Mr. President, you are a goddam liar.

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Barack Obama is a fundamentally dishonest man. I have stated here repeatedly that I believe him to be a sociopath– not unlike Frank Underwood in House of Cards and I am more convinced of it every time Obama speaks. His endless lying about the ACA is the stuff of legend but what really stands out is his sheer audacious mendacity. When asked if he mislead the country about the ACA, Obama said unequivocally:

“No. I did not.”

Barack Obama is a bald faced liar.  And he just can’t stop. The other night Obama appeared on the TV show of his water boy Jonathan Stewart. In the “interview” Obama blamed Congress for the IRS targeting conservative groups:

President Obama last week blamed the targeting scandal not on poor management but on “crummy” legislation he said Congress passed that gave his employees confusing instructions, and on funding cuts. He said the IRS wasn’t able to do its best work as a result.

Moreover, he called them “stupid.”

Congress has passed a crummy law that didn’t give people guidance in terms of what they were trying to do. They did it poorly and stupidly,” Mr. Obama told “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart. Stewart sat there like a liberal bobble head.

Judicial Watch now has concrete proof that the IRS tried to cover up the IRS targeting of conservatives.

In one Nov. 3, 2011, exchange between Ms. Lerner and Cindy Thomas, a program manager in the Cincinnati office that was handling the cases and was involved in a back-and-forth with Washington, the IRS admitted to having hundreds of cases stacked up and awaiting action.

Afraid of congressional pressure, Ms. Thomas ordered one of the inquiry letters to be sent, just to prevent one of the organizations being held up from complaining.

“Just today, I instructed one of my managers to get an additional information letter out to one of these organizations — if nothing else to buy time so he didn’t contact his Congressional Office,” she wrote in the email released by Judicial Watch.

Ms. Thomas said she feared a judge would get involved soon and order the IRS to move the applications more quickly.

That email exchange did confirm that IRS employees in Washington were deeply involved in making decisions about the nonprofit groups’ cases.


Thing is, the IRS long ago admitted targeting conservative groups for the 2012 election. They IRS even went on to destroy emails after they had been subpoenaed. It takes a sociopath to lie in the face of facts on television. It takes a kowtowing pathetic canker blossom like Stewart not to challenge that screamingly obvious falsehood. When you consider this list of lies, one wonders how many truths Barack Obama has ever even spoken.

Noel Williams calls Obama lies “bad faith” lies:

Obama lies are an outgrowth of what French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre called “bad faith,” in which he not only deceives others, but also himself. In essence, he is choosing to not be free, but engulfed in bad faith. Over time, the habit of lying “divorces [Obama] further and further from reality, so [he] see less and less clearly the choices before [him] and what is at stake in them. Eventually, [he] may be unable to see what [he’s] really doing and how it is affecting others.”

Detached from reality indeed.Obama lies because no one challenges him. He lies because he gets away with it. He lies because he can. He knows his supporters will believe anything he says without so much as a thought and his lapdogs in the media swallow what’s put in their mouths. Some of us won’t swallow.


Mr. President, you are a goddam liar.



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I love the boosting corporate profits BS
Companies in competition need to maintain pricing for their product which is competitive
If the government passes regulations and requirements which increase companies cost (Hint ACA Greg you liberal sycophant) the cost is born by added cost to consumers and decreased benefits to employees
But it’s only evil corporate profits to blame ehhh there Greg
Without “profit” you wouldn’t have funds to spend on social programs because we’d be like Soviet Union all poor, alcoholic and liberal
Again just following the liberal talking points absolutely no original thought just ass lickin diatribe

Presumably you realize that there’s a difference between making honest profits from doing well with a constructive business activity and shaking down your employees, their pension plans, and their healthcare package to increase a profit margin. Perhaps not. The brainwashing seems to go pretty deep.

All gains in profit are not morally equal. Profit margins are not the true measure of the virtue of all things. Unless money has become your god.


HRAs are not a creation of the Affordable Care Act. Nor is the fact that corporations will readily increase profit margins at the expense of current employees and retirees whenever the opportunity presents itself. That has also been going on for years.

Policies get more expensive every year and, thanks to the Abysmal Care Act, much faster than before. THAT is why coverages are being dropped and HRA’s used to replace them.

Further, as discussed before, THIS is the core of the reason for the ACA; to get those before taxes policies eradicated and replaced with TAXABLE income increases to pay for HGA’s.

Please, Greg…. PLEASE don’t deny what Obama and Gruber have already admitted and confirmed. Just……. don’t……. do…… it.

Shaking down your employees
BS Greg just more crap logic
A business must compete if someone does it better and cheaper you have to adapt or die
Liberals think that money is generated by little fairies and we’d all be rich if only those greedy businessmen shared the wealth
Where do you think money for pension plans 401K…comes from
The investors have risked their assets to make a reasonable rate of return
If the business fails they get to write off 1500.00$ on their taxes
If it’s successful depending on state they pay 50-65% of their profit to government
Your just a little thief Greg expecting us to support your useless ideology and listen to your Marxist drivel
Only one getting shaken down is the taxpayer

@Matt, #54:

Liberals think that money is generated by little fairies and we’d all be rich if only those greedy businessmen shared the wealth

Newsflash: Liberals also own and operate businesses. Conservatives don’t have a monopoly on such activity. They only think they do because they’ve been telling each other that for so long. They think they have a monopoly on business, religion, patriotism, and—against all evidence to the contrary—intelligence.


Your insurance changed because ATT is boosting corporate profits by cutting costs.

I know you would prefer a Stalinist government where the means of production is owned by the government, but I don’t and profit is the reason any company is in business. Why would anyone invest their time, energy and money into a non-profit making business?

Nor is the fact that corporations will readily increase profit margins at the expense of current employees and retirees whenever the opportunity presents itself. That has also been going on for years.

When ATT profits increase, so do my dividend checks. You are of the typical leftist opinion that middle class Americans don’t own stock; they do. And they invest in stocks, mostly via 401(K) accounts, to try to build enough wealth to live on when they retire. Every retirement plan, be it the Firefighter’s Union, the Teamsters, or the ones held by ATT employees, invest in stocks. When the profit margin increases, so does their 401(K) account balances.

You said “People are making a lot of highly misleading claims about the Affordable Care Act.” I asked you, like what? Again, you refuse to answer because the answers don’t fit with the lies you spin.

ATT could not, like a lot of companies, afford the new requirements on insurance due to the AACA. Deal with the truth, Greggie Goebbels. Companies, like ATT, have not only a responsibility to their employees, but those who invest in that company, like many of the ATT hourly employees do. If Democrats wanted to really reduce the cost of insurance, which they did not, they would have allowed cross state line policies, allowed for policies designed to fit the patient (no maternity care for 65 year old men) and allowed for catastrophic-only insurance for young adults.

But no, we have to insure illegals and their dependents. Or those useless young adults living in their parent’s basement.

@Greg – You know you got a lot of Arrogance and a lot of ba**s to tell ME I am getting my Information from Conservative “media”…when it is right in MY FACE…what have I, or ANY OTHER AMERICAN HAVE TO GAIN by LYING about this HORROR FOISTED ON THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS???

Are you that insulated in your 4 walls???

I personally KNOW SOMEONE — who was getting HEALTH COVERAGE though THEIR EMPLOYER $40.00 Week Standard Payment. FULL COVERAGE – Doctor – Dentist – Eye Doctor Standard deductables.

The Company took that away and Now everyone has to go the ACA route… (BIG Employee meeting and everything).

HEALTH INSURANCE with $2500.00 deductible!! Did you get THAT??

@FAITH7, #57:

HEALTH INSURANCE with $2500.00 deductible!! Did you get THAT??

Perhaps the person you personally know needs to shop around. The average 2014 cost of individual health insurance plans even before deducting any applicable tax credits are far lower than that.

This 2014 article details the 10 Places Where Health Insurance Costs The Most. None of the figures quoted are anywhere near $800 per month for an individual. I’m not sure how a person gets a premium that high. Perhaps by opting for an individual plan with the lowest possible deductibles and the highest possible levels of service and drug coverage in one of the more expensive states? The figures quoted in the article are for mid-level silver plans.

If you want to see what Obamacare costs you in the particular county where you live as of 2014, you can plug your zip code into this interactive Forbes Business calculator.

There’s 2015 data available here, presented both as a county map of the nation and charts. The average national premium increase for 2015 ranges from 2 percent for the bronze plans to 4 percent for the silver. Some state averages went up a lot more while others declined by an equal amount. That said, the highest cost anywhere for an individual silver plan is $547 per month in Anchorage, Alaska, before any reduction for subsidy. The bronze plan is $396 before any subsidy.

@retire05, #56:

You said “People are making a lot of highly misleading claims about the Affordable Care Act.” I asked you, like what? Again, you refuse to answer because the answers don’t fit with the lies you spin.

I guess we could start with a totally misleading claim you’re making in that very post:

But no, we have to insure illegals and their dependents.

No, we don’t have to insure illegals. Illegal aliens ARE NOT covered by the Affordable Care Act. The assertion that they are is complete bullshit.


Perhaps the person you personally know needs to shop around

Of course, they can’t “shop around” across state lines, can they? Noooooo… they must use the goverent exchanges. Opening competition up across state lines (one of those rejected Republican ideas) would allow for too much independence.

Illegal immigrants are not covered? How do you know? How are they excluded? How are their submissions checked? This was Joe Wilson’s entire beef; you may SAY you INTEND to prevent illegal immigrants from attaining coverage, but there is no method included to PREVENT it from happening. Like the left keeps our borders, Obamacare is wide open to fraud and abuse.

@Bill, #60:

Illegal immigrants are not covered? How do you know?

I know because I took the time to look it up. Since you aren’t going to believe anything I say, I suggest you do the same. It shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes to to find the answer.

How are their submissions checked?

I don’t know the technical details since I’m not involved in the verification process. How is your date and place of birth resolved when you apply for Social Security or Medicare? Formerly you had to submit a paper document. Now I presume it’s routinely done by using a variety of previously established computer databases, which in recent years have come to include state and county health department birth records.

When lawful status can’t be verified through routine channels an applicant is obliged to provide proof or their enrollment is rescinded. Last year 310,000 applicants had this problem.

@<a href="″>Greg: Oh, I see… you think there will be a column marked “Illegal Immagrants Forbidden To Have Taxpayer Funded Health Care Benefits” and find a zero there? Answer my question; HOW DO YOU KNOW?

You cannot possibly know because there was never any pro ions put into Obamacare to make sure illegal immigrants did not get the benefits. No way to actually check if someone actually deserves the subsidies and no way to tell if the applicant is here legally. Once we start handing out drivers licenses, Social Security numbers and work visas to illegals, the
gate is swung wide open.

As the title says….