“A peaceful coexistence is dropping out of sight” – Robert Ellsworth
First off, to make the obvious point, no I don’t want to see violence from either side. But what I’ve seen over the last few days has surprised even me. And this was after writing a post just a few weeks ago about how Democrats are horrible people who hate America. But what we’ve seen over just the last few days from the Radicals who’ve taken over the Democratic Party is disappointing, and equally disturbing. To quickly recap:
Florida AG Pam Bondi Harassed By Left-Wing Activists At Movie Theater
As if Sarah Huckabee Sanders getting thrown out of a restaurant for being competent at her job, It gets WORSE: Red Hen owner reportedly kicked Sarah Sanders out then FOLLOWED her to new restaurant to protest
A New York University Professor doxxed over 1,500 ICE employees
Maxine Waters calls on her Clone Army to “EXECUTE GENERAL ORDER SIXTY-SIX!”
Even worse, after Mad Maxine’s punctuation to the several days of terror would draw a response from Democrat leaders in office and in the press, you’d be right. But not in a good way. What followed ran from “Sorry that President Trump made us mad!” from Nanci Pelosi, to the Washington Post’s “Trump could seize this to fire up his base!” Nowhere in here are any condemnations – Hell, I’d be happy with just some acknowledgement that harassment and inciting violence is wrong. You won’t get it from the Democratic Party’s leadership in Virginia – when asked about Watters’ comment, there was no response. Bloomberg’s Francis Wilkinson muses about how the Democrats’ behavior is completely justified.
Over at The Federalist, David Harsanyi had a great take on what things would be like like were the roles reversed:
Now, should it even be said that if any conservative had called for mobs to badger Democrats when they’re at the supermarket, the nation would be thrust into a national dialogue about the growing and perilous incivility on the Right. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking hypocrites contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared. Every Republican politician on Earth would be asked to condemn these comments.
Why am I speculating? This is exactly what happened during the peaceful Tea Party protests.
The usually sensible Jim Geraghty at National Review looked at the events with a seemingly sensible but sadly misguided conclusion:
This is a genie that does not go back into the bottle easily. A lot of people in politics remember the examples of their side being attacked and conclude this is how the entirety of the opposition wants to play the game. The rallying cry on the Right on Twitter these days is “you’re going to hate the new rules” — basically conservatives cheerfully announcing they or their brethren will adopt any tactic used by the Left. Turnabout is fair play; what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. (Lord knows I’ve long lamented the glaring double standard and the need for one bipartisan set of rules for public debate.)
The problem is that this cycle of tit-for-tat leads more and more people conclude that the opposition only understands the language of force and that they cannot be negotiated with, persuaded, or even tolerated in a form of coexistence.
We could steer away from this path, if there was a broad, across-the-spectrum denunciation of comments like the one from Waters, reemphasizing that in the United States, we settle our differences through debate and discourse and the ballot box and in the courtroom — not by stirring up an angry crowd and implying (or maybe more than implying) a threat of physical violence against the political opposition. But that’s too much to ask in this polarized — Balkanized? — environment, isn’t it?
For someone with Geraghty’s experience and credentials I’m surprised at how naive his conclusion is (although the entire article is worth reading), where Jazz Shaw nails it over at Hot Air:
When the Tea Party held rallies where they obtained permits and stayed within designated marching routes or gathering areas, the Black Lives Matter movement closed down highways and airports or organized “black brunch” where businesses were closed down. When the right gathers petitions to not have a statue of Lenin in the public square, the left simply goes and tears down symbols they don’t like. And now we’re at the point where government officials must be hounded out of public spaces when they are off the clock?
This isn’t going to end unless there is an actual incentive for it to end. And the media isn’t going to supply that incentive since most of those folks either openly support social warfare or convey signals that they privately do. In the months which have passed since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the accepted rules of engagement have been thrown out the window and if you want that to stop you’re going to have to answer in kind. As I was saying on Twitter this weekend, the day is coming when the Democrats are going to take back the White House and one or both chambers of Congress. It may not be immediately, but it absolutely will happen sooner or later.
Nobody is going to get the message until Democrats and liberals find out that they don’t get a free pass to behave in this fashion and go unanswered.
I think that Shaw has captured the best endgame for Conservatives better than Geraghty did. The only time you’ll hear a Leftist acknowledge that their behavior is wrong is when you hear them say “Both sides need to stop!” Leftists hate having their tactics thrown back in their faces. As things stand they see their policies as successful against an enemy that they despise. Unless they are given a reason to dial back their behavior, they will only continue to build on it.
Violence over political differences is horrible, but I don’t see any way to stop the Democrats before they kill someone. If anyone has any suggestions I’d like to hear them. And this is one of the rare times I’ll ask of anyone posting in the comments to keep them to constructive ideas, and that goes for the folks from both sides.
It will be a great day and a horrible day when Democrats come to hate the people who want to kill them as much as they hate conservatives
— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) November 19, 2015
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
It’s the system of government we have in the United States, which exists in one form or another in every enlightened nation on the planet. A synonym for the term is Western Democracy. It’s what defeated Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan. It’s what faced off and eventually defeated the Soviet Union, and held back the military aggression of North Korea. It’s what has kept Western Europe unified against the expansionist intentions of Vladimir Putin, and has stood against extremism in all forms, both nationalistic and religious. It’s what stands for the individual rights of all people. Its power is ultimately derived from the people it governs.
Do they no longer teach about this in citizenship or history classes? What sort of alternative form of government are you advocating?
@Greg: Citizenship classes? I took civics which taught we are a Representative Republic, in this country there is NO other form of government, your bananna third world education has failed you as it failed Obama with his bypass of our reps in congress, it is failing Schummer who demands an executive order not constitutional procedures, Trump should have told him to shove his pen up his bahuma and do his job as a legislator, and representative. You do not sound informed nor enlightened on our form of government. WE ARE A REPUBLIC, and we aim to keep it.
@kitt, #52:
A representative republic is one form of liberal democracy. Specifically, the United States is a democratic republic.
The term representative republic can include situations quite different from our own. It is possible in a representative republic for only a minority of citizens to have a right to vote. That’s where we started out.
We have evolved into the democratic republic that we now are, and that evolution has been achieved in an entirely constitutional fashion. Originally, women—who are a majority of the population—had no right to vote, nor did anyone under 21 years of age, though they could most certainly be sent off to war. Slaves lacking a vote, of course, went without saying. Native Americans had no vote, either. Most states required that males own property before being allowed a vote, so the poor had little say in anything.
@Greg: WRONG we are a REPUBLIC, and those voting rights were gained under a REPUBLIC. This country has always been a REPUBLIC, we do not vote by mob rule the definition of a DEMOCRACY, it is why the geniuses that put this government in place LIMITED the power of the Government, which because of asses like you has been whittled to nothing. Giving legislative powers to branches that have no business having them. Until the Democrats learn more they cant get power again cause crap like this happens unfettered. https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/nat-archives-stumble-onto-new-obama-scandal-wholesale-destruction-of-govt-records/?ff_source=idealmedia&ff_medium=referral&ff_campaign=conservativetribune.com&ff_content=2257106
They wipe out History.
Did your citizenship classes cover any of the Federalist papers or anti federalist papers?
Hillsdale college offers online classes in the constitution for free.
Sorry, but we have a “representative democracy”, which was emphasized by Hillary’s defeat.
The term republic, unqualified, covers so many possibilities that it includes many things that the United States is not, and was never intended to be. Few things are actually as simple as many people would like for everything to be. Stubbornly refusing to acknowledge it does not change that fact.
We live in a democratic republic. Look the term up. You’ll discover this to be a factual statement.
Representative democracy is the process by which a democratic republic works. You’re actually saying the same thing, but apparently spinning it into some sort of entirely different meaning.
@Greg: Give us a list of those possibilities professor.
There are 3 branches of both state and federal government each serving different roles. The Federal part ruined by progressives with the 17th amendment making our senate rep unfettered by state needs.
How it was designed the House legislates creates laws, the bill goes to the Senate the Senate reps decide if it is good for the state they represent if it passes it goes to the Presidents desk. If vetoed it returns for alterations or to be over-ridden( less than 7% of laws)Congrats Obama earned one.
So few people know how the government is suppose to work they just run around making shit up like you.
Hey, cheer up. If Trump gets another Supreme Court judge he could set up a tidy little rubber-stamp dictatorship, then we wouldn’t have to worry about any of this.
What would he become, without restraints? Have you asked yourself?
@Greg: Obama had his race card to protect him from impeachable offences https://archive.org/stream/The64ImpeachableOffensesOfBarackHusseinObama/The64ImpeachableOffensesOfBarackObama_djvu.txt
All of which were ignored or justified by progressive morons. Trump seeks a real Legacy just to satisfy his ego.
You can start at #6 the first few are BS or done before he was elected President.
We will find out more when congress can declassify the DOJ files.
Keeping massive amounts of records from multiple depts away from the national archives speaks volumes of what he has to hide during his lawless terms.
@Deplorable Me:
Who cares what he says? If you did enough drugs, you’d believe they don’t exist either. He thinks everyone to the right of Vladimir Lenin is an extremist. Ignore his feminine hissy fit posts and you’ll feel much better!
Of course they exist, but they speak only for themselves, not for an entire side of the political divide. There are idiots and jackasses both right and left of center. There are also people on both sides who will exploit what is said by those idiots and jackasses.
Its When dearie WHEN, its when Trump gets another and Ruthie hasnt looked so perky, the only one with more false reports of her death is Betty White. At 85 she doesnt look a day older than 115.
You had better get it done before the November elections, or before a couple of Senate republicans have a crisis of conscience and grow a spine. By the way, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski already have spines.
Senate democrats are going to obstruct the hell out of this. Remember Merrick Garland? Unless Trump nominates a moderate, I’m ready for some payback. And there’s always an outside chance that Robert Mueller will blow the good ship Trump out of the water. If Republicans take him down, he should reward them by publicly releasing every bit of information he’s collected. You know, like the House wants. There’s no reason to let Nunes dribble it out piecemeal.
@Greg: Who doesnt want that to end, but seems the DNC has more collusion and conspiracy going on than Trump, let the chips fall. Supreme Court Justices need to be constitutional purists no political agendas no legislating from the bench. Its a lifetime appointment and they will most likely sit longer than Trump will Hell Great Great Great Grandma Ruthie has been there since the Titanic, I mean the Clinton admin.
And the indications and actions that this is even a possibility would be… what, exactly?
That could be a viable argument IF ONLY other Democrats would call them out, shut them down, denounce them and if there weren’t SO MANY Democrat voices “speaking for them selves” but voicing a common theme: We can’t defeat Republicans at the ballot box, so use crowds, intimidation, threats and violence to try to frighten them from doing their job.”
There are people on YOUR side who ACT on it.
They obstruct EVERYTHING, even things they promoted and supported before. However, remember Reid’s little modification? Yep, that’s right… it’s about to take another great big bite out of your butt. The liberal ideal of destroying the Constitution through the Supreme Court is about to get pushed back another few decades.
All Mueller can do is what he’s been doing; make grandstanding moves that have nothing to do with Trump and leak information intended to hurt Trump. Mueller’s approval and faith in his “investigation” is lower than Trumps! Why does Rosenstein keep stonewalling Congress with information? Why won’t Comey testify? Why did Strzok take the 5th? Lots of “innocent” and “unbiased” people acting mighty guilty and they were all a part of Mueller’s witch hunt.
June 16, 2018 — Portland Man Tells The Guardian He Was Randomly Punched in the Face by Right-Wing Goons Yelling “Build the Wall” — The alleged assailant in the June 8 attack is Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, the de facto bodyguard for U.S. Senate candidate Joey Gibson.
Nice people.
June 26, 2018 — Milo Yiannopoulos Encourages Vigilantes to Start ‘Gunning Journalists Down’
“alledged” “reportedly” No police report. I have an extensive list of leftists making false claims of being the victims of violence. Can’t you find anything that is verified?
The SPLC is an organization known for leftist lying and racism, so we can simply reject that. As to his statement about journalists, if you read the article, he is obviously responding to the consistently stupid and non-objective questions he receives. Ill-advised sarcasm, but sarcasm nonetheless.
“Tiny” had two previous arrests last year for assault, harassment, and disorderly conduct related to political demonstrations. That kind of sounds like a pattern to me. Maybe he should get out of politics and consider a career in mixed martial arts.
The SPLC is an organization that calls hate groups out for what they are and backs their calls up with factual information.
Milo should be deported. He could then focus on political agitation and the promotion of right wing violence in his own country, though he would then lack protection under our Bill of Rights. Even Breitbart couldn’t stomach some of the company this smarmy little creep keeps.
I understand you believe “innocent until proven guilty” only applies to habitual liars who destroy their phones and computers with hammers and obliterate 33,000 emails as soon as they find out someone wants to see them, but without any witnesses but the “victim” and no crime reported to police, this reeks of yet another liberal lie.
The SPLC IS a hate group that designates anyone they disagree with as a hate group or racist.
Jarrod Ramos: Everything we know about alleged Capital Gazette gunman
That may not be the correct picture. It may not be the correct person.
@Greg: I understand your point here is to imply that this is right wing violence against the media. I waited to respond until there was some actual facts about the killer available, rather than make assumptions that serves my argument.
Turns out this guy had a long-running feud and vendetta against this paper and a reporter, that was no longer even with the paper. So, no, Trump did not inspire this shooting, as the NYT accuses. Just another nut, with a long list of public threats, more red flags than a cheap used car lot, and a shotgun. So, we now wonder how the left is going to exploit THIS one, unless we redefine an “assault weapon” to include bird guns also.
As usual, you have misunderstood entirely, and are disputing something I never said.
That said, it was a targeted attack on journalists, which are collectively a very frequent public target of Donald Trump crazy rhetoric. There’s plenty of room for legitimate speculation about how that might influence angry, mentally unbalanced people. I have no doubt whatsoever that he has many such people in his audience. His words could make it easier for them to justify their violent, irrational actions.
@Greg: Well it doesn’t appear I misunderstood a damned thing because, lo and behold, here you are trying to blame Trump for something he had no possible relation to. This guy had a six year grudge against the Capital Gazette. Further, I looked the paper up and their content is not the usual “all anti-Trump, all the time” found in the liberal propaganda tools who serve at the behest of the Democrat Party.
Apparently, you condone and approve the tendency to violence and intimidation the Democrats have chosen in their frustrated bitterness. You can’t even be honest about it like Maxine is.
@Greg: the unibomber was a leftist, so is Bill Ayers the terrorist bomb maker/ friend of Obama. Does Trump have any friends who are cop killer?
February 20, 2019 — ‘I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on earth’: A self-proclaimed white nationalist planned a mass terrorist attack, the government says
Oh, the irony! All along, there’s been a quick and simple way he could make the entire universe disappear. Of course he would have to leave his arsenal behind, so there’s a downside…
@Greg: Irony indeed. Have we not been warning that if the left continues their violent assaults along with the leadership condoning it that it will be met with violence in return? As soon as the left acknowledges their embrace of violence as a political weapon, renounces it, denounces it and encourages its suppression then perhaps we can see the return of civility. But not until.
Oblivious, apparently, to innuendo…
@Deplorable Me:
Ummm, remind me again of Greggie Gullible’s comments not on a plot by a “white nationalist” but the recent actual killing of people, and the shooting of four police officers, at a factory committed by a black guy.
@retire05: Or the DEATH THREATS against CHILDREN who did nothing but NOT be liberal? As I said, we have been warning liberals that they are bringing this about. Apparently, they had doubts.
@retire05, #78:
Gun violence by angry, unbalanced people has become fairly common. A plan to assassinate multiple political leaders by a self-described white nationalist who has been assembling the equipment to do it falls into a different category.
From FOX News, February 20, 2019 — Coast Guard lieutenant, dubbed ‘domestic terrorist,’ had hit list of media bigs and Dem lawmakers: prosecutors
All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
@Greg: Greg just no violence I know you dont expect the prize in the Mueller investigation
All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
Read what you posted all extremist killings what the hell is an extremist killing? Does it involve more than 1 death? Or can the left just label any nutjob that they shoot a “right winger.”
Parkland, Florida really? That kid?
man was arrested last Saturday after he posted on social media that he planned to kill “as many girls as I see.” I guess he was too shy to ask for a date or to much of a dork to get one.
Its that type of reporting click bait lies that you like to post.
Left wing nutjob organization blames everything on right wing extremism that is a much more accurate headline for the ignorant propaganda.
This could be because the Democrats, with they media cohorts, promote a constant message of vilifying Republicans, demonizing them and their views with many openly inciting violence. Not only does this incite liberals to follow their instructions to intimidate, threaten, attack and harm against the enemies they have been indoctrinated to believe deserve nothing but death but can lead to conservatives making preemptive assaults in what they see as their own defense. We’ve told you your adherence to the culture of violence was dangerous, but you failed to take heed.
Just look at that list of names; it’s a who’s who of liberal hate mongers. It would be wise to prepare yourself; this guy won’t be the only one. I fear the reckless stupidity of the left has unleashed a monster.
@kitt: Yeah, Greg LOVES that list but it has been thoroughly discredited. The first two make it worthless. Basically, by virtue of gun violence, the criminal automatically become right wing.
Taking a self-proclaimed White Supremacist’s hit list and blaming it on the targets of his intended violence proves insanity.
If Liberals are always wrong and Republicans are always right, why is there more than one party?
If you’re not part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem.
You can’t escape that.
It has been a common tactic of the left going all the way back to the Russian Revolution. The NAZI’s used it too.
Let’s see here. Dozens of Antifa attacks probably numbering well over 100. Fake hate crimes. The Scalise shooting. The left winger who shot up the church in Texas. Continual calls for PT or a member of his family to be assassinated. Left wing hoaxes leading to death threats against high school kids. The chemical plot in NYC uncovered by Project Veritas. A man and wife threatened at gunpoint the other day in Kentucky because he had a MAGA hat on. The list goes on. I’d say the left has us by 100-1 ratio when it comes to violence. The other big difference is that whereas conservatives condemn people like this guy and the one in Florida, the left defends their violent types either outright like CNN has with Antifa multiple times or silently like the left wing posters on FA do.
@another vet: You are not listening to George. All the previous leftist threats and attacks are just background noise. Since the liberal media does not report on it or, if they do, they redirect the responsibility away from leftists, it doesn’t really exist and never really happened. All those incidents CANNOT be used as motivation for any kind of retaliatory or reactionary actions. Just like those evil Covington kids brought all the attention, hate and threats upon themselves and fully deserved it all because they DARED to wear MAGA hats and NOT be liberal, using the physical threats and acts of violence by liberals in the name of liberalism is not allowed.
@Deplorable Me: The extremist right wing groups have a tendency to try to incorperate themselves with patriot groups, as we have this thing we believe in, freedom of speech, you can believe anything you want just dont get any of that on me, ewwww.
When a staged attack on the media covering a Trump rally happened, the chants went to “Get Him Out”. He had purchased his red hat on the way in still had the tags on it.
Dont like the media much but dont want them harmed either.
A tiny confused minority, the leftists want to paint us all as.
We want a peaceful change of course.
@kitt: Make no mistake, I don’t condone or encourage ANY physical attacks on anyone. My point is no one should be surprised when some on the far right or even right begin to act like the left. Physical violence for a belief has been made mainstream and acceptable.
That being said, it is a bit of a validation to watch how the left reacts when some right-winger does the exact same thing the left has been doing with impunity for years.
@Deplorable Me:
Thank God for that.
It is refreshing to see that you acknowledge that some right-wingers have been doing the same thing that some left-wingers have been doing. That’s an important first step in the effort to reach consensus between both sides in the effort to solve the difficult problems that plague our great nation. I certainly acknowledge that Democrats have been at LEAST as problematic as have been Republicans in the encouragement of violence in our society. Answering the question of which side is worse is not by itself useful, as it sets up both sides for continuing the violence that neither should want, and “balancing” the “impunity” issue you imply accomplishes the same thing.
I have never condoned violence either, and have been a quick advocate of harsh punishment for all sorts of crimes… particularly those like immigration violations and the Smollett hoax. (No, the Smollett evidence has not yet been presented in a court of Law, but enough of the details have been leaked that the conclusion is self-evident.)
There is a not-so-subtle distinction to be drawn between agreement and advocacy. I agree that a country has the right to close its borders to all comers. That doesn’t mean that I advocate it. (You might also recall that in spite of being gay, I agree that a country has the right to exterminate gays if it so wishes, though again, it’s not something that I advocate.) In large part because of my deference to the provisions of our Constitution and the legal precedence that accompanies our Laws, advocacy plays a very minor role in my writings. I find it more than sufficiently challenging to simply express what I believe the Law to be and what the Constitution makes room for.
@George Wells:
“Some”? We have THIS guy.
Ha. Ha, ha. I don’t think you do. “At LEAST”? How about 99.9%? This guy is a direct response, I think, to the vast array of liberal violence and threats of violence against conservatives. Even those on the far right, white supremacists or whatever have not been violent until the left wing racists took to the streets taking control.
The problem with the left is that violence, threats and intimidation has become so mainstream. Hollywood idiots, music industry idiots and many liberal “leaders” exhort anyone that will listen to them to threaten, intimidate and commit whatever violence at whatever level is necessary to achieve their goals. The solution is for all of those people to denounce the violence and implore those who will follow them to denounce and renounce violence themselves. My fear is that violence is going to break out from both sides and there will be very little chance of retreating from it.
Any nation can do whatever it wishes with its own people, but the rest of the world doesn’t have to condone it and should ostracize and isolate those countries (likewise for the treatment of women, etc) unless and until they change their behavior.
@Deplorable Me:
Stopped a long time ago because he likes to make topics out to be about his sexual orientation like I care what his sexual orientation is. I have had customers who are lesbians and know homosexuals and none of them are self absorbed/get in your face like that. They’re just like communicating with any other person.
Some of them were quite conservative as a matter of fact. Kind of like why I stopped reading Greg’s nonsense. He views everything through his Marxist prism.
Yep. And if people actually bothered reading what he was up to, he wanted kill EVERYONE, not just the lefties he had listed, with some sort of biological weapon. I guess EVERYONE doesn’t include non lefties because in their eyes we aren’t human. Then people wonder how something like the Holocaust or the Communist slaughter could happen.
@Deplorable Me:
Well said. I agree. Too bad every case of misbehaving countries doesn’t get punished accordingly. It’s never simple. Look at how much Saudi Arabia does that rubs us wrong, yet there are so many complicating factors that preclude much more than our occasional slap on their wrists. Balancing the equation isn’t a matter of simple arithmetic, it’s advanced calculus.
Again, well said, and again, I agree.
Part of the reason I think that the conclusion will be a violent one, as you predict, is that it is virtually impossible for opposing sides to agree on anything. Here (above) I have proclaimed my agreement with you, and you rebuke it!
My politics is fiscally conservative and socially liberal (the latter only part of the time.) That means that I vote both ways, depending on how important I think the high-visibility issue of the day happens to be. I think that’s helpful, because I don’t get tied down to supporting bad ideas by voting a straight ticket. Compromising pulls us together, polarizing splits us apart. You keep hearing from me on liberal issues because those are the only topics you WANT to argue with me about. You won’t talk to me about the conservative issues that I agree with you on, and so those threads die.
@George Wells:
I rebuke the implication that the Republicans have been promoting violence on a scale similar to the Democrats. Who are the Republicans Senators exhorting citizens to assail those who support Democrats wherever they find them? What Republicans are using terms and phrases such as “take out” and “eliminate” in reference to the opposition? Who are the conservative entertainers that promoted pictures of decapitating Obama when he was President, or assassinating Pelosi, Schumer or any other Democrat? There simply are no examples of any such rhetoric or images presented by Republicans or conservatives.
Are there some individuals somewhere who do? Probably; it takes all kinds to make up society. But the level of animosity that issues forth from liberals of all stations is, I believe, unprecedented and intolerable.
@Deplorable Me:
“All stations”? Really? What’s that mean, anyway? What are these “stations” and where are they?
I agree that ANIMOSITY has risen to unprecedented levels. I don’t remember political rallies OF EITHER PARTY ever having as much shouting about angry stuff as they do today. (Do YOU remember Democratic rallies when you were young that chanted about incarcerating the opponent candidate, led by the speaker?) For me, that’s unprecedented. Certainly, the [physical violence today is unprecedented – the attacking of campus speakers, the mob atmosphere at marches and political rallies. (People didn’t drive cars into protesters when I was a kid.) (Yes, we HAD cars then.)
Kitt alluded to one possible cause of all the democratic violence. She called it “City Burning.” The idea was that when all of the poor people in a city got their “support” taken away, they’d burn their city. (Blacks in the Los Angeles area of Watts burned their neighborhoods for much lesser reasons.)
Take away from the poor what little they have, and what’s left? “Burn-Baby-Burn!
It is tragic that we have devolved to this. And yet it will get worse. The mess we are creating, regardless of whether it is Dem crime or GOP crime, cannot be cleaned up by one party alone. The solution HAS to be the product of both sides working together. Not finger-pointing. Working together.
@George Wells:
That means liberals from Congresspresons to Presidential candidates to singers to actors to “journalists” to Twitter hacks.
I can’t remember a campaign where a party fielded a candidate that had violated the laws of handling classified information and had committed perjury before Congress ON VIDEO. The fact that the DNC shoved Hillary down the Democrats’ throats was a disgrace and those who voted for her should be embarrassed. She SHOULD be in jail.
We also have the examples of Ferguson, Baltimore and Occupy Wall Street as examples.
If there is a Democrat courageous enough to stand up and accept the fact that many Democrats have been promoting violence, demand it be stopped and vow to punish it severely and if that Democrat could win power we could see a reversal. I don’t see another route unless it is a fad that merely looses favor.
@Deplorable Me:
That’s an impossible condition for peace. Not the contrition part, but the “winning power” part. No politician who wants to win an election ever admits to making a mistake, not himself, and not his party.
It is a rule in politics to never admit fault. I don’t know why. If more people were true “believers,” maybe they would be attracted to candidates who showed humility, who expressed remorse for their shortcomings, and who seek redemption for past mistakes through a commitment to do better in the future. But true believers are in short supply, and voters want fearless warriors – not humble servants – as their leaders.
@George Wells:
Then it is difficult to see the situation do anything but get worse.
@Deplorable Me:
We are agreed.