Welcome back, good readers! This week you might notice that my responses to some of the stories will be a bit different than what you’re used to. This idea was stolen (with permission!) from Flopping Aces commenter Deplorable Me in the comments section to my post regarding The Month that We Learned that Democrats Are Horrible People Who Hate America. If my comments don’t seem to make sense at first don’t worry, there will be a full explanation at the end! First we go back in time to a few weeks ago…
5/28 – Chelsea Clinton: Trump ‘Degrading What It Means to Be an American’
Chelsea Clinton is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/15 – Jim Carrey Draws ‘Calvin And Hobbes’ Character Whizzing On Trump’s Grave
Jim Carrey is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/15 – Kate Hates Debate
Kate Marvel is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/15 – CNN Celebrates ‘Fathers Day.’ Showcases Self-Absorbed Trans Douche.
Sebastion is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/15 – Dear Whiny Actresses Crying “Sexism” Over Bad Reviews: SHUT UP!
Brie Larson is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/15 – Salon Writer Recommends Shunning Friends and Family Who Support Trump
Chauncey Devega is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/16 – Horrible: Joy Behar Disrupts Meghan McCain’s Heartfelt Remarks On Charles Krauthammer
Joy Behar is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/16 – Perfect: Anti-rich progressive Dem candidate spotted sporting serious $$ on his wrist
Brian Flynn is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/16 – Elizabeth Warren Is “Filled With Terror,” You Guys! With TERROR.
Fauxcahontas is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
6/16 – Is Merkel on the way out?
Angela Merkel is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
Jimmy Kimmel is powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
Hillary is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
6/18 – Trump supporter disrupts De Niro’s musical with ‘Keep America Great’ flag
Robert DeNiro is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
6/18 – Seattle Head Tax Meets Reality
Kshama Sawant is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
6/18 – Left In Denial Blames Evergreen’s Bat-Wielding Student Mobs On Professor Who Opposed Racism
Noah Berlatsky is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
6/18 – 6 Revelations From ‘The Swamp’ Documentary That Show Just How Dirty DC Is
OK, I’m breaking format on this one, but it may be the most depressing thing that any liberty loving American could read. And I haven’t even watched any of the videos yet. Yes it’s painful to learn this but it’s critical that we understand the magnitude of what we’re up against.
6/19 – Pope Francis’s Misguided War on Fossil Fuels
Pope Francis is- nah, even I have my limits. But this is another example of our current Pope being wrong on a political issue
6/20 – Peter Fonda Calls for Surrounding ICE Agents’ Homes, Their Children’s Schools in Protest
Peter Fonda is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
6/21 – Samantha Bee: ‘Keep Chasing Kirstjen Nielsen Out Of Restaurants’
Samantha Bee is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
John McCain is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
6/22 – #FakeNews: TIME’s Open Borders Propaganda Cover Story Is Fake In Every Way An Article Can Be Fake
Time Magazine is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
OK, for those of you reading my commentary an think I’ve lost my mind and still daren’t sure what I’m doing even if you’ve read my exchange in the comments with Deplorable Me, it was a take on Sally Field’s response to Samantha Bee’s disgusting attack on Ivanka Trump. One of my favorite techniques to use in engaging The Radical Left is jujitsu-ing their own idiocy back at them. So in conclusion:
Sally Field is powerful, beautiful, nurturing, and honest.
And if you’re wondering where the post on the Han Solo movie that I promised last weekend is, the start of the week wound up being a lot busier than expected. I was putting the finishing touches on it when the immigration story broke and I didn’t want the post getting lost in the flood. It will be up in the next few days – I promise!
.@Janefonda's brother, @IamFonda, calls for violence against a woman, @SecNielsen, and calls for @realDonaldTrump's son, Barron, to be put "in a cage with pedophiles." This is completely unacceptable. pic.twitter.com/KWQDcnuOa3
— Independent Women's Voice (@IWV) June 20, 2018
I’m curious about whether American citizens who are prosecuted for crimes and detained will now be allowed to bring their children with them. Why the double standard?
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) June 18, 2018
Social Justice Company Opens Bathrooms but Closes 150 Stores pic.twitter.com/N4pIZh4Cds
— Razor (@hale_razor) June 19, 2018
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
on encountering an ICE agent-hamas uses this same poster to educate palestinian children on killing Jews.
Jim Carrey is a idiot Peter Fonda is stupid and liberal rags like TIME is nothing but LIES LIES LIES after all this liberal rag TIME has come out in favor of Open Borders filthy words on music Gun Control and was yammering all about Global Cooling and a New Ice Age back in the 1970’s Carrey said nasty thing about Gun Owners and Peter Fonda’s sister Is A Traitor who also makes putrid movies
The Time cover was perfect but missed photo-shopping in Obama walking away, or pointing and laughing. Using children as Props thats ok but using the Parents of children killed not so much.
This weeks selection goes out to the MSM that has been so obvious with the bias and lies, you make us more determined
Yes we still want the wall.
You found a high-profile instance of something misleading on the part of Time magazine? Well done! You now have to find only 3,000 more to bring them up even with Donald Trump.
The cover, by the way, was intended to make a point, not to be a literal depiction of an actual event. There was nothing deceptive about it. It made the intended point very well.
@Greg: OK, I’ll bite. What part of the Time cover wasn’t deceptive? Besides all of it, of course.
@Brother Bob, #5:
To my way of thinking, the Time cover metaphorically sums up what a majority of people find objectionable about the administration’s new enforcement policy. The specifics regarding the particular child shown on the cover aren’t really important because that particular child isn’t the point. She’s only a symbol. The point has to do with some 2,300 children. I viewed it as a political cartoon.
BTW, I actually meant that post as a response to #3, but neglected to tag it.
@Greg: We viewed your view as irrelevant…
Of course, what a Clinton thinks means “be an American” is to make money selling US influence and uranium, rape with impunity and provide all the classified information the State Department has for 4 years to our adversaries.
Was the cartoon drawn so poorly to avoid a Watterson lawsuit?
Well, as we know is the debate is ended and the science is settled. Who WOULD want to debate something that they have no basis in fact to debate with?
“But most new dads didn’t give birth to their child. ” Actually, on the planet I am from, NO dads gave birth to their child. I’m not from the Seahorse Planet.
I don’t think the problem is white men reviewing the worn-out sequel of a sequel of a sequel of a sequel, it is white men going to SEE the lousy thing.
Was that writer actually paid to write an article instructing hateful sore losers to do what comes absolutely naturally to them?
Joy Behar is SUPREMELY powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
Rolex’s for the poor!
She’s filled with something and it doesn’t smell like terror.
Well… is she? I was out camping last week and can’t find anything from last week about her status.
Now, THAT’S funny.
Apparently, that article has been removed. But, I wonder how liberals like it when everyone plays by THEIR rules? Usually, they don’t like it very much.
Kind of the same kind of genius that made health care more expensive so everyone could have some. Que?
This is the same mindset that brings us “Trump is divisive because he exists, we don’t like it, we are spoiled little brats who always want our way, we scream and stamp our feet. It’s HIS fault!”
I fear the corruption goes so deep that it cannot be reversed, which is exactly way socialism works.
Because, you know, liberals are kind, loving and tolerant.
Because, you know, liberals are kind, loving and tolerant. AND because they can let the widespread success of their ideology do the talking for them.
6/22 – Judicial Watch: John McCain’s Former Staff Director Urged Lois Lerner to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeted Audits of 501(c)(3) Organizations
6/22 – #FakeNews: TIME’s Open Borders Propaganda Cover Story Is Fake In Every Way An Article Can Be Fake
on encountering an ICE agent-hamas uses this same poster to educate palestinian children on killing Jews.
I see where David Hogg is promoting his book surrounded with Armed Goons to protect his miserble little hide