Here’s something I guarantee Melania Trump will not plagiarize from Michelle Obama




Much has been made of the similarity between the eloquent speech given last night by Melania Trump and the one given by Michelle Obama in 2008. Certainly there are similarities but after a while it does become difficult to express the same sentiments in different and attractive prose. Naturally, the media had its head so far up its ass in 2008 that it could not bring itself to visit the same condemnation on Barack Obama when he plagiarized Deval Patrick.

The White House responded with the lame explanation that obama did not copy Patrick, he was “inspired” by Patrick.

Obama also plagiarized George W. Bush

And John Edwards

And Michelle? Well, she plagiarized Saul Alinsky. Heck, Joe Biden made plagiarizing an everyday event.

So naturally anyone who hops onto the Melania Trump plagiarizing bandwagon without having dumped on obama is an asshat. But never mind that for the moment. There’s something I can guarantee that Melania Trump will never plagiarize from Michelle Trump: her hatred of America.

Melania Trump has always been proud of her country. It didn’t take her husband becoming a Presidential candidate to arouse a sense of national pride.

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It’s not as though Michelle wrote her own.

Look at you losers pointing fingers, lol! Trump is applying for the job now and his authenticity is called into question by this incident.

Maybe Melania was also inspired by Michelle as Obama was with Deval Patrick?
Melania also lies about having a degree from the university, in truth she dropped out after 1 year.
Dr J will you give her pass on that ?
I would fault her less from reading a prepared script, than allowing them to continue to say she has a degree in architecture and design when she knows that to be false

D.J The two speeches are virtually the same. Trump camp should own up rather than denying it–then move on.
I know you dislike Trump and his arrogant manner as much as I do. To defend this obvious blunder makes you look foolish. I understand you dislike HRC even more than DT—UNDERSTANDABLE but don’t help her by defending obvious Trumpist lies.
Wheeler WHO IS T

Amazing how people give barry and michael passes all of the time. It has been proven time and time again how much they hate America, how much they hate the white man.

Im sure the demac-RATS and their accopleces in the mainstream media lowlife reptiles will dig up some wild story about Mrs Trump we all know how unscruplous these liberal leftists journalists are and their dirty work they do for the dastardy demacrats

@Lloyd Hargrove, #1:

It’s not as though Michelle wrote her own.

Michelle Obama worked with a veteran speech writer named Sarah Hurwitz. Prior to that, Hurwitz had been a speech writer for Hillary Clinton.

How Michelle Obama’s team wrote the speech that sparked the Melania Trump controversy

@Enchanted, #4:

Do all you folks still think that Michelle Obama’s bare arm dress was disgraceful?

@Greg: Hide the children. Gotta admit I prefer her to Sarah Palin.


As I said, Melania was always proud of her country. Not so with Michelle.

Aside from an exaggerated gaff of Michelle, you know this precisely how?
As for Melania, how did you obtain such factual knowledge?
Trump lickers do have a tendency to say about anything.

Why is it that so many of the rabid right hate Michelle Obama so? Your “claims” of hating Barack usually are things like “policy” and such. Well, she doesn’t set policy, has no voice in legislation, has no government power at all. Yet, her occupancy of the WH does tend to bring many white boys blood to boil.

Funny thing, you can generally pull the admission out in general conversations or water cooler chats as folks seem to speak before they think-or what they think before they process. From online bigots who can proofread and edit before replying, not so much.

@John: One wonders what Obama lies about when he has all his records vaulted away. Base on his lies already exposed, we can count on their being a really good reason for him to keep his records top secret (which would explain why he never gave them to Hillary)

Hillary lies about dodging sniper fire… yet you excuse that and CHEER for her.

@Richard Wheeler: Uh… you do know she’s not running for Vice President, don’t you?

@Ajay42302: How exactly was that an “exaggerated gaff”? It was in a, as you contend, very well written speech. How did she mean it differently?

Why is it that so many of the rabid right hate Michelle Obama so?

Ha. Ha, ha, ha. An example of Michelle plagiarizing and showing disgust for America in response to vitriol poured out on Melania is hatred of Michelle. Ha, ha. That’s a good one.


Ha. Ha, ha, ha. An example of Michelle plagiarizing and showing disgust for America in response to vitriol poured out on Melania is hatred of Michelle. Ha, ha. That’s a good one.

Please detail precisely when and/or how Michelle plagiarized and showed disgust for America.

Sorry but I never excused her gut saying that, it was a dumb thing to say
However I don’t ” love” her
I would have preferred Sanders
But here in thevusa sadly we don’t get yo often vote for our first choice, but when Clinton wins I will be pleased she will be able to put her stamp on the SCOTUS one that will last for decades
I look forward to a full SCOTUS ruling on gerrymandered congressional districts which are mostly done by the GOP

It was an inspiring speech about how loyal Mr. Trump is, delivered by his third wife.

What is the Christian punishment for adultery ?

@Greg: The phrases noted from Michelle’s speech came from a speech by Elizabeth Dole at the RNC convention in, I believe, 1996. But the real issue is whether anyone really cares about this contrived preoccupation with so-called plagiarism when the world appears to be falling apart, the economy is a mess, the Demo candidate is a felon, and an awful lot of people think they are being betrayed by the elite. For gosh sake, Hillory now wants to amend the First Amendment to eliminate free speech.

@Lloyd Hargrove: She didn’t write her own doctorate.

After winning over the right by being an obnoxious, bigoted, scapegoating, belligerent jackass who set new lows for slandering and insulting his “fellow” republican candidates, Donald Trump is now undergoing the predicted image makeover calculated to win over the republican mainstream. He’s now becoming the loyal husband, the good father, the kindly boss who looks out for his most humble employees, and the and the wise and compassionate leader, with all the continuing work of character assassination and hate mongering having been delegated to the convention’s guest speakers and underlings. Trump is the unseen benevolent presence looking down on it all from some elevated position, as the convention speakers alternately sing hymns of Donald’s praise or lead the audience in a Hillary Clinton hate-fest.

The anti-Clinton rhetoric has gone totally over the top, but the audience doesn’t even notice. Clinton has essentially been accused of murder by a clearly unhinged Patricia Smith; Ben Carson claims she’s trying to deceive blacks and the poor to her own evil advantage, and notes to great approval that her role model is a guy who dedicated his political playbook to Lucifer; today we have a New Hampshire state representative—a Trump adviser on veterans’ issues—stating during a radio broadcast from the convention floor that Clinton is a piece of garbage who should be put before a firing squad and shot for treason.

Do mainstream republicans like where this is headed? Have they really all gone totally off the rails, or is it only the locomotive, hijacked by Trump lunatics and joined by a republican establishment blind to anything but winning? Where are the moderate, rational, issue-oriented republican voices? Instead of them, we’re hearing pro-Trump praise from family members, and speeches delivered by soap opera stars and reality television personalities. The substantive content is now approaching zero.


@Ajay42302: Maybe it has something to do with the 63 members of her personal staff, each making a six figure income at taxpayer expense. Maybe it has something to do with the lavish vacations that she takes with multiple air force planes including a special plane for the family dog, or the more than 60 friends that she took to Spain at taxpayers’ expense. Maybe it has to do with her nanny state attitude that says I know what you should eat, how you should play and what you should wear. And maybe it is because she announces these so called initiatives such as “Let’s Move” and does absolutely nothing to further the initiative. Maybe it has to do with the lavish parties thrown at the White House for celebrities and friends, again at taxpayer expense. She could write the book on “Fleecing the Taxpayers for Dummies.”

Either the aide was too ignorant to realize she shouldn’t plagarize especially from michael obama, or she is a sleeper for the democrat camp. Regardless she shouldn’t be trusted any longer. My gut feeling is she did it on purpose.

Note to Greg
If only Chewy could. 🙂 Ever see the “green dress” picture. Impressive!!

Chewy could never pull that off. Ever see her “green dress” photo. Very impressive 🙂

@Enchanted: The speech writer was identified as Meredith McIver a long time writer for Mr Trum and a personal friend of his wife Ms Trump did not like the speech that was written for her and called in McIver
Looks like your gut was wrong again the Dems didn’t do it just another Trump screwup

@Disturber: Free speech has never been a succesful defense for fraud, just ask the tobacco companies.

Care to share that chain email with us that you gave you all that info ? If not the chain email how about some citing for your claims.
The dog,s special plane was an Osprey which is really used normally for Secret Service and staff which of course filled the plane
The Washington Times is considered rightwing you can trust it ;
FLOTUS has a staff of 24 more than Laura’s 18 but total pay has gone up by only 10%

Michelle Obama’s Staff

after the chain email about voter fraud in Wood Co Ohio which was so easily disproved by looking at the Sec of State certified results I am a bit surprised that anyone would believe anything in any of those chain emails
but of course some DO choose only to believe what they wish, sort of like faith vs science and the age of the Earth

@Gbn, #25:

Maybe you missed the point. Republicans seem to have suddenly dropped their prudishness in matters of dress in favor of full frontal nudity. Wanting someone in the White House who reflects traditional family values has also quietly gone out the window. I blame their secret addiction to internet p*rn.

The Obamas actually exemplify traditional American family values. Bill Clinton’s philandering aside, the Clinton’s have managed to stay together for over 40 years. I’m sure it wasn’t always easy. Marriages sometimes aren’t.

Donald Trump is a serial adulterer with a repeated history of trading wives in on newer models. (No pun intended.) He’s presently with wife No. 3. He has certainly had other interests. Rumor is that his relationship with Meliana has on occasion been, uh, Stormy. I trust that several billion dollars provides sufficient clout to keep all of that out of the news for a while.

None of this bothers me, really. What bothers me are double standards. Michelle Obama was harshly criticized for a bare arm dress. Now look a what’s being given a pass. As if that were anywhere close to the most important thing that’s being totally ignored. Namely, Trump’s astonishing lack of qualifications for the presidency. His total lack of any relevant experience is actually being pitched as some sort of virtue. Would you choose a surgeon, a lawyer, or an auto mechanic based on that theory?

@Disturber: Hmm, I thought the first family was considered somewhat royal. I recall Nancy Reagan snubbing her nose at the dingy china and ordering all new. I don’t recall the uproar. Same for many first ladies, live high on the hog because that just comes with it.

The perks afforded to the 1st family is rather sickening but are there for their taking. Black ones too.

@John: I have a nearly photographic memory. I don’t subscribe to chain emails and I don’t borrow other people’s opinions. I have never read a chain email in my life and I don’t read right wing crap anymore than I read left wing crap.

I am motivated by the fact that I have children and thanks to folks like the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, and their ilk, we are passing on a dangerous and needlessly unsettled world, a grossly over-regulated economy. The Clintons were tagged for stealing government property when they left the White House. The Obamas have spent nearly $100 million on their vacations and entertainment and have grossly abused their positions both at the taxpayer’s expense.

What the liberals can’t quite grasp is that something large is going on in the body politic. Something that is hopefully going to have a long term impact on the lives of ordinary Americans and hopefully, will revitalize the traditional American spirit. Gov. Christie commented today that if elected, Trump will seek legislation that will allow him to clean out the mass of utopian ideologues that infest the agencies and which issue the massive numbers of regulations that are grinding folks into the ground. People want to get govt off of our backs and allow the little guy to get ahead.

It doesn’t matter whether the Obama’s spent $50 million on their vacations or $100 million or even $25 million. They spent a ton and they shouldn’t be allowed to do such things. I remember distinctly the picture of the Air Force plane landing and a lackey walking the first dog off the plane. I remember the stories of Michelle and the girls taking one plane to Hawaii and Obama taking another.
He is in the habit of using government planes to fly to fund raisers. Whether you want to quibble about a few million here or a few million there, the overall picture is one of deliberate abuse and an outrageous premise of unlimited privilege. This is a democracy not a kingdom.

@Ajay42302: You are absolutely correct and the Reagans redid the White House after it had been trashed by the Carters. And guess who paid for that? I will give you a hint, it wasn’t the taxpayers.

@John: Would you deny that Hillary has committed fraud in denying that she mishandled government information? That Lois Lerner committed fraud in her machinations with conservative entities? That Perez committed fraud by lying about his Fathers intimacy with the butchers in the Dominican Republic? That Elizabeth Warren committed fraud in misrepresenting her heritage in getting academic positions at Harvard? Or that there might have been a little bit of fraud in Hillary’s brother getting $10 million from the tobacco settlement for legal work that he never did? Fraud, my dear friend, is the currency of the left.

Illegally download Secret, Top secret and other Classified emails to a non-secure private server, and it’s crickets from the left.

Use a scant few, commonly felt phrases that most people agree with in a speech and they lose their minds.

@Disturber: It’s all about the MSM changing the subject. If the media actually focused on the MANY Obama scandals starting with the IRS his presidency would have been over long ago. This is a bright, shiny object for the media to distract the people from Obama’s failed administration. If they are covering stuff like this they aren’t covering Iran getting the bomb.

@Enchanted: yeah she is a sleeper we put her in place 5 years ago when she was hired to write one of Trump’s books

@Disturber: well of course you remember that pic I am surprised that you didn’t refer to him by name (Beau)
However that was NOT the Osprey in question was it ?
With your near photographic memory can you tell me when and where you came by that information that flouts has a staff of 63?

@John: if that is the case she should be fired for incompetence.

Carter’s fault. Got it.

What was I thinking?

Trump can’t fire her like on Apprentice
He can only divorce her

@Ditto: That’s so funny and tragic at the same time, but this is what happens when the media functions as a propaganda bureau.

@Ditto, #34:

Illegally? The republican head of the FBI and the entire FBI investigative team seem to have concluded that story is total bullshit. Which, of course, is no reason why Clinton haters should stop telling it for their own amusement. They’ve apparently grown weary of repeating bullshit claims about Obama.


llegally? The republican head of the FBI and the entire FBI investigative team seem to have concluded that story is total bullshit.

1. Yes, it is still very illegal to remove or redirect classified documents and data from government servers by any means and store them on a personal computer, server or other data storage medium. That was true way back in the late 1970’s when government computers and personal computers were in their infancy, and it is still the law now.

2. James Comey has recently come out and announced that he is now a registered Democrat.

3. A good many members of the FBI investigative team do not agree with his decision and make it quite clear that they also believe Hillary should be prosecuted like every other person who had broken those laws.

4. What is bullshit, is that you Greg, have continually shown in your posts on FA; that you no problem supporting Democrats who break the law, but support prosecution when it isn’t a Democrat.

@Gary Miller: There it is!

@Ditto: Comey announced that he is no longer a registered republican
He did no say he was a registered democrat

Just read Cruz will not endorse Trump


Comey announced that he is no longer a registered republican
He did no say he was a registered democrat

Comey responded, “I have been a registered Republican for most of my adult life, not registered any longer.”

He did not say one way or the other whether he was or was not a Democrat. He simply said that he was no longer a registered Republican. You don’t know, I don’t know. All we do know is that he is no longer a Republican. So, until he comes out and says unequivocally that he is an independent, it is entirely possible that he is now a registered Democrat.

Of course it is POSSIBLE
As is him coming out is an American Nazi is a member of the Green Party or as a Libertatian


The Obamas actually exemplify traditional American family values.

‘Traditional American families’ don’t include transgenders.

Bill Clinton’s philandering aside, the Clinton’s have managed to stay together for over 40 years.

Together? As in Monica and the Lolita flights? Has Hillary and her girl friends been on any ‘girl excursions? Want to bet Slick and HIllary have not shared a bed in at least 20 years? I’m sure it wasn’t always easy. Marriages sometimes aren’t. I doubt it’s hard if no one is committed.


You don’t really so dense to think Obama would have put a Nazi over the FBI do you? Green? Don’t be absurd. Libertarian? maybe, maybe not. But we do know that Obama made him head of the FBI. Considering he packed all the agencies with Democrats, I think it’s pretty clear where James Comey’s alliances lie.