Another “spontaneous protest” in San Bernardino


ny post muslim killers


Echoes of Benghazi.

This was different right from the start. Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson- lone wolf attacks. This time multiple gunmen were involved. Mass shootings involving more than one gunman are rare. The shooting took place at ironically, at a center for the “developmentally disabled.” The shooters were identified as Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. They were apparently a couple, but the extent of their relationship is not entirely clear. Farook is described as being a “devout Muslim.”

Farook was reportedly in attendance at social services center, got into an argument with someone and left. He apparently went home, where he just happened to have handguns, AR-15-like rifles, lots of ammunition, ski masks and tactical gear (people noticed that Faroook had been receiving deliveries of lots of packages but chose not to report anything for fear of being labeled racist). Farook’s house was described as an “IED facility.”

There is no situation so bad that the left can’t make it worse. Conservatives waited for information. Liberals took advantage of the carnage to score cheap political points. Reince Preibus asked for prayers and the loathsome Markos Moulitsas shot out this tweet:

kos tweet


Hillary Clinton, of course, joined in the crass party clinton tweet


The New York Daily News wanted in on the fun nydn cover

(images via Weasel Zippers)

There is no plumbing the bottom of liberal depravity. This was clear Islamic terrorism. All that remains to be seen is Obama’s whitewashing of the event. I can see it now: It was a spontaneous protest. It was workplace violence (Despite Farook not working at the center).

It’s a “bump in the road” to Islamization of America.

It’s just another “setback.”

It was caused by a video (likely Charlie Brown’s Christmas).




Susan Rice will take to the Sunday morning shows to push the video talking points. Obama will head to the UN and point his finger at the Charlie Brown Christmas video. Hillary will promise the families of the victims that she will bring Charles Schultz to justice. Pelosi and democrats will call for end to the broadcasting of A Charlie Brown Christmas to the US doesn’t radicalize more Muslims. (I’m also waiting for the call to end all Christmas parties and displays lest they offend and radicalize Muslims and incite them to violence.)

Bureau of Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokeswoman Meredith Davis said “…this was well-planned out and it was to be violent in nature.” Indeed it was. You can bet your life that Obama, who chided us about those gun owner types who cling bitterly to their guns and religion, will dodge any possible reference to religion in this case. Today CBS This Morning could not prod itself to say the “M” word.

Farook’s house has been described as an “IED factory.” The couple was loaded for bear. Tactical gear, long weapons, handguns, lots of magazines (no word on whether they were high capacity). The San Bernardino police chief says “We have not ruled out terrorism.”

I know we ought not jump to conclusions, but


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The CAIR presser last night should NEVER have happened. What a purely evil slap in the face to the families of the murdered and the wounded and their families. For this smug muslim leader to say he represents all muslims from LA to San Diego then I say you have American blood on your hands and shame on you and your evil brought to us by the american president sympathizer who fails to recognize and identify the root cause of terror here in the US. Don’t bother trying to identify other incidents that where not carried out by these radical islamic devils!! Now for Obola to try and take our guns and at the same time import terrorists only leads me to conclude his intentions!! Will America wake up and reject this process in 2016 or will we continue to bury out heads in the radicals sand and allow them to murder us in hour homeland!! Disgusting and disgraceful at the least!!

they were not “AR-15-like rifles” -they were AK-74…
the US has better rifles, but people prefer what they are trained on

The bodies of the victims have not even been identified, nor were they even cold, when the usual suspects of the left began to use this act of Islamic terrorism as a political talking point. Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the Daily Kos, the list goes on.

Once again, this act of terrorism happened in a gun free zone, a target rich environment. Would 14 be dead and 17 wounded if there had been someone, or more than one, carrying concealed? Sure, the shooters had body armor on but their heads were not covered with anything other than ski masks. Two shots, one to each head of the shooters, would have ended the carnage.

But the dishonest left will blame the carnage on the NRA (O’Malley), the gun “lobby” (Clinton), Republicans (Moulitas of DailyKos), prayers by Christian believers (the New York Post), anything but Islam’s radical teachings. CAIR, a co-conspirator in the Holyland Foundation trial, will blame this on mental illness, or of course, the every handy Islamophobia excuse. This is the same group who has seen many of its own leadership convicted on terrorism/terrorism support charges.

For weeks we will hear about the evils of the NRA, gun dealers, gun manufacturers, the ease of obtaining a firearm, yada, yada, yada. We will hear how we have to have greater gun control because everyone knows that will stop the slaughter of Americans being committed by the likes of Nidal Hassan, the Tsarnaev Brothers, and the 9/11 Muslims.

After September 11, 2001 I said that the tactics of Muslim radicals would change. They would start killing us in smaller groups, be it 1, 5, 15. The radical Muslim goal is to kill us be it one at a time or 3,000 at a time. It won’t matter the number, just that there are dead Americans.

Who do I really blame for these heinous acts? Those that subscribe to political correctness insisting that we cannot examine the cultural differences between our American ideals and the cult known as Islam. We will hear about the Crusades by those who know little, or nothing of the real purpose of the Crusades and who ignore the centuries that Islam hoards marched across Europe with the goal of either forcing their religion on the Christian west or slaughtering all who would not submit. We will be told how Islam is a religion of peace.

And across the pond, the Paris police have told Jews to cancel their public Chanukah candle lighting ceremonies for fear of terrorism. Will the Paris police also put an end to the Muslims praying in the streets? Take note, liberals; Europe is committing political suicide. Is that what you want for our nation?

CAIR should be declared a terrorist organization. They lobby legislators and block legislation that allows surveillance of radical mosques. The oppose proposals to more effectively investigate and vet immigrants from the terrorist-breeding region. The denounce calling these actions what they are… radical Islamic terror.

The exact same argument the left makes against the NRA can be applied, point by point, here. Only difference is, it has the air of truth about it in this case.

By the way, I don’t expect to see some of the usual left-wing subjects visiting this discussion; much too little opportunity to avoid blatant facts.


It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know; it is also possible this was workplace-related we don’t know why they did it.

The above is why we have Lefties who say Islamic jihadi deaths are so low in the USA.
All the prep in the couple’s home for WEEKS according to neighbors.
Wearing cameras.
Why would a loving mom give up her life with her baby because hubby’s job was somehow unsatisfactory?
And this after his fellow workers threw her and the baby a big baby shower.

Obama is full of it.
It was NOT workplace violence.
Sure, he had their social media SCRUBBED before their names were announced.
But doesn’t that make Obama an accessory after the fact?

Too bad the neighbor followed PC, like clock boy’s teacher should have done.
She didn’t call in a bomb factory right next door out of fear of being looked at as a ”hater.”
14 people would have loved it had she followed her instincts instead of PC!

Oh, and just so you all know… thoughts and prayers are going out to God in behalf of these victims.
We are only learning about any of them today.

I agree this was terrorism–planned in advance and almost certainly religiously motivated.
This guy had a 70k a year job and a 6 month old baby-he probably shot up his co-workers because of some additional displeasure.
The complete story will be known within a few days at most.

Here’s my question—why does the concept of regulating the purchase of semi automatic weapons so that at least some of these crazies–or terrorists can’t get their hands on them so bothersome to gun advocates. Do we just continue to do nothing? I support 2nd amendment rights–I don’t think the government has a grand plan to take away our guns.

I don’t blame BHO OR “W” or some boogyman —-BUT—-these shootings can not just be accepted as the norm—-“nothing to see here.”



CAIR should be declared a terrorist organization.

They have been; by the UAE. They were also unindicted co-conspirators of the Holyland Foundation trial. They have consistently funneled money to radical Islamic groups. The FBI refuses to work with CAIR any longer.

They lobby legislators and block legislation that allows surveillance of radical mosques.

While France recently shuts down 3 radical mosques.

The oppose proposals to more effectively investigate and vet immigrants from the terrorist-breeding region.

Conquering through hijrah.

Meanwhile, Democrats will blame anyone but who is actually responsible for yesterday’s heinous acts. They will blame the NRA, Republicans, Christians, et al, but never mention the enemy that is already inside our gates. No, they will not be happy until every one of us are disarmed and no longer have a way to protect ourselves, and our families and co-workers from those who are truly evil due to a cult that functions as a religion.

Obama will never call yesterday what it was; terrorism committed by radical Muslims. Already he is throwing out the “workplace violence” meme, the same thing he did after the Fort Hood shootings committed by a radical SOA (Soldier of Allah) Muslim.

Omar Ahmad
Co-Founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
CAIR-SFBA Executive Committee Member
President and CEO of Silicon Expert Technologies
Former Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) Officer

Omar Ahmad was captured on FBI surveillance tapes at Hamas meetings in the U.S.A. during 1993 explaining that the IAP could not, for political reasons, admit its support for Hamas, and then discussing how the Hamas agenda could be cloaked and advanced. Omar Ahmad’s airfare and hotel bills for this meeting were paid for by the Holy Land Foundation

“Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping Mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam … Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

“Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide,” … “They kill themselves for Islam.”

@rich wheeler: Rich, history proves that once a regulation is in place addition restrictions and regulations will follow. History proves that the bad guy will get the guns and regulations just restrict normal citizens. Do you really think a radical islamic terrorist will not commit this evil because they have no access to the necessary tools to commit this evil? I agree with taking action but I would believe protecting our borders and and prevention of terrorist entering our country would be far better. I don’t believe any normal person accepts this as normal, I don’t think you do either so I’m not making the accusation. America IS frustrated with America’s failure to prevent these crimes but what action is needed is the real challenge. If America wants to change our constitutional rights then there is a process to do so which requires specific actions. I doubt seriously that America supports what you propose. It’s time to recognize this fact and move on.

During the press conference with CAIR and the terrorists family last night the Attorney carefully stopped the brother from speaking too much, I am sure they will do the same with the FBI and DHS questioning as well.
Which leads me to believe that if everyone at the holiday gathering would have received a trophy for the ugly sweater contest this could have all been prevented.

@Common Sense and Dr J: I’m not proposing anything. This guy was an American citizen with a good job, and new baby–what does tightening the borders have to do with him–how bout the crazy in Colorado–border closing?
Different issues–this is gun violence perpetrated by American citizens–Muslim or otherwise–should we just accept it for the “greater good.”Should the hundreds of grieing families just be told sh– happens-lets move on. We gotta be better than that.

Being a little snarky—Do you think it just a total coincidence that the Colorado Springs shooter ended up in the PP building? Just askin
I’ll stand down Enjoy the day.

@rich wheeler:

This guy had a 70k a year job and a 6 month old baby-he probably shot up his co-workers because of some additional displeasure.

There’s that word “probably” that you on the left so love to use when you don’t have the answers.

Here’s my question—why does the concept of regulating the purchase of semi automatic weapons so that at least some of these crazies–or terrorists can’t get their hands on them so bothersome to gun advocates.

The four guns the terrorists had were purchased legally; in California, a state with some of the most stringent gun laws in the nation. What other law would you have enacted to prevent the terrorists from getting those weapons?

And perhaps you would not mind giving up your First Amendment rights to free speech since there are those who abuse the privilege. Same thing; different Amendment.

Frankly, we need more law abiding citizens armed; at work, at home, at school. These terrorists were wearing ski masks. Last time I check, a ski mask is not bullet proof and a legally carrying trained shooter would have provided the ultimate tax payer relief head shot, with prejudice.

Not surprised that you, a left winger, would call for more gun control laws. I am remembering how well that worked out for the German Jews and the American Indians. It’s not about the shootings, it’s about the control.

@Richard Wheeler:

Different issues–this is gun violence perpetrated by American citizens–Muslim or otherwise–should we just accept it for the “greater good.”Should the hundreds of grieing families just be told sh– happens-lets move on. We gotta be better than that.

Well, Bubba, more people are killed by drunk drivers every year and I don’t seem to remember you advocating more “control” over who can buy a motor vehicle or get a driver’s license. Should we just tell the grieving families of those killed by drunk drivers sh- happens? Maybe you support a reinstate of Prohibition so that no one can buy alcoholic beverages? Oh, that worked out well, didn’t it? Alcohol flowed during that time and make the Mafia very, very wealthy.

The terrorist traveled to the Middle East to get himself a wife. It is also being reported that he was in contact with other radical Muslims. Perhaps we should accept that we are at war with a [majority] segment of Islam instead of the loser who occupies the White House throwing out the possibility of “work place violence” just as he did after 14 lost their lives at Fort Hood (yes, I counted the unborn child as one of those who were slaughtered at Fort Hood).

@retire05: Many hunting rifles are semi automatic, with the millions of these type of firearms so very few used in attacks. But the government will lump them in with AR15 and AK47s in the statistics and regulations. We all saw the tactical vehicles used in this situation why are they all ordered back to the military surplus from local law enforcement departments. Now with terrorism on the rise I think they are more than ever needed everywhere in the country, along with the other tactical gear the feds are taking back.

@rich wheeler:

Here’s my question—why does the concept of regulating the purchase of semi automatic weapons so that at least some of these crazies–or terrorists can’t get their hands on them so bothersome to gun advocates.

I own several semi-automatic handguns and a couple of semi-automatic rifles. NONE of them have ever been used to kill anyone. Explain to us exactly how “regulating” the purchase of these items can prevent what happened. Hint: they’re already regulated, especially in your state where it happened.

I support 2nd amendment rights–I don’t think the government has a grand plan to take away our guns.

As I’ve pointed out before, there are plenty of leaders in your party like Durbin, Schumer etc. who have publicly stated for years they don’t believe in the Second Amendment and want firearms banned, period. It’s public record. I firmly believe given the power trip the current POTUS has, if he has his way he would ban them.
Once again, within a matter of a couple of hours, he along with other leaders in the Party were calling for more gun control. I read posts on the net last night whereby members of your side of the aisle were blaming this on white Christians, conservatives, and “right wing extremists”. If you were to read about the tactics used by the Lenins, Stalins, and Hitlers of the world you would find that they used similar tactics to consolidate their power and control people. Hence one of the reasons I and many others are pretty staunch in our support for the Constitution, including the right to keep and bear arms.

@retire05: C’mon o5–Obama’s not calling this workplace violence–This guy is an American citizen terrorist—why he picked his fellow workers to kill? Probably only matters to their families-we’ll learn more.
The more shootings the more guns are sold.Fear definitely motivates this.
You are saying current gun laws did not prevent the purchase of these semi-automatic weapons–exactly.
The laws restricting, and punishment for, drinking impaired and driving are substantially stronger than they were 20-30 years ago..


Frankly, we need more law abiding citizens armed; at work, at home, at school. These terrorists were wearing ski masks. Last time I check, a ski mask is not bullet proof and a legally carrying trained shooter would have provided the ultimate tax payer relief head shot, with prejudice.

I agree. But we also need to do more. In this particular situation, given how heavily armed they were, one person would have only made so much of a difference. I am CCW holder and a better than average shot. Armed with a handgun going up against 2 or 3 people with rifles I may have been able to take out one of them and that’s it. The other one or two would have still been free to continue. Had the neighbors reported them, perhaps this would have been headed off at the pass. Unfortunately, they didn’t because of the PC mentality that has overtaken the country.

I was pretty disgusted yesterday with seeing my fb newsfeed blow up with people in the news running their mouths and friends wringing their hands over gun violence, over how it probably was some rightwing militia group perhaps inspired by Colorado Springs/PP; I saw someone else saying it probably wasn’t a Syrian refugee. So much politicization! One friend linked to this Alan Colmes idiocy: Planned Parenthood Clinic Across Street From San Bernardino Shooting. Wtf?! Political rabble-rousing? Inciting political hatred? I don’t find it a whole lot better that some on the right will also jump the gun before all facts are in, as if they’re praying and aching for the situation to confirm their ideological biases.

On an aside, my parents had a house in Redlands and I graduated from Redlands High. And they also have a house in Colorado Springs, where I spent 4 years of my childhood and was there in October.

@rich wheeler:

C’mon o5–Obama’s not calling this workplace violence–

President Barack Obama says it’s possible the mass shooting in California was related to terrorism but that authorities still don’t know. He says it’s possible it was workplace-related or that there were mixed motives.

This guy is an American citizen terrorist—why he picked his fellow workers to kill?

So was Nidal Hassan. He was born in Virginia. So your playing on the fact that this terrorist was home-grown is moot. He was, first and foremost, a radical Islamist. Just as Hassan was.

Why did he pick his fellow workers to kill? Perhaps because they were gathered in a gun free zone.

And yes, the laws on drunk driving have been strengthened in the last few decades. How has that prevented one death caused by a drunk driver?

This shooting will get wordsmithed just like the left is now calling it the “Planned Parenthood” shooting. The guy shot NO ONE inside Planned Parenthood. It could just as well have been called the (name the street) shooting, but your tribe can’t get any benefit calling it what it was, the killing of people by a nut case who ducked into Planned Parenthood simply for convenience, not to kill the people inside. If the shooter had an axe to grind with PP, he would have shot the people inside, not outside.

Reason and logic seems to escape the left.

@DrJohn: Mentally ill for sure—shouldn’t be carrying. Lucky he didn’t take out more citizens.

05 “Ducked into Planned Parenthood for convenience.” That’s reason and logic?? We’ll see.

Also forgot this:

@Richard Wheeler:

Own up to it; the shooter was NOT targeting PP or its staff and clients. And he had ample opportunity to shoot them.

If the left can’t spin these events, making sure to not let a crisis go to waste, they have nothing. Just look at the comment by Markos Moulitas, he’s one of your tribe.


Wtf?! Political rabble-rousing? Inciting political hatred? I don’t find it a whole lot better that some on the right will also jump the gun before all facts are in, as if they’re praying and aching for the situation to confirm their ideological biases.

Unfortunately that’s the way it is. When the chief rabble-rouser happens to be the President, don’t expect it to get better any time soon. This country has always been divided to some extent, but this is probably the worse it has been since the end of the war, that being the Civil War.

@rich wheeler: Rich, gun laws would NOT have stopped this radical islamic terrorist!! He is born in the US but his wife was NOT. Do you believe that this was a well planned terrorist act or work place violence. Yes he killed co workers but his residence or hide out had pipe bombs and material to make more. Your comment to enhance gun laws NOW won’t do anything for those already murdered. I would say that stricter border enforcement would in the future likely prevent some of these crazies from cruising into our country. Evil will find a way including getting guns. To restrict Americans and their constitutional rights in my opinion is NOT the answer!!

Some assh*le reporter on ABC coined another new lefty term
“hybrid workplace jihad” WTF? He has to have got that from some college professor.
With all the call for more gun control I can see the semi auto sales are going to skyrocket
That Obama guy must own stock.

Perhaps more attention should be paid to anyone who acquires 2,000 9-millimeter handgun rounds and 2,500 .223-caliber assault rifle rounds over too short a time period. Would that be too intrusive?

In many states you’re required to sign for routine purchases of over-the-counter cold and allergy medication. That’s required of all, because of the few who would utilize ingredients for illegal drug production.

You can’t find the situations to red flag for closer inspection if you don’t have the wider database to to begin with. This was the logic behind the NSA’s data mining of comprehensive telephone call databases.

About 44 people are murdered each day in the USA
Would you agree that most of those doing the killing are Christians?
These Muslims that killed would they be considered right wing? Or left wing?
Conservatives or progressives?
Religious or secular?
Pro abortion or anti abortion?
Pro 2nd Amendment or Anti 2nd Amendment
Gun fondlers or gun haters pro gay or anti gay?
Certainly Anerican conservatives DO have much in common with radical conservative Americans

@rich wheeler:

Here’s my question—why does the concept of regulating the purchase of semi automatic weapons so that at least some of these crazies–or terrorists can’t get their hands on them so bothersome to gun advocates.

Isn’t it already regulated? I believe it is. How about this; instead of restricting law abiding citizens, we regulate those of a group that are prone to terrorism and stop their purchases of weapons? Oh, sure, many are law abiding and peaceful, but some aren’t. Sure, in light of the recent (and future) attacks by radical Muslims, some Muslims may have a legitimate need to defend themselves against attackers on their innocent selves. The same could apply to blacks, since they account for a disproportionate amount of the crime AND many have become the worst of the worst of Muslims. Sure, if a citizen, they have a 2nd Amendment right to defend themselves.

Just TOO F***ING BAD. If telling every other American that same message is OK, why not focus it on the actual problem?

THAT’s the problem… the left gives no thought to actually addressing the problem of violent, gun-related crime; all they care about is using the tragedies as a means to disarmament. Disarmament of us common slobs, anyway.

Farook’s weapons laid on a shelf just like mine do and until he picked them up and started killing with them, they were just as cold and inanimate as mine. The gun is not the murderer… the MURDERER is the murderer.

C’mon o5–Obama’s not calling this workplace violence–This guy is an American citizen terrorist—why he picked his fellow workers to kill? Probably only matters to their families-we’ll learn more.

Obama should keep his mouth shut but to say that he, along with us, is praying and grieving along with the survivors. But, then his cohorts would be including HIM in denigrating prayer. Whenever he opens his yap, he creates more inflammation, which very well could be his goal.

I’m not proposing anything. This guy was an American citizen with a good job, and new baby–what does tightening the borders have to do with him–how bout the crazy in Colorado–border closing?

Not every future terror attack is going to come from a home-grown nut. Besides, he went to Saudi Arabia and should have been flagged when he returned with Mrs. Terrorist.

@Common Sense: What we have seen with the huge number of regulations already on the books is that the lazy federal government, lacking any and all accountability for failure, does not implement the regulations very well. The left, however, does not care about this as it, too, serves there purpose of presenting the opportunity to push for MORE control.

@another vet:

Had the neighbors reported them, perhaps this would have been headed off at the pass. Unfortunately, they didn’t because of the PC mentality that has overtaken the country.

Because of the rabid left wing reaction to the hoax-bomb making clock-kid.

@Wordsmith: Despite the fact that common sense would tell you the left would deem it best to simply be quiet on this one and pretend it never happened (as they do all the shootings in Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, DC and Detroit) but apparently they can’t help themselves and have to exploit ANY tragedy to try and gain a political advantage. Why not? Who holds THEM accountable for getting caught lying, exaggerating and deleting details and context? The media? They ARE the media!

@John: 80 % of violent crimes (murder would fall in there somewhere) are committed by democrats, not conservative leaning huh.

@Bill: ahh the media…….
Now of course. What you mean by that is not ALL media because certainly Fox News is fair and balanced, what you actually mean by THE MEDIA Is that media which most Americans choose to consume but that you do not like
You just don’t like the fact that Americans don’t like Fox probably you think more should be forced to watch Fox just for their own good

President behind the curveball:

President Obama said Wednesday’s mass shooting in Southern California is possibly related to terrorism, but authorities still are not sure of the reason behind the attack.

“At this stage we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred,” he said Thursday in a rare statement from the Oval Office. “It is possible this was terrorist related but we don’t know. It’s also possible this was workplace related.”

Obama said federal investigators will get to the bottom of yesterday’s shooting, but cautioned against rushing to judgment about the shooters’ motives.

“We are going to be vigilant as we always are in getting the facts before we issue any decisive judgments on how this occurred,” he said.

Did he have all the facts in yesterday when he began talking again about mass shootings and gun violence?

How classy when he was in Paris and began making it about us/him when talking about American mass shootings and violence; and insensitivity when saying it only happens in America amongst “advanced countries” (granted, I believe he was asked to comment on Colorado Springs shootings- but still! He should have had better sense).

And Reid today:

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid blasted GOP senators for their continued opposition to gun control legislation in the wake of yesterday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, saying the NRA has become a “quasi-militant wing of the Republican Party.”

And in wake of Robert Dear killings, he used that for political opportunism to attack Planned Parenthood defunding.

@another vet #19 –

Armed with a handgun going up against 2 or 3 people with rifles I may have been able to take out one of them and that’s it.

Unfortunately, too many CCW holders overestimate their skill with their weapon and do not take range practice on a regular basis, and do not keep their weapon clean and in good working order. My worry in this regard is a lesser skilled CCW holder thinking they can confront this kind of shooter and ends up making a poor shooting decision.

@David: Very true but these types are cowards choosing no gun zones, and if some one starts shooting back it could change the bodycount.

@retire05: Are you sure he wasn’t targeting PP–You don’t wanna wait for the facts?

BTW My use of “tribe” came from Bill’s use when describing mine–Dems I guess. Thought it strange—now you actually do have “tribe” heritage I believe.

@Greg: Perhaps more attention should be paid to anyone who acquires 2,000 9-millimeter handgun rounds and 2,500 .223-caliber assault rifle rounds over too short a time period. Would that be too intrusive?

The handguns he may have bought himself.
But the others as well as the extra-large capacity magazines were bought by someone out of CA (where those things are illegal.)
Ammo is sold in little boxes of 50 bundled into packages of 500. (ten boxes)
To get a sale price you often must by multiple packages of the 500.
So, having a purchase of 2000 or 3000 is common.
I can run through over 800 rounds in one session of target practice.
I don’t think his purchases (the legal CA ones) stood out from most gun owners purchases.


Because of the rabid left wing reaction to the hoax-bomb making clock-kid.

The left will be in full CYA mode after jumping the gun and blaming conservatives and “angry white people”. It’ll be interesting to see how they will shift the blame or change the subject rather than admit they were wrong as usual.


And in wake of Robert Dear killings, he (Reid) used that for political opportunism to attack Planned Parenthood defunding.

That’s what Democrats, and this Administration, does. They use any crisis to push their anti-2nd Amendment agenda. Take this comment from the Attorney General, according to the NYTimes:

In Washington, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch said in a statement that the shooting was “not only a crime against the Colorado Springs community, but a crime against women receiving health care services at Planned Parenthood, law enforcement seeking to protect and serve, and other innocent people. It was also an assault on the rule of law, and an attack on all Americans’ right to safety and security.”

How was it a crime against women receiving health care services at Planned Parenthood when the shooter never harmed even one hair on the head of anyone inside PP?

The shooter is a fruit cake, into pot and kinky sex. But none of that matters to the left who sees an opportunity to advance their goal to abolish the 2nd Amendment while they continue to support funding for a non-government corporation that slaughters babies with abandon.

@David: Sorry to say I’ve been on the range when some of these folks put their big man-sized silhouettes 20 feet out and proceed to shoot the hanger down. Usually they’re the ones spouting off like they’re some sort of an authority on firearms. The shithouse lawyers out there aren’t only limited to some of our resident lefties.

@Richard Wheeler:

Thought it strange—now you actually do have “tribe” heritage I believe

Yes, I do. My ancestors are listed on the Dawes Roll. And when I hear/read the whining done by blacks, who slaughtered my ancestors with abandon, it makes me want to retch. In Houston, there is a Buffalo Soldier Museum that every Native American should protest. But the left is more interested in changing the names of football teams, not telling history the way it really was instead of how they want it to be.

@another vet: I live here about 60 miles from the shootings—Was glued to T.V a good part of the day–Watched several local channels plus CNN and Fox-Saw no one blaming “angry white people.” for the shootings.
As usual, I thought Bill O’Reilly covered it the best.

@Greg: Ammo can be likened to light bulbs it fits many types of firearms. The 9mm is a very very common type of gun to flag that type of ammo would be a waste of time.
Tracing hollowpoint and armour piercing would make some sense.

@another vet:

The left will be in full CYA mode after jumping the gun and blaming conservatives and “angry white people”. It’ll be interesting to see how they will shift the blame or change the subject rather than admit they were wrong as usual.

Nah, they won’t bother with any retraction or apology. They will simply act as though it never happened, or they may just continue with the meme as if they believe it to be true.

@Richard Wheeler:

BTW My use of “tribe” came from Bill’s use when describing mine–Dems I guess. Thought it strange—now you actually do have “tribe” heritage I believe.

Here at work there is a Mexican guy I have worked with for about 30 years. When we are talking about things in general and he talks about something stupid some white guy did, he always adds, “That’s YOUR tribe!” In jest, of course.


Perhaps more attention should be paid to anyone who acquires 2,000 9-millimeter handgun rounds and 2,500 .223-caliber assault rifle rounds over too short a time period. Would that be too intrusive?

Lots of people buy large quantities of ammunition. Like to know why? Because this administration made it a point to buy millions and millions of rounds of pistol and rifle ammunition to drive the price up and make it all but unavailable. So, when it became available or a good price could be found, most people purchase a stock of it. If you find someone having a lot of ammunition disconcerting, you can thank your corrupt left wing agenda for it.

@John: Any part of the media that makes any killer out to be a Christian terrorist simply because they may happen to be Christian is part of the corrupt media. And, no, I have not detected Fox taking that tack. Perhaps we can accuse all white-haired people of being potential murderers and lock them up… Dear had white hair. Certainly we can’t accuse those with black hair of being a monolithic group of terrorists, could we? That applies to too much of the left wing demographic, despite the fact that it is probably true.

@Bill, #44:

Any part of the media that makes any killer out to be a Christian terrorist simply because they may happen to be Christian is part of the corrupt media.

You don’t seem to understand that this is a deliberate response to the right’s fixation on making Obama say the word “Islamic” whenever he says the word “terrorist.” He doesn’t do that because he doesn’t want to alienate Muslims whose cooperation will be needed to deal effectively with Islamic extremism. Is this too difficult to grasp?

@Richard Wheeler: Read the comments myself last night on a Fox News thread, something I normally don’t do. Didn’t you bother to read Dr.J’s original post or Word’s #23? The examples they provided are pretty straightforward.

@another vet: You are right. It appears we exist in 2 different universes—I saw nothing of what you speak==I thought BHO’S talk calm, moderate and reasoned
I don’t waste time with people like Markos or Hannity.
BTW I’m leaning Libertarian for Prez unless Donald gets the nod and I can’t “waste” my vote

@Bill: I’m figuring what they will do is spread the blame. It’ll be the fault of conservatives because they used guns. It’ll be the fault of his co-workers (this is where “workplace violence” will come in) because they had some sort of a disagreement with him. After the blame is amply distributed, then they may place what little is left on him and his Islamic radicalism. You do know it takes a village to raise a child not parents or a family. It’s everyone’s fault and we all need to share in the blame, minus the left of course. Their rules don’t apply to them.

@another vet: It was very straightforward in the Fox News thread that angry white people were being blamed. Now, who do you think Markos was blaming? According to the left, the GOP is made up of a bunch of angry white people, specifically males. Connect the dots or better yet, go in there and read the thread Word linked to. Who do think the Daily News was referring to? Liberals? How about Bloomberg? We truly do live in two different universes if you are trying to state that the left didn’t jump the gun on this and blame conservatives.


You don’t seem to understand that this is a deliberate response to the right’s fixation on making Obama say the word “Islamic” whenever he says the word “terrorist.”

Obama doesn’t seem to have a problem calling his enemies Republicans or radical right wing extremists or Christians. Since he uses these terms frequently, the fact he will not call radical Islamic terrorists radical Islamic terrorists only invites the assumption that his loyalties may lie somewhere besides with ALL the American people.

The left has no problem jumping the gun and making the determination that if someone that commits a heinous crime happens to be Christian (sometimes even if it happens by default) then they committed the crime in the name of Christianity. These same people cannot admit that people PROCLAIMING that commit crimes in the name of Islam to promote Islam and to eliminate everything BUT Islam… are Islamic. Now, you explain the motive behind that, Greg.

He should not worry about alienating the Muslims that are not radicalized. Those are not radical Islamists. Bush made it clear we are not at war with Islam… we are at war with RADICAL Islam. If a killer WERE to ever commit a mass killing yelling “Christ is Lord!”, to call that person a radical Christian terrorist would not offend me… because he is not me nor am I him. He is a nut that misrepresents Christianity. I guess Obama does not give Muslims that much credit for intelligence. Or, perhaps, he believes that, like Black Lives Matter, one is not allowed to speak honestly about the failures of some of their own kind.

Radical Islamic terrorists attacked the US on 9/11 before radical Islamic terrorists were accused of anything. Worrying about hurting the feelings of people that behead other people for existing in a different way than they do is a fool’s errand. I don’t quite believe that is a reason.

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