Happy Saturday! Another week, and no shortage of craziness form our friends from The Radical Left! But first, let’s hop into the Wayback Machine and travel back in time to… two months ago.
1/14 – Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
If only there were some explanation…
2/28 – Stop treating the Southern Poverty Law Center like it’s a respectable and responsible organization
Personally, I’d respect the SPLC a lot more if they would just label the SPLC a Hate Group.
3/6 – Now There’s a Play Called ‘Kill Climate Deniers,’ Because Why Not
This week’s edition of, “Hey Lefties, now would be the time to speak up instead of getting fussy when Conservatives adopt your own rancid tactics and start using them against you”
3/7 – Left and Lefter in California
California has reached the point where Diane Feinstein isn’t bat (guano) crazy enough to represent Californian Democrats. Let that one sink in.
3/8 – Funeral Home Forced to Allow Male Employees to Wear Women’s Clothes
When the smoke clears, Rost will be ruined, Stephens will be unemployed again, and liberals will have moved the ratchet one more notch in the direction of tyranny, depravity, and insanity.
3/9 – Jew-Hating as ‘Intersectionality’? The Women’s March Farrakhan Problem
I hate dishonest headlines like this – when did Anti-Semitism become a problem among The Radical Left?
3/9 – Democrats Release Tax Hike Plan
I’m remembering that old David Letterman “Top 10 reasons Dukakis lost the presidential election”. One of them was: Ill advised pledge “To tax you bastards back into the stone age”
3/10 – Hasta Muerte Coffee; cops not welcomed
I sure hope that their name, “Hasta Muerte”, “Until Death” in English, isn’t prescient.
Every time I think that the Lefties in the media can’t outdo themselves they prove me wrong
If you want to get California’s leaders to give a damn start setting up housing for Illegals near the politician’s homes and by Google’s campus
3/10 – No, video games are not to blame for violence
I’m old enough to remember when heavy metal was blamed for violence. Now the music that our parents hated and feared is in Disney kids’ movies! (Care for some AC/DC, anyone?)
Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment. I also like to ask Lefties how they feel about how Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, and Hillary getting in her face to intimidate a woman who her husband raped into silence. For some reason they get really quiet when I do.
3/10 – Washington Post Writer Argues Against Protecting Babies With Down Syndrome From Being Aborted
Here’s a better idea – how about if we retroactively abort Washington Post writers?
3/10 – Parkland Student Creates Armbands to Advocate for Gun Control
I’m old enough to remember when History was taught in schools…
3/11 – STORMY
And almost to the minute that the Russia story fizzles out the Radical Left has found its newest shiny object!
3/12 – ‘Backwards’: Hillary Clinton Apparently Still Has No Clue Why She Lost
This week’s edition of “My favorite thing about the Trump presidency is that Democrats are finally comfortable in being open about how much they hate half of our country”
3/12 – Schwarzenegger Wants To Sue Oil Companies For Murder? They’ve Helped Lift Billions Out Of Poverty
In Arnold’s defense, all of that body oil he used during the posing routines from his bodybuilding competition days might have seeped through his skin and caused some serious brain damage. Get that checked out, Arnie!
3/13 – THE ERA OF “THE OTHER” – Rewarding returning ISIS fighters – while imprisoning critics of Islam.
This week’s edition of :
“Because Christians don’t rip people’s arms out of their sockets when you criticize them. Muslims have been known to do that.”
I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy – let the Muslim win.”
3/14 – Twitter Suspends Steven Crowder for Violating ‘Hateful Conduct’ Terms
I learned about this with my first ever Twitter suspension for sharing the YouTube video. I got out of Twitter jail by deleting the “offending” tweet, but Crowder and his team got it a lot worse. I’m really hoping that the Prager U lawsuit sets off a chain reaction.
3/15 – Beware the $31,000 Dining-Room Set
A case of “Republicans behaving like Leftists” – this is something I need to include here more often, since when any party holds the White House there are going to be abuses. It’s easy to get caught in the trap of not wanting to get caught up alongside the Fredocon Bill Kristol set who freak out every time our president flicks a booger, but that doesn’t mean that legitimate criticisms of the Trump administration should get a pass. Which, ironically, leads us to…
3/15 – Don’t Let Liberals Win By Making You Care
I don’t know why I haven’t linked any of Kirt Schlichter’s work here sooner. He’s among my must-read material, and publishes every Monday and Thursday over at Townhall.com. Bookmark this page, as twice a week Schlichter’s columns will give you a great dose of mockery that The Radical Left so richly deserves!
I don’t mean that we are simply unconcerned about Donald Trump’s past hobbies. I mean that our depth and breadth of not caring is so deep and wide as to create a critical mass of not giving a damn of such intensity that it is brighter than a million suns.
We just don’t care what Trump did with his pneumatic bimbos – to the extent anyone even believes them. His critics don’t really seem to. They never gave a damn about this stuff until a Republican allegedly did something. Or until one did nothing – they were outraged about Mitt Romney too.
3/16 – Democrats Win by Running as Trump, not Clinton
We’ve seen this movie before with the Blue Dogs back in the day.
Step 1: Pretend to be a Moderate to fool the voters
Step 2: Get elected
Step 3: Vote exactly as Nancy Pelosi tells you to
Step 4: Push forth some radical Leftist agenda (aka Obamacare)
Step 5: Anger voters who boot you in next election
Step 6: Not care – pushing some radical agenda that Democrats could never sell honestly got imposed on the American people
Hopefully the GOP establishment chooses to fight the Democrats instead of Conservatives!
To close out with one from the archives, it’s been irritating but completely unsurprising how the Radical Left has reacted to the Florida shooting. Because now that we have learned that the government failed on multiple levels prior to the shooting, of course the solution is to restrict 2nd amendment rights and exploit the kids. For all of those Lefties who get frustrated when we Normals don’t accept more intrusive government as the solution to life’s problems, I offer some constructive advice – One Weird Trick that Big Government Leftists Can Use to get the Rest of us On Board.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day and have a great weekend, everybody!
Luckily all the yoga training has made Hillary very graceful. #30000yogaemails pic.twitter.com/96ehIEfS2f
— Lee Ritz, MD (Ob/Vee/Us) (@lee_ritz) March 13, 2018
According to @MichLKosinski morale is so low at the State Department that there are seasoned diplomats who sit in their car and cry because things are so bad.
— Ryan Nobles (@ryanobles) March 13, 2018
One year ago Tillerson was a Russian pawn. Now he got ousted because he spoke harshly against Russia. Lol These media useful idiots are one trick ponies. The 80s called. https://t.co/TVsNgqCHiq
— Lisa (@Rockprincess818) March 13, 2018
Weird how the March for Life didn't get the carpet coverage of those today who want to restrict constitutional rights.
— Razor (@hale_razor) March 14, 2018
Header image appears via The Earl of Taint
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Michael Avenatti is Stormy Daniels attorney.
He has also got 6 other women, so far un-named, who all “approached him” with the exact same story as Stormy!
http://thehill.com/homenews/news/378752-stormy-daniels-lawyer-claims-client-was-threatened-with-physical-harm (see last two paragraphs)
Just think of that.
7 women, out of the blue, all found one insignificant lawyer to go after Trump.
Shades of Lisa Bloom and her mommy, Gloria Allred.
Funny how their PAID Trump accusers all melted away after a bit.
Parkland Students(Hitler Youths)maybe the armbands should have a Swastika on it after all the Nazis were all for Gun Control and confiscating guns
There is a a sceine in the Dirty Hrry movie THE ENFORCER where theres a robbery and hostage incident in a store the teen snot buckets make demands spit on his badge and kick him around hen it was all over two of them ended up dead including the little snot who spat on his badge the other ended up shot in the backside
Correction: via Night of the Walking Dead
The plan cannibalize those family farms and small businesses by lowering that death tax thresh-hold back to 5 million. Make the kids sell the farm to a huge corporate farmer that sits in a NY apt and wouldnt know one end of a combine from another!
Liberals are in the business of trying to squelch political dialogue with a bombardment of “racist” accusations. The SPLC is merely an official organization that defines anyone and anything that does not march to the liberal tune as “racist”.
The police should post signs all around the neighborhood that they would not THINK of disturbing the peace and quiet of the little coffee shop and will be keeping as far away as possible.
Oh. I think I am… shocked?
Liberals could not care less about how their disregard for the safety of the public in favor of illegal immigrant votes hurts citizens… UNTIL they get one in the kisser.
You could have stopped after “clue”.
@Deplorable Me: Even when they get hurt they might not care anyway. And it’s a simple strategy we could use to defeat them, if only our leadership were smart enough to weaponize it.
@Brother Bob: It is difficult for people with any measure of self dignity to act like liberals. However, I wish there were some wealthy donors that would mobilize conservative rallies in support of conservative principles as the left has been doing. Also, using the left’s tactics and rules against them to expose their hypocrisy and true motives only works if they happen to have consciences and the capacity for embarrassment.
@Deplorable Me: Ah, read the last link that I sent – their dishonesty is what we need to weaponize against them!
@Brother Bob: Yeah, I get that… and agree, to a certain extent. It is difficult to oppose those who use our freedoms and liberties as weapons and shields to try and erode and bring down those very aspects of America while maintaining the straight and narrow. However, I don’t trust people who can turn on or off dishonesty. Success through dishonesty is addictive, as the Democrats prove.