And I will prove it to you.
A couple of days ago Rudy Giuliani violated the 11th Commandment:
Thou Shalt Not Ridicule a Black President
Giuliani dared to rip into Barack Obama:
WASHINGTON — Rudy Giuliani has delivered a political shot-in-the-gut to President Obama, charging the president doesn’t “love America.”
“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani told about 60 conservative business leaders gathered Wednesday night at the 21 Club to hear Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.
According to the former mayor, Obama doesn’t love Giuliani either.
“He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country,” he continued, as Walker, who has entered the top tier of Republican presidential candidates, sat nearby.
The comments are a departure from standard political rhetoric, where blasting someone’s ideas is considered fair game, but questioning an opponent’s love of country is usually a no-no. Politico reported the expansive comments.
The fact is, Obama doesn’t love this country and Rudy said what at least half the country is thinking. Let’s crank up the Wayback Machine and revisit the moments when Barack Obama opened the door to his soul.
Here Obama lets America know he plans to “fundamentally transform” this country.
Obama views the Constitution as a “deeply flawed document.”
Obama believes America is exceptional- just like every other country.
He feels that the Supreme Court should have redistributed wealth in this country. I called him the “anti-JFK.”
“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you.”
Obama was marinated in Communism by Frank Marshall Davis, was baked in a Saul Alinsky casserole dish liberally seasoned with Bill Ayers. Obama loves Alinsky. He taught Alinsky to much-headed college kids.
The late Harvard Professor Saul Alinsky wrote that the key to weaken—then take over America, its economy and its people—is to “destroy the middle class.” Alinsky advocated use of class and race warfare. He believed that “wealth redistribution,” taking from those who work and giving it to those who don’t, is the catalyst to bring down the U.S. economy and free-market capitalism.
Under Obama, 95% of the economic gain has gone to the 1%. The middle class has indeed suffered under Obama.
The father of one of his closest advisers, David Axelrod, was a Communist.
It’s easy to see that Obama has taken one of Alinsky’s tenets to heart:
“Ethical standards must be elastic to stretch with the times.”
Obama stopped wearing a flag lapel pin, saying it was a substitute for real patriotism. Then he began again to wear one, and claimed never to have said what he said:
Nevertheless, Obama did give a statement saying he didn’t wear flag pins, so we find his statement, “I have never said that I don’t wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins,” to be False.
He lied, of course.
This lack of love for one’s country is a family thing with the Obama’s. Michelle wasn’t proud of her country until her husband secured the nomination for President.
Kyle Smith has this right.
The reality of American exceptionalism is that it tells a story of a country very much at odds with the fantasy version preferred by Obama and other liberals, a sort of continental campus where “hate speech” is carefully controlled, everyone thinks income inequality is a big deal, government is respected or even beloved, the churches are empty and no one owns a gun.
The one (and perhaps only) thing Obama did not lie about was his desire to “fundamentally transform” this country into something it is not. He said it in 2008 and then he said it again at this year’s SOTU-
Fifteen years into this new century, we have picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and begun again the work of remaking America.
Obama does not love America. He loves what he wants it to be- a land of equal outcome independent of effort, all controlled by the government. There’s a name for that kind of system of government.
Alinsky said ethical standards needed to be elastic. Alinsky endorsed lying and deceit. Alinsky was all about “the end justifies the means” as someone else once wrote. Barack Obama has picked up that torch and he proudly runs with it today. He is a liar, Obama lies incessantly. His hero Alinsky wrote:
“An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. … To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations.”
This is why I constantly rail against Obama. This is why I absolutely refuse to take anything he says at face value. He is not who he claims to be. He never tells the truth.
Obama is the husband who marries a woman and then forces her to undergo plastic surgery and brainwashing to mold her into his “ideal” partner. He doesn’t love her for who she is. He really doesn’t love her at all.
You don’t need to “fundamentally transform” or “remake” someone you love. Period.
One last thought from Obama’s inspirational father Alinsky:
“Those who are most moral are farthest from the problem.”
All Rudy did was say what’s in everyone’s mind.
Saul Alinsky was not a Harvard professor as was asserted in the CFP article. Everything else about Alinsky is correct.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Dr J are you sure that Alinsky taught at Harvard???? I couldn’t find anything that said he ever did ?.
Maybe you have just gotten hosed again by only limiting yourself to what you hear and repeat from radical Obama haters
Oh and Rudy?? He knows he went over the line with that volley and now is furiously back pedaling, because he knows that remarks like that will drive moderates to the dems
Ironically Obama has labeled his agenda ”Middle Class Economics.”
Yet only a small proportion of people in the middle class would benefit from it (if it all became law.)
Virtually no single middle class people without kids will get anything.
Only 12.5% of single filers would get a tax cut.
Among the elderly, only 10% would enjoy a dip in their taxes.
Overall, fewer than one in four middle class taxpayers would benefit from Middle Class Economics.
Look at household incomes :
Obama lies when he touts concern for the Middle Class.
Obama handed off a lot of money to his rich cronies.
Obama worked up monetary policy that amounts to running an IV tube from the Treasury to Wall Street.
Obama implemented policies that crushed job creation and encouraged the conversion of full-time jobs to part-time work,.
Obama has given us a titanic Food Stamp Nation whose residents find the notion of seeking employment illogical.
Well, Obama lies all of the time, doesn’t he.
Regarding “A couple of days ago Rudy Giuliani violated the 11th Commandment:
Thou Shalt Not Ridicule a Black President”.: Dr. J., I strongly suggest that we all get off the “Black” aphorism since we know that he is “White/Arabic/Other” before he is ” Black”. Similar to a certain Governor from the northlands, we just need to flip it back at them for their long time demorat association with the former Pedophile in Charge or Pedophile Of The US (POTUS) and his counselor “The Hildabeast”.
Rudy is getting beat up for being brutally honest just like Mitt Romney did over his 47% percent remark.
It’s not that either one of them was wrong but if you’re a conservative and your brutally honest about the left then the media is going bludgeon you to death..
You can’t love a country you want to destroy, and obama is destroying the USA, using the same steps others did to destroy the country they are now in charge of. A few days after he was inaugurated the first time, he said, “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” This part of his speech was deleted when the speech was printed. Why?
When I learned about him saying the above, I immediately thought of Hitler’s Brown Shirts. That was his national civilian security force. Just think about what obama said in such a short statement.
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.”
Assuming that the term, “national security” means the defense of our country from other countries, that is the SOLE responsibly of our military. If there is doubt that our military wouldn’t be able to stop an invader, doesn’t that mean that we should strengthen our military to a point that we feel we can defend ourselves against whatever might come at us? What “national security objectives” has the obama administration set?
“We gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong….”
Isn’t that the main job of the National Guard? It can be called up to fight wars, but they are usually activated to quell state issues. Didn’t our founding fathers see a possibility that the citizens might have to fight against their own government, so they made it MANDATORY that each state can have its own militia? Wouldn’t the National Guard, or the state militia be considered a “civilian national security force”? But, obama wants to have a force that is as strong as the military. Why would he want such a force?
Each state’s National Guard has to be activated by the state governor. This is to prevent the president from using them for their own agenda. When Hurricane Katrina was approaching Louisiana, the democratic governor didn’t want George Bush to look good in handling the situation, so she refused to activate the National Guard, and the president couldn’t do anything until she did. After the storm, she activated it, but Bush was still blamed for not being prepared.
“…just as well-funded.”
So, obama wants to have his national civilian security force funded the same amount as the military. Does he mean the WHOLE MILITARY BUDGET, or just the amount spent on the military in the USA? Even if we figure just the American amount, that means he wants to increase our national debt by many more BILLIONS of dollars EACH YEAR.
Neither the National Guard or the state militias are DIRECTLY under the president’s control. obama’s civilian force would be, and it would be, “…just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the military. In other words, IT WOULD BE STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFEAT THE MILITARY. If anybody can’t figure that this is obama’s ultimate objective, they are part of the problem.
With obama openly defending the muslim religion, and him having appointed known muslim brotherhood members in his administration, and his not attending Christian or Jewish events, but attending and even hosting muslim events at the white house, and him even inviting known muslim brotherhood members to the white house, it is obvious to any open minded person that he is trying to turn the USA into a muslim country.
For those who don’t care what the president does, as long as you keep getting your free stuff, or for whatever other reason you are still standing beside your leader, if the USA is turned into a muslim state, the free stuff ends. You will do what the ones in charge tell you to do, or you will be severely punished. Are you women ready to have your body mutilated according to muslim law, and not be allowed to go outside without the proper man with you, and are you willing to cover yourself like muslim laws says?
Why aren’t the democrats or republicans trying to stop obama? I’m guessing that they have also been infiltrated by the muslim brotherhood. I also believe that the muslim brotherhood has infiltrated the news media, or they wouldn’t be covering up all of the atrocities the muslims are doing around the world, AND IN THE USA.
Here is a question I have been asking for some time, but it seem more people are starting to wonder about it:
How does a person who has a fake birth certificate, and who is using someone else’s Social Security number, and who has a fake Selective Service registration, and who probably doesn’t even have a driver’s license, get to be president of the United States?
Some time ago I have mentioned that I asked my three REPUBLICAN federal politicians that question, and they never answered me, even though they had answered me EVERY OTHER TIME I asked them to reply. I wrote again, and asked this question: Have you looked at the birth certificate? Is it real? I asked them for a simple “Yes” or “No” on each question. Again, non of them replied. Why won’t they answer the questions? I encourage others to ask their politicians similar questions.
How did the democrats get this guy qualified to run in all 50 states if he has no documentation proving he is a citizen of the United States? Even if he would have such documentation, the Constitution says that a person running for the office of president must be a “natural born citizen”. At the time the Constitution was written, this meant that BOTH PARENTS HAD TO BE CITIZENS. obama’s dad NEVER was a US citizen, so this would disqualify him.
@Smorgasbord: Smorg, the only good thing about Obama is that he has less than two more years. He still hasn’t gotten his Internal Security Force funded and hasn’t even requested it. He is trying to destroy the US Military, but not doing too well at it. Instead of getting the US out of foreign involvements, he has remained in Iraq and Afghanistan, even tho he ‘claims’ to be out. but meanwhile has now gotten us into Libya, Egypt and Syria. He almost got us into Yemen but he ordered the US Marines to abandon ship there and get the hell out.
You are absolutely correct that he’s not a Natural born citizen, has no birth certificate, no SS no. of his own, a fake Selective Service Registration, no drivers license and no US passport (except diplomatic one obtained because of office with no proof of eligibility).
@Redteam: #6
It used to be that if a federal agency needed a swat team, they called the FBI. obama is now arming at least 70 known federal agencies with their own response teams. Agencies like the Social Security Administration, the Department of Education, the National Atmospheric and Atmospheric Administration, the EPA, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Institute of Health, and the TSA (which doesn’t even arm their agents). He is developing his security force in secret.
Keep in mind that the president can call up these armed personnel any time he wants, since they are federal employees. They have already been used in illegal ways.
One reason there was such an ammo shortage a while ago is that the feds were buying more ammo than the entire Army has. Enough ammo to carry on a 20 year war. Enough ammo to shoot EVERY PERSON IN THE USA 4-5 times.
And where the ‘ell are all the ‘school’ records?
I happened to think about something that hasn’t been mentioned before: obama is the ONLY president who doesn’t have any signs saying:
(1) Birthplace of barack obama.
(2) Childhood home of barack obama.
(3) Any sign claiming him for anything.
In one way, this is a good thing. How many people want an obama sign near them?
There will be plenty of “Obama slept here” signs
Edited to add: “Obama golfed here” signs!
@Budvarakbar: #10
I’m guessing there are more obama signs in Kenya than here. He is still sending them millions of our dollars.
King Putt loves the America which is in his heart, in the same way that he loves the Constitution which is in his heart. Neither item exists; they are pure figments of his imagination.
The America in his heart is under Sharia law, and all submit to Allah. The Constitution in his heart is Sharia law, and all are bound to it.
The founding text of America is the Koran.
The rest of us are delusional if we understand anything other than the above assertions.
He is a Muslim and will gladly lie about anything in order to further his aims.
@Smorgasbord: Edited my previous post #10 as follows:
@Budvarakbar: #13
The, “obama golfed here” sign would be very appropriate. That is a good one. To be more accurate, it should read, “obama golfed here while America burned”
@John: Picking nits, John?
I’d bet you still refer to Barry O as a “Professor” when the subject comes up, don’t you? As opposed to the Lecturer that he was actually paid for being? Yeah…
Hypocrite, I name Thee “John!”
Correct. He has never been a ‘professor’. Columbia has never claimed him. No person has ever come forward that ever saw Obama in any classroom at Columbia. I’ve never heard of any person claiming to have attended a class with him at Harvard. I think his degree there was an Affirmative Action by Harvard. Only one person has ever stated unequivocately where he was born, and that was in Kenya.
It is clear as glass that this is indeed Obama’s modus operandus. Like most socialists, his administration is also ensuring that the gap between the wealthy and lower classes continues to grow.
Sadly, establishment Republicans seem to have a somewhat similar plan. It appears to me that the leadership of both parties are both out to destroy the middle class and enrich the politically powerful elite ruling class.