Following the shootings in Charleston, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton immediately seized upon the tragedy to again push for more gun control. Obama blathered on about how twenty one year olds were children and not adults as recognized by every state in and thus should be barred from purchasing weapons. Hillary went on about “common sense reforms” without getting specific whatsoever, as usual. It is the typical, meaningless, useless rhetoric of the left. They offer a useless, typical, meaningless answer- ban the Confederate Flag.
Because flags kill, right? Never mind the Clinton’s honoring the Confederacy.
There have a number of mass killings over the last few years:
Sandy Hook
Fort Hood
They have one thing in common- all occurred under Barack Obama.
The above shootings were all perpetrated by angry men. Why are they angry? They are angry in part because our President invites anger. He incites anger. Let’s revisit Obama’s words:
“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
“They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
“We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
“It’s time to Fight for it.”
Obama urged his supporters to fight:
“It’s time to Fight for it.”
“Hit Back Twice As Hard”
Obama wanted you to report on and turn in your neighbors.
Obama vilifies anyone who disagrees with him. He insults them and impugns their motives.
And if that didn’t work, Obama encouraged followers to
“Punish your enemies.”
Barack Obama has to accept his share of the responsibility for the climate of hatred that exists today as he has in no small measure contributed to it. While it is entirely appropriate for a message of condolence, what about these facts?
15 people were killed this week in Chicago.
Murders In Baltimore Rise To Highest Level In 4 Decades
Obama was so upset by the shootings in Charleston that he went fundraising immediately afterwards.
There will be calls for action, of course, and most will wither with time. As noted, liberals will call for more rules and more laws that will only affect legal gun owners. The Obama regime once looked at returning vets as terrorists but none of these mass murders were committed by veterans. Most of the villains were mentally ill. People taking psychotropic medications do need attention regarding gun ownership. That’s going to be a tough subject but liberals will not fail us.
They always punish those who respect the law as an answer for those who do not.
Barack Obama has poisoned the well in this country and the milieu of hate he has nurtured again claims the lives of innocents.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Bill: I suspect that when Root’s politics are known, he’ll be a lib.
Just because Obama and the left have failed at it does not mean they haven’t been trying. After the 2012 election, several states instituted some pretty drastic restrictions on ownership and sales between individuals, as well as gifts to family members. Seattle wanted the authority to inspect homes for guns. Colorado, NY, Connecticut all passed or tried to pass over-the-top restrictions and regulation.
You seem to live in your own little world, walled in with left wing propaganda.
I CAN HARDLY WAIT! So the first thing we have is the White House flying a gay flag (white house lit up for queers) so I want all you bigots that think flying a flag for cause (confederate flag) on government property is wrong to tell the government that they are wrong to light up government property in gay colors. I’m going to bet right now that not one of you libs that said flying a flag for a cause on government property is wrong is going to now say that lighting the white house in queer colors is wrong. NO ONE will do it. Even tho we probably have a trans and a gay inhabiting it.
It;s been a tough week for racists and homophobes
@rich wheeler:I’ll take that as a yes vote for lighting the white house for queers, even tho you just argued that causes should be confined to private property. See why you’re a liberal?
@rich wheeler:
How so? I’ve seen leftists publicly raise the heights of their stupidity, hypocrisy and hostility and I noticed it was a bad week for the United States of America, where we have seen that the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, will submit to pressure and emotion and make rulings that fly in the face of the Constitution and the good of the nation.
The Charleston murderer said he was informed and inspired by a white supremacist website. Blaming this on Obama is the epitome of hate. But I imagine it’s difficult to feel anything but hate if your only source of information Limbaugh and/or Fox News. Haters love haters.
@Bill: and don’t forget, liberals showing utter stupidity. No symbols on government property, confederate flags on government property a no no. Colored lights on white house, why that’s only celebration, it doesn’t mean anything, it’s not pushing an agenda.
Would you interpret that for me?
@Redteam: I’m in agreement with the Conservative leaders of South Carolina on the flag issue.
You are in agreement with Dem. Jim Webb—certainly appears he won’t be running for POTUS..
Lighting the White House—honestly I’m against this spiking of the ball.
@rich wheeler:
Not really. They are not for taking the flag down. They are hypocrites. right now, it is the ‘popular for the press’ thing to do. They don’t have any consequences. Haley not running again, Graham just got re-upped for 6 more. If he had to run this year, you wouldn’t hear a word from him.
on that one issue. at least he doesn’t seem hypocritical .
So you didn’t buy that fly spray?
@Bill: And how intelligent is it to blame it on Republicans? The left, INCLUDING Obama has been inciting racial hatred since 2009. All that does is fuel the fire of white supremacists, even, to them, VALIDATING their racist views.
You dishonor the name “Bill”.
@Bill: Is there an echo in here?
@Redteam: While all the bills you get in the mail are bad, only one here is.
@Bill: So there is an echo.