The state of Sweden is in a state of complete denial



If an asteroid was headed for Sweden, the response of the Swedes would be to deny it, right up to impact. They would not get excited. They would not react. They would just die.

Because they’re so open minded and tolerant.

Donald Trump made a statement, admittedly clumsy, about the effect of immigrants on Sweden. It ain’t pretty. He was roundly ridiculed.

Now, a few days later riots have broken out in the Stockholm neighborhood of Rinkeby:

Riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Stockholm Monday night, as residents clashed with police officers and set vehicles on fire, Swedish police say.

Officers were forced to call in reinforcements when a crowd began to gather in the suburb of Rinkeby during the arrest of a suspect, according to a statement from Stockholm police.

Stockholm regional police chief Ulf Johansson said the clashes may have been a result of their “increased pressure on criminals in the area.” The clashes come days after US President Donald Trump suggested that immigrants in Sweden were to blame for an increase in crime across the country.

It’s interesting how many different ways a story can be reported. I’d like you to pay attention to how this was reported by different new sources.


Police say between 30-50 people were involved in the disturbances.

Seven or eight cars were destroyed.

When it comes to the cops and most political leaders, this is just another day at the fjord.

The LA Times reported that the riots followed a drug arrest  and that the rioting was not particularly widespread. Police spokeman Lars Bystron was quoted as saying

“This kind of situation doesn’t happen that often but it is always regrettable when it happens,”

Let’s see how politicians are responding. From Express UK:

Erik Åkerlund, who is chief in Botkyrka, southern Stockholm, criticised reports claims there are more than 50 lawless areas in the Scandinavian country as he claimed they should actually be seen as “go-go zones” for officials.


Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has dismissed claims migrants are to blame for most serious crimes

But from RT

Benjamin Dousa, a Moderate politician from Rinkeby, told that riots and car burnings are part of everyday life in the district.

“On average, we have one riot in the month, a car fire per day, and the most shootings across the country,” he claimed, before alleging that there are between 800-1000 professional criminal youth in Rinkeby and some surrounding areas.

A retired police investigator had this to say:

In a fiery Springare, who is a police investigator in Örebro, a small city in southern Sweden, hit out against the crisis facing Sweden as he suggested criminal migrants were one of the core issues.

The former deputy chief of the serious crimes division wrote: “I’m so f***** tired. What I’m writing here isn’t politically correct. But I don’t care.

“Our pensioners are on their knees, the schools are a mess, healthcare is an inferno, the police is completely destroyed. Everyone knows why, but none dares or wants to say why.”

Listen to how the Sweden’s Prime Minister parses his words:

Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven cast doubt over Mr Springare’s comments, saying:  “I don’t know what it looks like in Örebro, but from a broader perspective I have a very hard time believing 100 per cent of police investigation resources are spent on crimes committed by immigrants. I would say that it is wrong.”

This is WaPo via the Chicago Tribune:

Over four hours, the crowd burned about half a dozen cars, vandalized several shopfronts, and threw rocks at police. Police spokesman Lars Bystrom confirmed to Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter newspaper that an officer had fired shots with intention to hit a rioter, but did not strike his target. A photographer for the newspaper was attacked by more than a dozen men and his camera was stolen, but no one was ultimately hurt or even arrested.

Golly, as though none of this was against the law! No one ulimately hurt? Well, there was this photographer:

A photographer from Dagens Nyheter was also reportedly attacked during the clashes as he said a group of around 15 people had assaulted him when he arrived in Rinkeby to report on the unrest.

“I was hit with a lot of punches and kicks both to my body and my head. I have spent the night in hospital,” he said.

And there were those cops

Three Swedish police officers were taken to hospital after being attacked by a violent mob on a routine mission in a ‘no-go zone’ on Friday evening.

Rinkeby is one of those non-existent “no-go” zones where a 60 Minutes crew was attacked in 2016. It is also known as “Little Mogadishu.”

The Daily Mail:

This is the moment a 60 Minutes crew working with reporter Liz Hayes was attacked while on on assignment in Stockholm.

Crew members were interviewing residents about the European migrant crisis in the suburb of Rinkeyby when they were set upon by a group of masked men.

Footage released by the Nine Network on Friday show Ms Hayes politely walking through the streets saying hello to a group of men.

But the situation spiraled get out of hand – with an assailant hurling a heavy metal can and members of the team kicked and punched.

The network claims a cameraman was even run over.

The Malmö police chief is begging for help:

After a wave of violence in Sweden’s third city, police boss Stefan Sintéus has appealed to residents in Malmö: “Help us. Help us to tackle the problems. Cooperate with us.”
In an opinion piece published by regional newspaper Sydsvenskan, he describes an “upward spiral of violence of great proportions” in the city, where police are currently dealing with 11 ongoing murder investigations and around 80 attempted murders.

The situation is surreal.

Paul Joseph Watson offered to pay for the travel to Sweden of any journalist “to stay in crime-ridden migrant suburbs of Malmo”:

He was immediately seized upon by the left:

Watson did put up the funds for Tim Pool.

Watson should insist Pool and his partner walk Rinkeby at night. The results will be interesting.

The RT article ends this way:

Last night riots erupted in the Stockholm district of Rinkeby, as police arrested a wanted suspect at a subway station. Between 30 and 50 people were involved in the disturbances, according to police.

A police officer was injured in the riot, which saw several warning shots fired at the crowd. It’s not known if any immigrants were involved in the unrest.

There is no way to know. Sweden doesn’t allow the recording of the ethnicity of criminals.

You know, so they don’t appear racist.

That certainly must make Elin Krantz’s parents proud. Meanwhile, all is well.

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Sweeden’s a perfect example of what liberal bleedinghearts can do to a once great nation and we will soon be seeing that snowflakes can bleed especialy without their heads on

Between Sweden and Venezuela, we have the perfect examples of the socialist state. I am friends with a Swedish family who fled the country and have sworn never to return because of the chaos there.

It is what the left does. They think they can create “utopia” for all. In every instance where the left has attempted to make their nirvana, they have dismally failed. History is repleat with examples of failure.

History has zeros examples of success.

Thank GOD, hillary was soundly defeated and the scourge to the left halted. The left has done innumerable damage to my beloved Country, it will take much work and time to correct.

All those useful idiots who would welcomes these so called refugees from the middle east had better beware of the conciquinces like whats happeing in sweeden but their too busy reading their snowflake news papers and magazines watching snowflake news on their TV’s and then marching in single file like zombies or programed robots to their little snowflake meetings and get togethers

Perhaps these riots are caused by a video.

This is the typical formula; liberal policies create a dangerous mess and, at some point (like here) adults have to step in and clean up the mess.

After his appearance on Tucker Carlson I can’t look at Kurt Eichenwald’s face without laughing. The man is a clown.

And jus think, the feminists there made the changes that led to this and were celebrated aroudn the world as a feminist socialist success..

Is Sweden the best place to be a woman? – BBC News
Feminist utopia Sweden is actually secretly racist??!
Sweden…feminist utopia : General Discussions • Happier Abroad
Feminist seminar: Feminist Utopia Project – University of Gothenburg
Every country needs a political party like Sweden’s Feminist Initiative

[note i am linking to images, not websites, so dont assume based on the image available, as everyone re-uses them and these sites use them the most]×267.jpg

But all is good, the women will defend the men from other men

They can kick but, bring home bacon, cooke it up in a pan, and never never need a heteronormative thug to protect them from the Caliphate..

Five Muslims Gang Rape Helpless Swedish Woman In Wheelchair, Now Feminists Are Declaring ‘Saying The Attackers Were Muslim Is Racist And Makes You A Nazi’

Five Muslims Gang Rape Helpless Swedish Woman In Wheelchair, Now Feminists Are Declaring ‘Saying The Attackers Were Muslim Is Racist And Makes You A Nazi’

fter a wheelchair-bound woman suspected of having been gang-raped by five asylum seekers from third world choose Feminist Initiative and the Left in Gotland now to organize a demonstration – but not for the victim but against “racism” and “equal value”.

The feminist rally, to be held on Sunday, described as a reaction to the “Nazis” allowed to march in Visby last weekend.

“We will never accept racist simplified description of reality and their alleged desire to ‘protect the Swedish women’ mystified against a threat from the outside,” the Feminist Initiative on Facebook.

The aim, according to the party to promote “equal value”, a frequently used Swedish political buzzword that in practice means that everyone in the world should have the right to live on welfare in Sweden. The background of the term is a Swedish mistranslation of the English term “dignity” ( “dignity”, which was translated into “value”) of the UN Declaration on the so-called human rights.

“Today shows we are all racists and sexist that we are many, strong, and that we stand up for the equal value,” writes the radical feminist party on Facebook.

“A woman has been gang raped by cavemen from the Middle East (and she’s apparently not the first victim) and you manifest racism, want to puke !!! And you must protect women !! Shame !!!” writes one woman.

“Damn it distasteful!” says another user.

Tomas Petterson on Gotland Fi says it will not be relevant to invite the other parties that have a racist policy, since asylum seekers will then not want to participate.

sarcasm_start: At what point will the men convert to islam to get their women back and have families? think of it… the feminists pushed them aside, made them shells, prevented them from protecting them, etc.

the solution is easy, all swedish men convert from luthran to islam, and then they can do to the women what these women obviously want but havent had since they cut their mans balls off… :/sarcasm_end

In truth, there is nothing to protest, this is what the feminsts want in europe, USA, Australia, britain, and the only way to stop it is to let them have all they want.. and like living soviet style, they wont want it any more…

Then their problem is: How to turn a pickle back into a cucumber



Two Afghan migrants revealed as those arrested over horrific three-hour rape streamed on Facebook Live in Sweden

Victim had clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera


TWO migrants from Afghanistan have reportedly been arrested over the three-hour gang rape of a woman that was broadcast on Facebook Live.

The men, aged 18 and 20, have been remanded in custody following the attack in Sweden last week.

And i say to all those useful idiots and fools who would welcome the so called refugees wait until they take your job away then maybe you’ll wise up but for know your still is stupidland smoking wackyweed from your hooka


Perhaps these riots are caused by a video

Riots? what ‘riots’, they don’t call them riots, that would be kinda harsh. They’re just ‘block parties’.

The sweedish goverment might as well release all the crinimals from their prisons if their darn stupid enough to open their nation to so call refugees these soft headed liberal bleedinghearts dont think at all

It was the Russians….

@kitt: Or the Democrats?

Ah, RT news videos are finally beginning to show up. I’ve been wondering when that would happen.

I suppose you might as well be getting your world news and views directly from the Kremlin. This at least should save a lot of time and trouble that would otherwise be wasted trying to convince people where some of the stories are coming from.

@Greg: Yes RT is showing up, as MSLSD and FAUX are not reporting international news except through approved stories. At least with RT we know to add a grain of salt, and where it is coming from. When you can cite where the source is lying you do that.
You tell us what Wretched Madcow thinks about the crime increase in Germany, France and Sweden? What the cause of it is?


I suppose you might as well be getting your world news and views directly from the Kremlin.

Gee, I didn’t even know the Kremlin had a news service, but it comes as no surprise that you are aware of it. What is the name of it so I can check it out?

@RedTeam: Greg is waiting til Rachel Madcow gives him an opinion, RT is Russian Television, they have a website and a cable news show, seen mostly on east coast unless you stream TV from a Roku device.
The reporting from what I see is accurate but has an anti american culture spin to it.
Like MSLSD, CNN and BBC and Fox ,but less globalist censored ,more censored by the Kremlin.

@RedTeam, #17:

Gee, I didn’t even know the Kremlin had a news service, but it comes as no surprise that you are aware of it. What is the name of it so I can check it out?

That’s a joke, right?

RT (Russia Today) is the Kremlin’s news service. It was created by the Russian government and is funded by the Russian government. It provides both 24/7 cable news and internet content in multiple languages, including Russian and English, fair and balanced at all times.

They’ve got polls! Putin period is best country’s had in 100 years, according to 1 in 3 Russians. One hundred years… Da! Best period ever, since the 1917 Russian revolution! Most definitely better than the siege of Stalingrad, or the 1970s, even. There are no lines for toilet paper. Hey, Putin’s got an 86.8 percent job approval rating, which is 6.8 percent higher than the proof of Russian vodka.

He’s richer than Trump. He’s suspected to be even richer than Bill Gates. His personal stash has been reported by the fake Western media to be has high as $200 billion. He could buy Trump. (Just kidding, of course. A little Russian humor.)

Gee I wonder what Trumps price would be seems Hillary was pretty cheap, as per Washington Post, 145 million flowed into the old foundation from those associated with Uranium One/ARMZ. But Sweden has been hiding how bad the refugees have affected the country for awhile now, like England, Germany, Netherlands, France. Blame rape on the womens or childs behavior or dress.( I thought they with their progressive socialism were a modern society)

It’s like Peter Falk in Tune in Tomorrow, obsessing about Albanians.


It’s like Peter Falk in Tune in Tomorrow, obsessing about Albanians

So you and fellow leftists are obsessing on Russians. If you read the UK Daily Mail, RT, and Fox News, it is possible to get a glimmer of the truth in the triangulation. Trying to get it through the propaganda ministries of CNN, MSNBC, and network news is an exercise in futility. Their polls are as phony as RT’s. But it is this steady diet of misinformation that has turned reasonable liberals into raving leftist lunatics. The widening political divide in this country is entirely due to leftists going over the edge into self-destructive insanity.

Obsessing? Vladimir Putin really does intend to expand the borders of Russia into western Europe. He’s currently in the process of doing so. He really has deployed land-based, nuclear-capable cruise missiles into western Russia. He really is a military ally of the Bashar al-Assad regime, and actually does provide military assistance and weapons and weapon systems to nations hostile to U.S. interests. He really does have a history of having his political enemies and critics assassinated. He’s essentially a dictator in his own country, he interfered with our most recent presidential election, and it’s possible that he has some unknown influence over our current President, who seems to like him a lot more than any reasonable U.S. president should, and who has declined to provide documentation that could help rule that possibility out. Today it’s come out that the White House apparently tried to get the FBI to discredit reports that have led to the ongoing investigation of the administration’s possible Russian connections.

The alt-right chooses to ignore all of this. Other Americans, who are paying closer attention and who do not share the alt-right’s agenda and propaganda construct, do not. I trust none of the right’s favored media outlets. I know for a fact that they lie and give cover to liars. This is a different matter entirely from not always being completely accurate. It’s not a matter of lax journalistic standards. It’s purposeful.

Woah boy! No, you’re not obsessing, no sir! You are full blown nuts. Was Trump caught on video secretly telling the Russian ambassador that he would be “more flexible” after the election? No. I believe that was your hero, Obama. Were you as concerned then? Of course Russia is a threat. So is China and North Korea and Iran. And what did your pal Obama do about it? Nada. Worse than nada. But you know what? Over the course of my life, I’ve learned that there have always been threats, and always will be. I remember Nikita Khrushchev pounding his shoe on the table, telling Americans, “We will bury you!” That scared the hell out of me as a kid. I remember Mao Tse-tung killing tens of millions of Chinese citizens in his “Cultural Revolution”. Now, we’re worried about Vlad Putin and Kim Jong Un. You know what I’ve learned? Leftists are the most dangerous people on Earth, and leftism (call it Communism or Socialism or whatever) is the most destructive political philosophy in human history, and it needs to be permanently eradicated, or there will be no peace for mankind.

This leftist BS with Trump is just that, BS. There are no facts here, just lying leftist conspracy theory accusations. Trump is not going to sell out America like Hillary did by selling 20% of our uranium supply to Russia for a Russian donation to her foundation, and that is a fact.


That’s a joke, right?

Why would I joke about that? Why would I know or care about a Russia news agency? Why would you know or care about a Russian news agency? That the kind of news you follow? Do all liberal networks follow the Russian news services? Isn’t PMSNBC bad enough for you?

Vladimir Putin really does intend to expand the borders of Russia into western Europe.

That may be good news for western Europe, if he takes them over before the muslims get there, he’ll likely not let the muslims in and I’m sure being under Russian domination will be better than being under Muslim domination. Right?


The alt-right

What’s the ‘alt-right’? I’ve seen some using ‘alt-left’ is that the same or the opposite? Who is in the alt right and alt left. I’ve never heard anyone claim to be ‘alt-right’ as i’ve heard lefties claim to be leftie. Is it a ‘good’ thing or a ‘bad’ thing?

@RedTeam, #25:

You might want to read pages 6 through 10 of this declassified version of a still-classified January 2017 CIA report, which focus on RT’s function as a propaganda weapon being used against the United States:

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

RT is not the Russian equivalent of CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC, or any other western democracy’s news outlets. It’s a sophisticated instrument of Russian foreign policy, being used both as a tool and a weapon. Hopefully our elected Congressional representatives haven’t lost their own sophistication to such a degree that they’ve become incapable of recognizing this. Many of the people who elected them seem utterly clueless. They can no longer distinguish news from propaganda, and seem to believe that facts alter, depending upon what’s convenient in the moment.

French Voters Call On Obama To Run For President To “Give French People Hope”

Trump tweets ‘Chicago needs help’ after 7 homicides in one day

@Greg: Can you explain why this is not ALL Trump’s responsibility when Obama ignored and encouraged (through his projected weakness and stupidity) the Russians and Putin to do anything they wanted to do?

He really is a military ally of the Bashar al-Assad regime, and actually does provide military assistance and weapons and weapon systems to nations hostile to U.S. interests.

Remember who created THAT situation?

He’s essentially a dictator in his own country, he interfered with our most recent presidential election

Obama interfered
in Israeli, French and Egyptian elections… but that was OK. Right?

Today it’s come out that the White House apparently tried to get the FBI to discredit reports that have led to the ongoing investigation of the administration’s possible Russian connections.

Does CNN know that the FBI has already cleared Trump and his associates of the accusations of contacts with Russia? Or, do they care?

RT is not the Russian equivalent of CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC, or any other western democracy’s news outlets.

Well, not NOW. But when Obama was in office, RT, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and PBS all had the same function and purpose; promote the government agenda and defeat the opposition.

It sounds a lot like you regret voting for Obama and would rather have had Romney as President in 2012; HE saw all this coming while Obama laughed it off.

obama is responsible for so much of the turmoil in the world today because he was not a leader. He was a feckless autocrat who had no business being President.

The amount of destruction done by barry will require much work and time to repair.

I fully endorse keith X to be the next dnc chair.

@July 4th American:

I fully endorse keith X to be the next dnc chair.

Indeed. Let us see the full extent of Democrat “tolerance”. I predict that nomination would tear the party apart.

Well well well wheres the discussion on Sweden? Sweden government told their news media not to report on criminal Muslim refugees covering it up did not make the problem go away. Our news agencies are not reporting on all the terrorist activities being investigated here and our path would have been just like Europes as Hillary wanted a 500% increase on refugees. Whew that was a close one!
The troll would like to change the conversation. No defense to Trumps temporary travel ban to keep US citizens from having the terrible fate of the Swedes.
Then the media twisting this rally
If you protest a thing… why are they not burning the Isis flags?

Out of all the migrants in Sweden fewer that 1% of them have jobs.
This is not because the Swedes are “racist.”
It is because of “religious reasons.”
But you won’t learn this from the Swedes.
You learn it from their neighbor, Norway:
The Norwegian PM:

“You have to work to sustain a living, you cannot say no to jobs like working in a restaurant just because they will serve pork or alcohol.

“You cannot expect that the Norwegian society will pay you benefits if you are refusing to work for religious reasons.

She also pointed out that Muslim males won’t allow their wives to take jobs either.
This is because they don’t want their women mixing in non-Muslim society and culture.
They don’t want their women learning that other women are free.

So, backwards reasoning to claim that Sweden’s riots are because of unemployment or poverty.
They could work.
They don’t want to.

@Greg: 27

You might want to read pages 6 through 10

Why would I ? You seem to be the reader and follower of RT, I’ve never seen anything from that source that I’m aware of. I guess the ‘alt-left’ must be frequent readers and believers of RT, that seems to be the direction most of the comments come from. Lefties must just be naturally gullible to these tactics.

RT is not the Russian equivalent of CNN, FOX, MSNBC, BBC,

It couldn’t be. Because Fox is certainly not equivalent to MSNBC or CNN either. Those two are propaganda wings of the left whereas Fox is a news organization.

Greg, a few comments on your referenced article. First: who wrote and published it? Obama appointees. When was it written? After Hillary lost. Who do they attribute Hillary’s loss to? Hillary voters. Why would Putin want Hillary to lose? He already knew she could be bought, having sold him a huge amount of America’s uranium in exchange for cash in her pocket.
If you believe this report, then you believe that the Russian campaign worked on the dimocratic voters. He turned them against their darling.
The claim that Putin told the Americans that Trump being a business man would make it easier to deal with Americans is rather humorous. Politicians sell out their constituents much more often than business men do.
A quote from the report:

 By their nature, Russian influence campaigns
are multifaceted and designed to be deniable
because they use a mix of agents of influence,
cutouts, front organizations, and false-flag
operations. Moscow demonstrated this during
the Ukraine crisis in 2014, when Russia
deployed forces and advisers to eastern
Ukraine and denied it publicly.

This is rather humorous when put into context. First, according to the report, the Russians were very successful in what they set out to do, deny Hillary the election, but then part two: the above quote: They had become so successful in making their campaigns ‘deniable’. ie.,, nobody would know they did it. Ah…but they must have failed miserably at this because now “everyone knows that they did this”. So much for deniability. It’s hard to make a legitimate claim that while they were ‘very good at their campaign to sabotage Hillary’ they failed miserably at ‘keeping it a secret’ Consider the opposite. They were successful at keeping their actions a secret and failed miserably at sabotaging Hillary. Aren’t both scenarios equally likely? They might be responsible for getting Hillary 232 electoral votes instead of the 67 she would have gotten without them. After all, as I said, why would they want to get her defeated, they already knew she could be bought and they certainly ‘had the goods’ on her. They could have started blackmailing her from day one.
Just what did they say about Hillary that was not true? To discredit someone you have to either make up lies about them or tell unfavorable truths about them. I’ve seen nothing that was claimed by anyone to be a lie about her. As far as I can tell, anything that might come from the Russians seem to be entirely true, though I can’t claim to know anything specifically that came from the Russians. Apparently that’s true for everyone else also.
In fact, Greg, if you know something specifically about Hillary that you know came from the Russians, fill us in.

Consider this, how different would that report look if it were published after Trumps people took over those agencies. You think it would ‘remain’ the true story? Just curious.

Greg, Wow, I’ve now finished that report. Do you realize they take credit for winning the American election in 2012? That means they put Obama in office. I’m sure anxious to see how you spin that. Note: they didn’t mention their influence in the 08 election, but they did take credit for the KGB winning the election in 76 when Carter won. Now it makes sense. Dimocrats are tools of the Russians.

@July 4th American: I’m sure he could be successful in either Germany or France. Maybe in Syria also. Hmm, even Sweden.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Indeed. Let us see the full extent of Democrat “tolerance”. I predict that nomination would tear the party apart.

I predict that also, but what the Hell, he’s a muslim he should be in charge. I’m sure he’s already getting set up to order a lot more coloring books.

@RedTeam, #36:

Why would I ? You seem to be the reader and follower of RT, I’ve never seen anything from that source that I’m aware of.

Well, there’s the first video in the article at the top of this page. That’s from RT. RT invisibly feeds propaganda memes, misinformation, and disinformation into our consciousness by way of domestic media outlets that pick up on them and repeat them. People most often don’t stop to question what the original source of material bouncing around in the internet echo chamber might have been.

Such material has been carefully packaged to appeal to the targeted audiences. They strike a balance between what their target wants to hear and what the propagandists want their target to think. This allows them to nudge public perception and opinion in the direction that’s most beneficial to Russian geopolitical intentions.

@RedTeam, #37:

Consider this, how different would that report look if it were published after Trumps people took over those agencies. You think it would ‘remain’ the true story? Just curious.

I don’t believe our intelligence community has been partisan, by nature, any more than the military has been partisan by nature. Career civil servants have generally tended to be mission oriented. That’s always been the stabilizing ballast that’s kept the federal government and nation on an even keel, despite periodic partisan changes at the elected level.

Ideally, a report written under a Trump administration would have reflected the same facts. If a different report is written by directive because somebody doesn’t like those facts, it means the integrity of our intelligence community has been dangerously compromised. Reality is not determined by political expediency or by somebody’s agenda. Reality is how things actually are. Good decisions can only be made based on an understanding of how things actually are.

@Greg: I’m quite sure the only media that repeats their misinformation is the Fake News outlets, CNN, MSNBC, Huffpo, etc. If you recognize it as fake news, why are you watching it?

Such material has been carefully packaged to appeal to the targeted audiences.

To the libs. You seem to be buying it. I think their propaganda was targeted to increase the vote for Hillary, and it got her up to the level she got. Without them, she would have tanked big time.


I don’t believe our intelligence community has been partisan, by nature,

Really? why are we having so many leaks of confidential materials from those agencies?

Ideally, a report written under a Trump administration would have reflected the same facts

really? Then, it being written under a Dimocrat has nothing to do with a conclusion that the Russians were trying to help the Republicans? .

If a different report is written by directive because somebody doesn’t like those facts, it means the integrity of our intelligence community has been dangerously compromised.

Hmm, so if it’s written the first time by directive, it’ll all be true, but if someone else gave the directive and the results were different, then those would be the ‘incorrect’ facts? Let’s face it, the Dims directed a report with a foregone conclusion that it was the Russians that defeated Hillary. I’d say she was lucky they got involved and got her electoral vote up to where it was. Without their help, I guess she would have really tanked. Is that kinda the way you see it?