I sure hope you liberal dumbasses remember you voted for this

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Remember this. Remember it well, you liberal dumbasses:

“What we’ve done is we’ve expanded my authorities under executive action and prosecutorial discretion…”

Let’s repeat that:

“What we’ve done is we’ve expanded my authorities under executive action and prosecutorial discretion…”

Your support of this megalomaniacal dictator is going to have long lasting consequences.

“What we’ve done is we’ve expanded my authorities under executive action and prosecutorial discretion as far as we can legally under the existing statute, the existing law.”

Prosecutorial discretion:

Prosecutorial discretion refers to the fact that under American law, government prosecuting attorneys have nearly absolute powers. A prosecuting attorney has power on various matters including those relating to choosing whether or not to bring criminal charges, deciding the nature of charges, plea bargaining and sentence recommendation. This discretion of the prosecuting attorney is called prosecutorial discretion.

I benefited from this once. Decades ago I was pulled over for allegedly running a red light. To this day I deny it. It was yellow and I will not ever be disabused of that concrete belief. I went to the prosecutor and talked to him about it. He asked me what happened and I gave him my version of the story. He then read the report claiming that traffic had begun to move. That was absolutely false. In any case, I convinced him and since I had no record of any kind he decided to nollie the ticket.

That is prosecutorial discretion. What Obama is doing is not prosecutorial discretion. It’s failure to enforce existing law. I hope you’ll be as compliant when a Republican President “expands” his authorities as well.

Prosecutorial discretion is meant for individual cases. Using “prosecutorial discretion” for 5 million is the nullification of law. And it doesn’t stop there. In the bizarre world of Barack Obama, those sworn to uphold the law are threatened with “consequences” by the President of the United States should they dare enforce the laws of the United States.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Let’s see where this can go.

First, let’s see what more Obama can f*ck up. Obama can, and I expect he will, declare that should any illegal alien under his “policy” decide to vote in 2016, despite being ineligible to vote, he will order that the offenders not be prosecuted or there will be “consequences” to anyone who dares enforce the law.

So let’s take this to the next level. Using “prosecutorial discretion” President Scott Walker can:

– decide that anyone who is a registered Republican on election day 2016 will not be subject to IRS law while he is President. Or there will be “consequences.”

– decide that only democrats will pay Federal income taxes.

– decide that while Walker is President, should a Republican choose not to pay Federal income taxes there will be no consequences.

– decide that anyone who harms a democrat will not be prosecuted for anything.

– decide that any Republicans who vote multiple times will not be encumbered by voting laws.

– decide that union contracts need not be enforced.

– decide that no one who fails to gain coverage under Obamacare will be punished.

Go ahead- tell me why any of this could not happen- other than because a Republican is doing it. Once you accept “prosecutorial discretion” for millions, you open the door for everything and anything. Once nullification of the law by the President of the US becomes acceptable, anarchy is the final outcome. Once there is no longer respect for the law, there is no nation.

image courtesy of downtrend.com

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It all started with the jury nullification at the end of the OJ Simpson trial.
Last night I heard that Obama is now threatening ICE workers who DARE to follow written law over his personal discretionary policies.

I still remember when libs complained about George W Bush, calling him King George.
Recently I saw a poll showing 43% of dems believe Obama should be able to ignore a court ruling and do what he wants.

These are some sick folks.

ully = Mully.. Sticky key.

And we voted for a House & Senate that not only caved on facing down the president over an illegal amnesty but are now about to confirm an Attorney General who has promised to ignore the law of the land to advance a partisan agenda.
At least the politicians with a (D) behind their names are honest about their contempt for us 24/7.
I don’t know – who’s a bigger dumbass – the lefties for believing in their backward ideology or us for voting for representatives who we *know* will betray us?

Obama is not prosecuting those people who willfully remove those tags on mattresses
As far as Scottie Walker being elected POTUS how did your last two POTUS predictions work out? Last time I looked Walker was 6-1 odds how much is our good doctor putting on him ?
2016 will be determined by our economy and the Dow has tripled under Obama
Anyone want to look at what the right wing said would happen if Obama was elected?

I think Der Fuhrer said the same thing after the Reichstag caught fire.

Or was it the Night of the Long Knives?

@Brother Bob:

I don’t know – who’s a bigger dumbass – the lefties for believing in their backward ideology or us for voting for representatives who we *know* will betray us?

Actually for most of the last 50 years – the only reason to vote for Repubicans was that they were not active members of the demo-COMMUNIST party!

@John, #4:

As far as Scottie Walker being elected POTUS how did your last two POTUS predictions work out?

Thus far Scott Walker is clearly the lesser weevil. Consider this guy, for example. I can’t quite decided if he reminds me more of a politician or of a televangelist about to make his pitch for donations. He’s clearly made a recent study of oratorical hand gestures, postures, and poses. Anyone who has done that tends to worry me slightly.

@John: how does it feel living in a shoebox?


Gullible Greggie, why are you so racist against Hispanics. You, by your own party’s rules, are not allowed to disagree with another who is not entitled to white “privilege” like you are. If you disagree with anything said by a minority, especially a Hispanic, that makes you a racist.

Hispanic? I thought he was Canadian. I guess he’s an Hispanic Canadian. At any rate, unlike Obama, he’s not a natural-born American. He was born in Alberta, or Albania, or some such foreign place, and it wasn’t on a U.S. military base.


Hispanic? I thought he was Canadian. I guess he’s an Hispanic Canadian.

Doesn’t matter. He’s Hispanic, just like Obama is black. And as we have seen from your party, any dispute with Obama’s policies are simply dog whistles for “RACISM.” Your comments on Cruz are just dog whistles for your racism against Hispanics.

At any rate, unlike Obama, he’s not a natural-born American.

Cruz authorized the release of his birth certificate. Obama has never done that, so you can no more say for certain that Obama was born in Hawaii than I can say he wasn’t.

He was born in Alberta, or Albania, or some such foreign place, and it wasn’t on a U.S. military base.

If that was a barb intended for John McCain, he wasn’t born on a U.S. military base, either.

Hey, I don’t care about Cruz’s birth certificate. We already know he was born in Albania. What I want to see his mother’s birth certificate, since his entire specious claim to U.S. citizenship depends on her place of birth. I don’t think we can rely on what his Albanian birth certificate says about that.

We also need to see his mother’s marriage certificate, and then possibly documentation establishing her presence in the U.S. for one continuous year prior to his birth. Because:

Birth Abroad Out-of-Wedlock to a U.S. Citizen Mother:
A person born abroad out-of-wedlock to a U.S. citizen mother may acquire U.S. citizenship under Section 309(c) of the INA if the mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person’s birth and if the mother was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the person’s birth. The U.S. citizen mother must be the genetic or the gestational mother and the legal parent of the child under local law at the time and place of the child’s birth to transmit U.S. citizenship.

We clearly don’t want to risk electing an Albanian as President. Not after having had a Kenyan for 8 years.


OK, right after we see Obama’s mother’s birth certificate, her marriage certificate to Barack Obama, Sr., and her passport proving she resided in the U.S. for one contiguous year before Barry Soetoro was born.

You’re still an idiot.

So, it was long ago decided that Greg works/volunteers for some DNC-aligned organization, though who or what it is doesn’t really matter.

No one could spout as much self-defeating gibberish, without the vision and the zeal one gets when they are “true” believer.

Scott Walker? Greg doesn’t care. He only knows the guy is a solid candidate, and thus has nothing to add except weak conjecture and opinion. Walker has oceans of real experience and clout compared to Obama in 2008, but that’s not going to stop Greg.

Greg’s views, and those of the liberal persuasion, boil down to a few things:
De-Christianizing America
De-Christianizing America
De-Christianizing America.

All the liberal points flow from this one tenant: religion is the root of all evil, and if we can simply silence and/or marginalize them, we “win”.

Frankly, I’m all for the recession of “cultural Christianity” in lieu of those with real faith. But the real lie the left believes is Christianity is Islam is Hindu is Buddhism is Judaism…

Greg, any time the masses stand on the backs Christians and, using the reason and life given by Christianity to negate Christianity, they only become the true images of the evil they claim to fight.

Any response you give to this will overwhelmingly prove my point. I can think of a dozen response you may have, but they will all of them be full of sound and fury…signifying nothing.

‘John’ …

I am assuming you realize it is not illegal for a consumer to remove mattress tags. Or maybe not. Regardless, comparing that to blatant disregard of statutory intent in selectively enforcing much more serious violations based on political whim is frankly ludicrous.

As for the Dow’s performance, it only confirms that Obama is a crony socialist who is good for Wall Street (by pumping in lots of Fed funny money at the expense of future generations), but bad for Main Street. But of course, that is to be expected, since Democrats are the party of the ruling elite, whereas Republicans are more for the average citizen.

History shall not be kind to this generation of greedy Dems, who squander the financial security of future generations to temporarily secure political power now. A selfish generation if ever there was one.

President Walker will sign an executive order declaring the Democratic Party, aka the CPUSA ,a terrorist organization. All members shall forget all assets and be deported after a fair hearing that was held in absentia.

@Nathan Blue, #15:

I reject the right’s claim to exclusive ownership of patriotism to the same extent that I reject their claim to exclusive ownership of Christianity—which is to say, totally.

And since Greg does not want us to discuss Obama’s lawlessness in unconstitutionally granting himself more powers, he throws out the completely unrelated questioning of whether Cruz is a US citizen by birth to change the subject..

Yet another FA thread derailed because a lefty troll shows up, totally ignores what the original post is about, and now instead of addressing DrJohn’s original subject (“I sure hope you liberal dumbasses remember you voted for this “), we play another game of follow the troll. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I get really tired of watching the trolls put out their bait, and others jump on it. If this is the way it’s always going to be, what’s the point?

May I suggest an alternative rather then letting them get away with this same tired but successful troll diversionary tactic of changing the subject? Stop giving the trolls what they want. Cold turkey. Ignore these leftist tools, Shun them, pretend they aren’t even there, except for those rare times when they bother to reply to the subject at hand. If they want to go off into left field to play with the cow patties, to hell with them, ignore them just as they are ignoring the uncomfortable (to them) subject at hand. The trolls here have been playing this stupid damn game for years now and every time they do this crap, they succeed by luring people off to Never-never-to-return land. Don’t let them lead you off topic. They don’t want to discuss the subject? You want to really drive them crazy? Ignore them, or just tell them to FO and keep to the subject. They lose and we win because rather than feeding trolls, we can instead go on to have intelligent discussion about the things they don’t want us talking about.

John & Greg, piss-off. You aren’t adding anything to the real discussion so there is no point in my giving you any more attention. Buh-bye, go somewhere else and play with your poop. The adults want to chat now.

DrJohn, this is your thread. You’ve laid out your subject, It’s time we returned to it, examine what we have to work with and think about solutions. What do you think can be done to rub the leftists noses in the noxious messes their faithless leader has dumped?

Since when has the law made a bit of difference to this administration. To this gang of thieves and criminals the law is at most an annoyance, something to be ignored for the most part except when it can be used as a tool to attack their opposition. The utterly blatant and unapologetic criminality of Obama, his appointees and the Democrats in Washington are literally beyond description. Their corruption and abuse has reached a level that may take honest people DECADES to clean up and disinfect.

Dr. J

Once there is no longer respect for the law, there is no nation.

When the POTUS doesn’t follow the law, there is no law. When the people accept that as the standard, we have a very bleak future as a nation.


Ignore these leftist tools, Shun them, pretend they aren’t even there, except for those rare times when they bother to reply to the subject at hand.

Best advice of the day.

This is probably why we don’t hear his rah rah fan club touting the polls anymore. His little bounce is over with and the downward spiral has begun again. Unfortunately until his approval rating gets below 30%, it will show that we still have a significant part of the population who believe in neo-Marxism, socialism, and a disregard for our republican form of government. All sure signs of decay.


When taking the measure of Obama remember this:

When Leonard Nimoy died, Obama expressed his sympathies.
When Chris Kyle, a man who dedicated his life to saving the lives of his brothers-in-arms, crickets.

When Trayvon Martin was killed, Obama expressed his sympathies..
When three young Muslims were murdered, Obama expressed his sympathies.
When Jamiel Shaw was slaughtered by one of Obama’s dreamers, crickets.
I guess Jamiel Shaw didn’t look like the son Obama never had.

Time after time, Obama has used the deaths of others to tell us his true feelings. Sympathy for actors, wannabe gangbangers, Muslims. Sympathy for those who put their lives on the line for us, or those who are murdered by Obama’s most recent chosen few, not at all.

Obama didn’t care about those young Muslims, or Trayvon Martin, or even Leonard Nimoy. He cares about the groups they represent and the rest of us can just pound sand because we are not important. That should tell everyone all they need to know about Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

@Greg: That’s you’re own media-fed fears. “The right”, as you call it, doesn’t exist. You’ve been programmed to hate “the other”, just as millions have before you.

You want the country, and world, made over in your own image.

Nothing new, but thanks for dodging the points once again. To re-iterate:

You’re working for a lib/dem organization.
You will say anything — regardless of logic — to hammer this home:

De-Christianize America.
Religion is bad…unless it’s personal and relative and “free-thinking”…

You continually lose every argument you make on FA, yet you continue to flap your gums. I hope the DNC is paying you, at least.

But make no mistake: your ideology is outdated, and not with the times. Please stop spreading hate.

@Greg: You shouldn’t have to worry about Cruz, he’s not a natural born citizens (ala Obama) so he’s not eligible.

@Greg: 11

At any rate, unlike Obama, he’s not a natural-born American.

There, fixed it for you

@Greg: 13

We also need to see his mother’s marriage certificate, and then possibly documentation establishing her presence in the U.S. for one continuous year prior to his birth.

Why do you want to see proof for anything? You haven’t required proof of anything for Obozo.
And he hasn’t provided anything that wasn’t fake.

@Ditto: 19

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I get really tired of watching the trolls put out their bait,

I don’t, why? Because it is really interesting to see just how dumb and stupid liberals really are. I’ve not seen any liberal on this blog that has two grey cells bumping together. Like Greg, for examplel. Total fruitcake. It’s hard to believe there are actually people that dumb, so it’s nice for them to post so that we have absolute proof.