What the media won’t tell you about Antifa



They say they want “peace through violence.”

They’re violent and they’re fascist:

Earlier this year, Antifa activists were among those who smashed windows and set fires during protests at the University of California, Berkeley, leading to the cancellation of far-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and withdrawal of Ann Coulter as speakers.

They don’t hesitate to destroy property:

Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property, which many see as the incarnation of unfair wealth distribution.
“Violence against windows — there’s no such thing as violence against windows,” a masked Antifa member in Union Square told CNN. “Windows don’t have — they’re not persons. And even when they are persons, the people we fight back against, they are evil. They are the living embodiment, they are the second coming of Hitler.”


They will attack those who have not physically threatened them:

Antifa members also sometimes launch attacks against people who aren’t physically attacking them. The movement, Crow said, sees alt-right hate speech as violent, and for that, its activists have opted to meet violence with violence.

They throw Molotov cocktails to preemptively address violence:

The group is known for causing damage to property during protests. In Berkeley, black-clad protesters wearing masks threw Molotov cocktails and smashed windows at the student union center where the Yiannopoulos event was to be held.
Crow, who was involved with Antifa for almost 30 years, said members use violence as a means of self-defense and they believe property destruction does not equate to violence.

They’re anarchists.

“Anarchism is one of the most thoroughgoing forms of opposition to fascism, in that it entails opposition to hierarchy itself. Virtually every framework that countenances hierarchy, be it democracy or ‘national liberation,’ enables old power imbalances like white supremacy and patriarchy to remain in place, hidden within the legitimacy of the prevailing structures,” the group explains.

They want to take society down:

“We must identify the forces underlying their laws and their order—white supremacy, patriarchy, policing, capitalism, and the state. We have to work together to keep ourselves safe and reimagine the world without them,” the group states in an article, which was reposted on popular antifa website It’s Going Down.

They assault women standing peacefully:


They throw rocks at the police:

They hate cops:


They throw bottles filled with urine at the cops:


They throw soda cans filled with cement at cops:


They despise democrats:


And they are the darlings of the left, the media and the idiot RINO’s.

Chris Cuomo and Brian Fallon likened them to the troops who stormed Normandy on D-Day.

Marco Rubio has lost lost his damned mind:

“When entire movement built on anger & hatred towards people different than you,it justifies & ultimately leads to violence against them,” the senator stated in his ill-formed tweet.

John McCain is exhibiting diminished brain capacity:

Arizona Sen. John McCain — who fought and was tortured by communists in Vietnam — claimed that violent leftists are great Americans fighting against hate. “There’s no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so,” McCain tweeted.

But the First Prize in the Colossal Idiot competition has to go to Michael Eric Dyson, who asserts that the antifa are “preserving the fabric of America”

“The people that we claim, Black Lives Matter, the antifa movement, and so on, are interested in preserving the fabric of America,” Dyson said. “Mr. Miller says again that there was violence there, but the problem is, to equate that violence in reaction to the bigotry with the bigotry itself is to misunderstand the fact that when you go to cancer treatment, the radiation is tough treatment, but it is meant to remove the cancer.”

This reminds me of something one of the leaders of the antifa movement said:

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Oops, sorry. That was Adolf Hitler.



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You found some great quotes, DrJ.
My fav?

“We must identify the forces underlying their laws and their order—white supremacy, patriarchy, policing, capitalism, and the state. We have to work together to keep ourselves safe and reimagine the world without them,”

the group states in an article, which was reposted on popular antifa website It’s Going Down.

So, people.
It won’t stop with the so-called white supremacists.
Not one of them was even at Boston!

Next comes the “patriarchy.”

In sociology, patriarchy is a social system in which males hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property.

So, the destruction of the family and of our political system.
That could take a while.
BUT….at the rate of surrender by localities to tearing down statues, maybe not.

Then “policing” has to go.
And what in it’s place?
We watched Baltimore go out of control when it’s leaders tried to go without much policing.
Chicago depends on harsh laws and lax policing & look at the results.
Or, will Antifa, like the thugs in Clockwork Orange, simple morph into the police?
That would be scary.

Then, capitalism goes.
And there goes world-wide prosperity, to the extent it exists.

And then finally, the state.
Well, that’s just a lie.
Not only would they never get that far, but, if they did, they’d create goals beyond that, or perhaps intervening before they get to that.

The Left is never finished in its work.

But that quote is a nightmare.

ANTIFA merely temporarily morphed into an anti-white supremacy group when that was what they showed up and confronted in Charlottesville. Prior to that, they merely was in the business of stomping out free speech. Make no mistake, they are nothing BUT fascists, working for the liberal far left, and no Democrats denounce them.

So now the anarchists want to change the name of New York because it was named for the largest slave trader around.

Then I guess Brown Univ will have to be dismantled because it was funded by and named for the largest slave trader in the US.

So let’s see how consistent they are, Greg, HexJay42302, your turn.

Mexican flags, black power fists, “Muslims welcome, white are not” signs. Yeah, that’s the mob that Gullible Greggie an his ilk support.

My son was shocked when I told him that under anarchy, might makes right.

@another vet: The scary thing to me, AV is that some people can’t even recognize that this is going on. Greg, RW for example. They both seem to be idolizing these thugs and don’t even know it. Scary.

Peace through violence, a very PC way to declare, its called WAR.

@another vet: That petition got over 100,000 signatures in 3 days.

@Nanny G: They were given 30 days to get that amount. I sent it to a bunch of friends most of whom are current/former military and/or current/former law enforcement. It’s best they be classified as such (because they are) that way law enforcement can deal with them. If not, given the way the MSM and democrats have legitimized their violence, their targets will begin fighting back and then the situation can spiral out of control possibly into a full blown civil war which is perhaps what they are after. Lenin and Castro are big time idols to the left after all.

Blame on both sides, yes both sides have secret underground bases.


They both seem to be idolizing these thugs and don’t even know it.

They know perfectly well what they stand for and both support it. Greg has come here more than once saying conservatives are the biggest threat to the country. Antifa is doing what he only dreams of doing.

@another vet: Also, if declared a terrorist group, their finances can be investigated.


Why do these antifa cowards hide their faces with bandanas what are they so afraid of and their Peace through Violence is going to turn on them and burn them up their vultures are going to eat them

@retire05: Muslims welcome?

Have the Left become so revisionist of history that they are ignorant of the fact the Mohammad took slaves.
He took many slaves for workers, many others for sex.
He tortured them, just like ISIS does today.
He forced some slaves to witness the murder of their husbands and fathers.
He raped sex slaves in front of their husbands, then killed the husbands.
His followers, using him as a model, took American merchant marines and forced them into slavery until (and IF) the USA bought them back.
To this day, Muslims are getting caught bringing slaves into civilized countries like the USA, UK, etc.
IF Antifa and lefties were CONSISTENT they would be banning mosques and madrassas, maybe even tearing down the ones we have.

That photo shows Boston Antifa telling people that, if you support the Constitution of the United States, there should be no place for you in Boston or the USA.

More here:

@C Burns: Well done!! Also a good opportunity to explain the brilliance of our forefathers when they made the United States of America a Constitutional Republic versus a pure democracy !!