Twitter posts and realize this man is off his damn rocker and totally out of his depth. We should thank God there are some adults in the room working hard and risking much to contain his irrational impulses. At some point we will all know who they are.
@James D: The NYT STILL runs stories about how Trump has said the media is the enemy of the people, which is a lie. When they run that story, in whatever form, it is a lie. You DO know what a lie is, don’t you?
CNN ran with the story that Lanny Davis told them Michael Cohen told him, his attorney, that Trump knew of the Trump Towers meeting beforehand. That was a lie; Cohen never told Davis that and has, in fact, testified to the contrary. Yet CNN stands behind it.
Left wing media falsely claims Sessions chanted “lock her up” and interprets Russian to suit their leftist dialogue, lies about Putin wanting Trump to win
Time uses photo of crying child though she was never separated from her mother
53 media mistakes about Trump
The media blames Trump for the Capital Gazette shooting though the killer had a long grudge against the paper
Liberal media has to issue corrections of the lies they were spreading about Trump’s immigration policies
CNN lies about school shooting in Santa Fe
Media lies about Trump backing DOJ withholding evidence from Nunes
9 stories attacking the right the media ran with before checking them out
Bloomberg has to retract story that Mueller had subpoenaed Trump’s Deutchbank records
ABC issues false report that Trump ordered Flynn to contact Russia BEFORE the election; knocks Dow down 350 pts.
They can’t help themselves; WaPo reporter tweets photo of arena hours before Trump arrives
CNN runs rampant with a false story and spreads it across all media
CNN journalist resigns over false story about Scaramucci and Russian investment firm
@Deplorable me:
What? Nothing about their UraniumOne cover-up, or their refusal to admit the Clinton’s were running a child-sex ring out of a pizza parlor, or that Obama was born in Kenya and is a secret Muslim?
Give it up. You people have a long established track record. Most Americans knew Trump was a lying, amoral opportunist long before he was a nominee.
@James D: Uranium 1 is a cover up, Obama on film calling himself the first President from Kenya, he could unseal his life and end all the questions, just because the MSM doesnt report it doesnt mean it isnt happening just look up PEDOPHILE ARRESTS SKYROCKET UNDER TRUMP. 1 comment was twisted by the fools.
Trumps Quote “Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents–fast trial, death penalty”. from 2012 before he ran for president.
If that is a shot at a pizza parlor I am missing it.
The Clintons being involved with pedos springs from Their many trips with Jeffery Epstein to his private island. Either you are willfully ignorant or a parrot. If you are doubtful take a closer look it doesnt hurt to listen you do not have to believe it.
@James D: So, you can’t speak to the rampant misinformation the liberal media provides? Well, it’s not surprising since you would have to either defend the lying or denounce it and we all know you don’t have the balls to face up to the dishonesty of the left.
So, since you brought it up, do you think the coincidence of Bill going to Russia, meeting with Putin, giving a short speech and receiving $500,000 and then Hillary, in spite of FBI reports showing Uranium One was controlled by Russia, approving the sale of US uranium to Uranium One, should be investigated? Putin says Hillary got $400,000 in campaign contributions from Russians. Should that be investigated?
@Deplorable me:
You instantly refuse to consider a letter published by the New York Times which they unambiguously state is confirmed to have come from a current high-level Trump White House insider, but you’re accepting a claim that was made by Vladimir Putin? Seriously?
I’m don’t even feel a need to say what I think about that. It pretty much speaks for itself.
@James D:
Every ranking administration member denounces the story. So, which “high ranking Trump administration member” wrote it? I don’t believe anything that smacks of lies and cannot be verified. Why do YOU believe it when no one will put their name on it? How do you know the NYT didn’t write it?
I am asking you if such a claim is suspicious enough to be investigated. Should it? If not, why not? Because Hillary is a liberal, from YOUR party? Has Hillary proved herself to be trustworthy? And, you dodged the Uranium One question. Should that be investigated? If not, why not?
@Deplorable me: I read an interesting comment on another site the other day. The comment was something like: when you have two groups of people who hate each other (which is exactly what we have in this country) and they accept the results of an election you have a country. When they don’t accept the results of an election, you have the beginnings of a civil war. The left clearly does not accept the results of the last election and they are doing everything in their power to nullify it.
@another vet: By the time the left is done, it’s hard to say if we can even have another election. They have make it politically appropriate to doubt everything.
Do not fear–there most definitely will be an election in Nov .and it will be a referendum on DT. All House and 1/3 .Senate The American people have a chance to speak clearly and forcefully about our current leadership===we’ll see.
Re NYT article—The much beloved AG Jeff Sessions under the direction of his good friend The POTUS has been tasked with finding the wayward author, Rest easy Inspector Clouseau is on the case.
@Deplorable me:
How about because Vladimir Putin is the only source? How about that? But if the republican brain is truly addled by Trump’s lies and gaslighting, by all means let them shut up and investigate. That’s all the GOP did for years, without finding evidence of anything. It hasn’t taken Robert Mueller anywhere near as long to begin piling up plea agreements and convictions, and if Trump tools think he’s finished, they’re even stupider than I presently imagine.
@James D: The reason they did not find anything is Obama and his henchmen were hiding the documents that were requested. Now, they are becoming available. They already have found the documents that showed why the Ambassador was killed in Bengasi. He was trying to retrieve the shoulder fired rockets that was given by Clinton and the State Department to the rebels to over throw Kaddafi. Those rebels were part of ISIS and move some of those stinger knockoffs to Syria and were being used against US and allied forces.
The violation of security of the Clinton server is being reviewed now and is part of the plot to get rid of Trump. Now congress can access the documents and get results. Obama may want to spend some time with his relatives in Kenya. I do not think they have extradition agreements with the US. Maybe he should take his friends with him. They may not be very popular when the Grand Jury is through with them!
@Deplorable me: Actually, with what I know and have read, I could have written that letter. The wording is not such as a high ranking person would have used and with a couple of tokes, Anyone could have written that letter. Remember a few years ago an NYT intern wrote a series of articles on oil drilling and was cited as an expert petroleum engineer. Why should anyone believe any thing the NYT writes except when they write that they are ceasing business. I will believe that.
@Randy: Still wasting your time with Greg?
@James D:
Is he? How do you know? Aren’t you curious enough about those you vote for to want to know FOR SURE if Russians are bribing them or not?
Actually, plenty was found in those investigations. Obama and Hillary knowingly lied about a video being the cause of the attack, Hillary ignored warnings of terrorist threats and requests for security or to be pulled out and that no effort was ever considered to rescue those under siege at the compound. We also learned that Hillary obstructed justice, destroyed evidence and lied about having classified information on her server.
Now we are finding out why the DOJ and FBI did not prosecute any of these crimes.
How about that Uranium One thing? Are you curious to know that Hillary was totally innocent? Would you want that to be investigated to clear her good name?
I see plenty of what the NYT puts up in the way of news and I don’t believe ANYTHING they promote. They are proven to be liberal liars (redundancy alert).
@James D: https://conservativedailypost.com/was-the-times-duped-by-a-usc-student-to-run-hoax-op-ed/
If this turns out to be true, will you be laughing as loudly as me?
@Deplorable me:
The Mighty Casandra didn’t post an image of her “evidence” large enough to be inspected, let alone a link to the page she took it from. The New York Times clearly stated they confirmed the writer’s identity; Conservative Daily Post is running with a Twitter post. The NYT open letter is a 100% match with a college student’s essay? Then show us the damn essay. But proof isn’t what her Twitter-post-gone viral is about, is it? It’s about creating doubt for those who need a quick fix of it to blot out a dangerous detail. She’s serving them up what they need to keep from thinking.
Have you looked up gaslighting yet? Because this is part of that, and it’s a repeating Trump tactic.
@James D: It’s an Obama staple. It only works on the weak minded.
You going to get around to offering an opinion on investigating Uranium One or Hillary’s $400,000 Russian windfall?
No, I think I’ll just continue to watch you making a complete fool of yourself. It’s amusing and requires a lot less effort. Please do continue.
@James D: So, when there are highly suspicious circumstances involving a liberal, you don’t think they should be investigated, but even if suspicions of a Republican are fabricated, that justifies three years or more of investigations. OK, I get it. We’ll call that “hypocrisy”.
@James D:No. 63…
Your definition of ‘vetted’ must be strange. That means that someone went to the ‘other staffers’ at the White House and said. ‘traitor’ has said that you said ‘this’ is ‘this’ true? That’s vetting. Now tell me who ‘did this vetting’ and who did they specifically ask about what ‘traitor’ had said. Otherwise, you don’t have ‘vetting’. So you might want to start over and use some other term, which means: “someone told this pack of unverifiable lies’ do you want to comment on them?
@James D: 67
Let’s clear that up and say it this way. Most Americans understood Trump and knew the truth about Hillary. And that is why Hillary is not the president, and as much as you’re enjoying it, Trump is.
@another vet: 78
AV, I wasn’t around for a while, but I’ve been reading up a little and I had decided that James D is Greg. Am I correct?
@another vet: I only post a few comments once in a while. So is this new ignoramus (James D) really Greg? I just figured that he was just another run of the mill ignorant liberal who had no critical thinking skills. Well, I guess he could be Greg at that!
It appears that the Grand Jury is getting closer to charging Comey and others. That should open communication. I doubt anyone in this scheme will want to go to prison for Obama, HRC , or any other of others who committed crimes in order to support HRC and prevent Trump from winning. Sundance seems to have great sources and has been proven right as new information continues to show the timelines and interface between the real collaborators. Hope you are doing well!
@Redteam: Well, the NYT vetted the story. They looked at it and said, “Yep, this is sufficiently anti-Trump and fact-free for our propaganda rag, so LET’S RUN IT!!”
And that’s all it takes.
It sure sounds like him. He makes the same arguments Greg has made here before almost verbatim. That’s why I quit reading his posts as well. The thread on Kaepernick had a ‘Meremortal’ post on there. He sounded just like RW. Perhaps there really are four different people posting. After all, the left is referred to as the collective for a reason. But I have my doubts.
If the op ed piece is fake, why is the Trump administration beating the bushes to discover who in the White House wrote it? Why compile a list of a dozen insider suspects and consider lie detector tests or a demand that they all submit sworn affidavits?
@James D:
Maybe because, instead of praising lying that is destructive to the nation, they take subversive actions to undermine the government seriously. Someone that publishes lies with the sole purpose of damaging the function of the government is a criminal.
Why did Obama persecute whistle blowers when he claimed to support them?
Obama routinely attacks whistle blowers despite pledge of transparency
@another vet: All whining sounds the same.
@Deplorable me:
I read some of Meremortal’s posts on another thread. Definitely NOT RW and is obviously not a lefty. I must have misunderstood where he was coming from in the Kaepernick thread. My bad.