Another “spontaneous protest” in San Bernardino


ny post muslim killers


Echoes of Benghazi.

This was different right from the start. Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson- lone wolf attacks. This time multiple gunmen were involved. Mass shootings involving more than one gunman are rare. The shooting took place at ironically, at a center for the “developmentally disabled.” The shooters were identified as Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. They were apparently a couple, but the extent of their relationship is not entirely clear. Farook is described as being a “devout Muslim.”

Farook was reportedly in attendance at social services center, got into an argument with someone and left. He apparently went home, where he just happened to have handguns, AR-15-like rifles, lots of ammunition, ski masks and tactical gear (people noticed that Faroook had been receiving deliveries of lots of packages but chose not to report anything for fear of being labeled racist). Farook’s house was described as an “IED facility.”

There is no situation so bad that the left can’t make it worse. Conservatives waited for information. Liberals took advantage of the carnage to score cheap political points. Reince Preibus asked for prayers and the loathsome Markos Moulitsas shot out this tweet:

kos tweet


Hillary Clinton, of course, joined in the crass party clinton tweet


The New York Daily News wanted in on the fun nydn cover

(images via Weasel Zippers)

There is no plumbing the bottom of liberal depravity. This was clear Islamic terrorism. All that remains to be seen is Obama’s whitewashing of the event. I can see it now: It was a spontaneous protest. It was workplace violence (Despite Farook not working at the center).

It’s a “bump in the road” to Islamization of America.

It’s just another “setback.”

It was caused by a video (likely Charlie Brown’s Christmas).




Susan Rice will take to the Sunday morning shows to push the video talking points. Obama will head to the UN and point his finger at the Charlie Brown Christmas video. Hillary will promise the families of the victims that she will bring Charles Schultz to justice. Pelosi and democrats will call for end to the broadcasting of A Charlie Brown Christmas to the US doesn’t radicalize more Muslims. (I’m also waiting for the call to end all Christmas parties and displays lest they offend and radicalize Muslims and incite them to violence.)

Bureau of Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokeswoman Meredith Davis said “…this was well-planned out and it was to be violent in nature.” Indeed it was. You can bet your life that Obama, who chided us about those gun owner types who cling bitterly to their guns and religion, will dodge any possible reference to religion in this case. Today CBS This Morning could not prod itself to say the “M” word.

Farook’s house has been described as an “IED factory.” The couple was loaded for bear. Tactical gear, long weapons, handguns, lots of magazines (no word on whether they were high capacity). The San Bernardino police chief says “We have not ruled out terrorism.”

I know we ought not jump to conclusions, but


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I have nothing to add except it’s hilarious how the liberal posting on this thread can’t pass up any opportunity to bash FOX news. It’s a freaking mental illness with libs, they simply can’t NOT do it.

The rationalizing about Christian Americans doing all the killing, and folks who are pro-gay rights don’t–Jesus, everything’s about spin with you people. Above all things, a breath not spent bashing the right is a breath wasted.

Deny that Muslims are at war with the west. Keep denying it, keep blaming everything that happens on the right. You seem to forget how Democrats have lost so much since Obama’s first term–it’s because you can control most of the media, you can control the discussion…and still people rely on their own observations, their own life experiences, and they vote to defeat leftists who coddle the very obvious sources of evil in this world.

If only we could have been more aggressive with climate change legislation, maybe this whole thing could have been avoided.

#20 –

You were here in COS, in October, and didn’t stop to visit. 🙂

@another vet #40 –

One time, I took my daughters shooting at the outdoor range near Fort Carson. Beautiful firing range, BTW. One guy decided to impress my oldest daughter and promptly shot the man-sized silhouette in my lane. Same session, a different guy was watching my youngest daughter fire my AR-15. He tried to advise her to extend the stock before firing. She didn’t and promptly fired the entire magazine in a short amount of time. He said she fired too high, all but one round were dead center head shots. The one low round was where a man can bleed out quickly. After retrieving that target, I told guy “enough said.”

@David: Zombie eliminated Dad.

I wonder how many Daily News subscriptions cancellations will be sent this week or is this just stand rag like the Globe or Enquirer. Id ask my grocery store to remove it.


Wait until you see tomorrow’s Daily News cover.

Maybe Carlos Slim can buy that newspaper after it craters in the next few days.

Dumbest Democrat statement of today:

“sensible gun laws work. We’ve proven it in California.”

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

@retire05: I saw that toooo funny!

@David: The guy who fired into your daughter’s lane was an idiot. I have had people fire into my lane before but not on purpose. It makes me wonder about their muzzle discipline.

I think it’s great that your daughter is involved in the shooting sports. Too bad there are elements in this country who would like to take that right away from her.

@Richard Wheeler:

Here are a couple of examples. First the NY Daily News right away insinuating white hate groups.

Then this from the leader of Black Lives Matter.

The idiot on the Fox News thread who was blaming whites, conservatives, and Republicans shut his mouth after someone posted the shooter’s name.

Yes, in addition to the left blaming the NRA, Republicans, conservatives, and everyone else they loathe they also initially blamed white people.

Back in the 70’s, I was shooting at a range outside of Chicago. It was early morning and there was a small group on the firing line to my right. I was firing with a partner when I saw movement to my right. The other guys were walking down range to put up new targets or look at the old ones. I told my partner to stop firing and unload. I was shaking, not because I was mad, but because I knew what could have happened. I loaded up and did a dee dee. These guys didn’t have a clue and I didn’t have the time to bring them up to speed. I prefer my own range with a clear view for a mile or so downrange. I realize most people don’t have that option; so be careful at those ranges.

@David: #53
One of my “boyfriend” tests was to take the couple to the range.
If she let the boy fire “her” Blackhawk I knew things were serious.
.45 Colt, 300gr JHP, 1300+ fps.

@another vet: #19
You’re assuming that you’d be the only good guy with a gun there.

So, overnight the female of the jihadi team was outed as having pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Three people close to the investigation leaked this to CNN.
Obama had tried to SCRUB the jihadi social media pages.
Three MEN missed the memo.

Then Obama decided to CHILL our free speech over this.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use ‘Anti-Muslim’ Speech That ‘Edges Toward Violence’

Not anti-black speech.
Not anti-white speech.
Not anti-rich speech.
Not anti-Jewish speech.
Not anti-Christian speech.

And WTF does it mean that some speech ”edges” toward violence???
She actually claimed that the French, who just outlawed any public Menorah displays this Hanukkah, are too harsh …. on Muslims!

Oh, and sure, she’ll still prosecute the violence, but she is going to come after the INSTIGATOR.
Now, in this instance in San Bernadino, the jihadis made sure they killed the one person who NOTED, not disparaged, just NOTED the male jihadi had begun to grow a beard, so, that saves Loretta L one case.

@Nanny G: @Nanny G: “Obama tried to scrub the jihadi social media page.” That’s pure BS Nan.

@Rich Wheeler: Then why did David Zucherberg (sp?) have to be asked if the pages had once existed?
Three people close to the investigation said it was there.
It is no longer there.
Yes, the couple did some erasing of their social footprint, but Obama, through DOJ and Loretta L., did some, too.

Obama won’t allow FBI director Comey to address the public without a gun to his back in the form of Loretta L. by his side.
I wonder if FBI director Comey will modrrate his message as a result?
I wonder if he will be fired this week?
The news conference was supposed to be taking place soon.

Both CNN and MSNBC were inside the couple’s home supposedly with permission of the landlord.
Today there were visuals of a newsman breaking open the plyboard over the door of the townhome.
There were visuals of newspeople pawing through shredded documents, a Drivers’ License, a koran and other personal effects.
So, where were the police?
As of just now, the FBI took the landlord away.
Was he ”arrested?”
Why did the FBI and/or local police allow the crime scene to be utterly contaminated?
It was.

Breaking=>Landlord Escorted Away from San Bernardino Terrorist’s Home

The Media Has Swarmed Into the Killers’ House Without Any Official Permission, Compromising the Crime Scene and the Investigation

Odd things going on with this investigation, it was reported that the terrorists were wearing go pros, then later no go pros, but an FBI seizure document shows that go pro packaging was taken from a car used by or belonging to the couple in question.
A document read on live TV by a Fox news reporter it was sitting on the drivers seat of the car.

@Nanny G:

But Nan, you don’t seem to understand. ISIS is simply a JV team according to this incompetent President.

Today there are 14 families that disagree with that premise.

We are supposed to trust the government to vet 10,000 refugees… no one even has a photo of this gal Farook brought back with him and was handed a visa.

This fact remains, the islamic terrorist attack in San Bernadino represents the deadliest attack on American Soil sense 9/11 as Obola tells us there are NO credible threats!! Al Qaeda is on their heels a lie, ISIS is contained a lie, ISIS is a jv team of farmers and teachers a lie, and climate change is the biggest threat the biggest lie!!


But Nan, you don’t seem to understand. ISIS is simply a JV team according to this incompetent President.

He also boasted less than a week earlier that there was no imminent terrorist threat against the country. Then again he also boasted that AQ was on the run and near defeat only to later find out that they have been assessed as being stronger than at any time since 9/11. Then he told us ISIS was a JV team only to have them seize a swath of territory the size of Great Britain. Then he told us the world has never been safer only to have the State Department publish a report stating that terrorist attacks increased 35% in 2014. Then he told us that the financial troubles in China a couple of months ago would have no impact on us only to have the markets drop 1,000 points within a week because of that. Then he told us ISIS was contained only to have them kill 129 people in Paris a few hours later.

Not a very good track record.

@Bill: We are supposed to trust the government to vet 10,000 refugees… no one even has a photo of this gal Farook brought back with him and was handed a visa.

Not so, although not in the way I would have preferred.
When CNN & MSNBC broke into the townhouse many photos were shown to the cameras.
Was one of them of the wife?
How could we ever tell?

Apparently the husband had belonged to a moderate mosque before he married, but slowed down his going there after the marriage. The folks who demonstrated in solidarity for the victims of the two jihadis are moderate Muslims.

Ah, yes. The Daily News cover, for December 4th. The linked article is worth a look, just for the great rarity of witnessing a Mother Jones writer momentarily coming to the defense of the NRA. We probably won’t see such a thing again in our lifetimes.

@another vet:

Not a very good track record.

Depends on which team you are cheering for.

@Bill: Very true. Can you imagine how utterly depressed him and his sheep are right now knowing that this was a terrorist act committed by a radicalized Muslim as opposed to some person they could label as a “right wing extremist”?

@another vet: A.V. Help me here—why the cheering that these people aren’t right wingers—-why the corresponding bashing of Obama—is this some kind of game?
Do you realize this fear mongering and profiling is only helping Trump ? His nomination will hurt the Republican Party in the long run? Do you care.
Do you enjoy bashing Obama as much as those who enjoyed bashing Bush?

WTF Semper Fi RW

@Rich Wheeler: The left came out bashing conservatives from the start. Have any of them retracted their statements and said they were wrong for jumping the gun and blaming conservatives? Has the man you idolize so much come out and told his followers to STFU because they were wrong? Perhaps you think we conservatives should just sit back and get pounded by the left without fighting back. I sure as hell won’t.

I also find it ironic that the AG came out threatening anyone making derogatory comments about Islam. Do you recall any such threats when the left was bashing our police calling for their heads, you know, the police like ones who took these terrorists out before they could kill more Americans? No.

As for Obama, Bush never purposely divided this country the way Obama has. Please provide evidence that Bush told one group of Americans that another were the “enemy”. I’ve been called the enemy and a threat by the following to name a few: Saddam Hussein, OBL, various Soviet premiers, BHO, and Greg. Now I ask you, WTF? AQ and ISIS must love it when two of their ilk can kill Americans and then some Americans (i.e. the left) come out and blame other Americans for their actions.

And yes, this makes the possibility of a Trump presidency all the more likely.

@another vet: Sorry I asked—I’ll put you with the righteously indignant Conservatives/Trumpists.

btw—I have correctly picked every Prez. election since 1960—including my only Repub. vote for Nixon while in V.N in 1968.
Trump will not win in 2016.

@Rich Wheeler: I

’ll put you with the righteously indignant Conservatives/Trumpists.

????????????????? Where did I say I supported Trump? Putting words in my mouth now are we?

@rich wheeler: 17

This guy is an American citizen terrorist

Is that your way of saying he is not a Muslim Terrorist?
When it was hours after the shooting before the shooters were identified we knew it was not Caucasians doing the shooting. We knew it was either Muslims or Blacks. Those are the two protected classes (by the liberal media) Wonder why that is?
That is now two terrorists events on the west coast in the last month. Anyone looking at Washington state?

@Rich Wheeler: It would be encouraging if we could all pull together and condemn violent crime without using it for political gain. It would be great if we could come together to, if not solve the problem of violent, mental illness-driven murderous attacks, then at least steel ourselves against it.

We did that as an entire nation after 9/11… for a few months.

However now, the first reaction out of the left is to find the element of the crime that can be used to attack Republicans and conservatives with. Shouldn’t the first reaction be sympathy with the victims, their loved ones and then self-defense? No, it was of supreme importance make Robert Dear a Christian Republican pro-lifer. Now, when the shocking surprise of radical Islamic terrorism takes the left completely by surprise (who knew such a thing existed?), instead of coming together as a nation against a common enemy, we argue about what kind of attack it was.

No one here is cheering one thing or another. However, there is something quite important to quite a number of people at stake; the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. Particularly at a time when many believe the right to self defense is more important than ever before.

Whether Trump wins or not (I think this positions Christie particularly well), there is one thing I believe; this radical Islamic terror attack and the left wing reaction to it just cost the Democrats the election. They have shown they ignore the threat,. which allowed this attack and that they are still willing to ignore threat after people have been killed.

@Richard Wheeler: 42

Saw no one blaming “angry white people.” for the shootings.

that was my point earlier, they didn’t identify anyone which was a certain indication it was a Muslim or a Black.

@another vet:

@Rich Wheeler: I

’ll put you with the righteously indignant Conservatives/Trumpists.

????????????????? Where did I say I supported Trump? Putting words in my mouth now are we?

Of course he is. It’s his m.o. If you disagree with him on any issue, he labels you a Trump supporter.

@retire05: He asked me questions and I answered everyone of them honestly, hence the length of my response and the blunt nature. Anyone calling me their “enemy” or a “threat” to the country I defended for 30 years will get no respect from me.

@Bill: Repubs. buried Christie when he hugged Obama at Sandy Hook..
Don’t believe threat ignored. More likely many have been thwarted. Obama will push the overseas offensive against Isis with boots on the ground and increased and more effective coalition air strikes—he’d better.
2nd Amendment Rights—Let’s make it more difficult for mentally ill and those on watch lists to secure firearms.-simple request.

As I see it currently–FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ME—or sign on.

Trumpists include RT, Ditto, Skooks, Nanny G, James Raider, Mossomo, MOS8541, Smorg
Cruz– 05, Pete
undecided A.V, Word Dr J, Brother Bob Petercat, Bill, Kitt, Common Sense

@Rich Wheeler: You have me right. My two favorites were the first two to drop out- Perry and Walker in that order.

As for what happens, we will see. The offensive against ISIS should have been stepped up a long time ago. As for the threat here, awhile back a former Army Intel officer (of Egyptian decent) who was an intel man for the FBI gave a seminar to the local police. He told them with Obama pulling out of Iraq and announcing withdrawls from Afghanistan and elsewhere, that the terrorists would follow us home and that the police would be the new front line against the terrorists. So far he has been spot on. I would take it a step further and say that we the people may end up being the front line. Given that ISIS is led by former Iraqi officers who have extensive experience with IED’s, I wouldn’t be surprised if they begin to incorporate those tactics over here. More Americans were killed in Iraq with IED’s than guns. They wouldn’t need 155 howitzer rounds over here because they don’t need to take out Bradley’s. Simple explosives that can easily be made would suffice. How about this scenario- during the night they place these in garbage cans in Chicago’s Loop. During the morning hours when the streets are crowded with people going to work, they simply dial their cell phone and bang. Mass casualties. These people are very dangerous. Those of us who dealt with them overseas know what their capabilities are. If they bring them over here, we can expect a lot more San Bernadino’s.

@Rich Wheeler:

Don’t believe threat ignored. More likely many have been thwarted. Obama will push the overseas offensive against Isis with boots on the ground and increased and more effective coalition air strikes—he’d better.

Why would Obama do that? He didn’t even have the common sense to understand that in a nation that was still so volatile he could not pull all our troops out creating a opening for ISIS. He better? And if he doesn’t you’ll do what?

2nd Amendment Rights—Let’s make it more difficult for mentally ill and those on watch lists to secure firearms.-simple request.

Maybe you should research why it is so hard to get mental health intervention for those who need it. Why did the Democrat led Congress make such stringent laws regarding mental health that the Sandy Hook shooter’s mother couldn’t get the help she felt her son needed? Families, who know a member has mental health problems, are hamstrung by rules and regulations, enacted by Democrats, that make it almost impossible for intervention.

Cruz– 05, Pete

I have never stated a choice so there you go again attributing to me an choice I have not made yet. I will tell you this; I want a president that will respect, and abide by, our Constitution, not wad it up and use it to wipe their a$$ with it like Obama has.

@Nanny G: #63
I recently read an article by Pam Geller regarding Loretta and her Sharia style ‘threats’ handed down from Obama.
Pam in short said If Loretta Lynch is going to prosecute a citizen for remarks, or language that could “edge” (whatever that means) towards Violence…she needs to start with the Koran….NOT Citizens.

@another vet: “Former Iraqi GENS” Disbanding Saddham’s army outright and completely, eventually turning high ranking officers to ISIS, a major Bush mistake—of course hindsight 20/20.
Expect BHO speech today will indicate he is now listening and include sabre rattling.

@Rich Wheeler: The first step is to be able to properly identify the enemy. Based on the reaction from this administration and its supporters to this attack they haven’t made it to step one yet. Despite 9/11, NYC, Ft. Hood, Boston, Dallas, Chatanooga, and San Bernadino we are told the enemy is man made global warming, conservatives, Republicans, the NRA, and gun owners. ISIS has been allowed to grow to the point that we’ll need a ground invasion to get rid of them. They all know that- Obama, Putin, Hollande, and Cameron. No one wants to do it. We’ve bombed them for over 400 days. They should all be dead by now but they’re not.

@another vet: “THEY SHOULD ALL BE DEAD BY NOW” BUT THEY’RE NOT HA Reminds me of what Westmoreland was saying in V.N vs the truth circa 1969.
You are correct–boots on the ground will be necessary..

@Rich Wheeler: The truth is a hard pill to swallow for a lot, if not most people.

@Rich Wheeler:

“Former Iraqi GENS” Disbanding Saddham’s army outright and completely, eventually turning high ranking officers to ISIS, a major Bush mistake—of course hindsight 20/20.

My God, Rich…………..have you drank the Democrat Kool-Aid to the point where you are actually blaming the rise of ISIS on George W. Bush? How do you do that? Do you just ignore the fact that ISIS is a spinoff of AQI, which started under Clinton in 1999, or that Bush dropped a major sized bomb on al Zarqarwi, taking him out?

Well, I did just recently read that a medical study says that being completely vegan is detrimental to one’s mental health.

@retire05: Did you read A.V’S #87 “ISIS LED BY FORMER IRAQI OFFICERS.”
Too much Texas BBQ??–Not good for mental or physical health 05.

@Rich Wheeler:


Yes, I did. And Iraqi officers didn’t start ISIS, nor did it really gain a foot hold until Obama decided to clear out of Iraq because he has sh!t for brains when it comes to warfare.

As I said, and it has been documented, ISIS is a spinoff of AQI, which was NOT started by Iraqi Army officers. Yet, you want to dump the responsibility for ISIS on Bush because you can’t bring yourself to admit the guy you voted for is a foreign policy/military disaster.

What about this kind of idiocy on the part of Obama?

“Former CIA Director Michael Morrell believes that one reason the Obama administration has been so reluctant to go after ISIS oil producing infrastructure is the possibility of “environmental damage.”

Morrell, who was the CIA director from 2012-13, told PBS’s Charlie Rose in an interview which aired last week: “Prior to Paris…there seemed to have been a judgement that, look we don’t want to destroy these oil tankers because that’s infrastructure that’s going to be necessary to support the people when ISIS isn’t there anymore and it’s going to create environmental damage.”

You got that, Rich? Obama is more worried about the “environment” than dead Americans. What about the “environment” those Christian Iraqis are living under? Do you really think FDR gave a sh!t about the “environment” when it came to bombing the crap out of the Germans? How low your tribe has fallen.

Too much Texas BBQ??–Not good for mental or physical health 05.

At least Texans know how to make bar-b-que, unlike that crap that’s served in California.

@Rich Wheeler:

Obama will push the overseas offensive against Isis with boots on the ground and increased and more effective coalition air strikes—he’d better.

Currently, they are complaining about running out of bombs and money. Sort of an embarrassing excuse. He will have to set aside his concerns for the climate if he is going to destroy ISIS. More excuses.

Expect BHO speech today will indicate he is now listening and include sabre rattling.

If he actually makes such statements, I have been encouraged by his words before, only to realize that my first suspicion, that he was lying, was the correct assessment. He might as well skip the speech and go straight to the actions because he has no credibility.

@Rich Wheeler:

Trumpists include RT, Ditto, Skooks, Nanny G, James Raider, Mossomo, MOS8541, Smorg
Cruz– 05, Pete

Are you always that confused? Oh, excuse me, of course you are. Point out when and where I’ve declared who my favored candidate is.
I was originally for Walker and then perhaps Kasich. Walker is out, so I’m no longer in his corner. Kasich has indicated he is not as smart as I thought he was.
Cruz, Rubio, Jindal are not eligibe, Christie is a blowhard nut.
Seems as if Trump is slowly but surely narrowing it down to the only one left. His poll numbers are now higher than they’ve been. As more drop out, their followers have to go somewhere and Trump is the only one making sense. I’m obviously not the only one that thinks that or his numbers wouldn’t keep going up.

@Rich Wheeler:

Expect BHO speech today will indicate he is now listening and include sabre rattling.

Are you nuts?, oh, excuse me. Let me make my predictions about Obozo’s speech. He will say SB was workplace violence, not related to Muslim terrorism. He will say that we need more gun laws. Using guns to kill people as in the SB deal is already illegal, how did that prevent it. It didn’t. Why would passing a law making it more difficult for mentally ill to get guns prevent a SB? Those people aren’t nuts, they are acting on their beliefs. The gun laws that would make a real difference are, if they would make it a requirement that everyone carry a gun, there would be a lot less mass shootings. Do you believe Syed and his bride would have gone to that meeting with their guns if they knew ahead of time that everyone there had a gun? I don’t think so.
I was going to say that Obozo was going to make himself look like a nut, but that’s understood. Has he had a mental assessment?

@retire05: Never said ISIS started by Baathist Officers—Most top ISIS officers are former Saddham Baathist field grade officers. Many were radicalized at Camp Bacca where they met Al Bakr Al Bagdadi.
Maybe A.V. can add his first hand knowledge to this discussion.