Another “spontaneous protest” in San Bernardino

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ny post muslim killers


Echoes of Benghazi.

This was different right from the start. Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson- lone wolf attacks. This time multiple gunmen were involved. Mass shootings involving more than one gunman are rare. The shooting took place at ironically, at a center for the “developmentally disabled.” The shooters were identified as Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. They were apparently a couple, but the extent of their relationship is not entirely clear. Farook is described as being a “devout Muslim.”

Farook was reportedly in attendance at social services center, got into an argument with someone and left. He apparently went home, where he just happened to have handguns, AR-15-like rifles, lots of ammunition, ski masks and tactical gear (people noticed that Faroook had been receiving deliveries of lots of packages but chose not to report anything for fear of being labeled racist). Farook’s house was described as an “IED facility.”

There is no situation so bad that the left can’t make it worse. Conservatives waited for information. Liberals took advantage of the carnage to score cheap political points. Reince Preibus asked for prayers and the loathsome Markos Moulitsas shot out this tweet:

kos tweet


Hillary Clinton, of course, joined in the crass party clinton tweet


The New York Daily News wanted in on the fun nydn cover

(images via Weasel Zippers)

There is no plumbing the bottom of liberal depravity. This was clear Islamic terrorism. All that remains to be seen is Obama’s whitewashing of the event. I can see it now: It was a spontaneous protest. It was workplace violence (Despite Farook not working at the center).

It’s a “bump in the road” to Islamization of America.

It’s just another “setback.”

It was caused by a video (likely Charlie Brown’s Christmas).




Susan Rice will take to the Sunday morning shows to push the video talking points. Obama will head to the UN and point his finger at the Charlie Brown Christmas video. Hillary will promise the families of the victims that she will bring Charles Schultz to justice. Pelosi and democrats will call for end to the broadcasting of A Charlie Brown Christmas to the US doesn’t radicalize more Muslims. (I’m also waiting for the call to end all Christmas parties and displays lest they offend and radicalize Muslims and incite them to violence.)

Bureau of Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokeswoman Meredith Davis said “…this was well-planned out and it was to be violent in nature.” Indeed it was. You can bet your life that Obama, who chided us about those gun owner types who cling bitterly to their guns and religion, will dodge any possible reference to religion in this case. Today CBS This Morning could not prod itself to say the “M” word.

Farook’s house has been described as an “IED factory.” The couple was loaded for bear. Tactical gear, long weapons, handguns, lots of magazines (no word on whether they were high capacity). The San Bernardino police chief says “We have not ruled out terrorism.”

I know we ought not jump to conclusions, but


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@Rich Wheeler:

You’ve got a vivid imagination —You rant and you rave–Used to claim you never called me a liar but of course you did.

ROTFLMAO. Oh, Rich, you are too, too funny. So why don’t you prove that I called you a liar before I just did in the last day or two? You can equivocate with your synonym b/s cherry picking one word out of over 50.

Now you claim you’ve gone back in the posts and found more falsities than you can count–got nothing better to do old 5?

Yeah, I wasted about 15 minutes on you.

You’re a sad old lady with a huge bug up your ass–get a life.

Oh, my, this from the same guy who was complaining about insults being lobbed at him? Are you trying to hone your comedic skills?

You are the only totally un civil poster I ‘ve dealt with on F.A.–If there were more like you I’d be gone–You’re the lone loser—fortunately

Loser? More insults? I thought you were not going to respond to me anymore if I continued to insult you? Remember this:

Now if you want to continue to call me a liar don’t expect any further discourse

Guess that threat was as trustworthy as anything else you say.

BTW, I was NOT the one who got booted from FA and had to beg to come back. That would be you.

You’re the loser, Rich. A loser who has been outed as a fraud, a weasel and just another liberal who wouldn’t know the truth if it was tattooed on your arm.

And yes, you’re a liar.

@retire05: You want me to prove you called me a liar before you called me a liar–Do you realize how stupid that sounds –Kerryesque
You’re a liar–no you’re a liar though I didn’t call you a liar until I called you a liar.

Do you think anybody reads or cares about this he said she said back and forth?

I concede– you throw pejoratives and false accusations better than anyone else at F.A –

@Rich Wheeler:

You want me to prove you called me a liar before you called me a liar–Do you realize how stupid that sounds –Kerryesque

You said I called you a liar a week ago, which I did not. I said I found you less than trustworthy. You decided to interpret that as me calling you a liar, based on a broad interpretation of the word trustworthy and you would not back off that lame excuse. That was a lie. I never called you a liar until, what was it? Yesterday? You lied about what I said. I finally called you the liar you are for lying about what I said.

Kerryesque? Isn’t that traitorous bast@ard your hero?

You’re a liar–no you’re a liar though I didn’t call you a liar until I called you a liar

Trying to wordsmith, Rich? Don’t. You’re not good at it.

Do you think anybody reads or cares about this he said she said back and forth?

Yeah, I do. I don’t like being accused of doing something I did not do from someone who can’t admit he is wrong even when others tell him he is (like AV and Nan). And I guess you enjoy it or you would not be responding to me. But then, you are a liberal, and liberals are not trustworthy.

Yes, you’re a liar. You lied about what I said and now you don’t have the honor to admit it.

@retire05: Once again you “misinterpret” I’m being kind. AV agreed with my singular point about firing of Baathist Generals—I agreed with him about Obama pulling out too soon Ask him
What about Nan–which post?
I did not lie about what you said and if you recall Brother Bob agreed with my interpretation.

@Rich Wheeler: Comment #128.

Monmouth’s pollsters report that those who are not regular Republican primary voters were more likely to support Trump, while among those who had participated in previous primaries, Cruz held an edge.
In other words, as long as no new people (supporting Trump) attend the Iowa caucus Cruz might win, but if Trump supporters (who traditionally had NOT gone to caucuses) show up, Trump wins.
You’ve no doubt seen the size and enthusiasm of the Trump rallies.
Do you think all those people will sit on their hands come caucus day?
Me neither.

Note this Cruz rally from late Nov 2015:

@another vet (#107) –

Two more books I would recommend are “Agent Storm” by Morten Storm and “Radical” by Maajid Nawaz. Both give an insight into the jihadi mindset, motivations, and organization. Storm worked as a CIA double agent, a committed AQ jihadist until he was caught by the Danish intelligence service. Nawaz was also an AQ terrorist until he was caught. While in prison, Nawaz had determined the ideology is like following a false prophet.

After the Paris attacks, Storm told Megyn Kelly don’t be surprised if there would be another attack in two weeks and that it would likely be in the US. Two weeks later, the San Bernardino attack happened. Storm told Megyn last week, another attack, or two, are likely in the US next year and at least another 2-3 next year in Europe.

I agree with your assessment that we, the people and our local police, are the front line. It is not so much ISIS terrorists will be filtering in with Syrian refugees, but they are already here. Combined with a vast sympathizer network, they are able to move quite freely. They are keeping their heads down, biding their time to plan and organize. If you read open source white papers, that seems to be the shared conclusion. Unfortunately, there are not many who believe they are here already.

@Rich Wheeler:

Once again you “misinterpret” I’m being kind. AV agreed with my singular point about firing of Baathist Generals—I agreed with him about Obama pulling out too soon Ask him

I read what he wrote. He clearly did not agree that the former Baathists joining ISIS was Bush’s fault. Perhaps you should re-review what he posted.

What about Nan–which post?

What? There is something Rich doesn’t know or remember? Will wonders never cease?

I did not lie about what you said and if you recall Brother Bob agreed with my interpretation.

That’s not all he said. Why don’t you quote him precisely? The entire quote from Brother Bob. And why do you need to drag others in to defend your position? Not man enough to fight your own battles? Ah, poor widdle Richard.

@retire05: AV said Bremer appointed by BUSH and over his head “advocated dismantling the entire Iraqi military (as opposed to just the Repub.Guard) which could have been used to secure the country,” If Bush hadn’t FIRED THEM they would never have become ISIS LEADERS That’s what I said–agreement.
Nan says Trump wins Iowa–poll shows Cruz ahead–SIMPLE DISAGREEMENT–WE’LL SEE
You called me a liar BB AGREED you called me a liar
Keep digging

@Rich Wheeler:

You called me a liar BB AGREED you called me a liar

Quote AV and Brother Bob exactly, Richard. Quite being a lying, cowardly weasel.

Let me clarify what I said. It was a mistake for Bremer to disband the Iraqi military (except the Republican Guard). It was a mistake for Bush to have appointed Bremer. He was in over is head. I believe Garner was a better choice. The MAIN mistakes made by this country which allowed ISIS to grow into what it has are 1) pulling out of Iraq prematurely and 2) not taking the ISIS threat seriously enough (JV team?) when it reared its ugly head despite warnings from our intel, the Kurds, and the Iraqis. Those were Obama’s mistakes. Had the mistake made by Bremer been the main cause of what is being discussed, ISIS would have been what they are today back then.

The difference between the two presidents is quite clear. Bush recognized the strategy in Iraq wasn’t working and changed it to the Surge which led to a now squandered victory. Obama’s strategy against ISIS isn’t working (nor is the one for AQ for that matter) and he is too stuck on himself to change it. Even Carter changed his strategy toward the Soviets when he realized it wasn’t working.

@David: They also seem to be staying two steps ahead of us with their TTP’s. When you think about it, they really don’t need another 9/11 type of attack. Just think of the damage they could do with smaller scale attacks like the one they just pulled off. If they start pulling those off in America’s heartland and suburbia in addition to our large cities, people will be afraid to go about their daily business. They’d be suspicious of their neighbors. People may overreact possibly leading to widespread vigilantism on one end due to a lack of confidence in the government and calls for sacrificing rights in exchange for “security” on the other. And of course, it could be used by certain politicians to divide the country for political gain. The stakes could get quite high.

@another vet:

When you think about it, they really don’t need another 9/11 type of attack. Just think of the damage they could do with smaller scale attacks like the one they just pulled off.

I have said this since 9-11-2001. Small attacks, by lone known wolves, taking out 5, 15 25 at a time. And yes, they are known, just like the Foot Hood jihadist was known to the military before he decided to go all radical on his fellow soldiers.

Can anyone truthfully say that they feel as safe now as they did when Bush was in office? 9-11 was awful, planned while Clinton was in office, but there were no other acts of terrorism while Bush was in office. Wish I could say the same for President Sh!t For Brains Obama.

Meanwhile, Democrats, including Jeh Johnson, go traipsing over to their local mosques to quell all dissention against Muslims. Right! Where are the burning mosques, the hate crimes against Muslims, the trashing of Muslim businesses? So while President SFB worries about a “backlash” against Muslims, Jews are the largest segment of victims of hate crimes in the U.S.

Thanks for posting. Anyone with two grey cells bumping together understood what you said the first time.

Obozo still thinks there is a group called ISIL, he still can’t name the enemies of the US.

@Redteam: ISIL is a term of respect google whats the difference between ISIS and ISIL, then think about why the oil tankers were not droned.

@kitt: Thanks Kitt, I know what the difference in ISIL and ISIS is and that the only one that refers to ISIL is Obozo. He does it specifically to include Israel in the name. The terrorist organization is ISIS, Obama refers to ISIL, it is not the same thing and he is factually incorrect. That is my point.

@retire05: “cowardly” I believe women could enlist even in your day old 5. I’m the one who ACTUALLY fought the enemies of our country—You’re a classic chicken hawk— now a computer warrior-no guts. About all you’re good for is deriding the CIC, calling him derogatory and childish names–you’ve sunk to new lows-even for you.

@another vet: Thanks AV—Agree mistakes have been made by both CIC’S . Hindsight always 20/20 and hopefully we learn from mistakes.

There are those here that have actually fought for our country–and there are foul mouthed computer warriors. Thanks for your service and your studied input RW

RT I’ve seen ISIL used more by intel. types and high ranking military.
“What’s in a name—-” They still stink

@Rich Wheeler:

“cowardly” I believe women could enlist even in your day old 5. I’m the one who ACTUALLY fought the enemies of our country—

Oh, so now we have a military litmus test instituted by Richard Wheeler? Great, why don’t you tell us all how you voted for McCain because you wanted a warrior in the Oval Office? Or how you refused to vote for the Democrats in California because they didn’t serve in the military?
You’re a hypocrite.

You’re a classic chicken hawk— now a computer warrior-no guts.

You know nothing about me. Yet you feel you can lob insults (which you complain about when insults are lobbed at you, waaaaah)

About all you’re good for is deriding the CIC, calling him derogatory and childish names–you’ve sunk to new lows-even for you.

Never read anything by you deriding those who referred to President Bush as Chimpy McBush, or any of the other pejoratives lobbed at him by your tribe. Now you’re all indignant because I call Obama President SFB?

The only lows sunk to on this forum are yours. Blaming Bush for the Iraqi “generals” joining ISIS, lying about what others say, lobbing pejoratives at others while you whine how others lob them at you, dodging, obfuscation and equivocating what you have said previously to CYA, never answering questions anyone asks you. You are no better than the Obama mouthpiece, Greggie Goebbels. You think you’re too cute by half when you are nothing more than a fraud who forfeited his honor a long time ago. Honorable men admit when they are wrong. You can’t do that. A real personality flaw.

Hell, man, you can’t even stick to your own rules. You’re nothing more than a fraud and a joke who attacks when you get your widdle feelings hurt and someone calls you out for being a liar and a jerk. I’m beginning to think you suffer from the same malady as President SFB; malignant narcissism. Surely your Tri-Care or what ever VA benefits you have provides mental health benefits.

@Rich Wheeler:

There are those here that have actually fought for our country

Yeah, tell us how you voted for Dole, Bush and McCain because they wore the uniform of our nation.


@Redteam: Sorry I should have known better, you and most of the regulars here would know why He and all his Ranking officers use the ISIL term.

@retire05: You are on a constant foul mouthed attack. You are a classless crude old lady–You’ve been called out as such by good Conservatives like Aye Chi and Mata Harley. Nobody here buys your crap. Pound away computer warrior.–you are the coward and most certainly the liar.

@Rich Wheeler:

You are on a constant foul mouthed attack. You are a classless crude old lady

While I’m sure that you consider yourself a first class gentleman. Wrong again.

–You’ve been called out as such by good Conservatives like Aye Chi and Mata Harley.

Perhaps you can get them back to pick up the banner for you since you are too cowardly to fight your own battles against someone you consider a “little old lady.”

Nobody here buys your crap.

Really? See anybody disagreeing with me about you? See anybody agreeing with you about me? You’re such a coward you won’t even quote Brother Bob precisely

Pound away computer warrior.–

Seems you are doing your fair share of pounding away.

you are the coward and most certainly the liar.

ROTFLMAO at the guy who runs from his own statements. Thanks for the comic relief.

@retire05: Agree This is pure comedy.
Such as See anyone agreeing with you about me.
You’ve said you’ve found falsities I’ve posted “higher than I can count.” How high can you count? Post em.

@Rich Wheeler:

You’ve said you’ve counted falsities I’ve posted “higher than you can count.” How high can you count? Post em

Right after you answer all the questions I have asked you. WITHOUT EQUIVOCATING OR OBFUSCATING. But I doubt you’re capable of doing that.

@retire05: Just as I thought—You lied about it. Weak.

@Rich Wheeler:

Just as I thought—You lied about it. Weak

Nope. Just showing that while you make demands of others, you are not willing to answer questions when they are posed to you. ergo, you’re a coward and full of hot air, not to mention a liar who doesn’t stick to his own rules.

@retire05: Ha–How high can you count? “coward -liar” lookin in your mirror again O5–It can’t be pretty
If you promise to stop telling lies about me I’ll promise to stop telling the truth about you. How bout it?

o5 A wise man known as Brother Bob not long ago called for an end to the 05/RW slugfest—I’m gonna respect his request and move on to more enjoyable pursuits
I will only reappear here to respond to any SPECIFIC “FALSITIES” you say I’ve posted–how high can you count?.

@Rich Wheeler:

If you promise to stop telling lies about me I’ll promise to stop telling the truth about you.

What truth? Do you really think you know anything about me? You don’t. You’re just trying to blow smoke. Has no one ever told you that redundancy in a person (that comment) shows lack of imagination on the part of the person who is redundant?

I will only reappear here to respond to any SPECIFIC “FALSITIES” you say I’ve posted

What a lame cop out so that you don’t have to answer my questions. Run, widdle Richard, run.

@Rich Wheeler:

Such as See anyone agreeing with you about me.

Actually Rich, even I disagree with 05 about you, to some extent. I think she is much too nice to you. She doesn’t write nearly as derogatory about you as you do about her. She is quite fair about her assessment that you ” at the guy who runs from his own statements. Thanks for the comic relief. ” I know of no one else that throws out a lie and then runs from it as often as you do. ” You should be thankful that she hasn’t started telling lies about you. The truth serves her quite well.

Alright 05, where did you go?


Oh, I’m here, Redteam. Just sitting back laughing at how Rich is now doing his weasel imitation by using Brother Bob as his excuse. Won’t back up what he says, won’t answer questions posed to him, obfuscates, equivocates and dodges like the fraud he is.

@retire05: He is doing that. He throws out a statement and when he’s asked pretends he never heard of it. He was trying to tell me how he admires Word for being such a great Conservative and when I asked him for an example, he didn’t have one. Tried to use the example of him not supporting Trump. Well of course not. That’s conservatives that ARE supporting him.
Just hadn’t seen you post is a couple of days.