Illegals will be voting in the 2016 election


illegals flip bird

Illegals will be voting in the 2016 election. You can bet on it, and it all began in 1993.

In 1993 Bill Clinton and democrats passed what is known as the Motor Voter law.

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), popularly known as The Motor Voter Act, is a legislation that required state governments to allow registration when a qualifying voter applied for or renewed their drivers license or applied for social services. This legislation forced state governments to make the voter registration process easier by providing uniform registration services through drivers’ license registration centers, disability centers, schools, libraries, and mail-in registration.

And pay attention to this:

The NVRA allows the Department of Justice to bring civil actions in federal court to enforce its requirements. The Act also gives the responsibility to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to provide States with guidance on the Act, to develop a national mail voter registration form, and to compile reports on the effectiveness of the Act.

That’s going to be important later.

Yesterday the Washington Times reports an alleged “loophole” in Obama’s amnesty program will allow illegals to vote:

President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole.

While stressing that it remains illegal for noncitizens to vote, secretaries of state from Ohio and Kansas said they won’t have the tools to sniff out illegal immigrants who register anyway, ignoring stiff penalties to fill out the registration forms that are easily available at shopping malls, motor vehicle bureaus and in curbside registration drives.

Anyone registering to vote attests that he or she is a citizen, but Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted said mass registration drives often aren’t able to give due attention to that part, and so illegal immigrants will still get through.

The Obama sycophants weighed in:

Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia’s nonvoting member of Congress, accused Republicans of an effort at voter suppression.

“The president’s executive order gives immigrants the right to stay — immigrants who have been here for years, immigrants who have been working hard and whose labor we have needed,” Ms. Norton said. “The Republicans may want to go down in history as the party who tried once again 100 years later to nullify the right to vote. Well, I am here to say they shall not succeed.”

And from a Massachusetts democrat:

Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, Massachusetts Democrat, said he doubted illegal immigrants would risk running afoul of the law — which could get them deported — just to be an insignificant part of an election.

5-6 million illegals voting is not insignificant. Only four states require proof of citizenship before someone registers to vote:

And even in those states, the federal government offers voter registration cards that don’t require proof of citizenship, giving determined illegal immigrants a way to circumvent checks.

Lynch’s argument that illegals would not risk running afoul of the law because it might get them deported is as asinine as it is hollow.

Obama not only is not deporting anyone any more, he is releasing illegal alien criminals to the streets of America. Voting fraud is a federal offense but any action on such fraud would require action by the Attorney General. We all know where that will go- absolutely nowhere. There is no deterrent to illegals committing any voter fraud.

This administration has granted illegal aliens more rights and privileges than American citizens have, including being able to collect back tax credits without having to have paid any taxes. Biden says illegals are “already Americans.”

And Americans have a right to vote, don’t they?

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@Randy, #47:

Actually Greg, 14% of 1% is .14% You need to go back to school.

1% of something is one one-hundredth part of it, correct? A dollar is 1oo cents. A penny is 1% of a dollar, which you would express as $0.01. So, what is 14% of a single penny? It doesn’t work out to 14 cents, which would be written as $0.14. That’s more than the single penny we started with.

The arithmetic on a calculator would go like this:

0.01 x 0.14 = 0.0014

I think the problem is the percent sign combined with the decimal number. When % follows any number, a division by 100 has already taken place. Thus 0.01% would be one one-hundredth part of one one-hundredth part. You’re dividing by 100 one single bit that resulted when you previously divided by 100.

It’s always confusing when decimals and percentage signs are used together.

@Pete, #51:

You would have a big problem when you got to step #3.

In 2011, the cost to taxpayers of deportation was estimated to be $12,500 per deportee. (That’s the low end estimate.) There are over 11 million undocumented aliens in the United States. The total cost works out to $137.5 billion.

Republicans may be demanding that Obama enforce the law, but they aren’t about to provide him with the funding that would be necessary to do it. Nor would republicans risk the political backlash that would result from acting on their rhetoric.

Basically, republicans want to talk tough about immigration to get votes from certain clearly defined groups of constituents, but they have no intention whatsoever of collectively doing anything that would produce the results they fault Obama for not producing. They’re playing both sides of the issue. If they weren’t, they could easily introduce legislation specifying how the current situation is to be handled. That’s their Constitutionally defined role in the nation’s governance. They’ve got majorities in both Houses of Congress. Nothing is stopping them other than the fact that they don’t really want to do it.


Greg, that would be the cost estimated for the US to put them on planes and fly them back.

How much taxpayer money has been spent on welfare checks, education, health care, prison costs, etc., with these illegals staying here?

If the illegals stop getting “free money” from the taxpayer, and they cannot get jobs due to their illegal status, then they will start self deporting.

Reagan tried an amnesty at the recommendation of the same types of idiots calling for amnesty today, claiming it would solve the problem. It clearly didn’t and it will not if we are stupid enough to repeat the mistake.

Control the border. End all subsidies to illegals, and make it impossible for illegals to work, and they will leave. Then – and only then – should we talk about streamlining immigration.

You will get no argument from me regarding the disingenuous behavior of the GOP elitists on this problem.


In 2011, the cost to taxpayers of deportation was estimated to be $12,500 per deportee. (That’s the low end estimate.) There are over 11 million undocumented aliens in the United States. The total cost works out to $137.5 billion.

Well, currently it costs the US taxpayer $55 billion a year to subsidize illegal immigrants. Now, without splitting a percent 14 times, I can rapidly figure out that in less than three years, deporting every single illegal damn immigrant would begin paying off.

However, as I have said often, if we simply made providing proof of legal residency a requirement for receiving any of that $55 billion a year, the problem would largely take care of itself. It just takes the will and the left to stop accusing anyone trying to actually solve this problem of being racist.

It’s not rocket science, Greg and the only reason real solutions aren’t found is because the left is absolutely dead set opposed to solving the problem without extracting political dominance out of it.

@Bill, #55:

It’s not like they aren’t making an economic contribution. The following is from a recent article that appeared in The Hill, titled Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy:

According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.

In terms of overall numbers, The Department of Labor reports that of the 2.5 million farm workers in the U.S., over half (53 percent) are illegal immigrants. Growers and labor unions put this figure at 70 percent.

According to the New York Times, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration claims that undocumented workers have contributed close to 10% ($300 billion) of the Social Security Trust Fund.

That last point suggests the size of the total contribution to the economy as a whole. Keep in mind that the Social Security FICA rate on wages is presently 6.2 percent. The wages the calculation is based on is a much higher figure.

It’s not really clear to me how the cost of social services to undocumented aliens compares on a per capita basis with the cost of similar social services to U.S. citizens. I’m guessing that they might actually have a stronger work ethic than many native born citizens, but that’s just a guess.

Note also that some social services provided to undocumented workers and their families do in fact represent indirect subsidies to industries that keep their product and service prices low by paying them very low wags. I’m not sure how that should figure in. The whole benefit vs. cost equation is probably very complex.

@Greg: But it’s COSTING us $55 billion a year, Greg. In 2007, Bush had made the proposal for a work-visa program and immigration reform was off and running (though more progressive than I would have liked). Schumer and Obama got together to insert the poison pill that the work-visa program would end after 3 years and that killed the deal.

The left doesn’t want a solution, they want the argument. They want to fight, they want the contention so they can continue to call Republicans immigrant-hating racists.

@Greg: Greg, go back to 3rd grade. A penny is 1% of a dollar. 14% of a penny is .14% of a penny (1%). I know this higher math is difficult for you, but try to understand. The question was 14% of 1%, not 14% of a dollar. You have changed a penny to a decimal and failed to change it back. 1% can be expresses as .01 part of 1. Multiply it by 14% or .14 and you get .oo14. To change it back to a percentage, you must then multiply by 100 which equals .14%. Let the intelligent people do what to you is “higher level” math. Find a 3rd grader to assist you with this problem! The answer is in percentage, not decimals.

@Randy, #58:

Try to keep in mind that the percentage sign means something has already been divided by 100.
1% is one-hundredth part of whatever you’re talking about.

1% is the same portion of something as .01 without any percent sign following it. When you add a percent sign after .01 you talking about a percentage of a number that’s already one one-hundredth.

Sorry. I really don’t know how to explain this more clearly. It can be an important point. It’s sometimes used to confuse people. If a bank says they’re giving you a .10% annual interest rate on your savings, you’re not earning 10 percent interest. You’re only getting a tenth part of 1 percent.


Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent.

Perhaps you should have fact checked The Hill’s article. The report they are taking about was not done by Texas State Comptroller, Susan Combs, but was done by former State Comptroller, Carol Keeton Rylander Strayhorn, Democrat turned Independent turned Republican turned Democrat, and mother of Scott McClellan, in 2006 when there were 1.4 million illegals in Texas, not the current 2 million.

The report was resoundingly dismissed by almost all Texas politicians. The report did not include the costs for education, health care or incarceration for illegals in Texas.

Now, you may want to ignore the reality of the cost of illegal immigration, but to give you just an idea of the cost to taxpayers not picked up by the Federal Government, one has to look no further than the Houston Independent School District which estimates there is a $45 million cost, per year, to educate just those illegal children who came across the border last year. It is estimated that Louisiana will have spent $25.8 million to educate 1,250 illegal children for the school year 2014-2015.

Now add to that the cost of police work to arrest illegals for other crimes, the cost of incarceration, the cost of courts to adjudicate those cases, the cost for health and medical services for both adult and children illegals, and it puts their net contribution to our society in the red.

But since you seem to be so pro-illegal immigration, Gullible Greggie, here is a suggestion for you; adopt an illegal family. Assume all responsibility for their health and welfare. Give them a couple of bedrooms in your home and allow them free access to the refrigerator. Provide their food, their medical care, buy their clothes and pay the standard out-of-district tuition for their children. Put your money where your mouth is.

@retire05, #60:

The report was resoundingly dismissed by almost all Texas politicians. The report did not include the costs for education, health care or incarceration for illegals in Texas.

Why should it have included any of those things? The report had to do with the contribution undocumented aliens were making to the Texas gross state product. Are the costs of any of those things taken into consideration in computing the gross state product to begin with? The answer to that question would be no.


The report had to do with the contribution undocumented aliens were making to the Texas gross state product.

You’re right. And that is the very reason it was panned by even Democrats in Texas. Carol Keeton Rylander Strayhorn, a complete fruitcake like her son, was making a political point out of an incomplete report. It’s like judging a company’s profit by what they sell without deducting cost of product.

But the gross state product should never be used when considering the advantages/disadvantages or the net contribution of illegals when you don’t match cost to product.

So, when are you going to joint the “Adopt an Illegal Family” program? Or are you just all mouth as long as it doesn’t cost you anything?

@Greg: A Mexican crosses our border illegally, and then goes to any hospital for emergency care. Who the hell do you think is paying for that care?? Don’t be so stupid!!

@retire05, #62:

Feel free to toss out any reference to the report by the former comptroller of Texas, which was pretty much mentioned in passing to begin with. You’ve still got all the points raised by the article.

The fact that around 10% of Social Security trust fund contributions are coming from undocumented aliens suggests how much of the nation’s work is being done by undocumented aliens. Their contributions are helping to pay for your retirement checks. Also for your Medicare coverage. Would you like to deport them all and take a 10 percent cut? Maybe you could make up the difference by picking vegetables for substandard wages.


The fact that around 10% of Social Security trust fund contributions are coming from undocumented aliens suggests how much of the nation’s work is being done by undocumented aliens.

It was not a “fact.” As a matter of fact, The Hill calls it a “claim.” A claim may, or may not be, actually fact.

Now, Pew gave a number of 8 million illegals in the workforce in 2010. The average U.S. workforce in 2010 was around 154,000,000. I know that math is not your forte, but 8 million doesn’t equate anywhere near 10%. And people who can do math understand that 8 million illegals, many who work under the table and pay no taxes and do not contribute to the Social Security Trust Fund, and who are among the lowest paid workers in the U.S. CANNOT be contributing 10% to the Social Security Trust Fund when neither their numbers, or wages, come close to that.

And The Hill is parsing. There is no proof that illegals have contributed $300 billion to a fund that collects, and pays out, money. The illegals would have to be contributing $300 billion PER YEAR to equal that 10%. That ain’t happening, Bubba. The actuary might have been close to being factual if he/she had said “Illegals have, over the years, contributed $300 billion, or 10% of the current balance of the Social Security Trust Fund.” To quote Obama, words matter.

And you wonder why I call you Gullible Greggie?


Their contributions are helping to pay for your retirement checks. Also for your Medicare coverage. Would you like to deport them all and take a 10 percent cut?

Once again, and as is standard for you, no, they are not. I have yet to reach the “break even” point. You see, there is a little trick the government uses for reducing your SS benefits. If you retire before age 62, and cease paying into the SS fund, your benefits depreciate each year before you retire.

Maybe you could make up the difference by picking vegetables for substandard wages.

Maybe you would be willing to pay more for your groceries in order to hire Americans? I doubt it. Hell, you won’t even take in an illegal family and support them. FYI, I pick vegetables EVERY YEAR, and for no wages. It’s called gardening and I keep some of the produce and the rest I give to friends. No one ever gave me a dime for it.

Congratulations on remaining clueless.

@retire05, #66:

Maybe you would be willing to pay more for your groceries in order to hire Americans?

I’m not even sure which side you’re arguing, when you ask a question like that. The fact of the matter is that our prices presently are much lower than they would otherwise be, because undocumented aliens are performing so much of our agricultural labor for very low pay. If you remove them all from the workforce, everyone will be paying much higher prices for produce. Prices would also be much higher in many sectors of the service industry. Whether you would like it or I would like doesn’t have anything to do with it.

People ignore the fact that undocumented workers came here because American businesses were eager to hire millions of them. This was all allowed to continue for decades because it provided business with an enormous pool of cheap, easily replaceable labor, which came with an absolute minimum of attendant costs and responsibilities. Any social services they’ve been provided has essentially been an indirect subsidy to the private business sector funded by taxpayers in general, and a direct result of the attraction that the private sector’s enthusiasm for illegal hiring represented.

If you’re handing out prizes for being oblivious, perhaps you should award the first one to yourself.


Are you seriously arguing that the priciple of law should be sacrificed for cheap vegetables and fruit?

I’m observing that this is precisely what has already been done for decades, and that complicity has been bipartisan. It wasn’t so much out of concern that you or I get cheap lettuce. It was about how much profit could be made by the industries that sell it to us.

Apply that same logic to every business, small or enormous, local or national, that in any way benefits from hard work done dirt cheap. They don’t worry about the displaced American workers in those cases any more than large corporations have worried about American job losses when manufacturing is moved to China.

What we’re now trying to figure out how to deal with are the results.


People ignore the fact that undocumented workers came here because American businesses were eager to hire millions of them. This was all allowed to continue for decades because it provided business with an enormous pool of cheap, easily replaceable labor, which came with an absolute minimum of attendant costs and responsibilities.
It wasn’t so much out of concern that you or I get cheap lettuce. It was about how much profit could be made by the industries that sell it to us.

You never cease to amaze me at how little you know.

While there were a few Mexicans who did cross over the border to work ranches/farms in the border states, it was not until World War II that the Bracero program was initiated. Why? Because our farmers were on foreign shores fighting a war and could not be home to work their fields and because FDR was an idiot. The Mexicans were seasonal, and would return to Mexico when the harvests were done.

But when our soldiers returned home and wanted to go back working the ranches and farms, the Mexicans decided that wasn’t good enough so they stayed. It took Operation Wetback to make them leave. And leave they did, on their own, without being rounded up by Border Patrol agents, although some were, but over 1 million self deported.

Pew Research has shown that most illegals know they are violating U.S. law. And it is a fallacy that they “just come here to work.” If that were the case, there would be no illegals in our prisons for crimes such as drug running, drug dealing, murder, kidnapping, etc.. But you brain dead liberals believe that once they violate our laws by coming here, they will then turn in to excellent law abiding citizens. Not so. Pew also reported that most illegals are not interested in becoming citizens. As a matter of fact, the percentage of illegal Mexicans that have tried to become citizens is amazingly low.

What am I arguing for? Rule of law. Plain and simple. Why are 3,000 illegal children now in the Houston school district? Why are 1,250 illegal children in the Louisiana school systems? Why are they not deported, returned to their family still in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala?

Perhaps we could stop giving millions to Planned Parenthood to slaughter babies and give it to ICE to deport illegals.

Oh, and I suggest you research the history of the tomato harvester.

@retire05, #70:

Yeah, thanks for the irrelevant history lesson. I doubt if many undocumented aliens presently in the United States came here because of a WW2 farm labor shortage. That was over 70 years ago.

Pew Research has shown that most illegals know they are violating U.S. law.

And employers who hire them know damn well that doing so is illegal, also. I guess I’ll blame the the greed of U.S. employers who hire them more than I’ll blame poor people who are so desperate for work to support themselves and their families that they’ll risk their very lives to get here. Employers provide the enticement, because they’re enticed by increased profits. It’s crime motivated by money. It’s not the exploited foreign worker who’s to blame.

Perhaps we could stop giving millions to Planned Parenthood to slaughter babies and give it to ICE to deport illegals.

This is total bullshit, and you know it. The Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds to pay for abortions in all cases but those involving rape and incest, has been in effect for over 36 years now.



nd employers who hire them know damn well that doing so is illegal, also. I guess I’ll blame the the greed of U.S. employers who hire them more than I’ll blame poor people who are so desperate for work to support themselves and their families that they’ll risk their very lives to get here. Employers provide the enticement, because they’re enticed by increased profits. It’s crime motivated by money. It’s not the exploited foreign worker who’s to blame.

Let me see if I can penetrate that concrete you call your cranium.

I have a friend who owns a construction site clean-up company in Houston. This is really a law abiding guy who doesn’t want to hire illegals. But many Texas born Hispanics speak with a Hispanic accent. So when he hires a guy he gets a Social Security card from them and makes a copy of it. Since he reports SS deductions weekly, he gets notices back from SS that the number isn’t good or doesn’t match the name given. He has no choice but to tell them that they need to contact SS and get the problem straightened out before they can come back to work. What happens? The workers come back the very next day with NEW Social Security cards. 150 bucks will buy you a nice clean new Social Security card.

My friend found out the illegals were buying the cards at a place in Houston called Trader’s Village, a swap meet/flea market. The illegals, wanting their jobs back, even told him where they bought the cards so he called the Department of Homeland Security and reported it. And what was done about it? NADA. But yet, you blame the employers, all in your desire to slam “big” business. You’re an idiot.

This is total bullshit, and you know it. The Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds to pay for abortions in all cases but those involving rape and incest, has been in effect for over 36 years now.

Look up the word fungible. Again, you only prove what a brain dead idiot you are.

Oh, please. Nobody who’s trying to use a false I.D. or a bogus Social Security card to get a job is dumb enough to inform the person they’re displaying it to that it’s a phony document they picked up at the local flea market. If you’re going to make up stories to present as anecdotal evidence, at least try to make them sound plausible.


Nobody who’s trying to use a false I.D. or a bogus Social Security card to get a job is dumb enough to inform the person they’re displaying it to that it’s a phony document they picked up at the local flea market.

Yes they do. All the time. I know for a fact they do. Illegals have no fear and it’s not just because of the Obama administration. They know there is very little chance there will be any enforcement. I’m telling you as someone that has close ties to the Hispanic community, they know exactly where the lines are and which ones they can cross. It is a network like you would not believe and its hubs begin in the Mexican Consulates.

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, still awaiting evidence that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq!! How you coming with that proof!! Also I asked you about and illegal going to a hospital here in California and who do you think pays their bill??


Oh, please. Nobody who’s trying to use a false I.D. or a bogus Social Security card to get a job is dumb enough to inform the person they’re displaying it to that it’s a phony document they picked up at the local flea market.

“To get the Social Security card he needed for his first job in America, all Francisco had to do was go to the flea market on Airline Drive (Trader’s Village)and fork over $30 to a man who was selling them.

Others said a fake permanent resident card, or “green” card, didn’t do as much for them as the Social Security card in terms of getting by day to day.

Davis said Social Security’s ability to crack down on the fraudulent use of cards is limited by resources and priorities. The agency prefers to target the bigger “paper mills” that churn out sheets of blank cards, rather than the person selling them in the flea market or on the street corner.”

If you’re going to make up stories to present as anecdotal evidence, at least try to make them sound plausible.

I suggest you contact the Houston Chronicle and tell them their story was made up.

Oh, Gullible Greggie; do you never tire of making a fool of yourself?

@retire05, #76:

Oh, Gullible Greggie; do you never tire of making a fool of yourself?

If I’m really making a fool of myself, you should probably stop wasting your time running in circles and yapping hysterically about anything and everything I say.

Your obvious modus operandi is to attempt to divert attention from any comments or facts you don’t like by way of personal insult and digression away from the topic at hand. It’s always the same. The time I’ve wasted responding to your comments is entirely my own fault. I’ve recognized your trollish patterns of behavior for a long time now.

The issue of undocumented aliens does not turn on whether or not your acquaintance had a job applicant who showed him a phony Social Security card he bought at a Texas flea market.


If I’m really making a fool of myself,

(you are)

you should probably stop wasting your time running in circles and yapping hysterically about anything and everything I say.

Nope. I love showing you left wingers up for the clueless lemmings you are.

Have you called the Houston Chronical yet to tell them how wrong they are? I imagine you’ll do that right after you adopt an illegal family and become responsible for their support.


See you decided to edit your post with this little bit of wisdom:

Your obvious modus operandi is to attempt to divert attention from any comments or facts you don’t like by way personal insult and digression away from the topic at hand. It’s the same every time. I should really be wise to your trollish pattern of behavior by now.

I insult you because you are nothing more than a mouthpiece for Obama and the Democrats. If you ever once tried to be honest, like admitting you were wrong about not being able to buy Social Security cards at flea markets, I might hold more respect for you. But no………………………… after day you come here to push your false narrative and get slapped by more than me. I would think you would tire of it. But I guess you’re into being made to look foolish all in the name of the Democrats. Taking one for the team, so to speak.

Besides, I rather enjoy sticking it to you lefties.

Did your mother teach you that it was proper behavior to insult and berate those you disagree with? Or are you just rude by nature? Perhaps it’s a cover for some deep psychological insecurity.

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, sense you likely live with your mamma you can just go upstairs from the basement and cry to her!! When you once again find yourself on the wrong side of an argument your only choice is to change the subject!!


Did your mother teach you that it was proper behavior to insult and berate those you disagree with?

Did your mother teach you to run and hide, and do your level best to change the subject, when you have been
b!tch slapped by facts?

But to answer your question, I actually learned that tactic from the Democrats I used to be surrounded by. Pick a target, freeze it, neutralize it. You of all people should know that tactic.

@Greg: Ding bat, when you put a % sign behind a decimal, you first need to multiply it by 100! Ask you third grade teacher. 14% of 1% is .14% . That means that if only 14% of 1 percent of voters are illegal, then that means 1.4 voters our of 1000 are illegal.

@Randy, #83:

That means that if only 14% of 1 percent of voters are illegal, then that means 1.4 voters our of 1000 are illegal.

Yes! We are in fact talking about 1.4 out of 1,000. I guess we’ve on the same page now with percentage signs and decimals. But the Hot Air article doesn’t really say that 14% of 1% of voters have voted illegally. What their “reasoning” suggest is that 14% of 1% of voters are undocumented aliens who registered to vote. Filling out a voter’s registration form doesn’t automatically guarantee that you get to vote later. Undocumented aliens have often done this in the past in hopes of getting another identifying piece of paper in their wallet. Hot Air only claims that some of those actually voted, without ever specifying a number or percentage. This is the point at which their article becomes total nonsense, if not outright deceptive.

Their sample count of aliens was tiny to begin with. The percentage of aliens who claimed to have filled out registrations was only 14% of that tiny sample. And of that even smaller number, Hot Airs only claim is that some actually voted. All they’re doing is tricking readers into believing that some statistically insignificant number—which they haven’t even bothered to specify—actually matters.


@Greg: So the answer is to KEEP letting them come? And millions more will keep coming till we have NO FOOD OR WATER to support them. This should have been stopped BEFORE it got to this point. NOT doing ANYTHING except encouraging millions more to come is a HUGE PROBLEM and ILLEGAL!!! YOU have NO BRAIN and that is WHY we have this problem in the first place. PEOPLE LIKE YOU keep contributing to the PROBLEM. GET A BRAIN then come back and make comments.

@Greg: Whether they vote or NOT they are here ILLEGALLY and if even one of them votes that is ILLEGAL! To continue to support them coming here is a travesty to our COUNTRY and our LAWS. Millions have come here the RIGHT way. LEGALLY and to give them rights to our tax dollars infuriates me! We paid over 30,000.00 of my husbands hard earned 60 hour a week for over 35 years wages to help support these ILLEGALS and LEECHES on society and you and the other BRAIN DEAD LIBERAL, PROGRESSIVE, DEMOCRATS just keep adding to the problem with your STUPIDITY and LIBERAL VIEWS. GET THIS. PEOPLE are FED UP and SICK and TIRED of SUPPORTING them and having them poring in by the millions. IT MUST BE STOPPED. NOT ENCOURAGED. When we are out of FOOD and WATER and standing in soup lines one will be blaming YOU!!!!

My friend is saying, who works at the welfare office, that they send registration forms to everyone with their welfare checks to encourage them to register to vote to get a Democrat in so they can continue receiving welfare.

Why are illegal aliens pay Social security tax. They should not have any legal reason too. They shouldn’t even be in the system. If they are then they are probably getting medicaid with all their needs free, food, housing, 100 percent medical expenses. So how does that equate to a plus in SS. How much of that is going back out then to pay for the sick and elderly illegals who can’t work. If they are in the system illegally then they must be receiving something back. I can spin numbers also and probably show that more money is being spent to support illegals than what is supposedly being collected. How do illegals get a SS card if they don’t belong here? Isn’t that breaking the law and the reason we call them ill gals to begin with. It is illegal to murder, so the word illegal means it is wrong. So it is wrong to support an illegal law breaker as it would to support a murderer running rampant throughout the U.S.

well that fucking nigger in white house is going bye in 2016 and has no ground to walk on so fuck you omoron and your stinking illegals who won’t get away with it not if donald trump has a say in this. you fucking liberal communists have caused enough trouble in america so go back to fucking old russia and kiss my white independent ass. i’ve heard the gop is going to take meticulous care for checking ballots to make sure no illegals vote for that’s how you fucking liberal communists win elections your worthless bags of shit, do you hear me killary

I wonder if Greg has learned how to calculate percentages since Feb.

With the current laws in liberal states, there is no way to check if a registered voter is illegal. It also depends on where these illegal voters are registered. If they are concentrated in states with higher electoral college votes, then they will have a much higher impact on election outcomes.

tell that lying klinton illegals won’t be voting and donald will make sure of this.

to all stupid corrupt liberal communists, your illgeals won’t be voting anymore for donald trump will make sure of that and the dnc has no power of trying to manipulate the voting system. if killary the bebghazi butcher thinks she’s going to get illegals to vote for her she’s dreaming for they count all absentee ballots and illegals arent’ allowed at polling stations.

so killary you benghazi butcher, you better prepare to go back home with billary when donald trump wins in 2016, oh and don’t forget to take omaggot and his family with you.

Thomas #89—This is what true Trumpists think—Trump appeals to worst of Americans
Our country is too great to elect this guy. Bet on it.

Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler: Thomas is a liberal plant.

How is Trump worse that what we got with Obama? How even almost as bad? Now, I will give most a pass on voting for Obama for the first term. The same mentality that will support Bernie… those always on the lookout for the freebie, taking from the wealthy and giving to ME, tax all those working chumps and provide ME with free healthcare, housing, food, college and retirement… gobbled up Obama’s “Hope and Change” rhetoric in 2008. However, after 4 years of lies, intentionally generated animosity, threats, lawlessness, crony capitalism, waste and failure… how can anyone that supported THAT possibly be critical of Trump?

@Bill: Doubt it—why has he not been renounced or blocked—because you accept it?–That’s where the truth lies Bill. Until someone says otherwise.

@Rich Wheeler: Yeah, it hasn’t been blocked… because I accept it. If you would notice, I renounced it.

Funny how there was never any of the accused racism at the Tea Party rallies except when leftists showed up with racist signs and actions to taint the rallies.

Racist Leftist Infiltrators Driven From Tea Party Rallies (Video) …Updates

Funny how liberals seem to know all the words but are never racist… right?

If it weren’t for the left using racism as a political tool, it would eventually die out. Thanks for keeping your dream alive, Rich.

@Bill: You renounced It by claiming it was a liberal plant? What kind of b.s spin is that Bill?
I know a number of proud Tea Party racists—It’s part of their shtick. and you know it Bill.

@Rich Wheeler:

You renounced It by claiming it was a liberal plant? What kind of b.s spin is that Bill?

Have you ever seen me SUPPORT a liberal position? Did, in any way, form or fashion, support that stupid post? The answers to both would be NO, and I don’t even support it when I, personally, might have had something to gain from someone making those statements… like someone I could mention.

I do not believe you for one second that you know a single Tea Party racist. Perhaps someone you have DEEMED racist for disagreeing with you, but not an actual racist and, most likely, not an actual Tea Party supporter.

to all liberal communists, your illegals won’t be voting this election and donald trump will make sure of that so don’t get your hopes up at all you worthless bags of hot air shit. all polling statiions must check id’s and should take care of the illegals not being allowed to vote you all worthless asshole pig liberal communists!