Obama is not right in the head.


obama crash laugh

Barack Obama is not right in the head. From the Daily Mail:

President Barack Obama provoked fury in the U.S. on Thursday by casually devoting less than a minute to the deaths of 295 people aboard a Malaysian airliner, as he began an often jokey 16-minute speech about the need to expand America’s transportation infrastructure.

There are no confirmed American dead and the White House issued a statement on Thursday evening which said they were still seeking any ‘information to determine whether there were any American citizens on board’.

An earlier Reuters report claimed that it was feared that as many as 23 U.S. citizens had perished.

Obama declared in Wilmington, Delaware that ‘it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy,’ but not before enthusiastically declaring that ‘it is wonderful to be back in Delaware.’

‘Before I begin, obviously the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet near the Russia-Ukraine border. And it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. Right now we’re working to determine whether there were American citizens on board. That is our first priority.’

‘And I’ve directed my national security team to stay in close contact with the Ukrainian governemnt. The United States will offer any assistance we can to help determine what happened and why. And as a country, our thoughts and prayers are with all the families and passengers, wherever they call home.

Obama then jarringly quickly returned to his prepared remarks.

‘I want to thank Jeremie for that introduction’ he said. ‘Give Jeremie a big round of applause.’

‘It is great to be in the state that gave us Joe Biden. We’ve got actually some better-looking Bidens with us here today. We’ve got Beau and his wife, Hallie, are here. Give them a big round of applause. We love them.’

From Boston Globe reporters Matt Viser

Ronald Reagan reacted far differently to the downing of a passenger jet:


Yesterday’s morning’s email from Jim Geraghty included more thoughts about Obama’s bizarre reaction to this latest disaster.

As I noted, this is part of a pattern, going back to the Underwear Bomber, Fort Hood and the Benghazi attacks. Something dramatic, sudden, and terrible happens, and the president sticks to the previously established schedule — continue the Hawaiian vacation, make the shout-out at an event with supporters, go to Las Vegas for the campaign rally. All of that looks like petty political silliness when life-and-death issues are going on elsewhere. (I remember Obama doing his ESPN March Madness brackets as the Japanese were desperately trying to avoid a devastating meltdown at the Fukushima reactor. I realize there wasn’t a ton that the president could do about a nuclear crisis on the other side of the world, but it just seemed . . . out-of-touch, solipsistic, unserious, and un-presidential. Had Japan experienced the worst-case scenario, how would historians look upon the American president goofing around with sportscasters at that moment?)

Gabe Malor via Geraghty:

The problem isn’t that Obama didn’t ‘react instantly.’ Part of the problem is that he didn’t act decisively previously. But another big part of the problem is that Obama and his team refuse to cancel a photo-op in response to events.

Ace, also via Geraghty:

Look, I’m just going to say directly what Peggy Noonan sort of implied and what people are kind of worrying about, silently:

People are beginning to become alarmed that the president may not be mentally well.

This is [really] weird. There are people who don’t give a [hoot] at all about social conventions or expected modes of behavior or conforming to anyone else’s expectations of what one is supposed to do at one’s job during a time of crisis.

We call these people crazy.

When someone shows up for work wearing nothing but a bathrobe and cowboy hat, we don’t tweet #TheBearIsLoose; we ask Human Resources to have a check ’round.

Charlie Cooke

Even Obama’s traditional allies noticed that this was a little odd. Piers Morgan, no firebreathing right-winger he, tweeted that the president “massively dropped the ball just now. 23 Americans killed and he says ‘it looks like a terrible tragedy’ then back to jokes?” Matt Viser, White House correspondent for the Boston Globe summed up Obama’s reaction thus: “A plane crashed. It may be tragic. We’re trying to see if US citizens were on board. Hey, great to be in Delaware!” Singer Josh Groban — a staunch progressive and vicious critic of the Right — concurred. His verdict: “Bad prep. I was shocked.”

The criticism here is not that Obama did not immediately spring into action, flying as Superman into the air, safety to escort the air traffic to its final destination. Nor is it that Obama was insufficiently bellicose. Instead, the president’s aristarchs were troubled that a major international incident was treated as a mild irritation — as little more than a brief and unwanted overture to the usual fractious stump speech.

I agree. Barack Obama is not right in the head and I said so three years ago.

In other words, it’s all about him. And if it’s not about him, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about it. He is a sociopath.

Here are a few of the characteristics of a sociopath:

* Glibness/Superficial Charm
* Manipulative and Conning
* Grandiose Sense of Self
* Pathological Lying
* Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
* Shallow Emotions
* Incapacity for Love
* Need for Stimulation
* Callousness/Lack of Empathy

Together they spell Barack Obama. There’s more here, here and here.

He’s not right in the head.

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@Pete, #50:

Social security is a ponzi scheme that if tried by anyone other than the government, would be illegal, precisely because the scheme fails when you do not have enough lower rung people paying in to cover the payout to those on the top rung. The money taken in the form of social security taxes is not invested or grown in any way – it is doomed to fail.

I might similarly argue that for the average small investor the stock market could be characterized as a scam, since present stock values are not so much a reflection of the actual earnings potential of the companies that they represent as they are of an artificial demand for the investment paper itself. Think tulip bulbs.

The stock market bubble’s expansion and continued existence depends on drawing more and more investment dollars into the market—hence the push to “privatize” the Social Security system and replace it with an investment scheme that would funnel money into the market. There would be big winners, but ultimate truth is that everyone who places bets in a gambling casino doesn’t come out ahead; only the house wins, in the end. It’s amazing that people don’t seem to remember what happened the the market around 5 or so years ago.

Another thing that ticks me off about stock market mania is that traditional savers are being deliberately shafted to push more money into the bubble. Suddenly the tried and true conservative financial wisdom of generations has been nullified to favor people who make their livings by manipulating the system.

Social Security is an insurance program, not an investment opportunity.


People on the right often seem to be far more concerned with Marxist theories than the average person on the left. I’ve never bothered to make a study of it and don’t really care to do so.

And that’s the real problem. You’re admitting that the left is fundamentally ignorant of both history and theory. We who oppose the left understand this, and that’s why we’re telling you to “study a little more”. For this Republic to work, we need citizens that can’t be hijacked mentally by a Bush-hate cult countered by a Obama-he’s-not-Bush-but-we-don’t-know-what-he-is-but-he-looks-good-on-camera-and-sitting-next-to-Oprah-and-he’s-black cult.

You are helping to lead this country down a path that history has shown not to work. Marxism, in the myriad of forms it’s taken, is a big freakin problem. Everything you spout is basically Marxist, but you claim not to know it?

There’s little that he could have done that would have satisfied those who were virulently opposed to him from the outset. Some people quite simply hate him.

You really have to give this line of arguing up. Obama is the product of whipping up those over Bush hate. Take a breath, and another…and think. The induction of BDS was the principle reason Obama even got near the White House…that and he had more RICH, WHITE, DONORS just like every other Prez in the history of this country. He was a demagogue and a hack, but thanks to the consumer mindset of the poor and undereducated (you, as you’ve admitted to not studying Marxism), he was a success at branding. He was an ipod, facebook, Nike, you name it. He was a great brand, and now all we see this guy knows how to do is campaign. You could argue this, but you’d be a liar.

Was Bush great? No. Was he any worse than Clinton/Reagan/Daddy Bush/Carter? No. You’re being a partisan ass and whining that no one gives Obama a chance. Obama is still not a real president, and that’s not hate, or bias. It’s based on watching the guy objectively. He’s a star. He’s a rockstar. Too many people in this country have taken the bait that a rockstar is a real person.

Obama the Brand is a joke. Bush was not a brand. Obama is.


Social security is a ponzi scheme that if tried by anyone other than the government, would be illegal, precisely because the scheme fails when you do not have enough lower rung people paying in to cover the payout to those on the top rung. The money taken in the form of social security taxes is not invested or grown in any way – it is doomed to fail.

I agree with your statement, that as run, SS is a ponzi scheme. That’s not my fault and I am fully entitled to what I was promised when I paid into it. Just because it is run by Dimocrats with the intent to steal from me does not change my entitlement. Had it been run correctly, all money paid in would have been invested and protected and would have been much more than enough to pay all promised benefits. It certainly will have to be changed at some point.

OMuslim is absolutely, and unquestionably, full of pathological hatred.

This hateful mindset probably began when his black biological father ditched him and his white mother at an early age.

This hateful mindset was then evidently cultivated at the Indonesian Islamic schools that he attended after his mother married a Muslim.

He then knowingly and willingly furthered this evil mindset by attending a hate cult (that masqueraded as a “church”) for nearly two decades.

And to top it off, this narcissistic megalomaniac has had a very lavish lifestyle handed to him on a silver platter. Yet, this narcissist still isn’t satisfied with everything that’s been given to him. And nor does this childish tyrant acknowledge that he, very most likely, would have fared incalculably worse off in life if not for the United States.

Most of us non-public assistant dependent adults realized that Obama wasn’t right in the head during the middle part of his first Presidential campaign. Obama connivingly countered this by targeting young voters with little or no work history and other members of society that exist on public assistance (rather than work).

Obama has since been allowed to use his pathological hatred as a means of destroying the very country that gave him so much for doing so very little. This deceptive narcissist (with the aid of globalist DemRinos) has managed to accomplish little else but to drive the cost of living ever higher while, at the same time, devastating the job market (meanwhile, he and his family and their parasitic entourage spend much of their time golfing, dinning, and vacationing).

This is Obama.

Yet, people who dare to mention, or complain about, any of the above are immediately labeled as a “racists” or “haters” by those that worship him. These useful idiots are quick to insist that Obama can do no wrong simply because he isn’t white.

This warped ideology defines many of Obama’s supporters.

@Nathan Blue: Greggie Greggie, you’re the pot calling the kettle black!! At least 90% of the ridiculous comments you make include a shot at “the right”, Bush, Republicans, and or the Tea Party regardless of subject matter or content of the article. Then when asked for proof of your ridiculous accusations you fall far far short of intelligence if you comment at all. BTW, how’s the proof coming that Romney cheated on his taxes as you agreed when Slimy Harry made the comment on the floor of the Senate?? This is your golden chance to prove me wrong, I’m still waiting. Secondly 0-blama told America with respect to the 0-blamacare act that if you like your insurance and/or doctor you can keep them period!! 0-blama has apologized for this lie. Simple yes/no answer please. Did he lie to America when he said that or not. Still waiting Greggie!!

@Greg: Suddenly the tried and true conservative financial wisdom of generations has been nullified to favor people who make their livings by manipulating the system.

Were it not for the fact that we only have around $4 trillion in printed money but another $11 trillion in electronic money (fed ”easing” runs that far ahead of physical printing presses!) I would say you were trying to point the finger at rich private investors instead of the gov’t.
But it is the gov’t that continually buys our debt with imaginary money.
Federal Debt held by the public – note Obama came into power in 2009:
comment image
That’s some debt we’re doomed to pile up.
111% of GDP by 25 years from now.
But note that this CBO projection doesn’t include the effect of increasing interest payments on the economy, so it’s a tad (a tad = very) optimistic.
It also assumes real GDP growth of 2.3%; over the past 10 years we’ve averaged 1.7%.

So, where’s the scam?
In the stock market?
Or in the gov’t flooding our economy with phoney money we can’t even use?
The ”velocity of money” relates to the health of an economy.
A high velocity means money is changing hands a lot, so everybody has it at one time or another.
A slow velocity means money is held by few.
Electronic money doesn’t exist at all.
No matter how often the gov’t buys bonds or debt with it, it never helps the real people’s prosperity.
To see how all this phoney money has impacted the stock market, note that the biggest buyers of stocks this past year are the companies themselves.
They now own more of their own stock.
Then, once that is the case, the up the dividends to very high levels, paying themselves yet again.
That keeps their cash out of re-investment and innovation (which Obama has added big taxes and penalties to) and puts it in their pockets.
There are some bubbles in the stock market….always have been, always will be.
But figure out which areas to avoid and you can make out just fine.
See the gov’t buying something with its funny money?
Avoid that.
See businesses investing in their own companies?
Buy that.


Redteam, I understand someone wanting to receive what they have been told is a benefit that the earned based on having paid into the system. My concern about the entire SS scam is the pyramid system was based on far more people paying into it than people getting benefits. It has lulled millions into believing they don’t have a responsibility or a need to save for retirement, because they mistakenly believe they will be taken care of by SS when they retire. The most recent analysis I saw showed that at inception 35 people were paying in to SS for every one person receiving benefits. That has fallen to 3 people paying in for every one person receiving benefits. The long term implications are very grim indeed. How many millions will suffer when the scheme has to be changed? How much higher will the SS tax have to be increased? What will be the fallout when politicians are forced to raise the retirement age to 70? Or cut benefits? What happens when politicians enact means testing, such that some are forced to pay SS taxes, then are told they make too much to receive benefits for which they were taxed for over 40 years? What will the masses do when the government does not have the money to pay out any SS benefits at all?

How many people would willingly choose a retirement investment system that barely pays a 1% return on investment, if the option to invest money at a 6-8% ROI was allowed?

Obama has been stating that he didn’t know anything about any of the scandals until he read about them in the media. Now, he states he doesn’t watch or read the media because he already knows what is in it! Is his short term memory gone? Does he lie so much that he can not remember all of his lies? Maybe his teleprompter is malfunctioning.

@Randy: Drugs? A mental breakdown? Or perhaps going back to the original argument of the post, more evidence of sociopathic behavior?

@Randy: No, Randy. He just knows that his worshipful target audience will believe and vehemently argue anything he says, regardless how contradictory or blatantly false. Cue Greg & Ronald.

@Pete: I basically agree with most of what you say. I’ve done the math before, and posted it, but don’t want to do it again. However, regardless of how many pay into the system. If a person, such as me, pays into the system beginning at age 15 and paying the maximum for every year until they get 62, as I did, and that money is invested at a reasonable return, the government or no one else would have to contribute anything to me. I realize that doesn’t take care of the SS disability and insurance for dependents of deceased contributors. The politicians in Washington have deviated so much from the original intent, it couldn’t possibly be successful. For example, I’ve heard but have no proof, that illegal aliens can come into the US illegally and start drawing SS immediately and draw more than a person that has contributed to the fund. So, yes, the politicians have clearly distorted it into something it was never intended to be and there is no way it can work as it is being illegally administered at the present time. I did not rely on SS to be my main source of retirement income, thank goodness.

@Common Sense, #55:

Then when asked for proof of your ridiculous accusations you fall far far short of intelligence if you comment at all. BTW, how’s the proof coming that Romney cheated on his taxes as you agreed when Slimy Harry made the comment on the floor of the Senate??

I’ll try to get back to you on that if the GOP taps Mitt Romney to make another run at the White House.

Romney could have settled the entire matter once and for all by releasing his tax returns for the years in question. I think everyone pretty much understands that Reid was trying to provoke him into doing that. His tactic was nothing more than the same sort of hardball election year politics than the republicans were playing.


Then when asked for proof of your ridiculous accusations you fall far far short of intelligence if you comment at all. BTW, how’s the proof coming that Romney cheated on his taxes as you agreed when Slimy Harry made the comment on the floor of the Senate??

I’ll try to get back to you on that if the GOP taps Mitt Romney to make another run at the White House.

In plain English, you let your mouth write a check your a$$ can’t cover.

Actually, I don’t recall that I ever accused Romney of cheating on his taxes. The issue wasn’t a suspicion that he’d done something illegal, but that he’d avoided paying taxes in a manner and to an extent that no average earner could ever do, and that he’d likely profited from what to most Americans was a time of serious economic trouble.

I think that was probably the case, and was most likely the reason that he wouldn’t make his taxes public.


Romney could have settled the entire matter once and for all by releasing his tax returns for the years in question.

Is this a double standard? Why should Romney release any info? Obama has never released anything. He doesn’t even own a driver’s license. Doesn’t have his own SS number, Doesn’t have any college transcripts, doesn’t have a birth certificate.


and that he’d likely profited from what to most Americans was a time of serious economic trouble.

You mean, kinda like getting ownership of a house in Chicago that you didn’t pay for?


You mean, kinda like getting ownership of a house in Chicago that you didn’t pay for?

From a guy who is currently in prison, no less.


“Romney could have settled the entire matter once and for all by releasing his tax returns for the years in question. I think everyone pretty much understands that Reid was trying to provoke him into doing that. His tactic was nothing more than the same sort of hardball election year politics than the republicans were playing”. </blockquote

Why should Romney have to defend himself from lies? I expect Reid to support his statement rather than allowing the practice of having someone make baseless accusations then expect the accused to prove otherwise. No, Greg, Reid lied, knew he was lying and knew the complicent media and followers such as yourself would not bother to call him on his blatant lies. Why won't Reid release HIS tax records?

While it is a well-used "tactic" utilized by the left to toss out bold-face lies, it is not the sort of thing we as a society should accept, celebrate and encourage. It should be denounced. Those who refuse to denounce it (and actually defend it with weak rationalizations) are as corrupt as the despicable low-lifes, like Reid, that employ it.

@Greg: If Romney runs again?? Slimy Harry accused him last time around and you concurred. I asked for proof and this is what you provide? Romney agreed to release his taxes if 0-blama released his college records. 0-blama did NOT. None the less I asked you to provide your proof and still have nothing. Until then I am calling you a liar on this topic!! Once again accusations and NO proof!! And of course you missed the second part. 0-blama told America that if you like your health insurance and/or doctor you could keep them “period” under 0-blamacare. Did he say this? Was it a lie?? Simple questions Greg, anyone with an elementary education could read this and respond. What’s your response. Remember 0-blama apologized for saying it, do you agree with 0-blama??


Is this a double standard? Why should Romney release any info? Obama has never released anything.

Obama released the past 12 years of his tax returns. They remain available online for public examination.

@Common Sense, #69:

As I said, I don’t recall ever specifically stating that Romney cheated on his taxes, though that certainly seems to be how you remember things. In any case, only Romney could prove or disprove the accusation. No one else could do so.

Romney’s offer to release his tax returns if Obama released his college transcripts strikes me as being a bit comical. Romney is a smarter man than that.

If you like your health insurance and/or doctor you can keep them?

(a) Such statements are seldom universally and absolutely true,
(b) particularly when made by any politician of either party.

For the vast majority of insured Americans, his statement has been true. There are those for which it has not been.

@Greg: On Romney’s taxes you agreed with Slimy Harry when he accused Romney of cheating on his tax returns. I asked you to prove yourself and as expected you can’t. No surprise you are consistently without proof of your allegations. Why won’t 0-blama release his college transcripts? Why is this comical?? It’s a shame that America did NOT have this information.

With respect to your lame defense of 0-blama’s statement I can only once again ask then why did 0-blama apologize for saying it? Also you left out the key word of his statement as I expected “period” meaning end of statement. You respond other scenarios but that was NOT o-blama’s position. He said if you like your health insurance and/or doctor you can keep them “PERIOD”. Once again, as simple as can be, did he lie or not??

@Greg: Romney released 3 years of returns and an analysis from an accounting firm describing the amount of taxes he paid for the previous 20 years. All the left wanted to do was to fish around for dirt and, failing to find any, simply attack him for being successful and rich (if Hillary runs, this will definitely come back to haunt them).

Meanwhile, Obama can release all his records; in the first place, no media outlet is going to criticize anything within and, secondly, since he has never had a job and lives off the comp of wealthy donors, there is “no there there”. Just like his entire political career which is bereft of scandal (or was) because it was bereft of accomplishment, so goes his financial history where all he has has been donated.

What Romney should have done was bundle all his financial records into one file and proclaim “we will have to elect me to see what is in it”. At least that is a position the left can get behind and support.

@Bill, #73:

Actually, Obama has held a number of jobs—just none that you seem to approve of. He worked for around a year as an editor for a publishing company, Business International Corporation, then for a student political organization, the New York Public Interest Research Group. His three year community organizer job was with the Developing Communities Project, a church-based organization. He was employed by the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He has also been a successful author.

@Common Sense, #72:

I’m afraid the answers that you got are the only ones I’m going to give you. Did Bush lie? Did Cheney lie? I’m not going to badger you in an effort to get you to say that they did. As with Obama’s statement, we characterize certain statements made by Bush and Cheney differently.

@Greg: How do we know it’s his? Does it contain a SS no. that belongs to Obama?

@Common Sense:

Why won’t 0-blama release his college transcripts?

because there are no Obama college transcripts. (Maybe Ha’ vard)


Actually, Obama has held a number of jobs—just none that you seem to approve of.

Obama has never had a job. He’s had a few ‘appointed’ (by himself) positions but no salary or money paying jobs. He’s never accomplished anything except being a politician and he would have failed miserably at that if he were not black.

He has also been a successful author.

If you subtract the books written by Bill Ayers, he hasn’t written any.

@Redteam, #78:

Twelve years as a professor and lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School—consistently one of the five most highly rated law schools in the nation—doesn’t count as a job?


Obama was not a professor.


Twelve years as a professor and lecturer

He was only a guest lecturer, he was never on their payroll. To do so would mean he had to fill out some papers with his SS number and other vital info which Obama has never shared with anyone. For you to ‘claim’ he was a professor is very revealing. He wasn’t about to ‘accept’ and have to fill out the paperwork.

@Greg: In other words you have NO proof and only accuse others!! Just as I suspected, at least o-blama admitted to it!! As far as Bush and Cheney, please show proof when and what they said that was a lie!! But for you to come back with that type of excuse because you can’t admit 0-blama lied is just another demonstration of your hate Bush syndrome!! As before without proof of your ridiculous accusations with NO proof, your comments are more than hollow and useless.

@Ditto, #80:

The University of Chicago Law School has publicly stated that Obama was, in fact, a professor there. They got so weary of hearing questions about his relationship with the university that they put the information online.

There’s no more authoritative source of information about his status there than the organization that actually employed him. As noted, the University of Chicago Law School consistently ranks among the top five law schools in the nation. Their academic reputation isn’t in question. They don’t hire incompetents to teach and lecture, and they wouldn’t damage the reputation of their institution by misrepresenting the facts.

@Greg: 83 they sure have you fooled.


Actually, Obama has held a number of jobs—just none that you seem to approve of.

Whether I “approve” of a job or not is not the point; I don’t approve of a Madam that runs a whorehouse, but it is a job that involves hiring, firing, business decisions, risk management and planning. Obama has never had a job that involves these responsibilities and, as such, has no understanding of how that shapes business and the economy. Obama thinks businesses should operate as he does politically; making all decisions based on what people will think about the decision, not the practical impact of the decision. In short, due to his sheltered life and being continually reminded how charismatic and personally pwoereful he is, he thinks just because he wills something to be done, it should happen regardless of how it might financially impact people who have to make critical decisions that impact their means to make a living. Obama has always befitted from some political connection that got him a high-paying, low responsibility job that had no demands, not hard work, failure, reassessment and then success due to hard work and dedication.

This is why he is such an economic disaster. Surrounding himself with sycophants is why he makes disastrous decisions; in business, one must surround one’s self with people who can do the job.


I’m afraid the answers that you got are the only ones I’m going to give you. Did Bush lie? Did Cheney lie? I’m not going to badger you in an effort to get you to say that they did. As with Obama’s statement, we characterize certain statements made by Bush and Cheney differently.

For lack of a single bit of evidence that indicates they made statements they KNEW were false, NO, they did not lie. Accusing them of lying is the lie.


“Serving as a professor” is not a professor. Period. They admit that Obama was a “Senior Lecturer”. I don’t give a crap about the web-page managing leftist staff playing political CYA by going back after the fact to redefine what they “consider” to be a professor, to award Obama with the the title “professor” when he wasn’t one. It’s very common for universities to have non-professor lecturers teaching in the position of a professor, but it has never been allowed to for these lecturer claim to be a bonafide and credentialed professor (until Obama). They are merely filling in position, “Acting as” doesn’t automatically award one with a title they do not deserve.

You lefties demand that words have precise specific meanings when it benefits your claims, only to later revise words into having brand new, never before existing meanings when it doesn’t suit your purposes. It is a collective dishonesty that most of us are fed up with. Obama was a “Senior Lecturer” when he left the university, and he remains so until such time as they award him with the proper credentials rather that this “we think of him as a professor” crap.

@Ditto: As I pointed out, he will not fill out any paperwork that shows who he ‘really is’. No drivers license, no SS number of his own, no US passport, except courtesy ones issued to Congress persons and higher, after they get elected. Not applied for ones such as the regular citizen has to get. No college transcripts.

A lot of people will believe what they want, whatever evidence is presented to the contrary. In my opinion, the sheer number and variety of conspiracy theories relating to Obama alone ought to be enough to make any thoughtful person raise their eyebrows. It suggests a strong predisposition to believe that has little or nothing to do with the presence of credible evidence.


Serving as a lecturer

That’s been his job title since 2009.

@Redteam, #88:

When was any other American president ever required to show such things?

@Greg: Weren’t required, did it voluntarily. Do you know any president ever whose college transcripts weren’t made public?

Presidents and presidential candidates haven’t routinely released their college transcripts in the past. I doubt if a list could be made of those who have voluntarily done so that has more than a few names on it. I can’t think of anyone who has.

FactCheck addressed the bogus issue of Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records back in 2012, providing a long list of references.

@Greg: The difference is no President before has made an issue of being a Harvard genius that has no records to verify a bit of it. For instance, where is there any proof that Obama was actually cum Laude?

What we do have is Obama’s publisher stating that Obama was a foreign student, indicating either he was scamming the system or a foreigner. The problem is that if they didn’t make so much crap up, there wouldn’t be so many questions.


FactCheck addressed the bogus issue of Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records back in 2012, providing a long list of references.

Addressed? No they didn’t they only said no court had ordered them sealed. They forfot to mention that obama signed an executive order to seal all his personal records. He signed that the first day he was in office. Doesn’t the truth matter at all?


Presidents and presidential candidates haven’t routinely released their college transcripts in the past.

are you saying no Republican college transcripts have been released? Think about that before you answer.

@Redteam, #96:

I don’t know about none, but I don’t recall seeing any that have been voluntarily released. I doubt if you can find many, if any at all. GWB’s only became public because somebody leaked it without being authorized to do so. He had previously declined to make it public.

Obama signed no executive order to seal his personal records. It’s a story that someone made up. Executive Order 13489, which is sometimes presented as if it were evidence of the claim, refers to presidential documents pertaining to a president’s official duties and activities while in office.


I doubt if you can find many, if any at all. GWB’s only became public because somebody leaked it without being authorized to do so. He had previously declined to make it public.

At least GWB didn’t sign an executive order to seal his records.

Executive Order 13489

That’s not the applicable document.

I wonder if it’s fair to judge Obama’s ”rightness in the head” by what he says.
Clearly he only reads whatever is put in front of him.
Remember 2008 when Obama made this promise?
“I will NEVER question the patriotism of others.”
“….because the question of who is or is not a patriot all too often poisons our political debates in ways that divide us rather than bring us together. ”
Well, he IS questioning the patriotism of American business owners.
Obama wants economic patriotism.
That means he wants companies adopt tax strategies that maximize the amount of money they send to him to dispose of as he sees fit.
Maybe he’s changed writers between ’08 and now.
Too bad no one checks his own words against his past words.
When words are all you’ve got, it would be better if those words weren’t all over the map.

@Greg: So, then, where are these records and why are they not public? The left got a big kick out of Bush’s grades… a C here and there, yet will not release Obama’s to compare apples and apples. It certainly looks like Obama would not have good grades on pop quizes.