The White House Benghazi lie unravels


carney clown

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!

– Sir Walter Scott

Just how stupid is the White House press?

Just how sycophantic is the White House press?

We are about to discover the answers to those questions soon.

It’s very clear now that the White House orchestrated the big lie about Benghazi- that the attacks were the result of a video. It’s the bullsh*t coming out of the mouth of Jay Carney that leaves you incredulous.

Yesterday the White House defended the Benghazi emails:

The Obama administration Wednesday said recently released emails on the 2012 Benghazi attacks reflected what officials “understood to be the facts at the time.”

“In the email [deputy national security adviser Ben] Rhodes makes clear that our primary goals included making sure our people in the field were protected and bringing those responsible for the attacks to justice,” Bernadette Meehan, National Security Council spokeswoman, said in a statement. “The content reflects what the administration was saying at the time and what we understood to be the facts at the time.”

No it’s not, but we’ll revisit that again soon.

And on the very same day Jay Carney said those emails that they had insisted were about Benghazi weren’t ever about Benghazi at all:

“The email and the talking points were not about Benghazi,” Carney said. “They were about the general situation in the Muslim world.”

Again- on the same day, Bernadette Meehan, National Security Council spokeswoman:

“In the email [deputy national security adviser Ben] Rhodes makes clear that our primary goals included making sure our people in the field were protected and bringing those responsible for the attacks to justice,”

To his credit, Jonathan Karl took Carney on about this:

video via Mediaite

You’ll want to watch the entire video. It’s both infuriating and amusing.

Carney lies, repeatedly. He says it was the “best information we had at the time” but that is an absolute, outright lie.

And we’ll visit that very soon.

When MSNBC says “gee, you know, there is something to this Benghazi thing, you know the White House has a problem.

After months of denying any politicization of the Benghazi talking points, Wagner felt compelled to agree. “And isn’t there something to be said about just wearing the scarlet letter?” she said smilingly. “As Glenn points out, this was a few weeks before a presidential election.”

“Yes, there was a practical reality that this was happening six weeks before an election,” she noted, “and also any administration wants to convey control.”

Indeed. And within in that statement are the grounds for impeachment. The press knows it has been lied to and it’s on record. Let’s see if they pursue this properly.

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This is probably the first of many scandals to be exposed; yet, because this administration relied on a state-directed press, they were allowed to run on lies and deception. Obama regained the presidency: America and the concept of Liberty lost the election. This president and his administration are insults to the concepts of Liberty and Freedom. The truth and our principles were allowed to be compromised if not run-over in the name of correcting previous history of racial injustice. America’s history of freedom and liberty has been derailed and we the American people, like our compliant press and our compliant legislature and judiciary, are playing the mindless fools by not rising up and demanding resignation or impeachment of this president and his administration.

Presidents can only get impeached for ”high crimes and misdemeanors,” not for ”lying to the American people.”
When Obama ignores laws on the books and even signs Executive decisions so as to go-around how laws are made and enforced, that’s a high crime.
Obfuscating is not a crime.
Lying to the American people is not a crime.
Remember, by the time Obama lied to the American people those four men were already dead.
Telling the truth could only hurt Obama’s chances at re-election.
It wouldn’t bring the men back.
It might make their families feel better.
Obama deserves all his low approval ratings, but deliberately misleading and remaining in ”campaign mode” 24-7-365 is not a crime.
It is stupidity.
The country deserved better, but the people decided because they wanted to believe the liars.

That said:
IF, as is being alleged, Obama’s people edited evidence that was under subpoena, and there is PROOF of that, that would be the only high crime of this whole affair.
IF that could be tied to Obama directly he could be in danger of impeachment.
But his ranks are tight.
Big people throw themselves under the bus for him all the time.
How will this turn out any different?

I THINK , at this time, the opposition is laying low,
so to get to the election,
they answer to the mode of: do not disturb, let”s wait for the clock ring,
because it would enterfere with their plan prepared rigorously for their own time,
which he might be thinking : if i sink, i will take them with me,
that fit him to a tee

I wonder if once the outright lie is finally exposed to the satisfaction of the one or two honest journalists left outside of Fox News (as if the truth of this was not glaringly apparent from September 13, 2012 onward) it will cause a domino effect with the coverage of all the other scandals and cause some journalists who have just been ignorant and not purposefully running interference for the administration to dig deeper into the facts?

So four Americans, including one Ambassador, are dead? So a coordinated terrorist attack succeeded? Who was harmed, really? Just four Americans and their families. What does that matter when compared with the Glorious Socialist State, yet to be revealed? You cannot make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
All that matters is the State, the Sovereign State, the Glorious State, the State which is worshiped and adored.
This worked so well in the U.S.S.R. This works so well in Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and elsewhere.
Nothing will come of this. Deep-pockets liberal donors will saturate the airwaves with lies, innuendoes, deceit, and fraud. Race war is coming, instigated by Secretary of Black Holder. Justice Quotamayor has explained it all: you are racist if you are born with the wrong skin color.
The Democrats own enough ballot boxes to guarantee any future election: it is not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes. So long as 150% of eligible voters cast their vote for the One, America will lose.
We are approaching 1774-level disgust with the regime. Time for war.

@Nanny G: “IF that could be tied to Obama directly he could be in danger of impeachment.” Obama is smart. He knows he can just make broad hand gestures and suggest how swell it would be if something happened (like the IRS shutting down most of all political opposition) and someone goes out and makes it happen. Doubtful there will be any “blue dress” to link all this up.

It would be enough that the PEOPLE knew what he did.

Jay Carney is still lying full bore.
He is trying to claim the mideast riots were ”about the video.”
They were NOT.
If you recall, Omar Abdel Rahman’s posters were all over the crowds in those mideast riots.
He is al Qeada’s ”blind sheik” who planned the 1st bombing of the World Trade Center.
He is in prison for life.
His al Qaeda and jihadist buddies wanted him freed.
They were willing to take over US embassies, take US citizens hostage and TRADE them for him.
Recall, they took over the embassy in Cairo, Egypt, even flying the jihadist black flag over it after storming it.
Obama’s backing of the ”Arab Spring,” rushed an election so that only the well-organized terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, would get votes.
The secular people, the Coptics were caught trying to GET organized when the election was forced.
So, Obama assisted the MB takeover of Egypt.
And Obama’s buddies in MB, al Q and other terrorist groups were going to hold Americans so Obama would be ”forced” by the American people to trade them for the blind sheik.
The video was not even a blip in the ME until Obama made it one.

@Skookum: Skook,
yYu hit it one the head and you know what I’ve said before. Once the co-opted media turns on their puppet masters or their usefulness is outlived, the Obamas of the world then go after them. And as you say, We the People are responsible for this travesty that this government and our society as a whole has become.

An aside. Derby Week buddy! busy as heck here plus Churchill is trying to screw the world rate wise . nothing changes. LOL!

how about a fifty on churchil,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Hi Bees! Haven’t forgotten you all here! Just busy.

we don’t forget you also,
take care,

Carney had no answer for Jonathan Karl. He was trapped in a corner like a boxer looking for a spot to be KO’ed.

I am waiting for a single leftist who posted here in the past claiming we were hyperventilating over a “bogus” scandal to show a shred of integrity and apologize -or at least acknowledge – that we were right all along about the blatant political lies of Obama, Rice, Clinton, Carner, and every other democrat who tried to cover this up…..


How come we didn’t investigate any of the 12 embassies which we attacked under Bush which killed over 100 people. Oh, I forgot…

you know, THIS ADMINISTRATION, is always in need to be protected, from the call on the failures,
multiple failures always being cover by one of their loyal employee like CARNEY always ready to shut the journalists, by finding a door to get him out, that”s another who is paid by the people to cover OBAMA,
against the people asking question they are fine journalist of carreer, and they are view as enemy,
in the WHITE HOUSE briefings, is in it a weird situation,
there is a taster also in the WHITE HOUSE TO TASTE HIS FOOD AGAINST
so all those thousands unelected are only working for OBAMA AND HIS GROUP,

Gotta love your illiterate and incoherent posts. You try so hard and fall so short of sanity. BUT THE CAPS HELP, LOL!

It’s getting to the point that the reporters should be wearing high-top boots when they go to a press conference. Carney and other liberals aren’t used to the propaganda media using their own words against them. Is the propaganda media becoming less of a brainwashing machine for the democrats? Have they finally realize that the more they lie for obama, the more viewers they loose who are going to Fox News and the conservative blogs?

I have talked to many people who haven’t heard of some of the things going on around the world and in the USA. I usually POLITELY say to them, “I’m guessing you don’t watch Fox News.” They usually say they don’t, and I usually leave it at that. I figure if they are a devout democrat, they aren’t going to believe anything their party tells them not to believe.

If I were a reporter at one of Carney’s press conferences, I would want to ask him, “Do you ever get tired of lying for obama?”

As for impeachment of obama, the United Sates Constitution says:

Article II
Sect. 4.
The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office, on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Under the above, there is a long list of reasons obama should be impeached.

@Skookum: #1
If I had the money, I would put up a $100,000 reward for anybody who could produce a yearbook with obama’s picture in it from any college or university obama said he graduated from. As far as I know, none has been produced. You would think that anybody who was in a class with a future president would be able to show that person’s picture in their yearbook. Let’s also remember that obama has NEVER DENIED using someone else’s Social Security number.

@Nanny G: #2

Presidents can only get impeached for ”high crimes and misdemeanors,” not for ”lying to the American people.”

I would think that an illegal becoming the president of the United States would be considered a “high crime”. If convicted, he should be sent to Gitmo so he can be among friends.

@Bill Burris: #6

Obama is smart


Have you heard him without his TOTUS? He is a babbling idiot. Do you remember how he read a speech in the morning when the Irish prime minister visited, then, in the afternoon he read the prime minister’s speech all the way through, including thanking HIMSELF for being there, and didn’t know it was the prime minister’s speech until the prime minister told him. Does this sound like a smart person? How can even a dumb person read a speech in the morning, then not notice that the speech they are reading in the afternoon isn’t the same one they read in the morning?

If obama rehearses his speeches, wouldn’t he notice within the first or second sentence that the speech wasn’t the same one he had just read that morning? This enforces my thinking that obama doesn’t even take the time to rehearse his speeches. I thought this after hearing him give several speeches, and his tone of voice NEVER changed. It very seldom changes now, even when giving medals to military personnel. He still sounds like a computer voice.

@Nanny G: #7

If you recall, Omar Abdel Rahman’s posters were all over the crowds in those mideast riots.

There were reports of people using radios to communicate during the attack, and people using military style hand signals.

Perfectly defining this administration’s maturity level, former White House National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor tells Brett Baier,

“Dude, this was like two years ago.”

And the famously air-headed Nancy Pelosi asks,

‘Why Aren’t We Talking About Something Else?’

And while she doesn’t know what was in the email, she simultaneously doesn’t think there’s anything new in there.

I had to chuckle at his picture. I call him jay clown.

@Bill Burris: I don’t think obama is smart at all. I believe his handlers are smart.

@Kraken: Talking about something else like… what? Invented accusations of racism or “torture”? No doubt, the Democrats want to talk about ANYTHING but their many and catastrophic failures.

Sorry. We’re going to discuss it, numbskull-Nancy.

@enchanted: Oh, he’s smart. If only he could use his intelligence for good instead of failure.

House Subpoenas Kerry To Testify Over New Benghazi Emails

“A key House committee has subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry to testify about newly released Benghazi documents.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced Friday that it has issued the subpoena for Kerry to testify at a May 21 hearing.”

Apparently there is going to be a ”special House committee” to investigate these new Benghazi revelations.
There ought to be a special committee that investigates WH foot dragging on answering demands for records.
No reason on earth this should have taken two years.
Still don’t have any eye witnesses to where Obama was that evening.
Not in the Situation Room.

Where are all of the trolls who downplayed this issue? Greg, Rich, others? The administration lied about this and most everything. It would be much easier writing a piece about something the administration did not lie about!

@Nanny G:

Misdemeanors…like accessory to murder in Fast and Furious, failure to enforce the laws as he is charged to do in the Constitution…like failing to manage his team to ensure that an Ambassador and his staff had appropriate protection…Even Nixon had enough personal honor and enough respect for the Nation to resign over smaller peccadillos than the B-tard-in-Chief. Knowingly suppressing information and thereby influencing an election is a high crime in most people’s books.

I was commenting specifically on THIS Benghazi e-mail revelation.
IF Obama can be tied to Fast and Furious (so far, not even Holder has been directly tied to it) yes, it would be an impeachable offense.

I guess Carney and the rest of them think that the American people are really stupid….

@annie: They KNOW 53% of the electorate are. That is a proven, verifiable fact.

@Smorgasbord: Zombie voice —

hey — remember when he needed a teleprompter to talk to kindergartners?? — A real whiz kid.

@Smorgasbord: Hey come-on now >> the hildabeast said it was just some folks out for a walk!

So why subpoena Kerry? He wasn’t SecState then. Hillary needs to be subpoenaed and not allowed to get away with her shrill, evasive crap. She needs to be asked point blank, on camera, why she lied to the US repeatedly about Benghazi.

Who gives a flying leap at a rolling donut what the cowardly, lying POS Kerry has to say about anything, especially when he wasn’t SecState and has no direvt knowledge of events at the time?

@Bill Burris: Agreed — the electorate themselves proved that

@Pete: Kerry is just one of dozens that have been or will be called — my best guess is that they will be quizzing him re the whereabouts of the ‘survivors’


Ok…fair enough….honestly though I expect these disreputable incompetents to stutter repeatedly over various versions of, “I cannot recall”

Smoggie a quick google search will show many pics of Obama in high school and also it was the Irish PM who read the wrong speech not Obama.
You should try and fact check on your own and not rely on others

ws/tobyharnden/9282027/The_truth_about_Barack_Obamas_Irish_teleprompter_gaffe/The most authoritative account I can find was from pool reporter William Englund of National Journal. His pool report stated:
“Then it was Cowen’s turn, and he was in for a surprise. ‘We begin by welcoming today a strong friend of the United States,’ he said–then stopped in surprise as he realized he was reading President Obama’s speech off the teleprompter. ‘Why don’t these things work for me?’ he asked, as the crowd roared. ‘Thank you for having us. Who said these things were idiot-proof?’ Then he got his bearings and gave the same talk that he delivered in the East Room. When he ended, at 8:12, Obama stepped to the microphone and said, ‘First, I’d like to say thank you to President Obama…(much laughter). Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, everybody.’ Then we were escorted out.”
That was pretty clear: there was a teleprompter mix up and the fall guy was Cowen. Obama stepped in after Cowen’s five-minute speech to make a good-natured and well-received joke at the Irish premier’s expense.
Ironically, therefore, Obama was ad-libbing rather than mindlessly reading the wrong speech from a teleprompter.

There is always such selective OUTRAGE here. Bush tricks us in to a disastrous war with Iraq costing trillions 5000 dead 25000 seriously wounded 45% of all recently deployed discharges claiming permanent disability and we hear nothing.
Trying to make political hay out of the murder of 4 Americans, shameful.
Should the White House have disclosed that the CIA did in fact know who was responsible ? If they had the CIA may have had just a bit more difficulty in killing the head of the militia 2 weeks later that was responsible for our 4 dead.
You got lied to by an American politician? Get used to it.
Oh adn there is no Easter Bunny either.

MY OH MY, aren’you you deep in it,and what’S your point?

Bush tricks us. Great line you thought of there. This is the guy who according to the left and Dems alike couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time. He was too stupid. Yet somehow he “tricked” all the super smarts Dems into war. What a laugh.
Lets see Biden, H. Clinton and J. Kerry all voted for the war. They are all in or have been in Obie’s admin.
Why would Obie pick so many people who are so easily tricked?

they are fabricating the counter parts of their lies,
they need a lot of time to make it edible,

KERRY will blame the AMBASSADOR AND THE OTHER HEROES for being there,

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