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Without a race war, how can Zero declare martial law and suspend the Constitution?
It’s gotta be war, baby.
They haven’t put all those folks on welfare for nothing! Those are the shock troops for the revolution.

Let it decay long enough and martial law. Watch and wait.

Revisionist history is usually simply picking and choosing which snippets of the past to include in a book so as to propagandize a nation’s youth in the desired direction of the history writer.

But what we see since Ferguson is a new step away from history into fiction.
The ”narrative” is more important than it being fact-based at all!
This lengthy, fact-filled essay: The overlooked audiotape of the Michael Brown shooting, will not sway even one Lefty, progessive like those marching and being arrested in Berkely, CA.
It will not sway black power leaders such as Obama, Holder, Sharpton or Jackson.
Hands up, don’t shoot was a lie.
It has been proven to be a lie.
Truth doesn’t matter.

Dr. J You and I don’t agree on much–an exception–old time rock and roll. The Byrds Anmerica’s Beatles and Mr Tambourine Man their best.