When he was running for President, among the many empty promises made to the country was the assurance he would end “too big to fail.”
One of the central goals of President Obama’s regulatory overhaul plan is to rein in banks and financial institutions that are “too big to fail.” The meltdown that followed the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers exactly one year ago, followed by the nightmarish spectacle of bailing out reckless giants like American International Group and Citigroup, are things that policymakers never want to see again.
“Too big to fail isn’t a policy; it’s a problem,” Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, has often remarked.
But at least for the moment, Too Big To Fail is an even bigger problem now than it was before the crisis. And while Mr. Obama has offered two basic ideas to address it, his economic team has yet to offer anything close to a concrete plan.
To that end, the democrats foisted Dodd-rank upon us. Not only did it not end “too big to fail,” it made things worse. Small banks are dying out, and big banks are growing in size.
The Dodd-Frank Act was supposed to end investors’ perception that the largest financial firms are “too big to fail” (TBTF) and remove the risk that a large institutional failure could create financial instability unless the government protected investors from loss. Four years on, Dodd-Frank has imposed huge regulatory burdens that are sapping economic growth, but it has not ended TBTF or the possibility of taxpayer bailouts.
Obama’s dereliction is so “transparent”, if you will, that the left found itself in a uandry. At HuffPo, Eric Zuesse asked “Why Won’t Obama Go After Criminal Bankers? When it comes to Wall St crimes, Obama is literally looking the other way.
On 24 September 2013, Syracuse University’s “TRAC Reports,” which is the only organization that tabulates the federal government’s prosecutions of elite financial crimes, headlined “Slump in FBI White Collar Crime Prosecutions,” and reported that “prosecutions of white collar criminals recommended by the FBI are substantially down during the first ten months of Fiscal Year 2013.” This was especially so in the Wall Street area: “In the last year, the judicial District Court recording the largest projected drop in the rate of white collar crime prosecutions — 27.8 percent — was the Southern District of New York (Manhattan).”
On other words, the investigations are there. The criminals referrals are there. Obama is protecting them. 95% of the economic gains went to the 1% and that’s precisely what Obama wants.
Salon was even more outraged:
PBS Frontline’s stunning report last night on why the Obama administration has refused to prosecute any Wall Streeter involved in the financial meltdown doesn’t just implicitly indict a political and financial press that utterly abdicated its responsibility to cover such questions. It also — and as importantly — exposes the genuinely radical jurisprudential ideology that Wall Street campaign contributors have baked into America’s “justice” system. Indeed, after watching the piece, you will understand that the word “justice” belongs in quotes thanks to an Obama administration that has made a mockery of the name of a once hallowed executive department.
Reagan prosecuted thousands of bankers on the S&L scandal. Obama has given more matches and fuel to those who burned down our financial institutions and left countless billions of our money to go up in smoke. It is arguably the biggest malfeasance of Obama’s tenure and no one talks about it.
We have arrived at a point in history when it was never more clear that there is a two-tiered justice system (maybe more than that). Hillary Clinton on July 25
I am confident that I never sent or received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received.
As events have proven, that patently false. As I wrote, Scooter Libby went to prison for less than what Clinton has done. 671 of Clinton’s emails contained classified information. For nearly the same actions, Thomas Drake and David Petraeus faced charges.
Unfortunately, the laws are different for the Clinton’s than they are for us. FBI Director James Comey provides this assurance:
This is one I am following very closely and get briefed on regularly. I’m confident we have the people and resources to do it in the way I believe we do all our work, which is promptly, professionally and independently.
But there is a fly that’s bigger than the ointment:
Comey, a Republican, would approve any initial recommendation for a prosecution, but it would be left to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, a Democrat, to decide whether to proceed.
National Security Attorney Edward MacMahon opines:
MacMahon said that if a lower-level government employee “cooked up their own home server” and received emails containing classified information, “they would have already been arrested.”
Then he adds:
I don’t think there’s any chance of them charging Hillary Clinton.
She’s too big to jail. Not just physically.
There is so much talk about wealth inequality and income inequality. Both have gotten worse under the Obama regime. Justice inequality is about to join them. Barack Obama is no Ronald Reagan. He can’t even fill Richard Nixon’s shoes. Bill Clinton did say “There’s one set of rules for us and another set for everybody else.” Why not add one more piece of Obama’s legacy on the top of the funeral pyre Obama is making of American integrity.
Years ago I asserted that Obama would do for the US what he did for Parc Grove. I could not have been more clairvoyant.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Looks like Hillary will be POTUS doesn’t it Dr J?
She’ll walk the cell block as big, bad mama. Her fellow prisoners will ask, “what the b**** do?”
“If you need to ask, you gonna be gone, sucker.”
Please note the * letters are for the more sensitive readers. 🙂
David I am afraid you are going to suffer another grave disappointment
No jail for Hillary
1600 Pennsylvanua Ave
Really, when was the last time one of your fantasies came to pass ?
Above we see two lap-dog liberals celebrating the wealthy beating the justice system. The avow their unconditional support to proven liars and criminals. Worse, they would, if successful, taunt the law-abiding with the outcome.
This is liberalism; admitted failure, corruption and ineptitude which triumphs (sometimes) over those who follow the rules regardless of the outcome. We have seen what the country looks like after 7+ years of this ideology (as if the history of Nazi Germany was not enough). I pray to God that enough people realize this destructive behavior and vote every single one of them into oblivion. Only then will the wheels of justice begin to turn against them.
Don’t Hillary’s supporters notice Hillary’s iffy health? By her own admission she has blinding headaches, dizziness, and trembling in her hands.
These have forced her to cancel several meetings and cut back on her campaign schedule.
The fact that she admitted to having had a blood clot in her brain that was why she couldn’t make previous meetings is well known.
Her weird glasses that she wore because of double vision were seen on televised meetings she attended.
She might be too frail to jail were it to come to that.
How can she serve as president?
@Nanny G: Liberals simply don’t care. All that matters is that she is liberal and being the first woman President is just a bonus. However, like the first black President makes all blacks appear incompetent, so would Hillary as the first woman require a follow up woman to simply prove a woman actually CAN do the job competently.
If she drops in office, they can always blame the Republicans. Never let a crisis go to waste.
Whoever is cranking out the severely Photoshopped images of Hillary Clinton for conservative blogs and forums clearly doesn’t understand how women voters will react upon seeing such photographs.
@Bill: “first b(B)lack President makes all blacks appear incompetent.” Do you actually believe that.?
How bout Sarah Palin makes all Conservatives appear to be uninformed buffoons.
BTW Where is Palin? Doesn’t she have the guts to challenge HRC?
DrJ That picture–Ha
How bout another one of The Donald
@Rich Wheeler:
No. No, I don’t. But would you agree that enough prejudice exists in this nation today to believe that many would expect the first black President to prove himself capable? For anyone that has the bias that blacks are incapable of carrying out complex functions, Obama certainly supports all the stereotypes. Untrustworthy, incompetent, lazy…
Meanwhile, there’s Carson, Cain, West, Watts… a plethora of blacks that are actual leaders that I hold in extremely high regard. I’ll hazard a guess that some exist on the Democrat side, but unfortunately all the liberal media will promote are the race-baiting extremists.
Palin has nothing to be ashamed of; her “buffoonery” is strictly a product of the liberal media. There is not ONE true example of her actually being “stupid”… it is every bit a personal attack by those who proclaim to honor and respect women.
I would put my money on Palin in a one-to-one with Hillary. However, Palin is sensitive to, not just the personal attacks on her, but the vicious, vile attacks on her family; it’s why she resigned as Governor.
@Nanny G: Nanny she seemed to hold p quite well to an 11 hour interogation
Most people think that she made that investigating committee look like amateurs
If she was so weak why did she loom so strong there? Let em guess you didn’t see her
The first black POTUS has poll numbers about 300% higher tha current congress and 200% higher than Buffoon Bush
Lefty socialists feel pretty confident about the POTUS 2016 election.
How do Cons feel?
Cruz is currently at 40-1 odds
@Bill: You say you don’t believe what you stated–then you double down “for anyone who has the bias that Blacks–correctly capitalized–are incapable of carrying out complex functions–.stereotyped as untrustworthy, incompetent and lazy.” Your words. Your beliefs?
Agree with you “enough prejudice (RACISM) exists in this country.” Too much
Palin’s buffoonery her own making—Couric interview a prime example.
I certainly don’t tarnish all Conservatives with it.
Bill I am afraid you are in for quite a disappointment in 2016
Palin can’t even get an invite to the 2012 convention she is such an embarrassment
She was/is a great gift to the left. Thank you .
I know Hitlery should go to jail, just allowing her lawyer to look at any of the documents without proper clearance is a crime. Her high fiving her brain dead followers after her testimony, 4 men lying cold in graves.
Do I think this administration will allow any charges to be brought up against her, that justice would be allowed. Sorry I don’t believe it, I hope I am wrong and a designer orange pantsuit is her next fashion statement, she will sit in Martha Stewarts’ cell in a “resort like” minimum security womens prison.
This is just another bogus scandal that’s rapidly evaporating as people realize republicans have no evidence to back their accusations up.
Meanwhile, we’re now in the 11th month of having republican majorities in both the House and Senate. Name one constructive thing they’ve accomplished.
@Greg: Four people died on her watch, idiot! We STILL do not know what they were doing there, why the facility was so poorly defended, why repeated requests for additional security measures and/or personnel went unheeded, or what actions, if any, were taken by Madame Secretary, or POTUS, save that he had an extraordinarily important fund-raiser in Vegas and apparently needed his beauty sleep.
The last time one of our ambassadors was assassinated in-country was during the Jimmy Carter years. Chris Stevens’ life was taken prematurely and the administration, with the assistance Dem’s AV club covered it up. The deflection story of a YouTube video sparking a spontaneous demonstration was so flimsy as to defy credulity. Your attempted defense of the indefensible is simply disgraceful.
@Rich Wheeler:
Do you have some serious problem with reading and understanding? How many times does one have to write the SAME THING before you relent and understand?
Sorry, let’s not play your game right now.
@Greg: NOW we know that Obama lied about being aware of Hillary’s secret, unsecured private email server; we have emails to and from her and, while we don’t have the content, we have the headings.
Beyond any (ANY) doubt, Hillary mishandled classified information. She also neglected her duties as Secretary of State and allowed a consulate, where some sneaking things were going on, to remain undefended… ON 9/11 and consequently sacked. Then, she and Obama lied about the cause. We also now know that she was warned NOT to bring undue attention to the stupid video, as it could make the security situation there worse… and they just went ahead and did it; a disregard (not just the negligence of before) for safety and security.
You and Rich should move in together. Then, when you don’t pay your electric bill, you can deny the electricity is off and Rich can ask why the electric company didn’t tell them they needed to pay for the electricity.
@Bill: My game??
You are the one who continues to negatively stereotype Blacks as ” untrustworthy, incompetent, lazy” etc. I see no one else here suggesting that.
Don’t confuse me with supporters of HRC—-I see a Rubio/Kasich Fla./Ohio ticket as the best way to beat her.
George Welcome back—Your assessment of Cruz is spot on. His appeal is narrow but I think he will move up and secure red meat right support of around 25 %.
@Greg: You would be squealing if the Reps used the tactics of Harry to further an agenda, the constitution is only valid to liberals when they can twist it to some strange utopian cause. Willing to give Ryan a chance but no real faith in McConnell. Oh what great constructive legislation came from the Dems when they were in control?
@Me: This investigation/hearing simply premature, all the “evidence” is not in, the release of government documents has been at best slow.
I am sure Greg would have loved to be one of those mindless minions that she high fived on her way out of the hearing..what a evil, maggot ridden, rotting heart it takes to celebrate in such a manner. The FBI investigation is still on-going if there isn’t any possible crime what is that all about?
@kitt: This is true, kitt. But we have no answers to the most rudimentary of questions even after an 11 hour hearing. We will probably never know the truth of what happened that night, but we know the Administration lied through their teeth regarding the cause of the attack. We also know they did nothing before September 11 to give the folks in Benghazi a fighting chance.
The title of this article is accurate. Hillary belongs in the Big House, not the White House. She will never spend a night behind bars, because the Administration will have to open itself to a criminal investigation as well. Therefore, DoJ will simply refuse to prosecute. With any luck at all, the electorate will see to her exclusion from our nation’s highest office.
As far as the putrescent character of Hillary’s Harpies, nothing surprises me anymore.
@kitt, #19:
Congress is accomplishing absolutely nothing because you’ve elected people who can’t agree on anything. All they can agree on is that they should blame democrats. They blame democrats even for their own dysfunction.
@Greg:republicans are just as guilty for bringing the country this close to ruin as the dems, no one even knows how many departments comprise our government it really needs to be cut back to be affordable.. No more regulations.
And wheres the vast list of glorious, saving America legislation from the dems?
@Greg: No, they can’t agree on going along with this loser administration. Some want to enact helpful conservative legislation and many are fearful of the left wing media misrepresenting everything they try to do.
Fearful of the media, but tough enough to stand up to any foreign or domestic boogie man they can think of… Maybe they should all adopt secret superhero identities, to free themselves of any risk of bad publicity.
@Greg: So, you didn’t watch any of the debate, did you? Far from fear of the media, the Republicans tore into the corrupt liberals pretending to be journalists and put them in their cesspool place. The problem is, that is not what they are supposed to be doing… they are supposed to be debating issues. The left, with their weak field of nobodies, socialists and criminals, have no use for that.
Speaking of fearing the media, how many interviews has Hillary had on Fox? In fact, how many questions from Fox has she stood and answered? Why are the Democrats too yellow-streak scared to debate on a Fox forum? Why does Obama hold so few open news conferences (where he answers questions other than those he has pre-approved and does not take 15 minutes to answer each one of THOSE softballs)?
Shall we discuss Obama’s record of standing up to world leaders? ANY leader? Kim Jung Un pushes Obama around. Iran simply farted and fanned it in his face and made him smile. Putin; Obama is scared to DEATH of Putin. Though it is difficult to compare Obama’s failures… they are all so monumental…. making a better deal for the US on any foreign policy issue is certainly nothing to cheer about. If I had demonstrated such abject ignorance and voted for this sham, I would absolutely be too embarrassed to discuss it. Greg, you should not be discussing it.
Truly and clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about, Greg. None.
I think “standing up to world leaders” must be republican code for “we haven’t actually got a clue concerning any alternative approach,” since they never clearly state any. All they’ve got is hot air. They wouldn’t have done what Obama did. They wouldn’t do what Obama is doing, whatever that happens to be at the moment. Elect us and we’ll fix everything. (Details to follow our election.)
Nobody is keeping any of these people from rolling out highly specific and detailed platforms. Nobody is keeping any of Obama’s critics from stating specifically what should be done instead. Nobody is keeping the republican-majority House and Senate from putting together whatever legislation that they want.
Oh yeah? I think I do know what I’m talking about. Nobody had to put these ideas in my head. I can draw my own conclusions. I can see that Donald Trump is a bag of wind that blows whichever way the weather vane of populace opinion is currently pointing. I can see that Ted Cruz is a minor demagogue who has studied his oratorical gestures, pauses, and postures, but doesn’t have much else to offer. I can see that Carly Fiorina nearly ran a major American corporation into the ground before they booted her, and presents what she did as qualifying credentials for the White House. I think what I think for my own reasons. I haven’t been told how to think by FOX News, or MSNBC, or CNN.
@Greg:RE #27 and #28–Bully!!
@Rich Wheeler: Really too bad you don’t have a candidate that is worth the powder to blow them off this planet, if you want the broken down old socialist please move to a socialist country, and Hillary that old bag should be quietly put out to pasture, she is doing in double spades what she railed against during the Bush years what a tired sick old hypocrite.
No one really knows anything about dearest Barry he has sealed his education and state senate voting records, I really wonder what he is trying to hide. Reading his fantasy biography what a pile of steaming horse sh*t. We know he has no respect for the constitution, Nothing but a teleprompter puppet for Soros.
With the stupidity of the liberal-moderated debates, when do they get the opportunity? Regardless, Obama has been a failure 100% of the time dealing with any and all foreign leaders, so left wing criticism of the issue, without first acknowledging its own failure in picking a winner, is moot.
So, you put the idea of Bush lying about WMD’s (in spite of support for them being there since 1991) in your own head? You yourself determined Hillary had no classified information on her secret, unsecured server? You own conclusion that Hillary and Obama never lied about the Benghazi video? Really?
I have been guilty of giving you far more credit for intelligence than you deserve. You are truly an idiot.
Trump IS a bag of wind; but most politicians are. However, as opposed to Obama and Hillary he has succeeded, failed and succeeded (as opposed to simply failing 100% of the time). Trump IS a leader and actually has business and negotiating expertise. He is not likely to make his first order of business to go out into the world and apologize for everything bad that has ever happened or bow to despots.
Cruz has accomplished FAR MORE than Obama had when he ran for President; all Obama had done was campaign; he never even published anything as Harvard Law Review; Cruz has. Cruz has argued before the Supreme court and written opinions. Cruz’s intelligence and the indications of true leadership are there in abundance; all Obama had going for him was his blackness.
Fiorina brought HP back from the dead. Again, if this is your own conclusion, you should try to study the issues a bit more (but it isn’t; it’s what you’ve “heard”). She was run off for being a bit too obstinate with The Boys; even one of those who voted to boot her has since reversed himself.
You routinely pick terrible candidates while criticizing those with promise. Really and truly, you have no idea what you are talking about…. EVER.
@Greg: Four people died on her watch, idiot! We STILL do not know what they were doing there, why the facility was so poorly defended, why repeated requests for additional security measures and/or personnel went unheeded, or what actions, if any, were taken by Madame Secretary, or POTUS, save that he had an extraordinarily important fund-raiser in Vegas and apparently needed his beauty sleep.
Your worst characteristic is your inability and unwillingness to address a direct inquiry.You assert that there is nothing to be found by the investigators looking into the Benghazi matter. Just so, an assertion.
It is not unreasonable to seek answers to these questions and many more, given the result of the current administration’s approach. Stating that it is merely a right-wing witch hunt is at best ignorant, ant more likely blinkered stupidity.